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Poetic Diction, first published in 1928, begins by asking why we
call a given grouping of words "poetry" and why these arouse
"aesthetic imagination" and produce pleasure in a receptive reader.
Returning always to this personal experience of poetry, Owen
Barfield at the same time seeks objective standards of criticism
and a theory of poetic diction in broader philosophical
considerations on the relation of world and thought. His profound
musings explore concerns fundamental to the understanding and
appreciation of poetry, including the nature of metaphor, poetic
effect, the difference between verse and prose, and the essence of
CONTRIBUTOR: Howard Nemerov.
Howard Nemerov-Poet Laureate of the United States, winner of the
Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award, and Chancellor of the
Academy of American Poets-was one of the most prolific and
significant American poets of the twentieth century. By the time of
his death in 1991, he had published fourteen collections of poetry.
Judiciously selected and introduced by poet Daniel Anderson, The
Selected Poems of Howard Nemerov represents the broad spectrum of
Nemerov's virtues as a poet-his intellige nce, his wit, his
compassion, and his irreverence. It stands as the retrospective
collection of the best of what Nemerov left behind, which is some
of the finest poetry that the twentieth century produced. "To keep
his errors down to a minimum," W. H. Auden wrote, "the internal
Censor to whom a poet submits his work in progress should be a
Censorate. It should include, for instance, a sensitive only child,
a practical housewife, a logician, a monk, an irreverent buffoon a
nd even, perhaps, hated by all others and returning their dislike,
a brutal, foul-mouthed drill sergeant who considers all poetry
rubbish." Such are the readers to whom the poetry of Howard Nemerov
might appeal. He distinguished himself on the landscape of American
letters as a writer of great versatility. More than a decade after
his death, that claim still holds true. In this, the only edition
of Nemerov's work that surveys his entire poetic output, first-time
readers of these poems will find an introduction to a truly
remarkable creative mind. Longtime admirers of Nemerov will be
reminded once again of his significance as a craftsman and
philosopher, and as a poetic steward of the many ways in which we
experience the world.
The only way out, writes Howard Nemerov, is the way through, just
as you cannot escape death except by dying. Being unable to write,
you must examine in writing this being unable, which becomes for
the present--henceforth?--the subject to which you are condemned.
This is the record of the struggle to compose a novel; a struggle
transformed by Nemerov into a far-reaching exploration of the
creative process itself. He often shows bravery and shrewdness; the
book is full of fine criticism and psychological insight. As
always, his prose has that ease and transparency that make one
forget one is reading; one seems simply to hear a voice speaking.
Nemerov's improvised self-analysis has weaknesses, but few that he
himself doesn't eventually recognize.--New York Times Book Review
In an age of explicitness, Nemerov's Journal of the Fictive Life is
explicitly without vulgarity; in an age of revelation, it reveals
only what counts. More then a book about creativity, it is a
beautiful creation.--Richard G. Stern
The former Poet Laureate of the United States, Nemerov gives us a
lucid and precise twist on the commonplaces of everyday life.
"The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov" won both the National Book
Award and the Pulitzer Prize in 1978.
"Howard Nemerov is a witty, urbane, thoughtful poet, grounded in
the classics, a master of the craft. It is refreshing to read his
work. . . . "--"Minneapolis Tribune"
"The world causes in Nemerov a mingled revulsion and love, and a
hopeless hope is the most attractive quality in his poems, which
slowly turn obverse to reverse, seeing the permanence of change,
the vices of virtue, the evanescence of solidities and the errors
of truth."--Helen Vendler, "New York Times Book Review"
Howard Nemerov has written often about wars great and small, the
overtly political and the deeply personal. But only with the
passage of time, a heightening of technique and deepening of
insight, has he been able to write from his experience in World War
II as he does here, where historical past and personal history
finally dovetail. From "The War in the Heavens" to "The War in the
Streets," Nemerov chronicles with devastating grace the harrowing
of life.
"These new poems of Howard Nemerov are the poems of a master at his
best. What is more, they are accessible. They speak out in a
beautiful unclouded voice of the experience of a flyer of the
Second World War. Although as 'war poems' they take their place
among the best of that genre, they resonate far beyond their
history with an arresting immediacy."--Karl Shapiro
"Nemerov is the poet of our sanity, his the vision of the heroic
ordinary. . . . Forty years after W. W. II, Nemerov's experiences
in that war translate into timeless poetry. . . . Nemerov's poetry
will outlast our generation: to read it now is to take part in
something of ourselves and our world that will--and
should--endure."--"The Virginia Quarterly Review"
"Throughout all his verse, formal language sets up a proscenium,
keeping sentiment at a distance. In this elegant theatre, he tells
stories that always, first, are works of art."--Denise Low, "Kansas
City Star"