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Feuchtwanger and Remigration (English, German, Paperback, New edition): Ian Wallace Feuchtwanger and Remigration (English, German, Paperback, New edition)
Ian Wallace
R2,171 Discovery Miles 21 710 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume contains a selection from the proceedings of a conference organised by the International Feuchtwanger Society titled 'To Stay or not to Stay? German-speaking Exiles in Southern California after 1945'. The conference, held in September 2011 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and at Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades, explored the decision faced by all German-speaking exiles in Southern California at the end of World War II whether to return to Europe or stay in the United States. The volume opens with an analysis of the experiences of post-1945 remigrants as reflected in a major exile publication, Der Aufbau. Six chapters focus on the particular case of Lion Feuchtwanger, illuminating the circumstances which led him to remain in California after 1945. Subsequent chapters throw fresh light on other members of the German-speaking literary community in California. Studies focusing on remigration from the UK and the Soviet Union widen the discussion, as do chapters on the problems faced by professional musicians exiled in East Asia and in Palestine. The volume concludes with the experience of remigrants in the media and film industry during the early post-war years. Der vorliegende Band enthalt ausgewahlte Vortrage, die auf der von der Internationalen Feuchtwanger Gesellschaft organisierten Konferenz "Bleiben oder Zuruckkehren? Deutschsprachige Exilanten in Sudkalifornien nach 1945" gehalten wurden. Die Konferenz, die im September 2011 an der Universitat von Sudkalifornien in Los Angeles und in der Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades stattfand, beschaftigte sich mit der weitreichenden Entscheidung, die die deutschsprachigen Exilanten in Sudkalifornien nach Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges treffen mussten: Sollten sie nach Europa zuruckkehren oder in den Vereinigten Staaten bleiben? Der Band beginnt mit einer Analyse der in der wichtigen Exil-Publikation Der Aufbau beschriebenen Erfahrungen von Remigranten nach 1945. Sechs Kapitel haben den speziellen Fall Lion Feuchtwangers zum Thema und untersuchen die Umstande, welche zu seiner Entscheidung fuhrten, nach 1945 in Kalifornien zu bleiben. Die darauffolgenden Kapitel eroertern neue Erkenntnisse uber andere Mitglieder des deutschsprachigen Literatenkreises in Kalifornien. Untersuchungen zur Remigration aus England und aus der Sowjetunion sowie zu den Problemen exilierter Musiker in Ostasien und Palastina erweitern und erganzen die Diskussion. Der Band schliesst mit Beitragen zu den Erfahrungen der Remigranten in den Bereichen Medien und Film im Deutschland der fruhen Nachkriegszeit.

Feuchtwanger and Film- Feuchtwanger und Film (English, German, Paperback, New edition): Ian Wallace Feuchtwanger and Film- Feuchtwanger und Film (English, German, Paperback, New edition)
Ian Wallace
R1,782 Discovery Miles 17 820 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume contains a selection of the proceedings of a conference organised by the International Feuchtwanger Society entitled 'Feuchtwanger and Film'. The conference took place in September 2007 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and at Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades to explore the link between literature and film, focusing especially on the work of Lion Feuchtwanger. The book opens with three chapters that analyse Feuchtwanger's novel Goya and in particular the powerful film which the East German director, Konrad Wolf, made for DEFA. A second section throws fresh light on another novel, Jud Suss, and the notorious Nazi film of the same name. The book then switches attention to the filming of Feuchtwanger's works by East German television, particularly Die Bruder Lautensack, before opening a window on Feuchtwanger's immense reputation in Russia with a study of Grigori Roshal's film Sem'ia Oppengeim (1939), based on the novel Die Geschwister Oppenheim (1933). A later section discusses the 'filmic' qualities which characterise much of Feuchtwanger's oeuvre, while a final part widens the debate with an investigation of three other emigre authors and their involvement with DEFA (Arnold Zweig) and Hollywood (Franz Werfel and Anna Seghers). The volume concludes with a report on 'Feuchtwanger Relaunched', a web-based project designed to inform media interest in Feuchtwanger's life and work. Dieser Band beinhaltet ausgewahlte Vortrage, die auf einer Konferenz der Internationalen Feuchtwanger Gesellschaft zum Thema "Feuchtwanger und Film" gehalten wurden. Die Konferenz fand im September 2007 an der Universitat von Sudkalifornien (USC) in Los Angeles und in der Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades statt. Im Mittelpunkt der Konferenz standen die Verknupfungen von Literatur und Film, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Werkes von Lion Feuchtwanger. Die ersten drei Kapitel des Bandes sind der Analyse von Feuchtwangers Roman Goya gewidmet und der bekannten Verfilmung des Romanes durch Konrad Wolf fur die DEFA. Im zweiten Teil des Buches werden ein anderer Roman Feuchtwangers, Jud Suss, und der bekannte Nazi-Film gleichen Namens in ein neues Licht geruckt. Es folgen Beitrage zu Verfilmungen von Feuchtwanger-Stoffen durch das Fernsehen der DDR, besonders sei hier die Verfilmung Die Bruder Lautensack genannt, sowie - anhand einer Studie uber Grigori Roshals Film Sem'ia Oppengeim (1939), einer Adaption des Romans Die Geschwister Oppenheim (1933) - zu Feuchtwangers grossem Erfolg in Russland. Ein weiterer Abschnitt des Bandes beschaftigt sich mit den "filmischen" Qualitaten, welche sich durch Feuchtwangers oeuvre ziehen. Daran anschliessend werden drei weitere Exil-Autoren und deren Zusammenarbeit mit der DEFA (Arnold Zweig) bzw. mit Hollywood (Franz Werfel and Anna Seghers) beleuchtet. Der Band schliesst mit einem Bericht uber das Internet-basierte Projekt "Feuchtwanger Relaunched", welches als Informationsplattform zu Lion Feuchtwanger fur Presse und Medien entwickelt wurde.

Decode Your Dreams - Unlock your unconscious and transform your waking life (Hardcover): Ian Wallace Decode Your Dreams - Unlock your unconscious and transform your waking life (Hardcover)
Ian Wallace; Illustrated by Sophie Douala
R470 R407 Discovery Miles 4 070 Save R63 (13%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Become your own dream analyst and begin a powerful journey of self discovery with bestselling author, psychologist and dream expert Ian Wallace. Dreams are no longer some largely indecipherable code. They are authored by our own subconscious. When you create a dream,you are encoding a meaningful story about how to fulfil your emotional needs, intentions and purpose in waking life. So who better to decode your dreams than you? Decode Your Dreams empowers you with all you need to know, from unlocking your unconscious and learning how it influences your experiences, to creating positive life changes in light of these insights. This easy-to-use guide offers an original, two-step method that nurtures the connection between the ever-evolving unconscious and conscious mind for transformational results. Wallace explains how to decipher dream meanings before answering each diagnosis with suggested waking-life actions. Reflect on the best solutions to recurring daily dilemmas, identify and heal anxieties that are holding you back, and confront and seize new opportunities to pursue your passions. Begin by unlocking the Power of Dreams - understanding what dreams are and gaining the necessary tools for decoding, remembering, finding wisdom in and taking inspiration from your dreams. Explore key life themes including Love & Sex, Relationships & Family, Birth & Death, Work & Play, Wealth & Health, Travel & Discovery, and Purpose & Potential with each chapter. Decode Over 90 Dreams summarized one-by-one, complete with Dream Meanings, Dream Interpretation Tips, Personal Insight Questions and Dream Actions to take your analysis further and start working towards your waking-life goals. Discover Other Connected Dreams within each scenario to find surprising insights and help on subjects close to your heart. Make Your Dreams Come True in the concluding chapter, featuring simple ways to turn dreams into reality through action. Complete with ethereal illustrations by Sophie We dream to continually update our sense of self. So learn something new with every dream and develop your own human superpowers of self- and situational awareness with this book.

Chin Chiang and the Dragon's Dance (Paperback, Meadow mouse pbk ed): Ian Wallace Chin Chiang and the Dragon's Dance (Paperback, Meadow mouse pbk ed)
Ian Wallace
R307 R253 Discovery Miles 2 530 Save R54 (18%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Winner of the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator Award From the time Chin Chiang stood only as high as his grandfather's knees, he dreamed of dancing the dragon's dance. Now the first day of the Year of the Dragon has arrived, and Chin Chiang is so scared that he wants to melt into his shoes. Chin Chiang is a most appealing small boy, whose plight will touch readers young and old. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.7 With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events

Feuchtwanger Und Berlin (German, Paperback): Ian Wallace, Geoffrey V. Davis Feuchtwanger Und Berlin (German, Paperback)
Ian Wallace, Geoffrey V. Davis
R2,198 Discovery Miles 21 980 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Dieser Band vereint Forschungsbeitrage der 6. Konferenz der Internationalen Feuchtwanger Gesellschaft, die im Herbst 2013 zum Thema Lion Feuchtwangers Berliner Jahre 1925 bis 1933, seine Leser im Exil, in Deutschland und weltweit nach 1945 im Judischen Museum Berlin veranstaltet wurde. Die Konferenz hatte zum Ziel, die Bedeutung des Berliner Zwischenspiels im Leben Feuchtwangers im literarischen und soziopolitischen Kontext herauszuarbeiten, sowie eine Bestandsaufnahme der Rezeption seiner Werke im In- und Ausland zu erstellen. Neben Beitragen zu den Romanen Jud Suss, Die Geschwister Oppermann, Der Judische Krieg, Goya und Waffen fur Amerika, zu den PEP-Gedichten und zu seiner Theaterarbeit beleuchtet dieser Band das intellektuelle Umfeld des Autors durch Aufsatze zu seinen Berliner Zeitgenossen Bertolt Brecht, Erich Kastner, Dorothy Thompson, Billy Wilder und Carl Zuckmayer. Vier der Aufsatze in diesem Band widmen sich weiteren Mitgliedern seiner Familie. Dem literarischen Erbe des Autors wird durch Beitrage zu seinem amerikanischen Verleger Ben Huebsch, zur heiklen Problematik der UEbersetzungen seiner Werke sowie zur Frage seiner Einfuhrung in den Bildungsbereich Rechnung getragen. Zwei Beitrage widmen sich dem damals wie heute kontrovers rezipierten sowjetischen Reisebericht Moskau 1937. Durch seinen umfassenden Ansatz bietet dieser Band neue Einsichten in eine zentrale Periode der deutschen Kulturgeschichte und schliesst eine Lucke in der Feuchtwanger-Forschung.

How To Do Fractions (Paperback): Ian Wallace Campbell How To Do Fractions (Paperback)
Ian Wallace Campbell
R132 Discovery Miles 1 320 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Ian Campbell is a retired Math teacher, journalist, author and photographer. At school he was the founder of the school's photomicrographical society and made money from the school by copying the biology slides on to 35mm film ransparencies so that the whole class could see the slides at the same time without having to queue for the microscope. Years later, when teaching math, he realised that different people learn in different ways. Some learn by rote; others visually. Many people are scared by the words used in the subject... long words like 'common denominator'... scary eh? This book will teach you how to do fractions, without the jargon using a simple visual method. It doesn't matter how you learn. It only matters that you learn

The Complete A to Z Dictionary of Dreams - Be Your Own Dream Expert (Paperback): Ian Wallace The Complete A to Z Dictionary of Dreams - Be Your Own Dream Expert (Paperback)
Ian Wallace 2
R561 R463 Discovery Miles 4 630 Save R98 (17%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

A comprehensive, straightforward and accessible guide to over 12,000 dream symbols and their meanings from Ian Wallace - a psychologist with a scientific background with over 30 years of experience interpreting dreams. 'A SUPERB book' -- ***** Reader review 'Extremely accurate and entertaining and informative for a morning read!' -- ***** Reader review 'Incredible' -- ***** Reader review 'SIMPLY BRILLIANT!!' -- ***** Reader review 'Pure brilliance!' -- ***** Reader review ********************************************************************************************** If you've ever woken up thinking 'What was that about?' this fascinating dream dictionary with over 12,000 definitions will explain everything and help you become your own dream expert. Written by highly respected Dream Psychologist Ian Wallace, this comprehensive and ground-breaking guide will help you interpret the imagery you see in your dreams and analyse the hidden meaning and messages within them. Made of two parts, the first clearly and diligently details the process Ian uses to help us fully understand our dreams and what we can do with them. The second is a comprehensive dictionary with positive, helpful and deeply connected definitions. By exploring your dreams in this way, you'll reach a deeper understanding of what you really want in life - and work out how to achieve it. Whether you dream about flying above canyons, your teeth dropping out, missing the bus or standing naked in a crowded room, Ian will help you understand what your unconscious is trying to tell you and how you can use your dreams to help you live a rich and fulfilled life. After all, dream is just a dream until you put it into action...

Tuan Andrew Nguyen: Radiant Remembrance: Tuan Andrew Nguyen Tuan Andrew Nguyen: Radiant Remembrance
Tuan Andrew Nguyen; Edited by Vivian Crockett, Ian Wallace; Foreword by Lisa Phillips; Text written by Zoe Butt, …
R573 Discovery Miles 5 730 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Insecurity - It's All about Me (Paperback): Ian Wallace Insecurity - It's All about Me (Paperback)
Ian Wallace
R304 Discovery Miles 3 040 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Richard Pochinko - Clown thru Mask (Paperback): Richard Pochinko, Della Burford, Ian Wallace Richard Pochinko - Clown thru Mask (Paperback)
Richard Pochinko, Della Burford, Ian Wallace
R539 Discovery Miles 5 390 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Heller's Leap (Paperback): Ian Wallace Heller's Leap (Paperback)
Ian Wallace
bundle available
R439 Discovery Miles 4 390 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Why do we do that and what to do about it (Paperback): Ian Wallace Why do we do that and what to do about it (Paperback)
Ian Wallace
R409 Discovery Miles 4 090 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Vendange - Tales from the Grapevine (Paperback): Ian Wallace Campbell Vendange - Tales from the Grapevine (Paperback)
Ian Wallace Campbell
bundle available
R142 Discovery Miles 1 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Vendange is the French word for harvesting wine - these short stories are 'grape-pickers stories. Very few people are fortunate enough to be mentored in fine wine. I was lucky and the instruction I received over many French lunches and dinners opened my eyes to the complexities of fine wine and how the choice of the right wine for a particular dish elevates the experience from mere grazing to hedonistic delights. I wanted to learn more about wine and decided to go and make the vendange in what is arguably one of the finest areas of wine in the world - the Haut Medoc - north of Bordeaux. What started as a 'one off' visit turned into an annual pilgrimage covering seven years during which I found out everything I wanted to about the subject. Vendange isn't a dry book about the wine making process, though - more a collection of amusing and informative anecdotes gathered in my pannier along the way. It started in the autumn of 1979 and finished in 1986 and during that time, the wine industry changed forever. I was lucky enough to witness the changes. 4.0 out of 5 stars Rattling Good Read 10 Dec 2013 By Artful Dodger Format: Kindle EditionAmazon Verified Purchase "Ian has put together a fine collection of anecdotes and memoirs from his working life and more specifically from his time spent working on a French vinery where he brings alive his new found love and rapidly growing knowledge of French wine and the industry behind it. During a previous French business venture, Ian finds a willing Frenchman to pass on his knowledge and he soon finds himself getting to grips with the subtleties of wine and how to select the correct wine to go with almost any gastronomic experience, determining that some wines will compliment say meat or fish dish whereas others actually detract from it; quite an art form From there on he determines to expand his knowledge further with a working holiday at a vineyard helping to make a vintage or vendange'. I should add that all of this is recounted in a most amusing fashion and even if you are not at all interested in wines or vineyards you will still find this book hard to put down as Ian keeps the flow and interest going throughout. My only slight annoyance was that I came across a few typos early on in the book but this is a very minor complaint. All in all this is a highly recommended read and I look forward to more tales from Ian's interesting and varied working life." 4.0 out of 5 stars Raise your glasses, please 7 Dec 2013 By Karen Guttridge Format: Kindle EditionAmazon Verified Purchase "It never ceases to amaze me how the humble grape can be the source of such a glorious drink This selection of related short stories and anecdotes describe the personal experiences of the author whilst taking part in the grape harvests or les vendanges in France. The book does not attempt to broadly cover life in France but instead focuses fully on the daily life of the workers, most of whom live on site during the harvest period where meals are also provided. We learn of the general camaraderie amongst the grape pickers as they endure the back-breaking work of toiling in the vines for hours each day. The book contains many humorous moments and I also very much enjoyed the interesting wine-related facts sprinkled throughout the book which were mostly unknown to me."

That Will Do Nicely (Paperback): Ian Wallace Campbell That Will Do Nicely (Paperback)
Ian Wallace Campbell
bundle available
R392 Discovery Miles 3 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Canterbury, UK, mid 1980's Tom Pascoe, nearly 40 years old has made mistakes throughout his life and like most of us has got away with them. The one he didn't get away with was his wife. His mistake was letting himself get talked into a loveless marriage with his wife spending their money faster than he could earn it, but that in itself is not so extraordinary these days. Neither is the husband or wife having an affair on the side. However, people usually don't do it under the nose of their significant 'other'. Theresa Pascoe, Tom's 30 something wife had pestered him for ages about having a party for her friends, because she wanted to show-off their period piece of real estate located a few miles outside the Cathedral city of Canterbury in Kent, UK. So, a few months earlier, Pascoe thrown the party one summer weekend. All had gone fine with Pascoe playing the part of genial host up to the moment that he realised Theresa was nowhere to be seen and being a upset by her absence, he went looking for her. He searched everywhere but eventually discovered her in their bedroom, being shagged silly by one of his work colleagues and this is where his problems began. Pascoe was of mixed British and American parentage and the calm rational side of his personality would normally be in control, but finding your wife being screwed by a colleague in your own home with friends in attendance doesn't quite fit into 'normal' and that's where the more rumbustious American side of his psyche took over. This side didn't think so much as act and Pascoe just went ape and bundled the pair of them semi-naked out into the road and threw their clothes out after them. I guess most of the guys reading this will think he did the right thing and that he was more than justified in his actions. WRONG Pascoe had forgotten the fury of a wronged woman. His wife didn't take the humiliation lying down... at least not with her husband. She had retaliated by obtaining a new credit card, running up debts of more than 18,000 or more than $30,000 at the time and because her initials were exactly the same as her husband's, Pascoe got saddled with the huge debt which he had no possibility of meeting. Of course, he distanced himself from her; started divorce proceedings (more money) and made announcements in the local press that he would no longer be responsible for his wife's debts but when he checked with a lawyer friend from his schooldays, it was explained to him that he was responsible for them and that he either had to pay up or file for bankruptcy. He couldn't pay and he couldn't afford to go bankrupt. Pascoe needed another way out and as chance would have it, the alternative also came from his lawyer friend although somewhat unintentionally when he mentioned a practical joke that Pascoe had played on his school friends during his last week of the final term when, using the facilities of the school's printing club, he had invented his own exam paper and had had 130 boys kept in school on a Saturday afternoon to sit it. They were not amused when they found out that he had wasted their free time but he just saw it as his revenge for all the bullying he had withstood during his years at the school. The day after meeting his lawyer, Pascoe had visited London to re-charge his batteries. Again chance had taken a hand and brought his meanderings to the very shop where his school had purchased its printing equipment. Later, on his way back to Victoria station he had stopped off at The Cheshire Cheese pub in Fleet Street where he bumped into an 'old boy' from his school; someone who used the old school tie routine to effect. Surprisingly, during their conversation, Pascoe's practical joke was also mentioned. Pascoe remembered an adage from James Bond... "once happenstance; twice, coincidence; three times, enemy action' and he knew at once how he would climb his way out of the hole he found himself in. He would invent his own bank

Pentagon Five (Paperback): Ian Wallace Campbell Pentagon Five (Paperback)
Ian Wallace Campbell
bundle available
R250 Discovery Miles 2 500 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Tom Pascoe, his partner Sam and an ex detective inspector and his wife stumble across a brutal ritual murder near to their holiday center in the south of France. Intrigued by the fact that the victim was a young British student and unconvinced by the description of the act as 'suicide' by the local police, the unlikely quartet investigate for themselves. What they discover as they retrace the victim's footsteps leads them inexorably into ancient customs and civilizations unknown to Man and to incredible riches. It also makes them targets for government agencies who don't want the truth to be known. Pentagon Five is an adventure story with esoteric roots. The characters are fictional; the plot is semi-fictional but many of the events and references are all too real. As to the denouement, that is still to come.

You and Your ADD Child (Paperback): Ian Wallace You and Your ADD Child (Paperback)
Ian Wallace
R466 Discovery Miles 4 660 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Every year, one in twenty Australian children is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD can explain why a child is over-active, bored, lazy, constantly demanding, argumentative, unmotivated, disorganised, without friends and experiencing learning difficulties. But does this diagnosis mean that your child is doomed to a lifetime of failure 'NO!' says child psychologist Ian Wallace. In this new book he introduces troubled parents to a variety of practical strategies, designed specifically for ADD, that can help them and their children manage everyday problems. Ian even tackles the difficult problems of low self-esteem, poor social skills, defiance, school issues, aggression and sibling rivalry.

The Top 100 Dreams - The Dreams That We All Have and What They Really Mean (Paperback): Ian Wallace The Top 100 Dreams - The Dreams That We All Have and What They Really Mean (Paperback)
Ian Wallace 1
R464 R415 Discovery Miles 4 150 Save R49 (11%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Learn to speak the language of your dreams... We all dream, but our dreams often seem to be bizarre and confusing experiences that make little sense to us, no matter how much we try to analyse them. The key to understanding our dreams is looking beyond individual symbols and being able to see the bigger picture in the stories that we choose to create every night. There are 100 of these dream themes that are consistently reported by dreamers everywhere in the world, regardless of country or culture. These top 100 dreams appear again and again because they reflect fundamental life patterns. By recognising them, you will begin to achieve a much deeper understanding of your dreams and yourself. The Top 100 Dreams explains why you dream them, and suggests how you can use them to help you realise your most cherished hopes and aspirations in everyday life.

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