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The barrel area is a unique specialization of the cerebral cortex,
shared by many species of rodents and some marsupials, in which the
somatotopic map of the body surface receives direct morphological
expression. Here, the homogeneous sheet of layer IV granule cells
seen in most mammals is fractured into large archipelagos, each
representing one of the larger subdivisions of the contra lateral
half-body. Within these larger domains are smaller aggregates of
granule cells that contain the concentrated terminations of
thalamocortical fibers bear ing messages emanating from
constellations of receptors located in finer subdi visions of a
body part. These smaller aggregates are particularly well-defined
in the representation of the face, where they form a one-to-one
representation of the sinus hairs or vibrissae and where they have
been given the name barrels. The first inklings of the unique
structure of the parietal cortex of rodents came in the study of
Droogleever-Fortuyn (1914), who remarked on the pres ence in it of
clouds of granule cells 0. 5-1 mm in diameter, which he thought
were in some way associated with concentrations of nerve fibers.
Little attention, however, was paid to his observations. Lorente de
N 6 (1922) later observed dense focal concentrations of afferent
fiber ramifications in Golgi preparations of the mouse cortex,
calling them glomeruli, and these can now be seen as the structures
that form the hearts of the barrels and around which the granule
cells concentrate."
The barrel area is a unique specialization of the cerebral cortex,
shared by many species of rodents and some marsupials, in which the
somatotopic map of the body surface receives direct morphological
expression. Here, the homogeneous sheet of layer IV granule cells
seen in most mammals is fractured into large archipelagos, each
representing one of the larger subdivisions of the contra lateral
half-body. Within these larger domains are smaller aggregates of
granule cells that contain the concentrated terminations of
thalamocortical fibers bear ing messages emanating from
constellations of receptors located in finer subdi visions of a
body part. These smaller aggregates are particularly well-defined
in the representation of the face, where they form a one-to-one
representation of the sinus hairs or vibrissae and where they have
been given the name barrels. The first inklings of the unique
structure of the parietal cortex of rodents came in the study of
Droogleever-Fortuyn (1914), who remarked on the pres ence in it of
clouds of granule cells 0. 5-1 mm in diameter, which he thought
were in some way associated with concentrations of nerve fibers.
Little attention, however, was paid to his observations. Lorente de
N 6 (1922) later observed dense focal concentrations of afferent
fiber ramifications in Golgi preparations of the mouse cortex,
calling them glomeruli, and these can now be seen as the structures
that form the hearts of the barrels and around which the granule
cells concentrate.
nerve; subsequently, however, they concluded that the recordings
had been from aberrant cells of the cochlear nucleus lying central
to the glial margin of the VIII nerve (GALAMBOS and DAVIS, 1948).
The first successful recordmgs from fibres of the cochlear nerve
were made by TASAKI (1954) in the guinea pig. These classical but
necessarily limited results were greatly extended by ROSE,
GALAMBOS, and HUGHES (1959) in the cat cochlear nucleus and by
KATSUKI and co-workers (KATSUKI et at. , 1958, 1961, 1962) in the
cat and monkey cochlear nerve. Perhaps the most significant
developments have been the introduction of techniques for precise
control of the acoustic stimulus and the quantitative analysis of
neuronal response patterns, notably by the laboratories of KIANG
(e. g. GERSTEIN and KIANG, 1960; KIANG et at. , 1962b, 1965a, 1967)
and ROSE (e. g. ROSE et at. , 1967; HIND et at. , 1967). These
developments have made possible a large number of quanti tative
investigations of the behaviour of representative numbers of
neurons at these levels of the peripheral auditory system under a
wide variety of stimulus conditions. Most of the findings discussed
herein have been obtained on anaesthetized cats. Where comparative
data are available, substantially similar results have been
obtained in other mammalian species (e. g. guinea pig, monkey,
rat). Certain significant differences have been noted in lizards,
frogs and fish as would be expect ed from the different
morphologies of their organs of hearing (e. g.