"This book - 'Witches Unite ' "by Isis Day" - is a bold new
perspective on Magic and Witchcraft; very inviting for those of us
who're not Witches. Lucky you, if you're a Witch or Wizard; no
Pagan should miss this uniquely inspiring book." - "Julie Williams"
(author of 'Illuminatista: God 2.0' and 'Romeo and Julie: My Secret
Erotic Dilemma With Romeo of Julingdom').
From the book - 'Witches Unite ' "by Isis Day": "When you go in
search of Witchcraft, studying, discussing, socializing, etc., you
think you found it; no, you don't find Witchcraft, Witchcraft finds
you. You are here for a purpose; you're here on a mission as
messengers of peace, love and well-being. Arise now and take your
rightful places on earth as Gods and Goddesses, as spiritual kings
and queens, princes and princesses As far as I'm concerned, Magic
for personal gain is perfectly OK; I don't see anything wrong with
being as wealthy, healthy, happy, sexy and lovable as we'd wish to
be, provided we harm no one."
"Free book and music samples are available on her
(Also, check out the music CD Album - Full Moon - "by Isis