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Within the context of recent, and ongoing, plural pandemics such as COVID-19 up/ending lives, social and racial chaos and catastrophe, political pressures, and economic convulsions, The Kaleidoscope of Lived Curricula: Learning Through a Confluence of Crises offers a journey through a collection of scholarly reflective creative pieces--stories of lived curricula. Like a kaleidoscope filled with loose pieces of simple colored glass and objects transforming into an infinite variety of beautiful forms and patterns with the slightest turn, the collection of pieces in this book reflect images of the sky that nurtures life; sun that illuminates understanding; earth that shifts and grounds us; fire that is primal, intending to spark and extend curricular and pedagogical conversations and understandings. This book provides a lens through which to observe and experience how plural pandemics shifted the lived curricula--the colored glass and objects in the lives of others--to surface, contextualize, confront, and curate challenges, as well as celebrate the courageous and elevate and empower marginalized groups to relate, learn, and heal through stories of lived curricula. This beautiful collection brings readers to an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the lived curricula unlike they have ever experienced before.
Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (ESAPâ„¢), Reference Edition 2023 is a self-study curriculum for physicians and health professionals wanting a self-assessment and a broad review of endocrinology. It consists of approximately 120 multiple-choice questions in all areas of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. Customers are advised that this book is a reference edition and the questions in it are designed for self-study and reference. The content is the same as the non-reference edition, but CME and MOC credits are not available upon completion of the material. Anyone with questions about CME and/or MOC credits should consult www.endocrine.org/store for further information.
This unique encyclopedia describes how a wide range of religious groups from an even wider spectrum of religious denominations has acted vigorously to influence public policy since the beginning of the republic. This advocacy by religious interests continues in the 1990s even more dramatically and professionally than in previous decades. This one-volume reference provides a historical sketch of religious activism through the years and then profiles 118 major organizations, describing their origins and development, organization and funding, program strategies, political activities, and publications. The encyclopedia is filled with practical directory-type information also. Appendices classify the groups by religious traditions, size, membership type of group, and policy interests. A full index makes the volume easily accessible to serve broad interdisciplinary audiences of students, teachers, experts, organization activists, and lay readers.
Since the first and only constitutional convention in 1787, 26 amendments have been added to our governing document, but not one of them became law by virtue of the convention method. Despite more than 400 applications, no constitutional convention has been called in 202 years. Indeed it was James Madison who wrote, "Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention. . . . I should tremble for the result of a Second." In "Unfounded Fears: Myths and Realities of a Constitutional Convention," Weber and Perry present a balanced, scholarly look on this controversial topic and introduce surprising conclusions. Weber and Perry seek to determine if, in fact, the first convention was a runaway, as common wisdom holds, and they examine the process by which the Convention was called. They also review the attempts since 1787 to call a second constitutional convention, and they confront many of the questions commonly raised about a potential convention, including the process for electing delegates and the ability of Congress to establish and control the convention's procedures and substance of what a convention does. In their final chapter, they reflect on the realities of a balanced-budget amendment.
This book discusses a new breed of racism, namely language racism, which is spreading both in the USA and in Europe, as well as other parts of the world. The book is a manifesto promoting a more positive view of linguistic and cultural diversity.
This new adaptation of Arfken and Weber's bestselling Mathematical
Methods for Physicists, Fifth Edition, is the most comprehensive,
modern, and accessible reference for using mathematics to solve
physics problems.
Throughout its existence, the Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) has asserted its commitment to the need for humans to come together to speak about the scientific, the political, and the artistic in order to live together in an enlightened fashion. In 2004, ACTC's Tenth Annual Conference convened to re-affirm and re-examine the value of serious reading and discussion focused through core texts. Participants articulated the various ways by which core text education in the liberal arts constructs and supports different expressions of community on college campuses around the world. Presenters asked whether it is better to contemplate the arts simply as expressions of cultures and traditions or to cultivate them, taking the risk that what is valued in artistic expressions might be changed by the inventions of teachers and the students they encourage. The essays collected here reflect the responses of the diverse group of ACTC's members, all of whom support the idea of liberal core text education with the self-conscious awareness of the challenges facing liberal education in the modern academy.
What particular form of liberal education should a college or university institute? Reform in general liberal education is an inevitable reality for faculty and the administration. Core texts are at the heart of that reform debate. Establishing an institution's core texts requires extensive research and discussion. At the 2002 Association for Core Texts and Courses conference over 100 institutions explored the relevance and role of the core texts to a 21st century education. This collection of essays captures the excitement of this debate and allows serious thinkers and practitioners of liberal arts education to see what other colleagues and institutions are developing.
Scholars agree that religion-clause jurisprudence is in disarray: The Supreme Court is divided on the issue; religious lobbyists and litigators aggressively pursue their often conflicting goals; and novel pieces of church-state litigation are frequent news items. Editor Paul J. Weber argues that a 25-year-old theory called strict neutrality may provide a foundation on which a more compelling theory of the First Amendment religion clauses can be developed. Although superficially examined in a search for new approaches by many law-review authors, very little serious analysis has been done of strict neutrality/equal separation and little attempt has been made to develop the concept. In Equal Separation, the pros and cons of strict neutrality are argued by six outstanding scholars who represent a challenging array of viewpoints; each critiques the concept by focusing on a different perspective. Despite vigorous disagreement over the conditions required for religious liberty and nonestablishment and the means necessary to achieve them, each author's dedication to the concepts is clearly manifested in this volume. In the first chapter, Weber outlines a strict neutrality thesis. The next three chapters enlarge upon criticisms that focus on a defense of the free exercise of religion; offer a defense against strict neutrality's assault on the establishment clause; and contrast accommodation--pluralist theory--with strict neutrality. The issue of strict neutrality and the schools is addressed in Chapter 5, and an overview of the Court's development of the concept of separation of church and state is presented in Chapter 6. The editor's concluding chapter explores the criticisms and defends thestrict neutrality/equal separation theory. This volume will be of particular interest to constitutional scholars, jurisprudents, and professors and students of law.
Inorganic Phosphors: Compositions, Preparation and Optical Properties addresses practical and theoretical aspects of inorganic phosphors used in lighting and display applications. Authors Yen and Weber present the synthesis of phosphors in a ...cookbook... style that features nearly 300 ...recipes... using the most up-to-date guidelines and methods. They also categorize nearly 500 phosphors in terms of chemical composition and luminescence output wavelengths, summarizing their physical and emissive optical properties. This book is the first of its kind to provide a combined practical and technical foundation that can be used in commercial and academic research and development of new phosphors and applications.
For years scientists turned to the CRC Handbook of Laser Science & Technology for reliable data on optical materials. Out of print for several years, that standard-setting work now has a successor: the Handbook of Optical Materials.
In "Where Cultures Meet," editors Weber and Rausch have collected twenty essays that explore how the frontier experience has helped create Latin American national identities and institutions. Using 'frontier' to mean more than 'border, ' Weber and Rausch regard frontiers as the geographic zones of interaction between distinct cultures. Each essay in the volume illuminates the recipro-cal influences of the 'pioneer' culture and the 'frontier' culture, as they contend with each other and their physical environment. The transformative power of frontiers gives them special interest for historians and anthropologists. Delving into the frontier experience below the Rio Grande, "Where Cultures Meet" is an important collection for anyone seeking to understand fully Latin American history and culture.
In the CRC Handbook of Laser Science and Technology: Supplement 2, experts summarize the discovery and properties of new optical materials that have appeared since the publication of Volumes III-V. Included are the latest advances in optical crystals, glasses and plastics, laser host materials, phase conjugation materials, linear electrooptic materials, nonlinear optical materials, magnetooptic materials, elastooptic materials, photorefractive materials, liquid crystals, and thin film coatings. The book also includes expanded coverage of optical waveguide materials and new sections on optical liquids, glass fiber lasers, diamond optics, and gradient index materials. Appendices include Designation of Russian Optical Glasses; Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Mineralogical or Common Names for Optical Materials; and Abbreviations for Methods of Preparing Optical Materials. Extensive tabulations of materials properties with references to the primary literature are provided throughout the supplement.
This textbook offers an accessible approach to the subject of mathematics which divides the topic into smaller units, guiding students through questions, exercises and problems designed to slowly increase student confidence and experience. The sequence of studies is individualised according to performance and can be regarded as full tutorial course. The study guide satisfies two objectives simultaneously: firstly it enables students to make effective use of the textbook and secondly it offers advice on the improvement of study skills. Empirical studies have shown that the student's competence for using written information has improved significantly by using this study guide. The new edition includes a new chapter on Fourier integrals and Fourier transforms, numerous sections had been updated, 30 new problems with solutions had been added. The interactive study guide has seen a substantial update.
This best-selling volume contains several of the German author's most controversial dramas, in which he radically questions how culture, myth, art, and social relations create history. Includes: "Hamletmachine, Correction, The Task, Quartet, Despoiled Shore, " and "Gundling's Life." One of the most original theatrical minds of our time, Muller, who resided in East Berlin before his death in 1995, was a frequent collaborator of Robert Wilson.
This book covers the principal reports and discussions which have been presented during the "Symposium on Anaerobic Metabolism and Lactic Acid" which was held in Anzere (Wallis, Switzerland) from 19th till 20th January 1978 under the patronage of the European Society of Cardiology. ~s Dr. Wilkie and Hermansen mentioned in their paper, Berzelius was the first one who recognized in 1807 "the existence of free lactic acid in the muscular fluid and thought that the amount of free lactic acid in a muscle is proportional to the extent to which it has been previously exercised". Since, many controversies have appeared, not as far as for its presence in the muscle, but as for its relations to oxygen debt or fatigue, to its physiological part, to its metabolism (oxydation or conversion to glycogen in situ), or to its pathological significance in clinical conditions. In this symposium, physiologists and biochemists tried to resolve some of the basic problems, they defined terminology and introduced new facts. Methods to determine the lactic acid or lactate have been reviewed. Lactic acid or lactate in various clinical conditions were the objectives of many collected reports in the last part of the symposium. Clinicians, who are interested in Pneumology, Diabetology, Hepatology, Angiology, Intensive Medicine or Sport Medicine, and particularly cardiologists will find precious information. The organizing committee thanks every reporter, specially the Chairmen, and everyone who took an active part in the preparation or realization of this symposium.
Now inits 7th edition, "Mathematical Methods for Physicists"
continues to provide all the mathematical methods that aspiring
scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as students and
beginning researchers. This bestselling text provides mathematical
relations and their proofs essential to the study of physics and
related fields. While retaining thekey features of the 6th edition,
the new edition provides a more careful balance of explanation,
theory, and examples. Taking a problem-solving-skills approach to
incorporating theorems with applications, the book's improved focus
will help students succeed throughout their academic careers and
well into their professions. Some notable enhancements include more
refined and focused content in important topics, improved
organization, updated notations, extensive explanations and
intuitive exercise sets, a wider range of problem solutions,
improvement in the placement, and a wider range of difficulty of
exercises. New to this edition: Improved modular chaptersNew up-to-date examplesMore intuitive explanations"
This is the first comprhensive volume on the methodologic issues in epidemiologic research on infectious diseases. It will be an invaluable resource both to students of epidemiologic research on infectious diseases. It will be and invaluable resource both to students of epidemiology and to established researchers. It covers foundational topics such as immunology and concepts of causation, transmission and dynamics; data resources and measurement; methods by transmission type; outbreak investigation and evaluation research; and special topics such as research on AIDS and collaboration in developing countries.
What do you see when you think of "teacher"? Where does what you see come from? This is a book about the images of teachers and teaching which permeate the everyday lives of children and adults, shaping in important but unrecognised ways their notions of whom teachers are and what they do. The authors show how, using a creative interdisciplinary approach, it is possible to analyse drawings of teachers, television programmes, films, cartooons, comics and even Barbie dolls. Illustrated with colour reproductions and excerpts from interviews and journals, this book should appeal to teachers, academics and anyone who is interested in the popular culture of childhood, gender issues, professional identity and teacher education.
Rafael J. Weber untersucht, inwieweit sich die Entscheidung uber die Auftragsannahme auf die Reputation eines Wirtschaftsprufers und die Publikationsqualitat auswirkt. Er zeigt, dass grosse Prufer aufgrund des erwarteten Reputationsverlustes risikoreichen Mandanten kein Angebot unterbreiten und trotz der Gefahr hoeherer Reputationsverluste, im Vergleich zu kleinen Abschlussprufern, nicht immer einen hoeheren Arbeitseinsatz leisten. |
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