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Invited Papers.- Theory of Electron Collisions in Partially Ionized
Gases.- Electron Collisions with Molecules.- Electron Transport in
Partially Ionized Gases.- Non Equilibrium Plasma Kinetics.-
Modeling High Pressure Electric Discharges: Applications to Excimer
Lasers.- Energy Transfer in Atom/Molecule Collisions with Molecules
and Surfaces.- Reactivity Calculations for Elementary Atom-Diatom
Processes and Applications to Non-Equilibrium Systems.- Excimer
Lasers: Status and Perspectives.- Fundamental Properties of RF Glow
Discharges: An Approach Based on Self-Consistent Numerical Models.-
Theory of High-Frequency Discharges.- Volume Production of Hydrogen
Negative Ions.- Laser Diagnostics of a Hydrogen Discharge.-
Hydrogen-Surface Interactions.- Plasma Assisted Thin Film
Production WC, a-C: H and Diamond Films.- Electric Discharge
Lamps.- Contributed Papers.- Inelastic Scattering of Electrons From
H2 Molecule and First-Born Approximation: Role Of Correlation.-
Electron-Molecule Collision Cross Sections for Etching Gases.-
Electron Collisions in Gas Switches.- Theory of e- -Diatom
Scattering at Low Energies.- A Parameter-Free Theoretical Model for
Low-Energy Electron Scattering from Polyatomic Molecules.- Electron
Collision Cross-Sections Determined from Beam and Swarm Data by
Boltzmann Analysis.- Electron Collision Cross Sections Involving
Excited States.- Electron Collision Cross Sections Involving
Excited States.- New Theoretical Approaches for Studying Electron
Collisions with Small Molecules.- Ion-Neutral Reactions.- Energy
Pooling Collisions: A Step Towards Ionization.- Potential Energy
Curves of Open Shell Systems (Excimers) from Molecular Beam
Scattering.- Molecular Beam Measurements of Ionization Cross
Sections Relevant to Thermal Plasmas and Excimer Laser Systems.-
The Silent Discharge and Its Application to Ozone and Excimer
Formation.- Non Equilibrium Excimer Laser Kinetics.- Study of A
Photoswitched Discharge for Excimer Laser.- A Self-Consistent Monte
Carlo Modeling of RF Non-Equilibrium Plasma.- Charged Particles
Dynamics in Electropositive Glow Discharges Probed by Optical
Diagnostics.- Problems in the Experimental Determination of
Electron Energy Distribution Function in RF Discharges.-
Spectroscopic Diagnostics in the Cathode Fall and Negative Glow of
a Nitrogen Glow Discharge.- Electron Kinetics in RF Discharges.- A
Radiofrequency Trap for Tests on Production and Excitation of
Ions.- Gas-Phase and Gas-Surface Interactions of Vibrationally
Excited Hydrogen Molecules.- Translational Energy Distribution
Functions of H+ and H in H2 Volume Discharges.- Numerical
Simulation on Tandem Negative Ion Source.- Atomic and Molecular
Surface and Volume Processes in the Analysis of Negative Hydrogen
Discharges.- Interpretation and Analysis of the H2 Vibrational
Distribution in a Hydrogen Discharge.- Electron Energy Distribution
Functions in Magnetic Multipole Plasmas.- Effects Due to Negative
Ions and Particles in Plasmas.- Electron and Vibrational Kinetics
in Molecular Discharges.- Laser Diagnostic of Radio-Frequency
Oxygen Plasma.- Spectroscopy and Kinetics of an Oxygen Glow
Discharge.- Simulation Work in Noble Gas Radiation Detectors.- A
Description of The Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Electrons in Matter:
Macro-Kinetics.- Thermalization and Transport of Sputtered
Particles in Glow Discharges.- The Free Electron Laser: A Simple
Quantum Picture.- Electron and Photon Collisions in Strong Laser
Fields.- Resonant Photopumping of Lithiumlike Ions in
Laser-Produced Plasmas.- Ionization and Deionization of Electron
Beam Disturbed Air.- Re-Entry Problems.- Diagnostics of Atomic
Species Near the Electrodes of a Fluorescent Lamp.- Excited State
Diagnostics in High Pressure Arc Lamps.- Participants
Computer Aided Software Engineering brings together in one place
important contributions and up-to-date research results in this
important area. Computer Aided Software Engineering serves as an
excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most
important research issues in the field.
Replete with engaging stories and written in a down-to-earth style,
this book provides the first and only road map for finding success
and happiness in life's most common yet underrated role—that of
the follower. What kinds of behaviors and responses do most bosses
want from those they lead? Which jobs seem desirable and exciting
but present work conditions in which followers are likely to fail
or be unhappy? What's the best way to communicate bad and good news
to a superior? Winning at Following: Secrets to Success in
Supporting Roles answers these questions and covers many more
topics that are highly relevant to everyone, for those who report
to others as well as for managers, directors, CEOs, or other acting
leaders. Individuals who are satisfied in their roles as followers
will discover information that helps them to optimize their success
and fulfillment at work, while dissatisfied followers—anyone
struggling as a follower and searching for directions for positive
change—will find this book extremely valuable as a road map to
greater meaning, success, and satisfaction at work and in life.
Readers will gain the critical direction and tools for fulfillment
in their roles as followers—in whatever capacity that may
be—and understand what they need to do to please their superiors
as well as to solve the common problems and challenges that
followers face. The book also explains how individuals can identify
their followership style and discover the types of organizations
where they are most likely to thrive. The final chapter provides
guidance on how to overcome common, serious problems that followers
experience, such as micromanaging bosses, sexual harassment,
unethical directives from superiors, and disrespectful colleagues.
Currently, the research community lacks the capacity to provide
accurate, up-to-date information about conditions and trends in
rural areas. Bringing together some of the best known rural
development researchers, this volume begins to build an information
base that can serve as a foundation for rural development policy.
It deals with four components of development--education,
entrepreneurship, physical infrastructure, and social
infrastructure. The opening chapters address two aspects of each
component--the use of the component to achieve rural development
and measuring the impact of its use. The volume then applies
specific analytic methods of measuring impact to each
The opening chapters address two aspects of each component--the
concept of using that component to achieve rural development and
the concept of measuring its impact. The volume then examines
analytic methods of measuring impact. Following an overview of
analytic methods, chapters apply a different analytic technique to
each of the components. The techniques considered include
econometric models, computable general equilibrium models,
input-output analysis, and the case-study method.
In many parts of Africa three different systems of laws are
concurrently applied - the imported "Colonial" law, the indigenous
customary law and Islamic law. In some countries the customary and
the Islamic law are kept separate and distinct, while in others
they are fused into a single system. This volume represents a
unique survey of the extent to which Islamic law is in fact applied
in those parts of East and West Africa which were at one time under
British administration. It examines the relevant legislation and
case law, much of which has never appeared in any Law Reports; the
judges and courts which apply it and the problems to which its
application give rise.
This is the story of the training of U.S. W W II glider pilots,
mainly in the U. S., but also includes some training that took
place in several foreign countries. Excitement, daring adventures,
and horror were not exclusive experiences of WW II pilots flying
combat missions in bombers, fighters, and gliders. Rest assured,
the training of glider pilots was replete with stories of nearly
equivalent adventures and misadventures. Some of those were
comical, but often they were frightening, frustrating, painful,
and/or perplexing. Sadly, some were deadly This book is a synthesis
of diverse information, and based on over 190 sources. One hundred
fifty-four of those are either oral or written histories from the
men and sometimes the women involved. A large number of these are
unique and previously unrecorded. Most of the information has been
collected by the author between 1981 and 2004. Almost immediately
it became a labor of love and I became, in spirit, a "family"
member with these fine men and women.
Colorful and informative, this in-depth pictorial review and price
guide includes over 850 color photographs of cookery pamphlets and
advertising memorabilia from the 1860s to the 1950s. Through the
use of these materials, food companies achieved brand name exposure
while providing consumers with new and exciting ways to use their
products. Featured in the book are chapters on brand-name foods,
wartime-era cookbooks, black memorabilia, highly collectible
die-cut books, children's books, and more. In addition, the authors
provide helpful suggestions for getting started with your own
collection, identifying dates, and caring for these entertaining
and delightfully illustrated collectibles. If you've overlooked
advertising cookbooks in the past, you'll certainly take a closer
look now!
The NATO . Advanced Research Insti tute on Nonequilibrium Processes
in Partially Ionized Gases was held at Acquafredda di Maratea
during 4-17 June 1989. The Institute considered the
interconnections between scattering and transport theories and
modeling of nonequilibrium systems generated by electrical
discharges, emphasizing the importance of microscopic processes in
affecting the bulk properties of plasmas. The book tries to
reproduce these lines. In particular several contributions describe
scattering cross sections involving electrons interacting with
atoms and molecules in both ground and excited states (from
theoretical and experimental point of view), of energy transfer
processes as well as reactive ones involving excited molecules
colliding with atoms and molecules as well as with metallic
surfaces. Other contributions deal with the basis of transport
theories (Boltzmann and Monte Carlo methods) for describing the
bulk properties of non equilibrium plasmas as well as with the
modeling of complicated systems emphasizing in particular the
strong coupling between the Boltzmann equation and excited state
kinetics. Finally the book contains several contributions
describing applications in different fields such as Excimer Lasers,
Negative Ion Production, RF Discharges, Plasma Chemistry,
Atmospheric Processes and Physics of Lamps. The Organizing
Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support
provided by the NATO Science Committee as well as by Azienda
Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo of Maratea, by University of Bari,
by C. N. R. (Centro di Studio per la Chimica dei Plasmi and
Comitato per la Chimica), by ENEA, by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
and by US Army Research Office.
Over the past ten years, cardiac transplantation has evolved from
an exper imental procedure performed in a handful of university
centers to a viable therapeutic modality now performed in more than
150 centers worldwide. The complexity of the procedure, the
changing immunosuppressive re gimes, and the follow-up care have
necessitated a multidisciplinary ap proach involving a variety of
medical, nursing, and social sciences special ties and
subspecialties. In addition, health care trainees and referring
physicians are increasingly becoming involved in the care of the
cardiac transplant recipient. This book does not attempt to be a
comprehensive treatise on cardiac transplantation; rather, we hope
that it will serve as a manual and guideline for all health
professionals involved in cardiac trans plantation. JEFFREY D.
HOSENPUD, M.D. Contents Preface v Contributors IX 1. Cardiac
Immunogenetics and Immunologic Mechanisms of 2. Rejection 15
DOUGLAS J. NORMAN 3. Medical Therapy Tailored for Advanced Heart
Failure 33 LYNNE WARNER STEVENSON 4. Ventricular Assistance as a
Bridge to Cardiac Transplantation 53 D. GLENN PENNINGTON AND MARC
T. SWARTZ Recipient Selection for Cardiac Transplantation 71 5.
GEORGE A. PANTELY 6. Donor Selection and Management for Cardiac
Transplantation 85 JEFFREY SWANSON AND ADNAN COBANOGLU 7. Operative
Techniques and Early Postoperative Care in Cardiac Transplantation
95 ADNAN COBANOGLU Endomyocardial Biopsy: Techniques and
Interpretation of 8."
Computer Aided Software Engineering brings together in one place
important contributions and up-to-date research results in this
important area. Computer Aided Software Engineering serves as an
excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most
important research issues in the field.
Relevance logics came of age with the one and only International
Conference on relevant logics in 1974. They did not however become
accepted, or easy to promulgate. In March 1981 we received most of
the typescript of IN MEMORIAM: ALAN ROSS ANDERSON Proceedings of
the International Conference of Relevant Logic from the original
editors, Kenneth W. Collier, Ann Gasper and Robert G. Wolf of
Southern Illinois University. 1 They had, most unfortunately,
failed to find a publisher - not, it appears, because of overall
lack of merit of the essays, but because of the expense of
producing the collection, lack of institutional subsidization, and
doubts of publishers as to whether an expensive collection of
essays on such an esoteric, not to say deviant, subject would sell.
We thought that the collection of essays was still (even after more
than six years in the publishing trade limbo) well worth
publishing, that the subject would remain undeservedly esoteric in
North America while work on it could not find publishers (it is not
so esoteric in academic circles in Continental Europe, Latin
America and the Antipodes) and, quite important, that we could get
the collection published, and furthermore, by resorting to local
means, published comparatively cheaply. It is indeed no ordinary
collection. It contains work by pioneers of the main types of
broadly relevant systems, and by several of the most innovative
non-classical logicians of the present flourishing logical period.
We have slowly re-edited and reorganised the collection and made it
In this Reacting to the Past game, the classroom is transformed
into Athens in 403 B.C. In the wake of Athenian military defeat and
rebellion, advocates of democracy have re-opened the Assembly, but
stability remains elusive. As members of the Assembly, players must
contend with divisive issues like citizenship, elections,
re-militarisation and dissent. Foremost among the troublemakers:
Socrates. Reacting to the Past is an award-winning series of
immersive role-playing games that actively engage students in their
own learning. Students assume the roles of historical characters
and practise critical thinking, primary source analysis, and
argument, both written and spoken.
Astronomy, by J. Norman Lockyer. To purchase the entire book,
please order ISBN 1564591123.
Clinical case studies have long been recognized as a useful adjunct
to problem-based learning and continuing professional development.
They emphasize the need for clinical reasoning, integrative
thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork and
self-directed learning - all desirable generic skills for health
care professionals. This volume contains a selection of cases on
assisted reproduction that will inform and challenge reproductive
medicine practitioners at all stages in their careers. Both common
and uncommon cases are included. The aim is to reinforce diagnostic
skill through careful analysis of individual presenting patterns,
and to guide treatment decisions. Each case consists of a clinical
history, examination findings and special investigations, before a
diagnosis is made. Clinical issues raised by each case are
discussed and major teaching points emphasized. Selective
references are provided. The book provides a useful complementary
adjunct to existing textbooks of reproductive medicine, and an
excellent resource for teaching and continuing professional
The Threshold of Democracy re-creates the intellectual dynamics of
one of the most formative periods in Western history. In the wake
of Athenian military defeat and rebellion, advocates of democracy
have reopened the Assembly, but stability remains elusive. As
members of the Assembly, players must contend with divisive issues
like citizenship, elections, remilitarization, and dissent.
Foremost among the troublemakers: Socrates.
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