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6 matches in All Departments
Morphology.- The Pineal Gland of Mammals: Some Open Morphological
Questions.- Demonstration of Nerve Fibers Immunoreactive to
met-Enkephalin, leu-Enkephalin, and ss-Endorphin in the Bovine
Pineal Gland.- Comparative Studies of VIP-, PHI-, and
NPY-Immunoreactive Nerve Fibers in the Pineal Gland of the Sheep.-
Biochemistry.- Pharmacological Regulation of Receptor-Mediated
Indoleamine Metabolism in the Mammalian Pineal Gland.- Regulation
of Melatonin Synthesis and Release: Paracrine Relationships in
Mammalian Pineal Gland.- New Aspects Concerning the Regulation of
Pineal Indoleamine Metabolism: Implications for Neuroimmunology.-
The Use of Perifusion Technique in the Research of Pineal
Neuroendocrinology. The Role of Different Neurotransmitters in the
Regulation of Pineal Melatonin Secretion.- Interferon-? Modulates
Indoleamine Metabolism in Rat Pineal Gland in Organ Culture.-
Melatonin Receptors.- High-affinity Melatonin Receptors in Mammals:
Localization, G-Protein Coupling and Signal Transduction.-
Melatonin Receptors in Discrete Areas of Rat and Hamster Brain:
Modulation by Melatonin, Testosterone and the Photoperiod.-
Melatonin Binding Sites in the Nervous and Immune Systems.-
2-?125I? Iodomelatonin Binding in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues.-
Melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract.- Biochemical
Characteristics of Melatonin Receptors in Different Organs and
Translation of Hormonal Signal in the Nucleus.- Physiology.- Annual
Changes in the Daily Pattern of Melatonin Synthesis and Release.-
Integration of Environmental Signals by the Pineal Gland and its
Significance for Seasonality in Small Mammals.- Opioid Involvement
in Melatonin Action.- Effect of Melatonin on NADH-Oxidoreductase
Activity and Cyclic Nucleotide Levels in Rat Adrenals.- Temporal
Profile of Superoxide Dismutase Activity in the Pineal Gland and
the Liver of Rats.- Pineal-Harderian Gland Interactions:
Morphological and Physiological Evidences for an Endocrine Function
of the Syrian Hamster Harderian Gland.- Melatonin Enhances
GABA-Mediated Effects when Administered by Micropressure Ejection
in Single Unit Neuronal Recordings.- Immunology.- Action of
Melatonin on Immune System.- Opioids in Immune Cells.- Spleen
Morphology and Lymphoproliferative Activity in Short Photoperiod
Exposed Hamsters.- Melatonin Reconstitutes the Decreased CFU-S
Content in the Bone Marrow of Hypothalamus - Lesioned Mice.-
Oncology.- Melatonin Action on Oncogenesis.- The Effects of
Melatonin and Melatonin Analogues on the P388, DLD-1 and MCF-7
Tumor Cell Lines.- Is there a Role for the Pineal Gland in
Neoplastic Growth?.- Clinical Studies.- Melatonin, Immunity and
Cancer in Humans.- Evidence for a Sex-Specific Facilitatory Effect
of Melatonin on Prolactin Secretion. Is Pineal-Prolactin
Interaction Relevant to the Clinical Course of Breast Cancer?.-
Pineal-Interleukin 2 Interactions and their Possible Importance in
the Pathogenesis of Immune Dysfunctions in Cancer.- Significance of
Melatonin to Chronobiology: Immunological Correlations.- Circadian
Profile of Serum Melatonin in Cushing's Syndrome and Acromegaly.-
Urinary 6-Sulfatoxymelatonin Excretion in Breast Cancer Patients
and Control Subjects.- Interindividuel Differences in the Responses
of Serum and Salivary Melatonin to Light.- Contributors.
Melatonin: Biosynthesis, Physiological Effects, and Clinical
Applications provides a thorough review of recent advances in major
areas of melatonin research. The book is arranged in a logical
sequence, beginning with the history of melatonin and then
proceeding to cover its biochemistry and secretion, physiological
effects, and clinical significance. New findings and current
concepts are emphasized, and a significant amount of previously
unpublished data are included. The book will be an important
reference for neurobiologists, cell biologists, ophthalmologists,
endocrinologists, neuroendocrinologists, reproductive biologists,
psychiatrists, and other researchers and clinicians interested in
Research related to the pineal gland has advanced rapidly in the
last three decades since the discovery of its most important
hormone, melatonin. This indoleamine has been shown to have a large
variety of effects in the organism; the bulk of these actions were
initially thought to relate the pineal gland to the reproductive
and endocrine systems. It is now apparent, however, that the
physiologic interactions of the pineal and its hormones far
transcend its control of endocrine function. One field of pineal
research that has developed rapidly within the last 5 years has
been the demonstration of its relationship to the immune system.
Since the pineal gland is part of the central nervous system, these
observations generally fall in the category of neuroimmunology, an
area that, in its own right, has received a great deal of attention
in the last decade. Thus, a NATO Advanced Study Course entitled
"Role of Melatonin and Pineal Pep tides in Neuroimmunomodulation"
was convened in Erice, Sicily, on June 3-9, 1990. This book is a
result of the scientific presentations given at the workshop. The
contributions to the book include mini-review articles which
summarized the presentations of the invited speakers as well as a
selected number of brief communications where the subject matter
was in line with the theme of the Advanced Study Course.
Harderian glands, first described by Jacob Harder in two species of
deer in 1694, are large, intraorbital glands which, with but few
exceptions, are found in all land vertebrates. Certainly, their
relatively large size, their phylogenetic age, and persistent
conservation in all groups as they emerged from an aqueous to an
air/land environment lend strong support to the logical deduction
that they probably play an important role in the physiological
adaptation to terrestrial life. Yet, few biologists know even what
or where these glands are. For a variety of reasons, the Harderian
glands have not received the attention they deserve and, as a
result, the published works available have been scarce and
scattered throughout the world literature. The current situation is
remarkably similar to that which existed in regard to the pineal
gland prior to the mid-1960s, i. e. , scattered literature, unknown
function, few investigators, and little interest. Yet, following a
few key papers, interest in the pineal gland expanded and soon an
explosive increase in the knowledge and understanding of the pineal
gland took place and continues today. Will history repeat itself?
Originally, a few of us discussed the desirability of an informal
Symposium on the Harderian glands.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL -
Unternehmensfuhrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1,7,
Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft Bergisch Gladbach, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: 1 Einleitung Meistens fehlen einem Unternehmen nicht
neue, wertschopfende Visionen, Strategien oder Ideen, sondern es
scheitert eher an der fehlenden Managementkompetenz zur Umsetzung
der selbigen An diesem Punkt setzt diese Ausarbeitung an. Sie
befasst sich namlich mit dem immer bedeutsameren Thema des
erfolgreichen Einsatzes von Projektmanagement in
Innovationsvorhaben." Die genaue Zielsetzung der Autoren besteht
deshalb in der Frage, wie ein Innovationsvorhaben effektiv und
moglichst effizient durch Projektmanagement in einem Unternehmen
durchgefuhrt werden kann. Hierzu werden im ersten Teil die
Grundlagen uber Innovationen, insbesondere eine Definitionsfindung,
und die Bedeutung von Innovationsprojekten fur ein Unternehmen
erlautert, da aufgrund der breitgefacherten Thematik eine
umfassende Erklarung zum Verstandnis notig ist. Das zu vermittelnde
Wissen des nachsten Teils richtet sich grosstenteils an die dabei
entstehenden Herausforderungen durch Innovationshemmnisse und
daraus folgend die Grunde fur das Einsetzen des Projektmanagements.
Anschliessend liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Berucksichtigung von
Voruberlegungen eines Innovationsprojekts und der danach startenden
Projektplanung. Der Endteil der Ausarbeitung schildert die
verschiedenen Massnahmen und moglichen Konzepte bei der
Projektdurchfuhrung eines Innovationsvorhabens und schliesst mit
einem reflektierenden Fazit ab. Ausgangspunkt all dieser Aspekte
ist eine Innovation, doch was wird eigentlich darunter genau