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C. Vann Woodward is one of the most significant historians of the
post-Reconstruction South. Over his career of nearly seven decades,
he wrote nine books; won the Bancroft and Pulitzer Prizes; penned
hundreds of book reviews, opinion pieces, and scholarly essays; and
gained national and international recognition as a public
intellectual. Even today historians must contend with Woodward's
sweeping interpretations about southern history. What is less known
about Woodward is his scholarly interest in the history of white
antebellum southern dissenters, the immediate consequences of
emancipation, and the history of Reconstruction in the years prior
to the Compromise of 1877. Woodward addressed these topics in three
mid-century lecture series that have never before been published.
The Lost Lectures of C. Vann Woodward presents for the first time
lectures that showcase his life-long interest in exploring the
contours and limits of nineteenth-century liberalism during key
moments of social upheaval in the South. Historians Natalie J. Ring
and Sarah E. Gardner analyze these works, drawing on
correspondence, published and unpublished material, and Woodward's
personal notes. They also chronicle his failed attempts to finish a
much-awaited comprehensive history of Reconstruction and reflect on
the challenges of writing about the failures of post-Civil War
American society during the civil rights era, dubbed the Second
Reconstruction. With an insightful foreword by eminent Southern
historian Edward L. Ayers, The Lost Lectures of C. Vann Woodward
offers new perspectives on this towering authority on nineteenth-
and twentieth-century southern history and his attempts to make
sense of the past amidst the tumultuous times in which he lived.
For most historians, the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries saw the hostilities of the Civil War and the dashed hopes
of Reconstruction give way to the nationalizing forces of cultural
reunion, a process that is said to have downplayed sectional
grievances and celebrated racial and industrial harmony. In truth,
says Natalie J. Ring, this buoyant mythology competed with an
equally powerful and far-reaching set of representations of the
backward Problem South--one that shaped and reflected attempts by
northern philanthropists, southern liberals, and federal experts to
rehabilitate and reform the country's benighted region. Ring
rewrites the history of sectional reconciliation and demonstrates
how this group used the persuasive language of social science and
regionalism to reconcile the paradox of poverty and progress by
suggesting that the region was moving through an evolutionary
period of "readjustment" toward a more perfect state of
In addition, "The Problem South" contends that the transformation
of the region into a mission field and laboratory for social change
took place in a transnational moment of reform. Ambitious efforts
to improve the economic welfare of the southern farmer, eradicate
such diseases as malaria and hookworm, educate the southern
populace, "uplift" poor whites, and solve the brewing "race
problem" mirrored the colonial problems vexing the architects of
empire around the globe. It was no coincidence, Ring argues, that
the regulatory state's efforts to solve the "southern problem" and
reformers' increasing reliance on social scientific methodology
occurred during the height of U.S. imperial expansion.
First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor &
Francis, an informa company.
Gaming the System takes an active approach to learning about
American government, using novel, exciting, and highly instructive
games to help students learn politics by living it. These timeless
games are the perfect complement to a core textbook in American
government-covering key topics like the Constitution, the Supreme
Court, Congress, political participation, campaigns and elections,
the federal bureaucracy, the social contract, social movements, and
public opinion-and can be applied to specific courses at other
levels, as well. For Instructors: These nine games are designed to
be easily inserted into courses, with all but one fitting into one
class session and all flexible enough to adapt or scale as needed.
Games are designed so that students will be ready to play after
minimal preparation and with little prior knowledge; instructors do
not need to design or prepare any additional materials. An
extensive instructor-only online resource provides everything
needed to accompany each game: summary and discussion of the
pedagogical foundations on active learning and games; instructions
and advice for managing the game and staging under various
logistical circumstances; student handouts and scoresheets, and
more. For Students: These games immerse participants in crucial
narratives, build content knowledge, and improve critical thinking
skills-at the same time providing an entertaining way to learn key
lessons about American government. Each chapter contains complete
instructions, materials, and discussion questions in a concise and
ready-to-use form, in addition to time-saving tools like scorecards
and 'cheat sheets.' The games contribute to course understanding,
lifelong learning, and meaningful citizenship.
Contents: Acknowledgements Foreword Isobel Armstrong Introduction Carl Plasa and Betty J. Ring 1. Looks That Kill: Violence and Representation In Aphra Behn's Oroonoko Anne Fogarty 2. Sex, Slavery and Rights in Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindications Jane Moore 3. That Mild Beam: Enlightenment and Enslavement in William Blake's Visions of the Daughters of Albion Steven Vine 4. Silent Revolt: Slavery and the Politics of Metaphor in Jane Eyre Carl Plasa 5. Anglo-American Connections: Elizabeth Gaskell, Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Iron of Slavery Elizabeth Jean Sabiston 6. Painting by Numbers: Figuring Frederick Douglass Betty J.Ring 7. Perilous Passages in Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Jon Hauss 8. The Irony of Idealism: William Faulkner and the South's Construction of the Mulatto David Lawrence Rogers 9. Prophesying Bodies: Calling for a Politics of Collectivity in Toni Morrison's Beloved Notes on Contributors Index
I am delighted to have been invited to Bath for the opening of this
Third International Congress of Thermology. The connection between
the Congress and the City of Bath is significant. The properties of
sunlight have been recognized throughout the centuries. Indeed,
many ancient religions were based on the worship of the sun gods.
The study of radiant heat was pioneered by Sir William Herschel,
whose experiments led him to the study of heat and ultimately of
infrared radiation. His son, John, furthered these experiments and
formed an image by evaporating alcohol with carbon. In modern
technology, infrared radiation plays a vital role in a wide range
of applications. Thermal imaging is widely used in the
manufacturing industries, especially plastics, glass and paper. The
motor industry, for example, employs thermography in the design of
windscreens and tire development. Chemical plants and refineries
also use it in the important control of expensive energy losses.
The communications industry makes extensive use of thermal imaging
since overheating and cracks in insulation may cause the
unscheduled shut-down of expensive equipment. There is now a
special thermal imaging system for the examination of very large
scale integrated circuits to help in the development of diagnostic
tools for examining circuits which now have features of 1 micron in
size, making the conventional method of mechanical probing
impossible. This revolution in probing will enable us to maintain
the high levels of quality control which are essential in the
communications industry.
Infrared Astronomy is a relatively new subject but it has already
radically altered our ideas about astronomical sources. Recent
progress in this subject is the result of improved detection
techniques, particularly the use of detectors at liquid helium
temperatures. Unfortunately, the terrestrial atmosphere greatly
restricts Infrared astronomers by allowing them to detect radiation
only in narrow transmission win dows and by presenting a foreground
emission which limits the faintness of observable sources. It is
only from aircraft or balloon altitudes that we can begin to
observe faint sources over the complete range of wavelengths
between the visible and the radio regions. Few such observations
have yet been made and none from satellites, although the latter
vehicle will offer complete freedom from atmospheric effects. New
developments and intermediate steps will be required before the
ultimate aim of flying in space can be achieved. It is not
surprising therefore that the Fifth Eslab/Esrin Symposium should
deal with this problem. This book contains the proceedings of the
Symposium and faithfully records all discussions. The Symposium
covered the present situation and future perspectives of IR
techniques. International leaders in the field reviewed the results
to date and the possible developments in telescope systems,
detectors, cryogenics, filters, and interferometers. Individual con
tributions were made by European and U. S. scientists in each of
these fields."
From the first to the third of August, 1980, an international sym
posium entitled "New Trends in Allergy" was held in Munich,
sponsored by the Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, in
cooperation with the German Society for Allergy and Immunity
Research and the European Society for Dermatological Research. The
symposium pursued two main goals: to bring allergy oriented
colleagues from various specialties such as dermatology,
otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, internal medicine, immunology, and
pulmonology together for interdisciplinary contacts and dis
cussions; and to attract internationally known experts in an effort
to disseminate information on new and fundamental develop ments in
allergology. The fact that English has become the lingua franca at
congresses for the exchange of ideas in medical specialties led to
the decision to hold the symposium in English. In spite of the mild
handicap this posed for some participants, it was also a major
factor in the symposium's success. This book contains the papers
delivered by the invited speakers together with the poster
presentations. They cover both basic ex perimental research as well
as clinical problems in allergology."
Gaming the System takes an active approach to learning about
American government, using novel, exciting, and highly instructive
games to help students learn politics by living it. These timeless
games are the perfect complement to a core textbook in American
government-covering key topics like the Constitution, the Supreme
Court, Congress, political participation, campaigns and elections,
the federal bureaucracy, the social contract, social movements, and
public opinion-and can be applied to specific courses at other
levels, as well. For Instructors: These nine games are designed to
be easily inserted into courses, with all but one fitting into one
class session and all flexible enough to adapt or scale as needed.
Games are designed so that students will be ready to play after
minimal preparation and with little prior knowledge; instructors do
not need to design or prepare any additional materials. An
extensive instructor-only online resource provides everything
needed to accompany each game: summary and discussion of the
pedagogical foundations on active learning and games; instructions
and advice for managing the game and staging under various
logistical circumstances; student handouts and scoresheets, and
more. For Students: These games immerse participants in crucial
narratives, build content knowledge, and improve critical thinking
skills-at the same time providing an entertaining way to learn key
lessons about American government. Each chapter contains complete
instructions, materials, and discussion questions in a concise and
ready-to-use form, in addition to time-saving tools like scorecards
and 'cheat sheets.' The games contribute to course understanding,
lifelong learning, and meaningful citizenship.
Dieses Buch, erarbeitet von erfahrenen Dermatologen, Kinderarzten,
Psychologen und Okotrophologen und konzipiert fur den praktisch
tatigen Arzt, gibt Antwort in allen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der
Behandlung und Betreuung von "Neurodermitis-Kindern." Zahlreiche
Farbabbildungen zeigen die grosse klinische Vielfalt der atopischen
Dermatitis und ihrer Differentialdiagnosen. Alle
Behandlungsmoglichkeiten werden ausfuhrlich erlautert,
Provokationsfaktoren, psychosomatische Aspekte und Moglichkeiten
der Pravention werden beschrieben. Im Anhang, Buchempfehlungen fur
Kinder und Erwachsene, Internetadressen, Selbsthilfegruppen und
Adressen von Kliniken die sich auf die Behandlung von Kindern mit
Neurodermitis spezialisiert haben sowie ein in der Klinik
entwickelter Patientenfragebogen."
Die Anzahl der Allergiekranken in Deutschland wird auf 30 Millionen
geschatzt. Ihre arztliche Versorgung erfordert sehr grosse
Erfahrung. Grundlegend ist die korrekte Diagnose. Entsprechend der
Vielfalt allergischer Krankheitsbilder sind die diagnostischen
Methoden vielfaltig und differenziert einzusetzen. Qualifizierte
Spezialisten aus allen allergologisch tatigen Fachgebieten stellen
in diesem Buch das gesamte Spektrum der Diagnostik dar."
Die Erfolge der modern en operativen Medizin sind nicht nur der
Verbesserung der anaesthesiologischen und chirurgischen Technik
sondern auch der gezielten pra-intra";'und postoperativen Infu-
sionstherapie zu verdanken. In den letzten Jahren hat sich klar
erwiesen, daB Volurnenersatz durch kolloidale Plasmae-rsatzmittel
in weiten Grenzen moglich ist und aufgrund der Verbesserung der
FlieBeigenschaften des Blutes gegenUber Vollbluttransfusionen
vorteilhaft sein kann. Extreme Blutverluste ausgenommen, sollte
daher der primare Vo- lurnenersatz nicht mehr durch die_
risikobelastete Transfusion von Fremdblut erfolgen. Wahrend in den
Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika heute den natUr- lichen
Kolloidlosungen (Plasmaproteinlosung/PPL, Hurnanalburnin)
weitgehend der Vorzug gegeben wird, werden in Europa fUr die
Volurnenersatztherapie hauptsachlich kUnstliche Kolloide (Dextran,
Gelatine und Starke) angewandt. PPL und Hurnanalbumin werden aus
menschlichem Plasma- und Placen- tagewebe gewonnen. Urn den
stetigen Bedarf an Plasma deck en zu konnen, wurde die
Plasmapherese entwickelt, wobei Erythrozyten und Plasma durch
Zentrifugation getrennt und erstere dem Spender retransfundiert
werden. Da die wiederholte Plasmapherese erheb- liche
Gesundheitsschaden zur Folge haben kann, wandte sich die World
Health Organisation 1975 in einer Resolution gegen die kommerzielle
Plasmapherese zur Gewinnung und zurn Export von Plasma und
Plasmaderivaten. Im Februar 1977 sah sich auch die
Bundesarztekammer veranlaBt, Richtlinien zur DurchfUhrung der
Plasmapherese zu erlassen. PPL und Hurnanalburnin werden daher in
Zukunft nur dann in groBerem Umfang als bisher zur VerfUgung
stehen, wenn die Indikationsstellung zur Transfusion von Voll- blut
starker zur Anwendung von Blutbestandteilen, d. h. im Sinne der
gezielten Hamotherapie (Stich) geandert werden wird. PPLund
Hurnanalburnin mUssen aufgrund ihrer l.
For most historians, the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries saw the hostilities of the Civil War and the dashed hopes
of Reconstruction give way to the nationalizing forces of cultural
reunion, a process that is said to have downplayed sectional
grievances and celebrated racial and industrial harmony. In truth,
says Natalie J. Ring, this buoyant mythology competed with an
equally powerful and far-reaching set of representations of the
backward Problem South--one that shaped and reflected attempts by
northern philanthropists, southern liberals, and federal experts to
rehabilitate and reform the country's benighted region. Ring
rewrites the history of sectional reconciliation and demonstrates
how this group used the persuasive language of social science and
regionalism to reconcile the paradox of poverty and progress by
suggesting that the region was moving through an evolutionary
period of "readjustment" toward a more perfect state of
In addition, "The Problem South" contends that the transformation
of the region into a mission field and laboratory for social change
took place in a transnational moment of reform. Ambitious efforts
to improve the economic welfare of the southern farmer, eradicate
such diseases as malaria and hookworm, educate the southern
populace, "uplift" poor whites, and solve the brewing "race
problem" mirrored the colonial problems vexing the architects of
empire around the globe. It was no coincidence, Ring argues, that
the regulatory state's efforts to solve the "southern problem" and
reformers' increasing reliance on social scientific methodology
occurred during the height of U.S. imperial expansion.
Policing, incarceration, capital punishment: these forms of crime
control were crucial elements of Jim Crow regimes. White
southerners relied on them to assert and maintain racial power,
which led to the growth of modern state bureaucracies that eclipsed
traditions of local sovereignty. Friction between the demands of
white supremacy and white southern suspicions of state power
created a distinctive criminal justice system in the South,
elements of which are still apparent today across the United
States. In this collection, Amy Louise Wood and Natalie J. Ring
present nine groundbreaking essays about the carceral system and
its development over time. Topics range from activism against
police brutality to the peculiar path of southern prison reform to
the fraught introduction of the electric chair. The essays tell
nuanced stories of rapidly changing state institutions, political
leaders who sought to manage them, and African Americans who
appealed to the regulatory state to protect their rights.
Contributors: Pippa Holloway, Tammy Ingram, Brandon T. Jett, Seth
Kotch, Talitha L. LeFlouria, Vivien Miller, Silvan Niedermeier, K.
Stephen Prince, and Amy Louise Wood
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