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In this broad condemnation of multiculturalism, the author works to
uncover pernicious errors in the arguments of diversity's
proponents and to sound a warning against the dire consequences for
American culture if the tenets of political correctness are
incorporated into our social structure. Schmidt begins by exposing
multiculturalism, not as a movement aimed at expanding democratic
ideals, but rather as a crypto-Marxist political ideology that
seeks to import Marxist concepts into social and cultural
institutions. Subsequent chapters then illuminate a number of
dismaying trends: a tendency toward historical revisionism in
multiculturalist arguments, the sly linguistic maneuvering and
limits on speech that characterize political correctness, and the
dismantling of the traditional image of the family unit-the primary
building block of American society. Schmidt concludes with a
rousing admonition to expel from our midst the latter-day Trojan
horse that is multiculturalism. Casting a troubled glance over the
list of social ills plaguing America today-besieged inner cities,
divisive racial politics, diminishing educational standards, and
rampant divorce and illegitimacy-we have cause to wonder whether
the advocates of multiculturalism represent the solution or the
source of the problem. In this rousing condemnation of the
multiculturalist agenda, the author fixes an unflinching critical
gaze on the subtle deceptions and wrongheaded conclusions at work
in the arguments for cultural pluralism, moral relativism, and
political correctness. An exhaustive and damning account of
multiculturalism's wages and a compelling argument for the
importance of traditional American values make this book essential
reading for anyone concerned about our country's present plight and
future prospects.
An in-depth guide to divestiture for financial and corporate
planning executives, this volume offers comprehensive information
about divestiture strategies, the rationale for divestiture, the
effects on employees and other corporate stakeholders, and the
internal management problems that can accompany divestiture
proposal and implementation. In addition, the author offers full
coverage of the various divestiture techniques including direct
sale, spin-offs, employee stock option plans, and leveraged
buy-outs. Schmidt demonstrates that divestiture is often the best
solution for a corporation faced with the need to raise cash,
dispose of properties that do not fit with the firM's overall
strategic plan, or remain competitive in today's global
This volume offers an in-depth guide to one technique--
divestiture--which is increasingly a component of financial
restructuring plans. Written for the financial and corporate
planning executives who must recommend or direct divestiture
operations, the book offers comprehensive information about
divestiture strategies, the rationale for divestiture, the effects
on employees and other corporate stakeholders, and the internal
management problems that can accompany divestiture proposal and
implementation. In addition, the author offers full coverage of the
various divestiture techniques including direct sale, spin-offs,
Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) and Leveraged Buy-Outs (LBOs).
Schmidt demonstrates that divestiture is often the best solution
for a corporation faced with the need to raise cash, dispose of
properties that do not fit with the firM's overall strategic plan
or show unsatisfactory returns, or remain competitive in today's
global markets. His book will be an important resource for anyone
involved in the divestiture decisionmaking process.
Schmidt begins by tracing the major acquisition and divestiture
activity of the past 30 years. He identifies the business
environmental changes and regulatory actions that have fueled the
current high level of divestiture activity, examines the political
environment of divestiture, and explores the relationship between
international expansion and divestiture. Turning to a discussion of
the divestiture decision itself, Schmidt addresses such issues as
divestiture segment valuation, the effects of divestiture on
resources, the managerial implications and the psychological
effects of divestiture. Subsequent chapters analyze the
considerations that must be taken into account in any divestiture
decision and present specific divestiture techniques. In his
concluding chapter, Schmidt looks at future trends in corporate
In this volume expert researchers in the field detail many of the
methods which are now commonly used to study RNA. These methods are
presented as a guidebook to scientists who are experienced with RNA
research and want to brush up on a new technique. Written in the
highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format,
chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of
the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily
reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting
and avoiding known pitfalls. Thorough and intuitive, RNA-RNA
Interactions: Methods and Protocols guides scientists investigating
biological systems and studying RNA.
The essays in this collection are the outgrowth of a workshop, held
in June 1976, on formal approaches to the semantics and pragmatics
of natural languages. They document in an astoundingly uniform way
the develop ments in the formal analysis of natural languages since
the late sixties. The avowed aim of the' workshop was in fact to
assess the progress made in the application of formal methods to
semantics, to confront different approaches to essentially the same
problems on the one hand, and, on the other, to show the way in
relating semantic and pragmatic explanations of linguistic
phenomena. Several of these papers can in fact be regarded as
attempts to close the 'semiotic circle' by bringing together the
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic properties of certain
constructions in an explanatory framework thereby making it more
than obvious that these three components of an integrated
linguistic theory cannot be as neatly separated as one would have
liked to believe. In other words, not only can we not elaborate a
syntactic description of (a fragment of) a language and then
proceed to the semantics (as Montague pointed out already
forcefully in 1968), we cannot hope to achieve an adequate
integrated syntax and semantics without paying heed to the
pragmatic aspects of the constructions involved. The behavior of
polarity items, 'quantifiers' like any, conditionals or even
logical particles like and and or in non-indicative sentences is
clear-cut evidence for the need to let each component of the
grammar inform the other."
"""Start 'Em Right . Keep 'Em Playing" breaks down the basic
fundamental skills of softball by incorporating interactive and
goal oriented drills and challenges for young children. Not only
does this book teach players and parents basic softball skills but
the intangible life lessons of respect, accountability, and
resiliency.""-Kim Maher, head coach, Purdue Softball, 1996 Olympic
Gold Medalist
All too often, children lose interest in playing baseball and
softball because of poor coaching practices or too much emphasis on
winning instead of having fun. Parent and fifteen-year Little
League coach Mike Schmidt will show you how to bring back the joy
of the game for kids, parents, and coaches alike.
Schmidt focuses on the all-important basic elements of catching,
fielding, throwing, hitting, and base running. He also includes
tips and insights into the emotional and psychological aspects of
building good players and making a winning team.
Most importantly, you'll learn how to start children on the
right path, help them conquer their fears, and make practices at
home or on the ball field exciting and fun. Master the art of youth
coaching and bring families and communities together for a
wonderful athletic experience, year after year.
"Will delight the visual learner. ... For the college student, the
general reader, and the merely curious". -- American Reference Book
"Schmidt has filled a large gap. ... Superior quality, wide
coverage, and considerable excellence". -- Journal of World
This book presents a historically situated explanation of the rise
of global water governance and the contemporary challenges that
global water governance seeks to address. It is particularly
concerned with connecting what are often technical issues in water
management with the social and political structures that affect how
technical and scientific advice affects decisions. Schmidt and
Matthews are careful to avoid the pitfalls of setting up opposing
binaries, such as 'nature versus culture' or 'private versus
public', thereby allowing readers to understand how contests over
water governance have been shaped over time and why they will
continue to be so. Co-written by an academic and a practitioner,
Global Challenges in Water Governance combines the dual concerns
for both analytical clarity and practical applicability in a way
that is particularly valuable both for educators, researchers,
decision-makers, and newcomers to the complexities of water use
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as
"Zechmeister after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under
the Springer Imprint ever since the series inauguration in 1938.
The volumes contain contributions on various topics related to the
origin, distribution, chemistry, synthesis, biochemistry, function
or use of various classes of naturally occurring substances ranging
from small molecules to biopolymers. Each contribution is written
by a recognized authority in his field and provides a comprehensive
and up-to-date review of the topic in question. Addressed to
biologists, technologists, and chemists alike, the series can be
used by the expert as a source of information and literature
citations and by the non-expert as a means of orientation in a
rapidly developing discipline.
This issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine will cover Precision
Medicine in Practice: Molecular Diagnosis Enabling Precision
Therapies. Curated by Dr. Ryan J. Schmidt, this issue is one of
four selected each year by the series Consulting Editor, Milenko
Tanasijevic. The volume will include articles on: Features of a
Comprehensive Precision Medicine Program for Constitutional Genetic
Disorders, Establishing a Precision Medicine Center of Excellence
for Rare Disease, High-throughput DNA Sequencing for Rare Disease
Diagnosis, Enhancing Diagnosis through RNA Sequencing,
Interpretation of Rare Genetic Variants, Clinical Bioinformatics,
Precision Therapies for Retinal Dystrophy, Precision Therapies for
Muscular Dystrophy, Therapeutic Gene Editing, High Throughput
Functional Studies of Genetic Variants, and Patient-specific
Disease Models.
This collection of papers published in the last forty years
documents the author's journey from philosophy of language to text
theory and then to an empirical science of literature, ending with
a concept of literary studies as a legitimate part of media culture
studies. The main emphasis is placed on communication as a social
system. The approach used in the book is strictly interdisciplinary
in order to cope with the complexity of the different types of
human communication, ranging from everyday talk to literary
communication or advertising. Radical Constructivism provides the
epistemological basis for this approach - a basis that has
undergone important modifications in the course of the author's
Heidegger's Ways (Paperback)
Hans Georg Gadamer; Translated by John W. Stanley; Introduction by Dennis J Schmidt
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Dieser Sammelband präsentiert zentrale Forschungsbeiträge der
Konferenz DERMARKENTAG 2021. Die alle zwei Jahre stattfindende
Tagung führt Markenforscher und Markenpraktiker zusammen und
greift jeweils aktuelle Impulse, Diskussionen und
Forschungserkenntnisse zur Zukunft der Markenforschung auf. Im
Fokus der Konferenz 2021 stand die Schnittstelle Marken/Design.
Alle Konferenzbeiträge haben einen doppelt-blinden
Begutachtungsprozess durchlaufen. Themenkreise dieses Tagungsbandes
sind: Design und Management von Markenbeziehungen, Effekte und
Design digitaler Markenkommunikation, Erfassung und Interpretation
von Markenimages, Diskurse zur Relevanz der Markenforschung.Â
"an entertaining and informative history of the place of fraternal
organizations in American culture. Recommended for academic and
larger public libraries." Library Journal
This text is definitive, scientific, readable, and offers a
reference and text for specialist gynecologists, psychiatrists, and
psychologists working at a high level in their respective
professions. It is an academic text of the highest level being
authoritative and comprehensive.
It has the correct balance between the specialties of psychiatry
and gynecology and an international team of contributors from
Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
This book covers a significant number of R&D projects,
performed mostly after 2000, devoted to the understanding and
prevention of performance degradation processes in polymer
electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs). The extent and severity of
performance degradation processes in PEFCs were recognized rather
gradually. Indeed, the recognition overlapped with a significant
number of industrial dem- strations of fuel cell powered vehicles,
which would suggest a degree of technology maturity beyond the
resaolution of fundamental failure mechanisms. An intriguing
question, therefore, is why has there been this apparent delay in
addressing fun- mental performance stability requirements. The
apparent answer is that testing of the power system under fully
realistic operation conditions was one prerequisite for revealing
the nature and extent of some key modes of PEFC stack failure. Such
modes of failure were not exposed to a similar degree, or not at
all, in earlier tests of PEFC stacks which were not performed under
fully relevant conditions, parti- larly such tests which did not
include multiple on-off and/or high power-low power cycles typical
for transportation and mobile power applications of PEFCs.
Long-term testing of PEFCs reported in the early 1990s by both Los
Alamos National Laboratory and Ballard Power was performed under
conditions of c- stant cell voltage, typically near the maximum
power point of the PEFC.
Western civilization is becoming increasingly pluralistic,
secularized, and biblically illiterate. Many people today have
little sense of how their lives have benefited from Christianity s
influence, often viewing the church with hostility or resentment.
How Christianity Changed the World is a topically arranged
Christian history for Christians and non- Christians. Grounded in
solid research and written in a popular style, this book is both a
helpful apologetic tool in talking with unbelievers and a source of
evidence for why Christianity deserves credit for many of the
humane, social, scientific, and cultural advances in the Western
world in the last two thousand years. Photographs, timelines, and
charts enhance each chapter. This edition features questions for
reflection and discussion for each chapter."