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To appreciate this book readers must grasp the symbolism of its
title and front page depicting the author's life story, sometimes
in rough seas. At three/four years old he was strongly aware of a
call into the Christian ministry, inspiration for a long, fruitful
life - growing up and helping on their South African farm,
commuting to grammar school on horseback - together enough miles to
ride three times from New York to California; struggling
financially to become a clergyman. His autobiography is
interspersed with short unbelieveable biographies of several
classmates and what life was like. Read The Sturdy Warrior (Chapter
V) and Albert Schweitzer of the Bush Veld Chapter X. With several
appropriate degrees he migrated to Princeton Theological Seminary,
United States of America, and became a learned professor. But then
the delicate call that had driven him since a small boy was smashed
beyond repair. Versility enabled him to commute to Wall Street for
a new career, finding that nobody can smash a genuine call to those
designated to belong to God's universal Kingdom. Symbolic pulpits
and lecturns are hidden everywhere. He sought, find, and applied
them with the eagerness of the Roman saying age quod agis - do what
you are doing. How did it go? Please find the sequel to this book
It was a great honour and a mark of our friendship that RENE
DJINDJIAN asked me to present this new work from the Lariboisiere
neuroradiological school. Professor DJINDJIAN died on 11th October.
Introducing this book now, I feel that I am dealing with a
fatherless child, where feelings of admiration and pleasure are
mixed with the sadness of the loss and the bitterness of an
unfinished task. This work on the superselective angiography of the
branches of the external carotid artery is a direct continuation of
the previous studies of Professor DJINDJIAN, whose name will
continue to be closely associated with the development and progress
of arteriography in recent years, particularly with arteriography
of the spinal cord. It was realised together with his pupil,
JEAN-JACQUES MERLAND, whose remarkable thesis for the Doctorat en
Medecine a few years ago also dealt with this subject, and with the
collaboration of JACQUES THERON, also for many years a pupil of
RENE DJINDJIAN, and is translated here by his friend I.F. MOSELEY.
Spinal phlebography is an "indirect" radiologic technique for
investigating verte bromedullary pathology. It is a harmless and
almost painless technique that does not require the introduction of
contrast medium into the subarachnoid spaces. Its interpretation is
based on the modifications of the epidural veins which do not
themselves have any proven pathology. The longitudinal epidural
veins are situated in the anterolateral angles of the spinal canal
between the nerve root and the intervertebral disc. They conse
quently represent a major anatomic landmark in the investigation of
disc pathol ogy because they are compressed by a disc herniation
before the corresponding nerve root is reached. The improvement of
the techniques of lumbar phlebography by catheterization of the
lateral sacral veins and of cervical phlebography by
catheterization of the vertebral veins now permits opacification of
the epidural venous system along the total length of the lumbar and
cervical spine. Spinal phlebography can consequently be used
routinely, primarily in disc pathology but now also in other fields
of vertebromedullary pathology such as myelopathy, tumors, or
stenosis of the spinal canal, where it provides new information as
compared to the other techniques of investigation. The techniq ue
and results of spinal phlebography in these various conditions are
presented in this monograph which is an attempt, with the
collaboration of several authors, to summarize current knowledge in
this field. Only lumbar and cervical phlebography will be discussed
in this monograph.
To appreciate this book readers must grasp the symbolism of its
title and front page depicting the author's life story, sometimes
in rough seas. At three/four years old he was strongly aware of a
call into the Christian ministry, inspiration for a long, fruitful
life - growing up and helping on their South African farm,
commuting to grammar school on horseback - together enough miles to
ride three times from New York to California; struggling
financially to become a clergyman. His autobiography is
interspersed with short unbelieveable biographies of several
classmates and what life was like. Read "The Sturdy Warrior"
(Chapter V) and "Albert Schweitzer of the Bush Veld" Chapter X.
With several appropriate degrees he migrated to Princeton
Theological Seminary, United States of America, and became a
learned professor. But then the delicate call that had driven him
since a small boy was smashed beyond repair. Versility enabled him
to commute to Wall Street for a new career, finding that nobody can
smash a genuine call to those designated to belong to God's
universal Kingdom. Symbolic pulpits and lecturns are hidden
everywhere. He sought, find, and applied them with the eagerness of
the Roman saying age quod agis - "do what you are doing." How did
it go? Please find the sequel to this book FAITH, HOPE, AND
DETERMINATION and read it.
Readers will greatly benefit reading this book's forerunner SO MUCH
WATER SO LITTLE WOOD for they play in contrasting milieus of
maladministration and usually well administered milieus of the
financial and other worlds. The American Association of Universty
Professors deserves praise for its penetrating light on that book's
milieu benefitting employees and other educational institutions for
future years. Professions have their unique vocabulary and idioms
of wisdom as does the investment business. Its truth will be
summarized. Business flourished for me. Ruth and I could vacation
and travel - a more pleasant life. Sorrow struck. Ruth had
developed small brain aneurysms and died within four days. Two and
a half years later I married Janice Seybolt Morton, a widow with
two young daughters. Life went on. And Princeton Seminary?
Purposely locked in a forget corner. Then my phone rang. The same
student who wanted a copy of my prayer decades ago, now Seminary
Archivist, looked for my file, but it was forever assigned to
trash. "I still have your prayer," he said. He came for three days,
asking questions and recording my answers. He unlocked the corner.
I had portraits of five deceased, outstanding former colleagues at
Princeton painted for the Seminary, and eventually established
endowments for scholarships and distribution of Bibles in South
Africa, together with liberal contributions for a new library.
Graciously the Seminary dedicated a lecture room in the new library
for me on October 22, 2013. This book fulfills my dream of tribute
to several of my friends at Pretoria University dedicating their
lives to the Kingdom of God. They are all long gone now, one fifty
years ago in 2013, but to all applies the inscription on Johannes
Petrus Potgieter's grave stone at his mission station Rivoni: "THOU
This book covers a concise history of South Africa to the present
beginning with unintended colonization by Holland due to a
shipwreck near the southern tip of Africa. Between these two
markers it touches just briefly on subjects covered more
extensively by the author in his book Out of Ashes, the Boers'
Struggle for Freedom During the English War 1899-1902. Then it
proceeds with the country's political developments. In South
Africa, as all over the world where possible, settlements began
with husbandry and agriculture. Having been born on and grown up on
a farm, the author is salvaging the history of farming methods with
the ox, the horse, the mule, and farming implements, all of which
have now long ebbed away into the distant past. The apartheid era
is covered. The impractical aspect of the theory is well
understood, but the author is fair, and also exposes the frequently
distorted and ignorant opinions that took hold in the western
world, lasting until today. The world did not know, and if it did,
it ignored the massive educational programs for millions, and that,
were it not for the apartheid governments, South Africa with all
its mineral riches, needed in the world, with Russian involvement
would be another Cuba today. Throughout pictures, that are indeed
worth much more than a thousand words, highlight what is beyond
words alone.
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