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A manual designed to prepare the new believer in Christ Jesus for
baptism into His body - the New Testament Church, and to introduce
him or her to biblical doctrines the Christian is to live by.
Man's soul is priceless, of value beyond measure - so valuable only
God's first beloved son could redeem his fallen brothers and
sisters, which he did through the Atonement. A great deal has been
taught within the Body of Christ regarding our need to "crucify the
flesh" and to "live and walk in the spirit" but little has been
taught about one's responsibility concerning their soul. The need,
purpose, goals and objectives of soul care and soul cure are far
too often overlooked or misunderstood. In nine chapters, this book
both reveals God's design for soul care and cure; it provides a
pattern for developing church and community based Pastoral Care
Ministries which, through a discipleship model, can help transform
souls into God's model for humanity. It is a pattern that is both
therapeutically efficacious and soul winning. Soul Care & Soul
Cure is not only a concise introduction to pastoral care and
counseling; it reveals God's plan for the care, cure and
transformation of man's soul. It sets forth a plan which integrates
the principles of biblical theology and effective practices of
psychology, holding true to the tenets of each - a model of
integrative soul care & cure. Soul Care & Soul Cure is an
essential tool for pastors, chaplains, counselors, Christian
workers, counseling students and all who are interested in the
care, cure and transformation of man's soul.
AFFI Eldership Training Manual is designed to equip men and women
called by God, and aspiring to fill the role of Elder within the
local church. It is designed with a dual purpose: 1] to mentor
those aspiring to become elders, as well as those who are elders,
equipping them to become mature Christians who are fulfilling the
Scriptural mandates for Elders - to teach, preach, and nurture the
flock assigned them; 2] the manual is designed to aid elders in
their principle duty of disciple-making. Each chapter incorporates
specific lessons that, when practiced, help build up Christians to
become mature, fully realized sons and daughters of God.
This manual is designed as a guide for all Agape Family Fellowship
Pastors, Evangelists, Ministers, Missionaries, Teachers and others
committed to carrying the Gospel to the lost and unsaved. It is not
"The last word," but a living document, reflecting the mission,
purpose, goals and objectives of this ministry.
Is there really life after death? More specifically, do humans
really die? When life on earth is finished, is there another
dimension, or dimensions, one goes to - such as heaven and hell?
Come, take a journey with me - struggle with the demons of
darkness, experience victory through angelic intervention
dispatched from heaven above; watch with overwhelming emotion, as
the passion play of the cosmos is reenacted before youl then,
journey on to stand before the Throne of God and see what Isaiah
the Prophet saw so long ago, when he wrote: "I saw the Lord seated
on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of His robe filled the
temple. Above Him were seraphs ... and they were calling to one
another: "Holy, holy. holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is
full of His glory" (Isaiah 6:1-3). What a sight that must have been
Doc's children and stepchildren (my children) and I (Paula, Doc's
wife), gathered around Doc's hospital bed in the Critical Care Unit
a level above the Intensive Care Unit), watching him lying there in
a coma, twitching and jerking, and expressing himself in garbled
speech none of us knew nor could understand; hoping he might regain
consciousness. But, as I sat by his bedside, it became apparent he
was not just garbling - he was speaking to entities unseen but very
real. Being one who believes in life-after-death, and one who
customarily journals, I began documenting Doc's struggle with
unseen beings, his victory over them, and over death; his
subsequent victorious struggle in recovery as he altered his diet
to shed more than 250 pounds, regain his health and strength, and
then learned to walk again - at age 77 - after being disabled and
wheelchair bound for ten years Doc's story my husband of 27 years]
is nothing short of a miracle. His story is bound to inspire and
encourage all who are facing death, as well as those whose health
has deteriorated over the years, to the point that they have given
This manual is one of the series of ministry manuals of Agape
Family Fellowship International, an imperative volume in the
library of every AFFI pastor, evangelist, teacher and student.
This manual is designed to prepare the baptismal candidate for his
or her baptism and to start them on the road of discipleship. It
introduces the candidate to the Mission, Purpose and History of
Agape Family Fellowship International, instructs them in the AFFI
Statement of Faith and Basic Doctrines of Christianity. It
concludes with a baptismal vow designed for the candidate to sign.
After the baptism. the candidate should be given an executed copy
of the AFFI Baptismal Certificate.
Church traditions developed within the past 200 years have obscured
Christ's and his apostles' teachings concerning important end-time
events, including doctrines such as" * The Return of Israel to
Jerusalem -- who will return and when? * The Battle of The Great
Day of the Lord, often referred to as the Battle of Armageddon --
what nations will be involved, where will the battle take place,
and when will it occur. * The United States in Bible prophecy *
Iran in Bible prophecy * International Gangs such as MS-13 and
MS-18 in Bible prophecy. * The predicted marriage between Iran, A;
Qaeda and the International Gangs