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Curious about the world around you? Brushing up for Trivia Night?
Studying for a test? Looking for new dinner-table discussion
topics? Take a deep-dive into subjects you may have learned about
in school, but not in the kind of depth you wanted or needed.
Entertaining, educational, and full of interesting information, Fun
Facts to Engage Students: Questions to Inspire Thinking and
Learning includes hundreds of multiple-choice, true/false, and
open-ended questions about myriad topics ranging from astronomy to
zoology, history to modern technology. Written for all ages and
grade levels, Fun Facts to Engage Students takes everyone-from
children to seniors, casually curious to trivia buffs-down a path
of learning, enrichment, and enlightenment. Special Did You Know
facts provide a more detailed look into the topics and leave you
thirsting for more.
On July 1, 1941, the world's first television commercial aired on
NBC advertising what? What sport was once called "battledore"?
Which president made his millions as a geologist, traveling the
world as an expert in gold mining? Holding a trivia night?
Preparing for trivia night? Looking for discussion topics for the
dinner table? Simply interested in history? Entertaining,
educational, and full of fun facts, All Things History includes
hundreds of multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and
open-ended questions that provide an opportunity for you to not
only test your knowledge of history, but to learn something new
along the way. Written for all ages in an educational and
entertaining style, All Things History will be your go-to guide to
a broad range of topics-from fashion trends through the decades, to
inventions and discoveries, mythology, sports, creative arts, and
US Presidents. Special Did You Know facts provide a deeper dig into
the topic.
Curious about the world around you? Think you know everything you
need to know about science and scientists, food, animals, space, or
the Earth? Look no further than All Things Science: Learning by
Reading Fun Facts. Jane Flinn tests your knowledge about all those
topics and more in this fun, factual, and educational book. The
multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended
questions offer information, encourage critical thinking, and
provide an opportunity for readers to not only test their knowledge
of all aspects of science, but to learn something new along the
way. Special Did You Know facts expand on the answers and develop
knowledge and deeper understanding of the topic. Readers of all
ages will enjoy exploring the world around them with this engaging
Curious about the world around you? Think you know everything you
need to know about science and scientists, food, animals, space, or
the Earth? Look no further than All Things Science: Learning by
Reading Fun Facts. Jane Flinn tests your knowledge about all those
topics and more in this fun, factual, and educational book. The
multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended
questions offer information, encourage critical thinking, and
provide an opportunity for readers to not only test their knowledge
of all aspects of science, but to learn something new along the
way. Special Did You Know facts expand on the answers and develop
knowledge and deeper understanding of the topic. Readers of all
ages will enjoy exploring the world around them with this engaging
In Little Known Facts about the U. S. Presidents, Jane Flinn, tests
your knowledge about some of the most powerful men in history-and
some of the most colorful. Written for all ages in an educational
and entertaining style, Little Known Facts about the U. S.
Presidents sheds a different light on the life and times of the
most famous U. S. presidents as well as those who have been given
short shrift in the history books despite their contributions to
the building of a great nation. The multiple-choice, true/false,
fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions challenge readers to
dig deeper into the annals of history and discover what they
know-and what they don't know-about the men who have lead our
country and the mark they-and the women who have stood beside
them-have left.
In Little Known Facts about the U. S. Presidents, Jane Flinn, tests
your knowledge about some of the most powerful men in history-and
some of the most colorful. Written for all ages in an educational
and entertaining style, Little Known Facts about the U. S.
Presidents sheds a different light on the life and times of the
most famous U. S. presidents as well as those who have been given
short shrift in the history books despite their contributions to
the building of a great nation. The multiple-choice, true/false,
fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions challenge readers to
dig deeper into the annals of history and discover what they
know-and what they don't know-about the men who have lead our
country and the mark they-and the women who have stood beside
them-have left.
On July 1, 1941, the world's first television commercial aired on
NBC advertising what? What sport was once called "battledore"?
Which president made his millions as a geologist, traveling the
world as an expert in gold mining? Holding a trivia night?
Preparing for trivia night? Looking for discussion topics for the
dinner table? Simply interested in history? Entertaining,
educational, and full of fun facts, All Things History includes
hundreds of multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and
open-ended questions that provide an opportunity for you to not
only test your knowledge of history, but to learn something new
along the way. Written for all ages in an educational and
entertaining style, All Things History will be your go-to guide to
a broad range of topics-from fashion trends through the decades, to
inventions and discoveries, mythology, sports, creative arts, and
US Presidents. Special Did You Know facts provide a deeper dig into
the topic.
Entertaining, educational trivia book. Fun facts, worldwide trivia,
you will find in The Best Trivia Book Ever Written A trivia book
for all ages. World famous trivia author, Queen of Trivia Jane C.
Flinn, is the Mother Goose of Trivia Writers. Queen of Trivia's
goal is to educate through fun trivia on all topics, including
history, geography, science, animals, plants, presidents. Trivia,
fun facts, trivia and more trivia.
"The Best Trivia Book of History " is just what it says the best
trivia book of history. "Queen of Trivia" brings trivia to life in
"The Best Trivia Book of History " This book is a trivia book for
all ages. Learn american history through "The Best Trivia Book Of
History "
'The Best Trivia Book of Geography ' This is one trivia book you
won't be able to put down. 'Queen of Trivia' brings trivia to new
heights in an entertaining, educational style. A geography trivia
book for all ages. Learn worldwide geography through "The Best
Trivia Book of Geography "
Entertaining, educational trivia book. Fun facts, worldwide trivia,
you will find in The Best Trivia Book Ever Learn science trivia,
geography trivia, history trivia, food and drink trivia, plant
trivia, fun facts, art trivia, mythology trivia, presidents trivia,
insects trivia, you will find all this and more in "The Best Trivia
Book Ever " TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA A trivia book for all ages.