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The Unity Reset Program is for those: who are ready to be in a more
consistent flow of peace, health, happiness and harmony within
themselves and with all life; who can honour our individual
uniqueness and cultures, so that we can all enjoy the 'one people
on one planet living in harmony zone' on Earth; who like things
simple that work; who are ready to vibrate themselves beyond the
pattern of duality and limitation; who are ready to let the past go
and see that each moment is brand new and so it is for those who
are ready to use their mental energy in ways that enhance the
whole. Our Unity Reset Program is for those open to enjoying true
unity consciousness with all. Lastly, this program is for those who
are ready for the 'more than everything zone'. To achieve the
above, in our Unity Reset Program we will share inspirational life
stories as we apply the science of Unity, using a system that has
been taught time and time again to many evolving worlds to help
complete their ascension process.
PATHWAYS OF PEACE - In order to move to the next prophesied level
we need to unify in love and focus on paradigms that honour and
respect all life. There is no mystery to the experience of
Divinity; the workings of energy fields are quite simple. What we
focus on grows, we all know this. Some say that it is time also now
to focus on pathways of peace, on things that bind and unify us, a
new operating system. The question is, can we all go beyond all
current day struggle to experience inner and outer lasting peace?
And if so, how? Is there a science or a system we can use for
planetary refinement into peace? Is there a step by step process
that we can adopt? The answer is yes and so we welcome you now to
the poetic insights and pragmatics of our paths of peace. BEING
ESSENCE - In Being Essence, the second part of this book, Jasmuheen
shares of her lifelong love affair with her Essence with Its
ability to nourish us and bring our world into a state of permanent
The Luscious Lifestyle Program, is presented by Jasmuheen for the
Embassy of Peace as a powerful and pragmatic way to enjoy more of
the rhythms of health, happiness and harmony within ourselves and
within our world! Based on Biofield Science principles, this
holistic lifestyle also increases our mental clarity and intuitive
capacities, stimulates the expression of our higher nature and
generally makes us more compassionate, fulfilled and altruistic
people. Our research with this lifestyle over the past two decades
has shown that how we choose to spend our time is the key to loving
life as the daily practice of this specific lifestyle will make us
healthy, happy and harmonised and as we change so do our societies.
By refining ourselves energetically we also realise our highest
potential and experience who we really are, the Self that breathes
us and gives us life. We invite you to dive into and enjoy this
Luscious Lifestyle Program now!
As a commitment to witness, stimulate and record humanity s
co-creation of paradise on earth, Jasmuheen shares her experiences
and insights on this as she travels the globe during 2006 to 2012.
From Russia and the Eastern Bloc countries, through Europe to the
jungles of Colombia and India, Jasmuheen reports on her work with
many open hearted groups that gather with her. In this journal the
reader gains insight on what life is like for someone who is in
full time service with this paradise co-creation agenda. Spending
nearly half of each year on the road, living in hotel rooms,
airports and seminar halls, constantly adjusting to continually
changing weather patterns, all the while being nourished only by
prana, Jasmuheen manages to keep herself healthy and happy
regardless of the many challenges she faces for despite all of this
she grows and learns and thoroughly enjoys meeting with all the
beautiful light filled people that she now constantly meets in this
Cosmic Wanderers Homeward Bound In Cosmic Wanderers Homeward Bound
story-teller Jasmuheen brings it all to the Universal stage, to
address intergalactic warfare, Earth as a garden of Eden, her
future and past, plus prophecy & global change. Sharing
accepted spiritual intelligence in an entertaining way, Jasmuheen
provides in-depth information on U.F.O. s, walk-ins, abductions,
inter-dimensional life & Beings of Light, Essence extensions of
the Great Central Sun, E.T. genetic manipulation, the alchemy of
futuristic science regarding worlds ascending and the metaphysics
of peace for all. Entwining the ongoing love stories of 8tlan, Tao
Lao, Rani, Tan and other well-loved characters in this series,
ancient esoteric wisdoms are revealed that are so relevant to Earth
today. It is not necessary to have read the previous books in the
Enchanted Kingdom series, to enjoy and appreciate all that this new
book in the E.K. series Cosmic Wanderers - Homeward Bound contains.
UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION Part 3 - Embassy Peace Programs &
Projects for the co-creation of unity and permanent peace on earth.
The complete EMBASSY OF PEACE manual, by metaphysical author and
researcher, Jasmuheen, combines the Luscious Lifestyles Program
with its 8 point lifestyle plan for personal health &
happiness, plus the Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program, and
adds the Embassy's interdimensional Universal Harmonization
Program. Designed to promote individual and global health and
happiness, these programs also promote permanent peace and prepare
earth en-mass to enter into higher paradigms. Parts 1, 2, & 3
cover lifestyle practices, world health and hunger issues plus
extra-terrestrial realities, and more. This booklet covers Part 3
UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM with additional data added in 2010.
PERSONAL HARMONIZATION Part 1 - Embassy Peace Programs &
Projects for the co-creation of unity and permanent peace on earth.
The complete EMBASSY OF PEACE manual, by metaphysical author and
researcher, Jasmuheen, combines the Luscious Lifestyles Program
with its 8 point lifestyle plan for personal health &
happiness, plus the Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program, and
adds the Embassy's interdimensional Universal Harmonization
Program. Designed to promote individual and global health and
happiness, these programs also promote permanent peace and prepare
earth en-mass to enter into higher paradigms. Parts 1, 2, & 3
cover lifestyle practices, world health and hunger issues plus
extra-terrestrial realities, and more. This booklet covers Part 1
fine-tunement data from Jasmuheen's various e-books on metaphysical
GLOBAL HARMONIZATION Part 2 - Embassy Peace Programs & Projects
for the co-creation of unity and permanent peace on earth. The
complete EMBASSY OF PEACE manual, by metaphysical author and
researcher, Jasmuheen, combines the Luscious Lifestyles Program
with its 8 point lifestyle plan for personal health &
happiness, plus the Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program, and
adds the Embassy's interdimensional Universal Harmonization
Program. Designed to promote individual and global health and
happiness, these programs also promote permanent peace and prepare
earth en-mass to enter into higher paradigms. Parts 1, 2, & 3
cover lifestyle practices, world health and hunger issues plus
extra-terrestrial realities, and more. This booklet covers Part 2
Embassy of Peace:- Personal, Global & Universal Harmonization
Programs & Projects for the co-creation of unity and permanent
peace on earth. This manual, by metaphysical author, researcher and
Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen, combines the Luscious Lifestyles
Program with its 8 point lifestyle plan, with the Madonna Frequency
Planetary Peace Program and adds the Embassy's Universal
Harmonization Program. Designed to promote individual and global
health and happiness, these programs also promote permanent peace
and prepare earth en-mass to enter into higher paradigms. Covering
lifestyle practices, world health and hunger issues plus
extra-terrestrial realities, and more, this manual also helps in
the training of the Embassy's Ambassadors of Peace and Diplomats of
Love. Updated in 2010.
'Co-creating Paradise' is Book 2 of the Biofields & Bliss
Series by Australian metaphysical Researcher, Jasmuheen. Filled
with data and tools to transform our personal lives and our
communities back into the state of paradise, BB2 also provides
well-researched data on the world's religions, the ancient wisdom,
quantum physics, the multi-verses plus much more. Book 1 in this
series is Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss. Book 3 is the
Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program.
With more than 40 years of personalized metaphysical research,
Jasmuheen presents her FOUR BODY FITNESS Program in this her 17th
book. BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being: perfect
joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven. If the Recipes
& Programs covered in this book are applied we can all
experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is
neither New Age nor religious dreaming; BIOFIELD BLISS is the
outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000> which
incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles. FOUR BODY FITNESS:
Biofields & Bliss is a simple, pragmatic manual that is
designed to bring us all into a state of both personal and global
paradise. To be achieved by using Biofield Science, this system
deals with environmental field control and can be applied with fast
results. Accepting metaphysical principles and quantum mechanics,
Biofield Science is a bridge for all pathways on earth as it is the
basic mathematics of achieving health and lasting happiness.
FULL COLOUR - A GREAT GIFT! Sacred Scenes & Visionary Verse is
a collection of sacred art by Jasmuheen and visionary prose by
Eltrayan. Covering a vast array of esoteric topics, this beautiful
full colour coffee table book is a thought provoking visual
delight. With more than 70 years of metaphysical research between
them, Jasmuheen and Eltrayan now combine their talents to provide
insight and an inspirational glimpse into the lives of the Holy
messengers and more.
A selection of loving, timeless and insightful channeled messages
through Jasmuheen to inspire and support all through these changing
times. In this book Jasmuheen shares of her personal relationship
with these ones. As Saint Germain once shared with her: The Master
discerns which experience, he or she will have while dwelling in
physical form in God's kingdom. The Master, through all realms of
expression, creates around them in every now moment that which
serves them fully in the awakened state in each now moment ...From
Mother Mary: Spirit and reason go hand in hand and reason will
deliver you to the embrace of spirit, for reason was birthed in
spirit. Reason is like the sheep that come back home to the
shepherd. Times of contemplation will allow you to make peace with
all aspects of your Being; to recognize your humanness and love all
parts of you without judgment. Remember that love is the only real
power of lasting transformation.
Softcover Version:- CRUISING INTO PARADISE with metaphysical author
and artist Jasmuheen is filled with humor, insight, good visuals
and practical life enhancing exercises to amuse people of all ages.
Designed as an esoteric coffee table book it will prompt
introspection, reflection and discussion amongst those interested
in the science of successful holistic living and the paradise
Past lives, future lives and the perfect moments of the present;
perfect love, profound love and painful plus parallel worlds and
the art of dream weaving ...all of this is covered in book 2 of the
Enchanted Kingdom Series as the Queen of the Matrix calls the King
of Hearts to rise. In book one of this series, we witnessed the
redemption of dark hearts with Agra's journey back to the Garden of
Isis plus Tan's quest to reprogram the Terradac's codes. In this
book we discover the gypsy Jacob and his journey of transformation
with a walk-in warlock as they deal with the Dark Ones of power and
find the risen King. Via the stories of Tan and Rani; Loki and
Aphrodite plus Mary and Leila, we expand on the both the ancient
art of sexual tantra and the depth and weaves of love's fields with
its layers of loss and the joy of dream's made whole. Again we
explore the complexity of metaphysical realities of
multi-dimensional realms and share more of the ancient wisdom as it
applies to the field of love.
Three books in one to form a most uplifting trilogy by metaphysical
author Jasmuheen. Queen of the Matrix - Fiddlers of the Fields;
King of Hearts - The Field of Love; and Elysium - Shamballa's
Sacred Symphony. The Elysium prophecy states:- When the Queen of
the Matrix returns the King to her heart, peace will come to all on
Earth, regardless of their part. And when compassion sets the pace
all will find new rhythms, a peace within, and a peace without, to
last beyond millenniums. A cross between Harry Potter, Star Wars,
the Matrix movies and the realms of C.S. Lewis, this new trilogy of
fiction weaves in some of the aboriginal dreamtime legends while
offering insights on past lives and future lives; perfect love and
profound love plus parallel worlds. All of this is covered in this
enchanting trilogy which will enlighten and entertain all ages.
The third book in the Enchanted Kingdom series, ELYSIUM continues
the story of Rani and Tan as they discover the pathways to
Shamballa and develop the Heartland Game. Tracked by both the Dark
Ones as well as other Alchemists that are also focused on the
merging of the worlds, in this book we cover the movement of the
rapture, Shamballa's Shadowlands, parallel worlds plus Earth's rise
into more civilized realms beyond 2012. Guided by the futuristic
Commander of the Starship Elysium we also track the story of the
immortal monk Tao Lao who moves back in time to work with Isabella
and influence a young bomber who is hell bent on revenge. A cross
between Harry Potter, Star Wars, C.S. Lewis & the Matrix
movies, this new trilogy of fiction also weaves in some of the
aboriginal dreamtime legends while offering powerful metaphysical
tools and futuristic insights that will entertain all ages.
In a bid to present a more complete version of her work in
Interdimensional Biofield Technology, metaphysical author Jasmuheen
has now combined the Trilogy of the Biofields & Bliss series
into one complete manual. Dealing with principles of the futuristic
Higher Light Science that are also based on ancient wisdom, Book 1
- "Four Body Fitness" delivers a free, non-religious based
lifestyle to harmonize our internal & external energy flows so
that we can experience our full physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual potential. Book 2 - "Co-creating Paradise" takes this to
the family and community levels while Book 3 - "'The Madonna
Frequency' Planetary Peace Program" looks at very specific global
projects to eliminate war and violence and address basic human
rights and bring peace & prosperity to all in our world.