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With a preface by Ton Kalker. Informed Watermarking is an essential
tool for both academic and professional researchers working in the
areas of multimedia security, information embedding, and
communication. Theory and practice are linked, particularly in the
area of multi-user communication. From the Preface: Watermarking
has become a more mature discipline with proper foundation in both
signal processing and information theory. We can truly say that we
are in the era of "second generation" watermarking. This book is
first in addressing watermarking problems in terms of
second-generation insights. It provides a complete overview of the
most important results on capacity and security. The Costa scheme,
and in particular a simpler version of it, the Scalar Costa scheme,
is studied in great detail. An important result of this book is
that it is possible to approach the Shannon limit within a few
decibels in a practical system. These results are verified on
real-world data, not only the classical category of images, but
also on chemical structure sets. Inspired by the work of Moulin and
O'Sullivan, this book also addresses security aspects by studying
AGWN attacks in terms of game theory. "The authors of Informed
Watermarking give a well-written exposA(c) of how watermarking came
of age, where we are now, and what to expect in the future. It is
my expectation that this book will be a standard reference on
second-generation watermarking for the years to come." Ton Kalker,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
With a preface by Ton Kalker. Informed Watermarking is an essential
tool for both academic and professional researchers working in the
areas of multimedia security, information embedding, and
communication. Theory and practice are linked, particularly in the
area of multi-user communication. From the Preface: Watermarking
has become a more mature discipline with proper foundation in both
signal processing and information theory. We can truly say that we
are in the era of second generation watermarking. This book is
first in addressing watermarking problems in terms of
second-generation insights. It provides a complete overview of the
most important results on capacity and security. The Costa scheme,
and in particular a simpler version of it, the Scalar Costa scheme,
is studied in great detail. An important result of this book is
that it is possible to approach the Shannon limit within a few
decibels in a practical system. These results are verified on
real-world data, not only the classical category of images, but
also on chemical structure sets.Inspired by the work of Moulin and
O'Sullivan, this book also addresses security aspects by studying
AGWN attacks in terms of game theory. The authors of Informed
Watermarking give a well-written expose of how watermarking came of
age, where we are now, and what to expect in the future. It is my
expectation that this book will be a standard reference on
second-generation watermarking for the years to come. Ton Kalker,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Mit dem Vordringen der Mikroelektronik in Bereiche, die in der
Vergangenheit keinen Bezug zu dieser Technik hatten, wAchst das
InformationsbedA1/4rfnis A1/4ber die MAglichkeiten der Realisierung
von Systemen oder Teilkomponenten in Form integrierter Schaltungen.
Es wird immer wichtiger, den Mikroelektronik-Anwender in die Lage
zu versetzen, selbst System- und Schaltungs-Layouts
herstellungsgerecht zu entwerfen. Das Buch gibt hierzu einen
Aoeberblick A1/4ber den Weg des Entwurfs einer
"Full-Custom-Schaltung." Es liegt ihm als roter Faden ein neues
Entwurfsverfahren zugrunde, das moderne Workstations mit
leistungsfAhigen Rechnern nutzt. Der VLSI-Anwender wird sowohl mit
Entwurfsverfahren vertraut gemacht, als auch mit den
technologischen Randbedingungen fA1/4r den optimalen Systementwurf.