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This book is a collection of papers by leading researchers in
computational semantics. It presents a state-of-the-art overview of
recent and current research in computational semantics, including
descriptions of new methods for constructing and improving
resources for semantic computation, such as WordNet, VerbNet, and
semantically annotated corpora. It also presents new statistical
methods in semantic computation, such as the application of
distributional semantics in the compositional calculation of
sentence meanings. Computing the meaning of sentences, texts, and
spoken or texted dialogue is the ultimate challenge in natural
language processing, and the key to a wide range of exciting
applications. The breadth and depth of coverage of this book makes
it suitable as a reference and overview of the state of the field
for researchers in Computational Linguistics, Semantics, Computer
Science, Cognitive Science, and Artificial Intelligence. "
This book is a collection of papers by leading researchers in
computational semantics. It presents a state-of-the-art overview of
recent and current research in computational semantics, including
descriptions of new methods for constructing and improving
resources for semantic computation, such as WordNet, VerbNet, and
semantically annotated corpora. It also presents new statistical
methods in semantic computation, such as the application of
distributional semantics in the compositional calculation of
sentence meanings. Computing the meaning of sentences, texts, and
spoken or texted dialogue is the ultimate challenge in natural
language processing, and the key to a wide range of exciting
applications. The breadth and depth of coverage of this book makes
it suitable as a reference and overview of the state of the field
for researchers in Computational Linguistics, Semantics, Computer
Science, Cognitive Science, and Artificial Intelligence. ​
Research in robust open-domain text processing has seen
considerable progress in the last couple of decades. It is probably
fair to say that language technology tools have reached
satisfactory performance at the level of syntactic processing.
Therefore, it is timelier than ever to consider deep semantic
processing as a serious task in wide-coverage natural language
processing. This is a step that requires the integration of
syntactic parsing, named entity recognition, anaphora resolution,
thematic role labelling, word sense disambiguation with
fine-grained semantic analysis. Accurate automatic semantic
interpretation of text will benefit newly emerging sub-areas such
as affectivity and sentiment analysis of texts, textual entailment,
and consistency checking, and applications such as automated
question answering, summarisation, and machine translation. This
volume addresses these ambitions by presenting a collection of
papers presented at the first workshop on the Semantics in Text
Processing (STEP 2008), held in Venice from 22 to 24 September
2008. It is divided into three parts: (1) regular papers describing
new results and completed research; (2) reports and descriptions of
state-of-the-art systems that participated in the shared task on
comparing semantic representations; and (3) short papers addressing
ongoing work, novel techniques, or project descriptions. This is
the first volume in \textit{Research in Computational Semantics}
series launched by College Publications. Computational semantics is
a relatively new interdisciplinary area in natural language
processing, focusing on developing techniques to automate the
interpretation of spoken and written natural language. It is an
exciting area combining linguistic insight, logical reasoning, and
knowledge engineering using both symbolic and statistical
techniques to achieve robust and scalable methods for processing
human languages.
Prolog est un langage de programmation tout a fait original.
-Prolog- est l'abreviation de -Programmation logique-, et le lien
qu'il entretient avec la logique est ce qui lui donne sa
specificite. Au coeur de Prolog, reside une idee surprenante: ne
pas dire a l'ordinateur ce qu'il doit faire, mais lui decrire des
situations, et lui faire faire des calculs en lui posant des
questions. Prolog deduira alors logiquement de nouveaux faits
concernant les situations, et donnera en reponse ses deductions.
Pourquoi apprendre Prolog ? Tout d'abord, l'aspect -dis-moi quel
est ton probleme au lieu de me dire comment le resoudre- de son
approche en fait un langage de tres haut niveau, adapte aux
applications riches en connaissances comme l'intelligence
artificielle, la linguistique informatique, ou le web semantique.
En etudiant Prolog, on arrive a une meilleure comprehension de la
facon dont des taches sophistiquees peuvent etre effectuees
informatiquement. De plus, Prolog demande un etat d'esprit
different: il nous apprend a penser declarativement au lieu de
proceduralement. Acquerir cette facon de reflechir et apprendre a
apprecier les liens entre la logique et la programmation font de
l'apprentissage de Prolog a la fois un challenge et une recompense.
Prolog tout de suite est une traduction de Learn Prolog Now ).
Gratuitement accessible en ligne depuis 2001
(www.learnprolognow.org), le texte anglais est devenu l'une des
introductions a la programmation en Prolog les plus populaires,
grace a sa clarte et son approche resolument concrete. Il est tres
largement utilise comme manuel dans les universites du monde
entier, et encore plus largement comme support d'auto-formation.
College publications est fier de proposer la traduction francaise
de ce classique du web. Preparee avec soin, et grace aux remarques
des lecteurs de la version anglaise, cette traduction ne presente
que les implantations de Prolog compatibles avec la norme ISO. Elle
presente aussi le systeme de modules de Prolog, et fournit toutes
les reponses aux exercices. Que vous appreniez Prolog pour elargir
votre comprehension de la logique et de l'informatique, ou pour
vous ouvrir les portes de la riche litterature sur Prolog et le
Traitement Automatique des Langues, vous trouverez certainement ici
tout ce que vous souhaitiez pour apprendre Prolog... tout de suite