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Scholars of the history of theology and the humanities from North
America, Scandinavia and Germany investigate Biblical hermeneutics
from its foundations laid during the Reformation (Luther,
Melanchthon) to its multifaceted effects during the 16th and 17th
centuries. This book specifically focuses on the diversity of the
art of exegesis as exemplified in theological textbooks, sermons
and the divine service.
This volume contains studies on the interdisciplinary exploration
of the intermedial interpretation of the New Testament narrative
material concerning Golgotha in the Early Modern Age. Special
consideration has been given to multifaceted aspects of the history
of theology, exegesis, art, literature and music.
The Old Testament Book of Jonah has attracted considerable
attention ever since ancient Christian times and has stimulated the
production of numerous commentaries, sermons, poetical compositions
and visual depictions. Indeed, the story of Jonah has provoked
heterogeneous adaptions even in the realm of contemporary
literature. This volume contains studies featuring
interdisciplinary exploration of the story's intermedial
interpretation from ancient times through to the 20th century. In
the process it considers multifaceted aspects of theology,
exegesis, literature, culture and art history.
Andreas Gryphius' ALeichabdankungenA (funeral sermons and
speeches), presented here for the first time in a critical edition,
are unique examples of the culture of mourning and consolation
existing in the early modern age. The edition is based on the
posthumous collected edition of 1666. An appendix contains all
those supplements to the first prints of the ALeichabdankungenA
that were not included in the collected edition and all other texts
by Gryphius relating to the persons thus commemorated. The
concluding section supplies the most important bibliographic,
prosopographic, and historical information required.
a ~Go seek, my heart, the joys of lifea (TM) by Paul Gerhardt
(1607-1676) counts among the best-known German church hymns and is
one of the most vivid extant texts from the Age of Baroque. Johann
Anselm Steiger presents an historically sensitive interpretation of
this masterpiece and decodes the Summer Song consistently from its
contexts in the history of piety, lyric poetry and theology. For
the first time, adequate account is taken of theology in the
Baroque, of the spiritual study of nature and of emblematics.
Gerhardt is presented as an exemplar of the poeta doctus who in his
poetry met the multi-facetted erudition of his age on equal terms
and assimilated it in a congenial manner.
Der Sammelband bietet einen facettenreichen UEberblick uber funf
Jahrhunderte Hamburger Kultur- und Christentumsgeschichte und
ordnet zugleich die lokalgeschichtlichen Aspekte in die
ubergreifenden mentalitatsgeschichtlichen Entwicklungen ein. Die
Beitrage spannen einen Bogen von der Reformationszeit uber das
konfessionelle Zeitalter und dasjenige der Aufklarung bis hinein in
das 20. Jahrhundert. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der
Kultur der Gelehrsamkeit am Hamburger Akademischen Gymnasium im
17./18. Jahrhundert (J.A. Fabricius, J.Chr. Wolf, H.S. Reimarus),
der Debatte zwischen Lessing und Johann Melchior Goeze im Rahmen
des sog. Fragmentenstreits, der Grundungsgeschichte der Hamburger
Theologischen Fakultat und der Bedeutung des Wirkens Helmut
Thielickes sowie der Missionswissenschaft als eines Hamburger
Propriums. Zudem enthalt der Band innovative Studien zur Hamburger
Erweckungsbewegung (Sieveking/Averdieck) sowie zu Johann Hinrich
Wichern. Ein programmatischer Beitrag zur Standortbestimmung der
wissenschaftlichen Theologie im universitaren Kontext angesichts
der voranschreitenden Sakularisierung richtet den Blick in die
Zukunft. Ein detailliertes Verzeichnis samtlicher in Hamburg
Promovierter (380 Personen) sowie aller Ehrendoktoren beschliesst
den Band.
The volume presents the first edited version in existence of the
autobiography of the mystic spiritualist Friedrich Breckling
(1629-1711), which has come down to us in manuscript form. The
source is given detailed commentary and contains precise
genealogical information on Breckling's family situation and on his
career, including the specific complexion of his close-meshed
communication network. In this work, autobiography, chronicle, and
apocalyptic tractate combine to form a hybrid literary genre that
can rightfully claim special, if not unique, status among the 'ego
documents' of the early modern age. Detailed indexes round off the
Hamburg gilt als wegweisende europaische Metropolregion der Fruhen
Neuzeit und der Epoche der Aufklarung. Gleichwohl fehlt in
zahlreichen Hinsichten eine angemessene Erhellung der
Stadtgeschichte. Dieser Band bietet eine Vielzahl von innovativen
Beitragen zu wichtigen Aspekten der Literatur-, Wissenschafts-,
Musik-, Alltags-, Kunst- und Kirchengeschichte der Hansestadt und
fullt damit zahlreiche Wissenslucken."