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This book contains a unified treatment of a class of problems of
signal detection theory. This is the detection of signals in addi
tive noise which is not required to have Gaussian probability den
sity functions in its statistical description. For the most part
the material developed here can be classified as belonging to the
gen eral body of results of parametric theory. Thus the probability
density functions of the observations are assumed to be known, at
least to within a finite number of unknown parameters in a known
functional form. Of course the focus is on noise which is not
Gaussian; results for Gaussian noise in the problems treated here
become special cases. The contents also form a bridge between the
classical results of signal detection in Gaussian noise and those
of nonparametric and robust signal detection, which are not con
sidered in this book. Three canonical problems of signal detection
in additive noise are covered here. These allow between them
formulation of a range of specific detection problems arising in
applications such as radar and sonar, binary signaling, and pattern
recognition and classification. The simplest to state and perhaps
the most widely studied of all is the problem of detecting a
completely known deterministic signal in noise. Also considered
here is the detection random non-deterministic signal in noise.
Both of these situa of a tions may arise for observation processes
of the low-pass type and also for processes of the band-pass type."
Non-Gaussian Signal Processing is a child of a technological push.
It is evident that we are moving from an era of simple signal
processing with relatively primitive electronic cir cuits to one in
which digital processing systems, in a combined hardware-software
configura. tion, are quite capable of implementing advanced
mathematical and statistical procedures. Moreover, as these
processing techniques become more sophisticated and powerful, the
sharper resolution of the resulting system brings into question the
classic distributional assumptions of Gaussianity for both noise
and signal processes. This in turn opens the door to a fundamental
reexamination of structure and inference methods for non-Gaussian
sto chastic processes together with the application of such
processes as models in the context of filtering, estimation,
detection and signal extraction. Based on the premise that such a
fun damental reexamination was timely, in 1981 the Office of Naval
Research initiated a research effort in Non-Gaussian Signal
Processing under the Selected Research Opportunities Program."
This book was written as a first treatment of statistical com
munication theory and communication systems at a senior graduate
level. The only formal prerequisite is a knowledge of ele mentary
calculus; however, some familiarity with linear systems and
transform theory will be helpful. Chapter 1 is introductory and
contains no substantial techni cal material. Chapter 2 is an
elementary introduction to probability theory at a nonrigorous and
non abstract level. It is essential to the remainder of the book
but may be skipped (or reviewed has tily) by any student who has
taken a one-semester undergraduate course in probability. Chapter 3
is a brief treatment of random processes and spec tral analysis. It
includes an introduction to shot noise (Sections 3.14-3.17) which
is not subsequently used explicitly. Chapter 4 considers linear
systems with random inputs. It includes a considerable amount of
material on narrow-band sys tems and on the representation of
random processes. Chapter 5 treats the matched filter and the
linear least mean-squared-error filter at an elementary level but
in some detail. Numerous examples are provided throughout the book.
Many of these are of an elementary nature and are intended merely
to illustrate textual material. A reasonable number of problems of
varying difficulty are provided. Instructors who adopt the text for
classroom use may obtain a Solutions Manual for most of the
problems by writing to the author."
This book was written for an introductory one-term course in
probability. It is intended to provide the minimum background in
probability that is necessary for students interested in
applications to engineering and the sciences. Although it is aimed
primarily at upperclassmen and beginning graduate students, the
only prere quisite is the standard calculus course usually required
of under graduates in engineering and science. Most beginning
students will have some intuitive notions of the meaning of
probability based on experiences involving, for example, games of
chance. This book develops from these notions a set of precise and
ordered concepts comprising the elementary theory of probability.
An attempt has been made to state theorems carefully, but the level
of the proofs varies greatly from formal arguments to appeals to
intuition. The book is in no way intended as a substi tu te for a
rigorous mathematical treatment of probability. How ever, some
small amount of the language of formal mathematics is used, so that
the student may become better prepared (at least psychologically)
either for more formal courses or for study of the literature.
Numerous examples are provided throughout the book. Many of these
are of an elementary nature and are intended merely to illustrate
textual material. A reasonable number of problems of varying
difficulty are provided. Instructors who adopt the text for
classroom use may obtain a Solutions Manual for all of the problems
by writing to the author.
A Compilation Of Humorous Stories, Quotations And Aphorisms For
General Reading And Entertainment, And For Speakers Especially.