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This book is a bold prescription for local government reform that
moves well beyond the old arguments regarding consolidations (also
referred to as amalgamations) and co-operation (sometimes referred
to as shared services) to paint a picture of an efficient,
effective tier of government that strikes a balance between the
right of persons to pursue their existential ends and the need to
promote the common good. The book presents a system of local
government that balances human dignity with the common good,
restrains Leviathan, provides a voice for the disenfranchised (and
even the disinterested), and delivers goods and services
efficiently and effectively. Ironically, what is often argued to be
the weakness of local government in many jurisdictions - the fact
that it is merely a creature of statute - is also the best hope we
have of making the oft cited rhetoric about how 'local government
is the closest to the people that serves the people best' become
This book is a bold prescription for local government reform that
moves well beyond the old arguments regarding consolidations (also
referred to as amalgamations) and co-operation (sometimes referred
to as shared services) to paint a picture of an efficient,
effective tier of government that strikes a balance between the
right of persons to pursue their existential ends and the need to
promote the common good. The book presents a system of local
government that balances human dignity with the common good,
restrains Leviathan, provides a voice for the disenfranchised (and
even the disinterested), and delivers goods and services
efficiently and effectively. Ironically, what is often argued to be
the weakness of local government in many jurisdictions - the fact
that it is merely a creature of statute - is also the best hope we
have of making the oft cited rhetoric about how 'local government
is the closest to the people that serves the people best' become
This book brings together the refereed proceedings of the 24th
Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Professional and
Applied Ethics (AAPAE) 'Applied Ethics in the Fractured State',
held at the Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University
of Technology Sydney in June 2017. The book is eclectic, with
chapters on health regulation in Australia, Eastern ethical
theorising (Confucianism; Buddhism), euthanasia and community
engagement, all of which are examined from the unique perspective
that Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations affords its
Since the dawn of civilisation philosophers and sages alike have
been concerned about the potential for government to become a
Leviathan-like monster. In this book Professor Drew shows how a
careful application of natural law principles can mitigate this
threat of Leviathan and also contribute to the flourishing of
people. To do so Natural Law and Government examines the trade-off
between human dignity and the common good during the public policy
response to COVID-19. Specifically, Professor Drew details his
concerns regarding the emergence of concentrations of power and
competence in government - changes that have sadly given rise to
the repression of the vitality of citizens. This ground-breaking
work explains the changes to thinking, institutions and public
management that are necessary for people to reclaim their right to
thrive as humans. In sum, this is a handbook for what needs to be
done after the COVID-19 revolution.
Since the dawn of civilisation philosophers and sages alike have
been concerned about the potential for government to become a
Leviathan-like monster. In this book Professor Drew shows how a
careful application of natural law principles can mitigate this
threat of Leviathan and also contribute to the flourishing of
people. To do so Natural Law and Government examines the trade-off
between human dignity and the common good during the public policy
response to COVID-19. Specifically, Professor Drew details his
concerns regarding the emergence of concentrations of power and
competence in government – changes that have sadly given rise to
the repression of the vitality of citizens. This ground-breaking
work explains the changes to thinking, institutions and public
management that are necessary for people to reclaim their right to
thrive as humans. In sum, this is a handbook for what needs to be
done after the COVID-19 revolution.
Die Phlebographie hat fUr die Diagnostik der Venenerkrankungen
zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. 1m Gegensatz zur Phlebographie der
unteren Glied- maBen fehlte bisher eine zusammenfassende Abhandlung
uber die Phlebographie der oberen KorperhaJfte. Diese Monographie
will einen Oberblick uber das normale Venenkontrastbild von
Oberarm, Schulter, Hals und Mediastinum geben. An Hand eines
Beobachtungsgutes von annahernd 500 Phlebogrammen und Angio-
kardiogrammen werden nicht nur die Hauptvenenstamme sondern auch
eine An- zahl von Nebenasten der V. axillaris, subclavia und
anonyma beschrieben. Beson- derer Wert wird auf die Darstellung von
Venenvarietaten gelegt, die haufig nicht nur ein theoretisches
Interesse beanspruchen, sondern bei operativen Eingriffen vor allem
im Bereich der Achselhohle und Supraclaviculargegend auch groBe
praktische Bedeutung erlangen konnen. Ferner wird auf verschiedene
hamo- dynamisch bedingte Phanomene, die in Form von scheinbaren
Stenosen, Blockie- rungen der Kontrastmittelsaule und sog.
Pelotteneffekten insbesondere an der V. subclavia zu beobachten
sind, naher eingegangen. Dies erscheint deshalb wich- tig, weil
diese Phanomene und Effekte, wenn man sie nicht kennt, leicht mit
pathologischen Veneneinengungen, -verstopfungen oder -kompressionen
zu ver- wechseln sind, wahrend sie in Wirklichkeit nur Varianten
des normalen Kontrast- bildes darstellen, die durch das
Wechselspiel von Klappenoffnung und Klappen- schluB zustande
kommen. Herrn Prof. Dr. H. VIETEN und seinem Oberarzt, Herrn Dozent
Dr. H. GREM- MEL, danke ich fur die Bereitstellung des
Bildmaterials und fUr wertvolle Rat- schlage. Moge diese Schrift
dazu dienen, die Kenntnis des normalen Venenkontrastbildes der
oberen Korperregion zu erweitern, um Fehldeutungen zu vermeiden und
die Ausdeutung von Phlebogrammen bei pathologischen AbftuBstorungen
zu erleich- tern.
Including The Most Interesting Particulars Of His Death, Lying In
State, And Public Funeral.
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger
Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain
imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed
pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger
Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and
hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
Including The Most Interesting Particulars Of His Death, Lying In
State, And Public Funeral.
Including The Most Interesting Particulars Of His Death, Lying In
State, And Public Funeral.
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