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After about a century of success, physicists feel the need to
probe the limits of validity of special-relativity base theories.
This book is the outcome of a special seminar held on this topic.
The authors gather in a single volume an extensive collection of
introductions and reviews of the various facets involved, and also
includes detailed discussion of philosophical and historical
After about a century of success, physicists feel the need to probe
the limits of validity of special-relativity base theories. This
book is the outcome of a special seminar held on this topic. The
authors gather in a single volume an extensive collection of
introductions and reviews of the various facets involved, and also
includes detailed discussion of philosophical and historical
17 readable articles give a thorough and self-contained overview of
recent developments in relativistic gravity research. The subjects
covered are: gravitational lensing, the general relativistic n-body
problem, observable effects in the solar system, gravitational
waves and their interferometric detection, very-long-baseline
interferometry, international atomic time, lunar laser- ranging
measurements, measurement ofthe gravitomagnetic field of the Earth,
fermion and boson stars and black holes with hair, rapidly rotating
neutron stars, matter wave interferometry, and the laboratory test
of Newton's law of gravity.Any scientist interested in
experimentally or observatio- nally oriented relativistic gravity
will read the book with profit. In addition, it is perfectly suited
as a complementary text for courses on general relativity and
relativistic astrophysics.
The search for a quantum gravity theory, a theory expected to
combine the principles of general relativity and quantum theory,
has led to some of the most deepest and most difficult conceptual
and mathematical questions of modern physics. The present book,
addressing these issues in the framework of recent versions of
canonical quantization, is the first to present coherently the
background for their understanding. Starting with an analysis of
the structure of constrained systems and the problems of their
quantization, it discusses the canonical formulation of classical
relativity from different perspectives and leads to recent
applications of canonical methods to create a quantum theory of
gravity. The book aims to make accessible the most fundamental
problems and to stimulate work in this field.
The theory, observations, and applications ofgravitational
lensingconstitute one ofthe most rapidly growing branches
ofextragalactic astrophysics. The deflection of light from very
distant sources by intervening masses provides a unique possibility
for the investigation of both background sources and lens mass
distributions. Gravitational lensing manifestsitselfmost distinctly
through multiply imaged QSOs and the formation of highly elongated
im ages of distant galaxies ('arcs') and spectacular ring-like
images of extra galactic radio sources. But the effects of
gravitational light deflection are not limited to these prominent
image configurations; more subtle, since not directly observable,
consequences of lensing are the, possibly strong, mag nification of
sources, which may permit observation of intrinsically fainter, or
more distant, sources than would be visible without these natural
tele scopes. Such light deflection can also affect the source
counts of QSOs and of other compact extragalactic sources, and can
lead to flux variability of sources owing to propagation effects.
Trying to summarizethe theory and observationalstatus
ofgravitational lensing in a monograph turned out to be a bigger
problem than any of the authors anticipated when we started this
project at the end of 1987, encour aged by Martin Harwit, who
originally approached us. The development in the field has been
very rapid during the last four years, both through the ory and
through observation, and many sections have been rewritten several
times, as the previous versions became out of date.
Dieses Buch ist bis heute eine der popularsten Darstellungen der
Relativitatstheorie geblieben. In der vorliegenden Version haben J.
Ehlers und M. Poessel vom Max-Planck-Institut fur
Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut) in Golm/Potsdam den
Bornschen Text kommentiert und einen den anschaulichen, aber
prazisen Stil Borns wahrendes, umfangreiches Erganzungskapitel
hinzugefugt, das die sturmische Entwicklung der
Relativiatatstheorie bis hin zu unseren Tagen nachzeichnet.
Eingegangen wird auf Gravitationswellen und Schwarze Loecher, auf
neuere Entwicklungen der Kosmologie, auf Ansatze zu einer Theorie
der Quantengravitation und auf die zahlreichen raffinierten
Experimente, welche die Gultigkeit der Einsteinschen Theorie mit
immer groesserer Genauigkeit bestatigt haben. Damit bleibt dieses
Buch nach wie vor einer der unmittelbarsten Zugange zur
Relativitatstheorie fur alle die sich fur eine uber das rein
popularwissenschaftliche hinausgehende Einfuhrung interessieren.
Dieses Buch ist bis heute eine der popularsten Darstellungen der
Relativitatstheorie geblieben. In der vorliegenden Version haben J.
Ehlers und M. Poessel vom Max-Planck-Institut fur
Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut) in Golm/Potsdam den
Bornschen Text kommentiert und einen den anschaulichen, aber
prazisen Stil Borns wahrendes, umfangreiches Erganzungskapitel
hinzugefugt, das die sturmische Entwicklung der
Relativiatatstheorie bis hin zu unseren Tagen nachzeichnet.
Eingegangen wird auf Gravitationswellen und Schwarze Loecher, auf
neuere Entwicklungen der Kosmologie, auf Ansatze zu einer Theorie
der Quantengravitation und auf die zahlreichen raffinierten
Experimente, welche die Gultigkeit der Einsteinschen Theorie mit
immer groesserer Genauigkeit bestatigt haben. Damit bleibt dieses
Buch nach wie vor einer der unmittelbarsten Zugange zur
Relativitatstheorie fur alle die sich fur eine uber das rein
popularwissenschaftliche hinausgehende Einfuhrung interessieren.
Aus dem Vorwort von Jurgen Ehlers zur 7. Auflage: "Die ...
Entwicklung der Physik macht verstandlich, warum ein so "altes"
Werk wie Raum, Zeit, Materie noch aktuell ist: Die
Riemann-Einsteinsche Raumzeitstruktur, die von Weyl so meisterhaft
beschrieben und aus ihren mathematischen und physikalischen Wurzeln
hervorwachsend dargestellt wird, ist immer noch die physikalisch
umfassendste und erfolgreichste Raumzeittheorie, die bisher
entwickelt und mit der Erfahrung konfrontiert wurde. (...) Als
erstes Lehrbuch der noch neuen Theorie setzt es sich grundlicher
als spatere Bucher mit den historischen Wurzeln und den sachlichen
Motiven auseinander, die zur Einfuhrung der damals neuen Begriffe
wie Zusammenhang und Krummung in die Physik gefuhrt haben. Zweitens
ist es von dem vielleicht letzten Universalisten geschrieben
worden, der alle wesentlichen Entwicklungen der Mathematik und
Physik seiner Zeit nicht nur uberblickte, sondern in wesentlichen
Teilen mitgestaltete. Das Studium dieses Werkes vermittelt nicht
nur die Grundzuge der beiden Relativitatstheorien, sondern zeigt
Zusammenhange mit anderen Ideen, nicht zuletzt auch der
Naturphilosophie auf.""
Das Studium von Hermann Weyls "Raum . Zeit . Materie" ist auch
heute noch lohnenswert. Als erste systematische Gesamtdarstellung
der speziellen und allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie einschliesslich
der zugehorigen Mathematik setzt es sich grundlich mit den
historischen Wurzeln auseinander. Die Betonung des Begriffs des
linearen Zusammenhangs unabhangig von der Metrik kommt der heutigen
Auffassung und den Verallgemeinerungen in den Eichtheorien
entgegen. Fur ein grundliches Verstandnis der modernen Eichtheorie
ist Weyls Buch immer noch eine wichtige Grundlage."
Nothing new from the Ice Age? Far from it! Barely ten years have
passed since the first edition of this book was published, but in
that time researchers around the world have developed new methods
and published their findings in scientific journals. Consequently,
ideas about the course of the Ice Age have changed dramatically.
The sequence of the individual ice advances, the direction of ice
movement and the direction of meltwater drainage are only partially
known, but they can be reconstructed. This book offers in-depth
information about the state of the investigations. Ice ages are the
periods of the earth's history in which at least one polar region
is glaciated or covered by sea ice. Thus, we are currently living
in an Ice Age. The present Ice Age is also the period in which
humans started to intervene in the shaping of the earth. The
results are obvious. Aerial and satellite images can be used to
trace the melting of glaciers, but also the decay of the Arctic
permafrost, and the clearing of the Brazilian rainforest. This book
is a translation of the original German 2nd edition Das
Eiszeitalter by Juergen Ehlers, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH
Germany, part of Springer Nature, in 2020. The translation was done
with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by
DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms
of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently
from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously
to further the development of tools for the production of books and
promotes technologies to support the authors.
The Wadden Sea area of the North Sea is one which undergoes rapid
morphological changes. Under natural conditions, the barrier
islands would adjust themselves to a rising sea level. However,
because the islands are densely populated and have an important
role as holiday resorts, morphological changes are undesirable.
Coastal engineering counter-measures have been undertaken to
prevent beach erosion, shifting of tidal inlets, breaching of dune
ridges and landward-directed washover. The natural processes and
the results of human interference including the negative
consequences of many of the measures are discussed in detail. The
author presents the current state of research, together with the
results of his own investigations. In addition, a comprehensive
description of the geomorphological development and recent problems
of the barrier islands from Texel to Fano is given for the first
time. The book includes 40 colour photographs and 393 figures,
almost all previously unpublished. Satellite and radar imagery as
well as many aerial photographs are also included. The book is
intended for geomorphologists, sedimentologists, environmentalists
and all those with a scientific interest in tidal flats and barrier