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This is a collection of original research reports on the status of
street gangs and problematic youth groups in Europe, as well as a
set of reports on the current status of American street gang
research and its implications for the European gang situation.
Seven American papers are joined with reports from England, Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Holland, Belgium, France, and
Slovenia. Summary chapters by the American and European editors
provide overviews of the street gang picture: the associated issues
and problems of definition, community context, comparative research
procedures, and implications for prevention and intervention.
Professionals and students will find these papers easy to
comprehend yet fully informative on comparative street gang
Background In July of 1992, approximately sixty scholars and
researchers met for a week at the "Fritz Erler Akademie" in
Freudenstadt, Germany, to participate in a workshop entitled
"Cross-National Lon gitudinal Research on Human Development and
Criminal Behavior." The participants represented 15 nations and 45
universities and research centers. Although longitudinal research
in criminology has a long history, this workshop represented the
first one in the field of criminology in which it was attempted to
get together the main scholars in this field from around the world.
The largest group of the workshop represented American scholars
(19), a reflection of the fact that longitudi nal research in
criminology is predominantly conducted in North America. This
volume is the result of the workshop process and in particular of
the invitations to participants to prepare pre or conference
papers. The chapters in this volume were selected from a larger set
of pre- or conference papers. As workshop conveners and volume
editors, it falls to us to set some of the context for this enter
prise. Longitudinal research in criminology became a major approach
after the publication of the land mark study by Wolfgang, Figlio,
and Sellin "Delinquency in a Birth Cohort" in 1972. Around the same
time, when Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin started their Philadelphia
cohort study, were longi tudinal studies, although different in
scope and aim, launched by Shannon in the USA, West in England,
Janson in Sweden, and Goppinger in Germany."
This book brings together a selection of papers originally
presented and discussed at the fourth international restorative
justice conference, held at the University of TA1/4bingen. The
contributors include many of the leading authorities in the
burgeoning field of restorative justice, and they provide a
comprehensive review of developing international practice and
directions, and the context in which restorative justice practices
are developing. Restorative Justice in Context moves beyond a focus
on restorative justice for juveniles to a broader concern with the
application of restorative justice in such areas as corporate
crime, family violence and the application of restorative justice
in cases of extreme violent crimes. The contexts examined are drawn
from Europe, North America, Australasia and Japan. leading world
authorities analyse international case studies reflecting the
growth of restorative justice worldwiderapidly expanding area of
This book brings together a selection of papers originally
presented and discussed at the fourth international restorative
justice conference, held at the University of TA1/4bingen. The
contributors include many of the leading authorities in the field
of restorative justice, and they provide a comprehensive review of
the theoretical foundations underlying this rapidly expanding
movement. Restorative Justice: Theoretical foundations addresses a
wide range of fundamental questions about restorative
justice,considering amongst other things ways in which conceptual
pitfalls can be avoided, and how traditional models of peacemaking
and healing developed in traditional societies can be integrated
into the justice systems of late modern societies. Overall it
provides an authoritative overview of contemporary thinking about
restorative justice and will be essential reading for anybody
concerned with the future direction of criminal justice and
criminal justice systems. leading world authorities address the
theoretical foundations of restorative justicea rapidly expanding
area within criminal justiceincludes chapters on restorative
justice as applied to corporate crime, family violence and cases of
extreme violence
This book brings together a selection of papers originally
presented and discussed at the fourth international restorative
justice conference, held at the University of T bingen. The
contributors include many of the leading authorities in the field
of restorative justice, and they provide a comprehensive review of
the theoretical foundations underlying this rapidly expanding
movement. Restorative Justice: Theoretical foundations addresses a
wide range of fundamental questions about restorative justice,
considering amongst other things ways in which conceptual pitfalls
can be avoided, and how traditional models of peacemaking and
healing developed in traditional societies can be integrated into
the justice systems of late modern societies. Overall it provides
an authoritative overview of contemporary thinking about
restorative justice and will be essential reading for anybody
concerned with the future direction of criminal justice and
criminal justice systems. leading world authorities address the
theoretical foundations of restorative justicea rapidly expanding
area within criminal justiceincludes chapters on restorative
justice as applied to corporate crime, family violence and cases of
extreme violence
"One of the central features of modern German criminology in
revealing the 'true nature of crime' follows the tradition of
enlightment" instead of accommodating the approach of the criminal
justice system. This contention is made by the editors of
Developments in Crime and Crime Control Research, Drs. Sessar and
Kerner, as they continue to bridge the traditional gap between
Anglo-American scholars in criminology and their German
counterparts. The language barrier has long been another
contributing circumstance to the division of philosophy among
countries, but recently, substantial attempts are being undertaken
to examine more closely the differences among specific
criminological schools of thinking. Drs. Sessar and Kerner point
out that, although crime has its universality, a clear
understanding of the various approaches to the problem of crime
will prove of benefit to those in the field in all countries.
Background In July of 1992, approximately sixty scholars and
researchers met for a week at the "Fritz Erler Akademie" in
Freudenstadt, Germany, to participate in a workshop entitled
"Cross-National Lon gitudinal Research on Human Development and
Criminal Behavior." The participants represented 15 nations and 45
universities and research centers. Although longitudinal research
in criminology has a long history, this workshop represented the
first one in the field of criminology in which it was attempted to
get together the main scholars in this field from around the world.
The largest group of the workshop represented American scholars
(19), a reflection of the fact that longitudi nal research in
criminology is predominantly conducted in North America. This
volume is the result of the workshop process and in particular of
the invitations to participants to prepare pre or conference
papers. The chapters in this volume were selected from a larger set
of pre- or conference papers. As workshop conveners and volume
editors, it falls to us to set some of the context for this enter
prise. Longitudinal research in criminology became a major approach
after the publication of the land mark study by Wolfgang, Figlio,
and Sellin "Delinquency in a Birth Cohort" in 1972. Around the same
time, when Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin started their Philadelphia
cohort study, were longi tudinal studies, although different in
scope and aim, launched by Shannon in the USA, West in England,
Janson in Sweden, and Goppinger in Germany."
This book brings together a selection of papers originally
presented and discussed at the fourth international restorative
justice conference, held at the University of TA1/4bingen. The
contributors include many of the leading authorities in the
burgeoning field of restorative justice, and they provide a
comprehensive review of developing international practice and
directions, and the context in which restorative justice practices
are developing. Restorative Justice in Context moves beyond a focus
on restorative justice for juveniles to a broader concern with the
application of restorative justice in such areas as corporate
crime, family violence and the application of restorative justice
in cases of extreme violent crimes. The contexts examined are drawn
from Europe, North America, Australasia and Japan. leading world
authorities analyse international case studies reflecting the
growth of restorative justice worldwiderapidly expanding area of
This is a collection of original research reports on the status of
street gangs and problematic youth groups in Europe, as well as a
set of reports on the current status of American street gang
research and its implications for the European gang situation.
Seven American papers are joined with reports from England, Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Holland, Belgium, France, and
Slovenia. Summary chapters by the American and European editors
provide overviews of the street gang picture: the associated issues
and problems of definition, community context, comparative research
procedures, and implications for prevention and intervention.
Professionals and students will find these papers easy to
comprehend yet fully informative on comparative street gang
Global Sourcing im Handel ist ein h chst aktuelles und intensiv
diskutiertes Thema. Die Modebranche hat als eine der ersten
erkannt, dass man in diesem Bereich Prozesse noch deutlich
optimieren und somit Wettbewerbsvorteile realisieren kann.
Praktiker erfahren in diesem Buch aktuellste Trends in der
Beschaffung der Bekleidungsbranche, finden differenzierte L
sungsans tze f r ihr Unternehmen und werden entlang eines vielfach
in der Praxis erprobten Verbesserungsprogramms durch den
Implementierungsprozess gef hrt.
Das Essential gliedert das komplexe Gebiet der
psychotherapeutischen Kompetenzen (Wissen, Handlungskompetenz und
Haltung) und zeigt, auf welche Weise und in welcher Reihenfolge
diese Kompetenzen vermittelt und abgepruft werden koennen. Die
bisher praktizierte Ausbildung zum Psychotherapeuten bedarf
dringend einer Reform. Starker als zuvor sollte sie sich an der
Frage orientieren, was einen guten Psychotherapeuten ausmacht und
wie er seine Kompetenzen am besten erwerben kann. Ferner muss es
moeglich sein, die Qualitat psychotherapeutischen Handelns rational
zu beurteilen. Psychologische und arztliche Psychotherapeuten
wenden eine fur den Einzelfall, den individuellen Patienten,
hoechst folgenreiche Handlungskompetenz an. Sie mussen ihr Handeln
daher auch in ethischer Hinsicht begrunden und verantworten
koennen. Die Ausbildung zum Psychotherapeuten muss ihnen auch diese
Fahigkeiten vermitteln.
Dieses Buch ist ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Standortbestimmung der
taterorientierten Forschung in der Kriminologie. Die Beitrage
befassen sich mit der Frage, wie Kriminalitat als Erscheinung im
Leben von Individuen auftritt, sich auspragt und gegebenenfalls
strukturiert, welche typischen Verlaufsgestalten sich formen, wie
Ruckfalligkeit sich entwickelt bis hin zu einer sog. kriminellen
Karriere. Vorformen der Kriminalitat (wie Fruhdelinquenz) und
Randbereiche (wie Alkohol-, Drogenkonsum, psychiatrisch relevante
Auffalligkeiten) werden mit einbezogen. Die Beitrage erstrecken
sich auch auf methodologische und methodische Grundsatzfragen des
empirischen Zugangs zur Verbrechenswirklichkeit, der
erfahrungswissenschaftlichen Erfassung des Taters in seinen
sozialen Bezugen, der forensischen Begutachtung und der
(therapeutischen) Behandlung.
***VERKAUFSKATEGORIE*** 0 d Wie in den bisherigen Folgen der
Buchreihe steht auch in diesem Band die Auseinandersetzung mit den
Themenbereichen Forschung, Theorie und Praxis, Leitungstechnik und
Variationen der Balint-Gruppenarbeit im Mittelpunkt. Schwerpunkt
der Ausfuhrungen ist ein umfassender Beitrag zur Balint-Arbeit und
Familienkonfrontationstherapie. Des weiteren liegen 2 Ubersetzungen
aus dem Englischen vor. Der Beitrag von M. Keany ("An account on
the doctor-patient-relation during medical training") wurde 1989 in
Ascona bei der internationalen Balint-Tagung ausgezeichnet. J.
Salinsky referierte 1987 anlasslich einer Tagung in Solothurn zum
Thema "Did I talk too much?" Uber die Entwicklung und den Stand der
internationalen Balint-Arbeit liegen Beitrage aus Ungarn und
Schweden sowie ein Bericht uber den 7. Internationalen
Balint-Kongress 1989 in Stockholm vor. Die Rubriken "Berufspolitik"
und "Glosse" wurden durch 2 Rezensionen erweitert.
Bei der groRen Anzahl und dem hohen Abstraktionsniveau von Zie len
fUr die Balint-Gruppenarbeit (Rosin 1985, S. 312 ff. ) ist es wich
tig, mit den Teilnehmem in den Balint-Gruppensitzungen selbst im
Sinne einer Aktionsforschung etwa einmal im Jahr eine Bespre chung
tiber Art und Erfolg der zurtickliegenden Seminarsitzungen
durchzufUhren. Mogliche Vorgehensweisen dafUr sind: "freie" Dis
kussion und Besprechung einiger vom Leiter eingebrachter Fragen;
chronologische oder thematische Besprechung der vorgestellten
Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen; Tonband-oder/und Transkriptkonfronta tion
sowie Fragebogenuntersuchung, jeweils mit anschlieRender
Diskussion. In einer Balint-Gruppe wurde gemeinsam ein Fragebo gen
erstellt, und in diesem wurden am Beispiel einer Arzt-Patient
Beziehung die Standardreaktionen der Teilnehmer erfragt, ermittelt
und besprochen. Dabei erwies es sich als wichtig, die Toleranzgren
zen zu beach ten, wenn die Grenze von der patienten-zur arztzen
trierten Selbsterfahrung tiberschritten wurde. Literatur Althoff
JD, Domann M, Foertsch U et al. (1984) Eine Balint-Gruppe erforscht
gemeinsam ihre Veranderungen im Laufe der Zusammenarbeit. - Moglich
keiten der Fortfilhrung des "Training-cum-Research"-Ansatzes bei
Balint. Psychos om Med 5: 243-215 Balint M e1965, 11957) Der Arzt,
sein Patient und die Krankheit. Klett, Stutt gart Balint M, Balint
E, Gosling R, Hildebrand P (1966) A study of doctors. Mutual
selection and the evaluations of results in a training programme
for family doctors. Tavistock, London Balint M (1968) Die Struktur
der "Training-cum-Research"-Gruppen und deren Auswirkungen auf die
Medizin. In: Drager K et al. (Hrsg) Jahrb Psychoanal, Bd 5. Huber,
Bern, S 125-146 Rosin U (1985) Zur Konzeptualisierung der