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Nightmares (Paperback): Christopher Stewart Nightmares (Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R270 Discovery Miles 2 700 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is my first short story collection and as such I must tell you that though mostly Horror, it does have extra stories that are fantasy and other things, I'm sure you will not mind. Jack Parkaby and The covered bridge, first appeared in Dark Gothic Resurrected, Sleeping Stones in Twisted Tongues, Platform 239 in Golden Visions, Suffocation in Indigo Rising, and Shimmer in Look What I found Anthology. I'm Jutter Caine, the Horror Cat, also film star Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent, and Kevin King. What do you fear? What do I fear? Yes. What do you fear? Do you fear that something will happen and cigarettes will be outlawed? Malachi, do you fear death? Jack Parkaby. Do you fear Spiders? Shimmer. Welcome to Nightmares, and please enjoy those things that slither in the dark. "We see each other now as if through a glass darkly but soon we shall see face to face."-Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu "The oldest and greatest fear is fear of the unknown."-H.P. Lovecraft "It was a cold November day, walking through the park. You know, it's funny, I remember that with crystal clarity. The cold numbing wind that pierced my coat. The sky, overcast, and dark. The clouds billowed as dismal as grey slate. I even remember how loud the park swings creaked. That loud, high pitched keen that sends shivers down your spine. I think it was when I watched the swings move in the breeze of that deserted park, that I first felt, uneasy. It wasn't anything I could explain you understand. Just a feeling. A sense that something, wasn't right."-Shimmer "A crow sat perched on the power lines, wind sifted through its feathers. All around the sound of the wind caught by leaves. Above the sky darkened, dark clouds churning blood red. Lightning flashed and thunder pealed across the land. The crow's feet moved a little in the flashes. Far below him, the lake lay, a still reflective mirror, showing all, clouds, cable, and crow. At the farthest end fog formed, and rolled over the mirror like a blanket. The crow looked skyward and called to the heavens, as if in answer two bolts of lightning struck the lake. Thunder echoed, and the sky opened up, rain falling in sheets. The crow spread his wings, called once, and flew off into the forest." -The Lake

White Chappell A Study In Profile (Paperback): Christopher Stewart White Chappell A Study In Profile (Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R145 Discovery Miles 1 450 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Deepening the mystery using modern profiling techniques toward White Chappell Jutter Caine FBI profiler Christopher student of John Douglas who helped capture 25+ serial killers from the case of "The Bone Colletor" Jason Hardgrave to the case of "The Cross Killer" Larry Gene Bell will explore and show the mind of Jack The Ripper from method to letters and show his theory that Jack was never a suspect for future generations of profilers to eximine new roads to the greatest mystery of all time He does not try to solve but shows new methods so that resurchers can examine new theories This was written for Rippertology

White Chappell Un estudio dado Perfil (Spanish, Paperback): Christopher Stewart White Chappell Un estudio dado Perfil (Spanish, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R153 Discovery Miles 1 530 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Hacer mas profundo el misterio Usar moderno hacer una resena bibliografica hacer una resena bibliografica tecnica hacia (capseq) profiler Christopher estudiante de (capseq) quien se servir capturar 25 + asesino en serie de el maleta de "El hueso cobrador" (capseq) a el maleta de "El travesia asesino" (capseq) will analizar y se mostrar el mente de (capseq) de metodo a carta y se mostrar su teoria que Jack was nunca uno dudar para futuro generacion de profilers a interrogar fresco camino a el mayor misterio de todos los tiempos el no tratar a solucionar pero se mostrar fresco metodo con el proposito de que investigador poder interrogar fresco teoria este was escribir para Rippertology

Chappell blanc UNE Etude Dans Profil (French, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Chappell blanc UNE Etude Dans Profil (French, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R149 Discovery Miles 1 490 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Approfondir le mystere qui utilise des profilant techniques modernes vers Chappell Jutter Caine Blanc profiler FBI Christophe etudiant de John Douglas qui a aide capture 25+ meurtriers fous du cas de "L'Os Queteur" Jason Hardgrave au cas de "Le Tueur En colere" Larry Gene Bell explorera et montrer L'Eventreur a l'esprit de Jack de methode aux lettres et montrer sa theorie que Jack n'etait jamais un suspect pour futures generations de profilers pour examiner de nouvelles routes au plus grand mystere de tout le temps Il n'essaie pas de resoudre mais montrer de nouvelles methodes afin que les chercheurs puissent examiner de nouvelles theories Cela a ete ecrit pour Rippertology

Chappell Bianco Un Studio In Profilo (Italian, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Chappell Bianco Un Studio In Profilo (Italian, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R148 Discovery Miles 1 480 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Approfondendo il mistero che usa tecniche che profilano moderne verso Chappell Bianco Jutter Caine FBI profiler lo studente di Christopher di John Douglas che aiuto cattura 25+ assassini in serie dal caso di "L'Osso Colletor" Jason Hardgrave al caso di "La Larry Gene Bell Mortale" ed Obliqua esplorera e mostrera la mente di Jack Lo Squartatore da metodo a lettere e mostrera la sua teoria che Jack non era mai di tutti i tempi un sospetto per generazioni future di profilers ad eximine strade nuove al piu grande mistero Lui non tenta di risolvere ma mostra metodi nuovi cosi che resurchers possono esaminare teorie nuove che Questo e stato scritto per Rippertology

White Chappell a Study in Profile - Japanese Version (Japanese, Paperback): Jutter Caine White Chappell a Study in Profile - Japanese Version (Japanese, Paperback)
Jutter Caine; Illustrated by Sir Christopher Stewart
R152 Discovery Miles 1 520 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Deepening the mystery using modern profiling techniques toward White Chappell Jutter Caine FBI profiler Christopher student of John Douglas who helped capture 25+ serial killers from the case of "The Bone Collector" Jason Hardgrave to the case of "The Cross Killer" Larry Gene Bell will explore and show the mind of Jack The Ripper from method to letters and show his theory that Jack was never a suspect for future generations of profilers to examine new roads to the greatest mystery of all time He does not try to solve but shows new methods so that researchers can examine new theories This was written for Rippertology

Chappell branco UM Estudo Em Perfil (Portuguese, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Chappell branco UM Estudo Em Perfil (Portuguese, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R172 Discovery Miles 1 720 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Afundando o misterio que usa tecnicas perfilando modernas para Chappell Jutter Caine Branco profiler de FBI o Christopher o estudante de John Douglas que ajudou capturam 25+ assassinos consecutivos do caso de "O Osso Coletor" Jason Hardgrave para o caso de "O Assassino Atravessado" Larry Gene Sino explorara e mostrara para a mente de Jack para O Rasgador de metodo para cartas e mostrara a teoria dele que o Jack nunca era um suspeito para geracoes futuras de profilers examinarem estradas novas ao maior misterio de todo o tempo que Ele nao tenta resolver mas mostra metodos novos de forma que investigadores pode examinar teorias novas que Isto foi escrito para Rippertology

Alptraume (German, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Alptraume (German, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R402 Discovery Miles 4 020 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Dies ist meine erste Kurzgeschichtensammlung, und als solchen muss ich Ihnen sagen, dass obwohl meistens Horror, es hat besondere Geschichten, die Phantasie und andere Sachen sind, ich bin sicher, dass Sie sich nicht kummern werden. Jack Parkaby und The deckten Brucke, zuerst erschien in Dunkler Gotik, belebte wieder und schlief Steine in Verzerrten Zungen, Plattform 239 in Goldenen Visionen, Ersticken in Indigo, das steigt, und schimmert in Aussehen das, was ich Anthologie fand. Ich bin, Jutter Caine, die Horrorkatze, filmt auch Star Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent und Kevin King. Was furchten Sie? Was furchte ich? Ja. Was furchten Sie? Furchten Sie, dass etwas passieren wird, und Zigaretten werden geachtet werden? Malachi, furchten Sie den Tod? Jack Parkaby. Furchten Sie Spinnen? Schimmer. Begrussen Sie zu Alptraumen, und geniessen Sie jene Sachen, die in der Dunkelheit rutschen, bitte. "Wir sehen einander jetzt, als ob wir finster, aber bald Gesicht durchsehen werden, um" zu blicken ein Glas., Josef Sheridan Le Fanu "Die alteste und grosste Angst ist Angst vor dem unbekannten.," H.P. Lovecraft "It war einen kalten November-Tag und ging durch den Park. Sie wissen, es ist lustig, ich erinnere mich, dass mit Kristallklarheit. Die kalte Betaubung, die meinen Mantel durchdrang, windet sich. Der Himmel, bewolkt, und dunkel. Die Wolken blahten sich so trist wie grauer Schiefer auf. Ich glatte, erinnern Sie sich, wie laut die Parkschwunge knarrten. So laut, hoch geworfen scharf dieses schickt, Schauer besiegen Ihr Ruckgrat. Ich denke, dass es war, als ich die Schwunge die Brise davon einziehen ansah, verliess Park, den ich zuerst empfand, unruhig. Es war nichts, was ich erklaren konnte, dass Sie verstehen. Nur ein Gefuhl. Ein Sinn der etwas, war nicht richtig.," schimmern Sie "Eine gestellte Krahe, die auf die Starkstromleitungen gesetzt wird, Wind siebte durch seine Federn. Uberall um den Klang vom Wind, der von Blattern gefangen wird. Uber dem Himmel verdunkelte sich, dunkle Wolken, die Blut rot aufwirbeln. Blitz leuchtete auf, und Donner lautete auf der anderen Seite vom Land. Die Fusse der Krahe bewegten in den Blitzen ein kleines. Weit unter ihm lag der See, ein stiller reflektierender Spiegel, beim Zeigen von allem, Wolken, Kabel und Krahe. Beim langst Endnebel bildete sich, und drehte den Spiegel wie eine Decke um. Die Krahe sah himmelan und rief zum Himmelsgewolbe, als ob zwei Schrauben des Blitzes den See in Antwort schlugen. Donner hallte wider, und der Himmel offnete sich, Regen, der in Laken fallt. Die Krahe breitete seine Flugel aus, rief einmal, und flog in den Wald ab&quo

Pesadelos (Portuguese, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Pesadelos (Portuguese, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R399 Discovery Miles 3 990 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Esta e minha primeira colecao de conto e como tal eu lhe tenho que falar que entretanto principalmente Horror, tem historias extras que sao fantasia e outras coisas, eu estou seguro voce nao notara. Jack Parkaby e A ponte coberta, primeiro se apareceu em Escuridao gotico Ressuscitou, Pedras Dormentes em Linguas Trancadas, Plataforma 239 em Visoes Douradas, Sufocacao em Subida de Indigo, e Vislumbra em Olhar o que eu achei Antologia. Eu sou Jutter Caine, o Gato de Horror, tambem astro de cinema Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent, e Kevin King. O que teme voce? O que temo eu? Sim. O que teme voce? Voce teme que algo acontecera e serao proscritos cigarros? Malachi, voce teme morte? Jack Parkaby. Voce teme Aranhas? Vislumbre. Bem-vindo a Pesadelos, e por favor desfruta essas coisas que escorregam na escuridao. "Nos vemos um ao outro agora como se por um darkly de copo mas logo nos veremos cara a cara." - o Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu "O medo mais velho e maior e medo do desconhecido." - H.P. Lovecraft "era um dia de novembro frio, enquanto caminhando pelo parque. Voce sabe, e engracado, eu me lembro disso com claridade cristalina. O vento entorpecendo frio que perfurou meu casaco. O ceu, obscureca, e escuro. As nuvens ondularam tao escuro quanto ardosia cinzenta. Eu igualo se lembra como alto os balancos de parque rangeram. Aquele alto, alto lancado agudo isso envia calafrios abaixo sua espinha. Eu penso que era que quando eu assisti que os balancos se mudam para a brisa disso abandonou parque que eu sentia primeiro, intranquilo. Nao era nada que eu poderia explicar que voce entende. Ha pouco um sentimento. Um senso que algo, nao era certo." - Vislumbre "UM corvo sentado empoleirado nos fios de alta tensao, vento peneirou por suas penas. Ao redor do som do vento pegado por folhas. Sobre o ceu escurecido, nuvens escuras que agitam sangue vermelho. Raio flamejou e trovao repicou pela terra. Os pes do corvo moveram um pequeno nos flashes. Longe debaixo dele, a posicao de lago, um espelho refletivo imovel, mostrando para tudo, nuvens, cabo, e corvo. A nevoa de fim mais distante formada, e rolou em cima do espelho como uma manta. O corvo olhou skyward e chamou aos ceus, como se em resposta dois parafusos de raio golpeassem o lago. Trovao ecoou, e o ceu abriu, chuva que desaba folhas. O corvo abriu as asas dele, chamou uma vez, e saiu voando na floresta." - O Lago

Weiber Chappell ein Studium in Profil (German, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Weiber Chappell ein Studium in Profil (German, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R171 Discovery Miles 1 710 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Das Ratsel zu vertiefen, das moderne profiling-Techniken zu Weissem Chappell Jutter Caine FBI profiler Christopher Student von John Douglas benutzt, der half, 25+ serielle Morder vom Fall "des Knochensammlers Jason Hardgrave des Falles "des Bosen Morders" Larry Gen Glocke zu fangen, wird erforschen und zeigt dem Verstand von Jack den Frauenmorder von Methode zu Briefen und zeigt seine Theorie, dass Jack nie ein Verdachtiger fur kunftige Generationen von profilers war, um neue Strassen zum grossten Ratsel fur alle Zeit zu untersuchen, bemuht er sich nicht, ausser es zu losen, zeigt neue Methoden, damit Forscher neue Theorien untersuchen konnen, wurde dies fur Rippertology geschr

Cauchemars (French, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Cauchemars (French, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R378 Discovery Miles 3 780 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

C'est ma premiere collection de la nouvelle et comme tel je dois vous dire que pourtant principalement Horreur, il a des histoires supplementaires qui sont des choses imaginaires et autres, je suis sur vous ne ferez pas attention a. Jack Parkaby et Le pont couvert, en premier a paru dans Gothique Resurrected Sombre, Pierres Endormies dans les Langues Tordues, Plate-forme 239 dans les Visions D'or, Suffocation dans Soulevement de l'Indigo, et Chatoie dans Apparence ce que j'ai trouve l'Anthologie. Je suis Jutter Caine, le Chat de l'Horreur, aussi vedette Christophe Stewart cinematographique, Eddie Tse, Vallee etroite Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent, et Kevin King. Qu'est-ce que vous craignez? Qu'est-ce que je crains? Oui. Qu'est-ce que vous craignez? Est-ce que vous craignez que quelque chose se passera et les cigarettes seront bannies? Malachi, est-ce que vous craignez la mort? Jack Parkaby. Est-ce que vous craignez des Araignees? Chatoiement. Bienvenu aux Cauchemars, et s'il vous plait aime ces choses qui glissent dans le noir. "Nous voyons maintenant sombrement mais bientot l'un l'autre comme si a travers un verre nous verrons face a face." - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu "La plus vieille et plus grande peur est peur de l'inconnu." - H.P. Lovecraft "C'etait un jour de novembre froid, en traversant le parc. Vous savez, c'est drole, je me souviens qu'avec clarte du cristal. Le vent de l'engourdissement froid qui a perce mon manteau. Le ciel, couvert, et sombre. Les nuages ont tournoye aussi lugubre qu'ardoise grise. J'egalise se souvient comment bruyant les balancements de parc ont grince. Ce gemissement monte bruyant, haut qui envoie des frissons en bas votre colonne vertebrale. Je pense que c'etait quand j'ai regarde les balancements installer la brise de cela a abandonne parc que j'ai senti en premier, trouble. Ce n'etait rien que je pourrais expliquer que vous comprenez. Juste un sensible. Un sens qui quelque chose, n'etait pas juste." - Chatoiement "UNE corneille s'assise se perche sur les lignes a haute tension, le vent a tamise a travers ses plumes. Autour du son du vent attrape par les feuilles. Au-dessus du ciel fonce, rouge du sang du battage des nuages sombre. L'eclair a brille et le tonnerre a carillonne a travers la terre. Les pieds de la corneille ont deplace un petit dans les eclats. Loin au-dessous de lui, le lac a mis, un miroir reflecteur immobile, montrer tout, nuages, cable, et corneille. Au brouillard de la fin le plus lointain forme, et a roule sur le miroir comme une couverture. La corneille a regarde vers le ciel et a appele aux cieux, comme si en reponse deux verrous d'eclair ont frappe le lac. Le tonnerre a repete, et le ciel s'est ouvert, pluie qui tombe dans les draps. La corneille a etendu ses ailes, a appele une fois, et a vole ferme dans la foret." - Le Lac

Genoe Chappell N3y4ehne B Npo0nne (Russian, Paperback): Jutter Caine Genoe Chappell N3y4ehne B Npo0nne (Russian, Paperback)
Jutter Caine; Illustrated by Sir Christopher Stewart
R173 Discovery Miles 1 730 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Deepening the mystery using modern profiling techniques toward White Chappell Jutter Caine FBI profiler Christopher student of John Douglas who helped capture 25+ serial killers from the case of "The Bone Collector" Jason Hardgrave to the case of "The Cross Killer" Larry Gene Bell will explore and show the mind of Jack The Ripper from method to letters and show his theory that Jack was never a suspect for future generations of profilers to examine new roads to the greatest mystery of all time He does not try to solve but shows new methods so that researchers can examine new theories This was written for Rippertology

Incubi (Italian, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Incubi (Italian, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R377 Discovery Miles 3 770 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Questa e la mia prima raccolta di novella e come tale io devo dirgli che sebbene soprattutto l'Orrore, ha storie di extra che sono fantasia e le altre cose, io sono sicuro Lei non badera. Jack Parkaby ed Il ponte coperto, prima apparve in Buio Gotico Riesumo, Pietre Riposo in Lingue Torte, Collochi su una piattaforma 239 in Visioni Dorate, Soffocazione nell'Indaco naturale Sorgere e Brilli in Occhiata quello che io trovai Antologia. Io sono Jutter Caine, l'Orrore Gatto anche astro cinematografico Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse il Glen Withrow, Michael Burns il Filippo Vincenzo, e Re di Kevin. Cosa teme? Cosa temo? Si. Cosa teme? Teme che accadra qualche cosa e sigarette saranno bandite? Malachi, teme morte? Jack Parkaby. Teme Ragni? Bagliore. Benvenuto ad Incubi, e per favore gode quelle cose che scivolano nel buio. "Noi ora vediamo l'un l'altro come se attraverso un vetro noi vedremo scuramente ma presto faccia per affrontare." - Giuseppe Sheridan Le Fanu "Il piu vecchio e la piu grande paura e paura dell'ignoto." - H.P. Lovecraft "era un giorno di novembre freddo, mentre attraversando il parco. Lei sa, e divertente, io ricordo che con chiarezza di cristallo. Il vento che intirizzisce freddo che ha forato il mio cappotto. Il cielo, coperto, e scuro. Le nubi si levarono ad ondate cupe come lavagna grigia. Io uguaglio ricorda come forte cigolarono le oscillazioni di parco. Quel rumore, lamento funebre impeciato ed alto che spedisce brividi in giu la Sua spina dorsale. Io penso che era quando io guardai le oscillazioni muoversi nella brezza di quell'abbandono parco che io prima ho sentito, scomodo. Non era niente che io potrei spiegare che Lei capisce. Solo un sentimento. Un senso che qualche cosa, non era corretto." - Brilli "Un corvo seduto si appollaiato sulle linee di potere, vento setaccio attraverso le sue penne. Tutto circa il suono del vento preso da foglie. Sopra del cielo scurito, sangue di ribollimento di nubi scuro rosso. Lampo baleno e tuono suono attraverso la terra. I piedi del corvo si mossero un piccolo nei bagliori. Lontano sotto lui, il lago poso, un ancora specchio riflessivo, mostrando tutti, nubi, cavo, e corvo. Alla nebbia di fine il piu lontano formata, e rotolo sullo specchio come una coperta. Il corvo guardo skyward e chiamo ai cieli, come se in risposta due frecce di lampo colpissero il lago. Tuono echeggio, ed il cielo apri su, precipitazione in fogli. Il corvo diffuse le sue ali, chiamo una volta, e volo via nella foresta." - Il Lago

White Chappell a Study in Profile - Chinese Version (Chinese, Paperback): Jutter Caine White Chappell a Study in Profile - Chinese Version (Chinese, Paperback)
Jutter Caine; Illustrated by Sir Christopher Stewart
R147 Discovery Miles 1 470 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Deepening the mystery using modern profiling techniques toward White Chappell Jutter Caine FBI profiler Christopher student of John Douglas who helped capture 25+ serial killers from the case of "The Bone Collector" Jason Hardgrave to the case of "The Cross Killer" Larry Gene Bell will explore and show the mind of Jack The Ripper from method to letters and show his theory that Jack was never a suspect for future generations of profilers to examine new roads to the greatest mystery of all time He does not try to solve but shows new methods so that researchers can examine new theories This was written for Rippertology

Nightmares - Chinese Version (Chinese, Paperback): Jutter Caine Nightmares - Chinese Version (Chinese, Paperback)
Jutter Caine; Illustrated by Sir Christopher Stewart
R366 Discovery Miles 3 660 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is my first short story collection and as such I must tell you that though mostly Horror, it does have extra stories that are fantasy and other things, I'm sure you will not mind. Jack Parkaby and The covered bridge, first appeared in Dark Gothic Resurrected, Sleeping Stones in Twisted Tongues, Platform 239 in Golden Visions, Suffocation in Indigo Rising, and Shimmer in Look What I found Anthology. I'm Jutter Caine, the Horror Cat, also film star Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent, and Kevin King. What do you fear? What do I fear? Yes. What do you fear? Do you fear that something will happen and cigarettes will be outlawed? Malachi, do you fear death? Jack Parkaby. Do you fear Spiders? Shimmer. Welcome to Nightmares, and please enjoy those things that slither in the dark. "We see each other now as if through a glass darkly but soon we shall see face to face."-Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu "The oldest and greatest fear is fear of the unknown."-H.P. Lovecraft "It was a cold November day, walking through the park. You know, it's funny, I remember that with crystal clarity. The cold numbing wind that pierced my coat. The sky, overcast, and dark. The clouds billowed as dismal as grey slate. I even remember how loud the park swings creaked. That loud, high pitched keen that sends shivers down your spine. I think it was when I watched the swings move in the breeze of that deserted park, that I first felt, uneasy. It wasn't anything I could explain you understand. Just a feeling. A sense that something, wasn't right."-Shimmer "A crow sat perched on the power lines, wind sifted through its feathers. All around the sound of the wind caught by leaves. Above the sky darkened, dark clouds churning blood red. Lightning flashed and thunder pealed across the land. The crow's feet moved a little in the flashes. Far below him, the lake lay, a still reflective mirror, showing all, clouds, cable, and crow. At the farthest end fog formed, and rolled over the mirror like a blanket. The crow looked skyward and called to the heavens, as if in answer two bolts of lightning struck the lake. Thunder echoed, and the sky opened up, rain falling in sheets. The crow spread his wings, called once, and flew off into the forest." -The Lake

Kowmapbl (Russian, Paperback): Jutter Caine Kowmapbl (Russian, Paperback)
Jutter Caine; Illustrated by Sir Christopher Stewart
R426 Discovery Miles 4 260 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is my first short story collection and as such I must tell you that though mostly Horror, it does have extra stories that are fantasy and other things, I?m sure you will not mind. Jack Parkaby and The covered bridge, first appeared in Dark Gothic Resurrected, Sleeping Stones in Twisted Tongues, Platform 239 in Golden Visions, Suffocation in Indigo Rising, and Shimmer in Look What I found Anthology. I?m Jutter Caine, the Horror Cat, also film star Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent, and Kevin King. What do you fear? What do I fear? Yes. What do you fear? Do you fear that something will happen and cigarettes will be outlawed? Malachi, do you fear death? Jack Parkaby. Do you fear Spiders? Shimmer. Welcome to Nightmares, and please enjoy those things that slither in the dark. ?We see each other now as if through a glass darkly but soon we shall see face to face.?-Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu ?The oldest and greatest fear is fear of the unknown.?-H.P. Lovecraft It was a cold November day, walking through the park. You know, it's funny, I remember that with crystal clarity. The cold numbing wind that pierced my coat. The sky, overcast, and dark. The clouds billowed as dismal as grey slate. I even remember how loud the park swings creaked. That loud, high pitched keen that sends shivers down your spine. I think it was when I watched the swings move in the breeze of that deserted park, that I first felt, uneasy. It wasn't anything I could explain you understand. Just a feeling. A sense that something, wasn't right.?-Shimmer A crow sat perched on the power lines, wind sifted through its feathers. All around the sound of the wind caught by leaves. Above the sky darkened, dark clouds churning blood red. Lightning flashed and thunder pealed across the land. The crow's feet moved a little in the flashes. Far below him, the lake lay, a still reflective mirror, showing all, clouds, cable, and crow. At the farthest end fog formed, and rolled over the mirror like a blanket. The crow looked skyward and called to the heavens, as if in answer two bolts of lightning struck the lake. Thunder echoed, and the sky opened up, rain falling in sheets. The crow spread his wings, called once, and flew off into the forest.? -The Lake

Nightmares - Japanese Version (Japanese, Paperback): Jutter Caine Nightmares - Japanese Version (Japanese, Paperback)
Jutter Caine; Illustrated by Sir Christopher Stewart
R460 Discovery Miles 4 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is my first short story collection and as such I must tell you that though mostly Horror, it does have extra stories that are fantasy and other things, I'm sure you will not mind. Jack Parkaby and The covered bridge, first appeared in Dark Gothic Resurrected, Sleeping Stones in Twisted Tongues, Platform 239 in Golden Visions, Suffocation in Indigo Rising, and Shimmer in Look What I found Anthology. I'm Jutter Caine, the Horror Cat, also film star Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent, and Kevin King. What do you fear? What do I fear? Yes. What do you fear? Do you fear that something will happen and cigarettes will be outlawed? Malachi, do you fear death? Jack Parkaby. Do you fear Spiders? Shimmer. Welcome to Nightmares, and please enjoy those things that slither in the dark. "We see each other now as if through a glass darkly but soon we shall see face to face."-Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu "The oldest and greatest fear is fear of the unknown."-H.P. Lovecraft "It was a cold November day, walking through the park. You know, it's funny, I remember that with crystal clarity. The cold numbing wind that pierced my coat. The sky, overcast, and dark. The clouds billowed as dismal as grey slate. I even remember how loud the park swings creaked. That loud, high pitched keen that sends shivers down your spine. I think it was when I watched the swings move in the breeze of that deserted park, that I first felt, uneasy. It wasn't anything I could explain you understand. Just a feeling. A sense that something, wasn't right."-Shimmer "A crow sat perched on the power lines, wind sifted through its feathers. All around the sound of the wind caught by leaves. Above the sky darkened, dark clouds churning blood red. Lightning flashed and thunder pealed across the land. The crow's feet moved a little in the flashes. Far below him, the lake lay, a still reflective mirror, showing all, clouds, cable, and crow. At the farthest end fog formed, and rolled over the mirror like a blanket. The crow looked skyward and called to the heavens, as if in answer two bolts of lightning struck the lake. Thunder echoed, and the sky opened up, rain falling in sheets. The crow spread his wings, called once, and flew off into the forest." -The Lake

Pesadillas (Spanish, Paperback): Christopher Stewart Pesadillas (Spanish, Paperback)
Christopher Stewart; Jutter Caine
R389 Discovery Miles 3 890 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Esta es mi primera coleccion de cuento y cuando tal yo deber decir a usted que though principalmente el horror, tiene historias adicionales que son fantasia y otras cosas, soy sure usted no molestara. Jack Parkaby y el cubierto a quienes el bridge, primero salia en el ascenso indigo, y el reflejo tremulo en en la noche que gotico resucito Stones dormido en lenguas enroscadas, Platform 239 en las visiones de oro, la asfixia aparenta que find antologia. Soy Jutter Caine, el gato de Horror, tambien Christopher Stewart, Eddie Tse, Glen Withrow, Michael Burns, Philip Vincent de estrella de cine, y Kevin King. Que tiene miedo a usted? Que tengo miedo a? Si. Que tiene miedo a usted? Usted teme que algo ocurrira y los cigarrillos seran prohibidos? Malachi, usted tiene miedo a la muerte? Jack Parkaby. Usted tiene miedo a aranas? Riele. Welcome a las pesadillas, y por favor disfrute esas cosas que se deslizan en la oscuridad. "Se vemos ahora como si a traves de un vaso misteriosamente pero pronto veremos cara a cara."Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu de -" el miedo mas viejo y mas grande es el miedo del desconocido."- H.P.. Lovecraft "Era un dia de noviembre frio, cruzando el parque. Usted lo sabe, es gracioso, recuerdo eso con la claridad de cristal. El viento entumecedor frio que perforo mi abrigo. El cielo, nublado, y oscuro. Las nubes se alzaron tan pesimo como la pizarra gris. Recuerdo cuan alto chirriaron los columpios del parque ni siquiera. Tan fuerte, agudo agudo eso envia los escalofrios down su espina dorsal. Pienso que fue cuando observe los giros se mover en la brisa de ese parque desolado, que primero me sentia, incomodo. No era nada que podia explicar que usted comprende. Solo un presentimiento. Un sentido de que algo, no era correcto."- riele "Un cuervo se sentaba puesto sobre las lineas de alimentacion, el viento separo sus plumas. Por todas partes el sonido del viento prendio antes de los permisos. De arriba el cielo oscurecio nubes oscuras se agitando de color rojo sangre. El relampago destello y el trueno resono al otro lado de la region. Los pies del cuervo cambiaron de lugar un poco de en los destellos. Lejos debajo de el, el lago estaba tendido, un espejo todavia reflexivo que, indicar todo, nubes, cablegrafia, y crow. Al final mas lejano la niebla se formo, y volteo el espejo como una manta. El cuervo miro hacia el cielo y grito a los cielos, como si en la respuesta dos pernos del relampago golpearon el lago. El trueno imitado, y el cielo abierto, la lluvia que cae en hojas. El cuervo difundio sus alas, llamo una vez, y se io volando en el bosque."- el lago

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