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The questions in this book are based on the Income Tax Act 1962, the Tax Administration Act 2011, the Value-Added Tax Act 1991, the Estate Duty Act 1955 and the Transfer Duty Act 1949, incorporating amendments up to and including the Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill [B26 €“ 2020].
The specific purpose this book is to combine in one volume the provisions of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, as it applies to individuals and businesses for the year of assessment ending 28 Feb. It is written for undergraduate students using simple language and the relevant sections of the Act are provided and explained in simple terms.
Die pretboek beloof ure se vermaak! Hier is grappe wat jou sal laat skater en raaisels wat jou sal laat kopkrap. Hier is ook vreeslike vreemde feite, prettige speletjies en snaakse limerieke. Jy sal giggel wanneer jy hoor waarom spoke nie leuens kan vertel nie. Jou oë sal rek as jy uitvind wat gebeur as mens te veel wortels eet! En jy gaan op die grond rondol as jou maats moet verduidelik waarom hulle kies om ’n mak krokodil se tande te borsel óf eerder in ’n swembad vol spoeg sal swem!.
A proper grasp of the law of insolvency can be acquired only by reading and digesting a sizeable volume of case law. This text, designed to complement Hockly's Insolvency Law, allows students and practitioners to come to terms with a broad range of insolvency cases.
South Africa's financial markets are consistently praised as the most advanced in Africa, while its financial regulatory system, particularly at stock exchange level, has been judged on more than one occasion to be the best in the world. Regulatory excellence was no doubt an important factor in the unusual resilience displayed by the financial sector during the global financial crisis of 2007/8. However, South African regulatory authorities, not wanting to be complacent, are continuing to follow international good-practice initiatives to enhance the resilience and integrity of the financial system. Market practitioners, too, are striving to keep up to date with financial and technical innovation, globalisation, increased competition and the blurring of traditional boundaries between financial institutions and financial products and services. Understanding South African financial markets provides a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of South African financial markets and the institutions that operate within them. Understanding South African financial markets has been compiled by practitioners from the financial markets and experienced faculty members in economics and financial management. Each chapter starts with study objectives relevant to the material covered. Jargon that may be unfamiliar is explained in lay terms, and both international and local market practices and norms are discussed where relevant. Understanding South African financial markets is an introductory text that should serve as a useful reference and guide for commerce students, public servants and members of the business fraternity alike. Karin van Wyk is the CEO of the South African Institute of Financial Markets, a professional body for the financial markets recognised by SAQA. SAIFM conducts examinations for the financial markets and the JSE Ltd. She holds a BA (Law) and an LLB from the University of Pretoria, and a BCom (Economics and Business Economics) from Unisa. She also holds a Diploma in Financial Markets from the University of Johannesburg.
Today, more than ever before, South Africa’s business climate is confronted with various challenges as a result of external environmental forces as well as internal nuances within the southern African context. The environment is characterised by change, turbulence and competitiveness, and therefore strategy is of the utmost importance for any organisation to survive and thrive. Many people’s lives and jobs are affected by strategic decisions and far too often, top management develops a strategy that is neither communicated to, nor fully understood by, other levels of management and employees, and may not even be relevant to the continued existence of the organisation. Strategic management explains the principles and application of the strategic management process, vital to sustaining the success of every organisation. Real southern African case studies are included to support these principles and applications. This is the fourth edition of Strategic management, the first specifically southern African textbook on this subject. It emphasises the important role of corporate governance, with specific reference to the King IV Report. Appropriate southern African examples and case studies are used to illustrate the latest trends, particularly the history, development and strategy of Shoprite Checkers, which is used as a cohesion case study throughout this textbook. Key terms, summary questions and answers, relevant websites and recommended reading lists are also provided. Strategic management: southern African concepts and cases will be invaluable not only to students of business management but also to organisations, from corporate companies with management training programmes to small business ventures struggling to hold their ground in a competitive environment.
Healthcare delivery in the 21st century has become increasingly complex and demanding . Clinical consultations frequently raise scientific, ethical and legal challenges. While scientific issues may be resolved using an evidence-based medicine (EBM) approach, ethical theory is needed to justify decision making in the face of ethical conflict. Medical ethics, law and human rights: a South African perspective provides the conceptual background and analytic skills necessary to assist with the resolution of ethical dilemmas encountered in the South African healthcare environment. Medical ethics, law and human rights: a South African perspective uses case studies to help the healthcare team to identify and analyse ethical, moral and value concepts, and to apply these to scenarios that they may encounter on a daily basis. Part 1 explores theories and principles of ethics (including African philosophy), introduces medical law, discusses health and human rights, and also makes the transition from theory to practice. Part 2 looks at specific topics in healthcare that raise challenges from an ethics perspective - HIV/AIDS, use of social media, euthanasia, human reproduction, genetics and genomics. In view of the increasing emphasis on ethical considerations in healthcare from the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), coupled with the rising incidence of litigation in healthcare, Medical ethics, law and human rights: a South African perspective is essential reading for health science, law and philosophy students as well as practising healthcare professionals.
This book is focused on a broader approach for all assurance providers (including both internal and external auditors) and addresses various advanced concepts that assurance providers need an understanding of.
This book introduces the fundamentals of financial mathematics. It begins with a discussion of simple and compound interest and then establishes the important concepts of effective and equivalent effective interest rates. Subsequent chapters discuss the applications of annuities to practical problems regarding the saving of money and repayment of loans. The notion of using net present value and internal rate of return to distinguish between two different investment opportunities is presented. The concluding chapters of the book take a brief look at the use of differential and integral calculus in financial mathematics. Each chapter includes numerous worked examples that are solved with the aid of a financial calculator where applicable.
Die beste manier om jouself uit te daag en pret te hê is deur hierdie boek te koop; jou brein is gewaarborg om bollemakiesie te slaan! In hierdie prettige aktiwiteitsboek is daar blokraaispeletjies, syferspeletjies en ander raaisels wat perfek is vir ouer kinders in die laerskool!
Labour Law in Context (2nd edition) offers comprehensive coverage of the key aspects of South African labour law. It is the ideal companion to support both students of law and non-law students throughout their studies. It is also suitable for anyone doing a short course in aspects of labour law, or for those who want to keep up-to-date with key labour law issues and rulings.
The main objective of this textbook is to familiarise the learner with the internal audit environment with reference to the Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS).
CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Metric, 9th Edition provides you with the strongest foundation for a STEM future. James Stewart's Calculus, Metric series is the top-seller in the world because of its problem-solving focus, mathematical precision and accuracy, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Selected and mentored by Stewart, coauthors Daniel Clegg and Saleem Watson continue his legacy, and their careful refinements retain Stewart's clarity of exposition and make the 9th Edition an even more usable learning tool. The accompanying WebAssign includes helpful learning support and new resources like Explore It interactive learning modules. Showing that Calculus is both practical and beautiful, the Stewart approach and WebAssign resources enhance understanding and build confidence for millions of students worldwide.
CALCULUS, Metric, 9th Edition, provides you with the strongest foundation for a STEM future. James Stewart’s Calculus, Metric series is the top-seller in the world because of its problem-solving focus, mathematical precision and accuracy, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Selected and mentored by Stewart, Daniel Clegg and Saleem Watson continue his legacy and their careful refinements retain Stewart’s clarity of exposition and make the 9th Edition an even more usable learning tool. The accompanying WebAssign includes helpful learning support and new resources like Explore It interactive learning modules. Showing that Calculus is both practical and beautiful, the Stewart approach and WebAssign resources enhance understanding and build confidence for millions of students worldwide.
In this textbook, the audit process followed during the execution of an internal audit engagement is explained, after which it is practically demonstrated by applying it to the various business cycles.
Traditional organizing advice never worked for Dana K. White. Is it possible, she wondered, to get organized without color coding my sock drawer? As Dana let go of the need for perfection, she discovered the joy of having an organized house in the midst of everyday life. In Organizing for the Rest of Us, Dana teaches us how to make great strides with minimal effort in organizing every room of our home. Here she offers 100 organizing tips to help us understand:
Fans of Dana's podcast, A Slob Comes Clean, which has been downloaded 7 million times, will treasure this book as a resource. With her lighthearted approach, Dana provides bite-size workable solutions to break through every organizational struggle you have--for good!
The unit manager must be able to deal with a wide range of tasks in the course of the day. These could range from compiling a duty roster, writing a unit procedure, compiling an emergency plan, preparing an annual budget or answering a legal question. The unit manager must also be able to manage a team of healthcare professionals, be able to lead and motivate the team, and organise the unit so that it functions effectively and in line with the institution's vision and mission. In addition, the unit manager must be able to keep control of supplies and equipment in the unit, which must be kept in good working order and replaced when necessary. All of these aspects are covered in Introduction to health services management for the unit manager, fourth edition.
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