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Ten years ago the Sunnner Institute on "Trends in Particle The-
ory" was held in Bonn. Among other subj ects J. Wess spoke on his
work wi th B. ZlDllino on "Fermi - Bose-Supersymmetry". In the
meantime this subject has developed into one of the most exciting
fields of research and the Bonn Summer Institute (August 20 -
August 31 1984) was devoted exclusively to supersymmetry. The main
aim of the Summer Institute was to provide a compre- hensive
introduction for mainly young post-doctoral theoretical physicists
to the currently most discussed subjects in supersynnne- try and
supergravity. The intention was to emphasize the pedagogi- cal
presentation. The seminars given in addition to the introduc- tory
lectures treat more specialized subjects and are closer to research
reports. Since the topics, ranging fromalgebraic structures to
experimental implications do not arrange easily in a one-dimension-
al array, the lectures are reproduced in alphabetic order of the
lec- turers. The Summer Institute was made possible by the NATO
Advanced Study Programme, additional support was granted by the
Bundesmi- nisterium fur Forschung und Technologie and the
Ministerium fur Wissenschaft und Forschung of Nordrhein-Westfalen.
We gratefully acknowledge their cooperation. It is a pleasure to
thank the lecturers and seminar speakers for the effort invested in
the presentation of the lectures and in their collaboration in
preparing the written notes.
for the design of control programs; in extreme cases (as dis cussed
below, by Fine et al., this volume, and elsewhere) it can happen
that immunization programs, although they protect vaccinated
individuals, actually increase the overall incidence of a
particular disease. The possibility that many nonhuman animal
populations may be regulated by parasitic infections is another
topic where it may be argued that conventional disciplinary
boundaries have retarded investigation. While much ecological
research has been devoted to exploring the extent to which
competition or predator-prey interactions may regulate natural
populations or set their patterns of geographical distribution, few
substan tial studies have considered the possibility that
infectious diseases may serve as regulatory agents (1,8). On the
other hand, the many careful epidemiological studies of the trans
mission and maintenance of parasitic infections in human and other
animal populations usually assume the host population density to be
set by other considerations, and not dynamically engaged with the
disease (see, for example, (1,2)). With all these considerations in
mind, the Dahlem Workshop from which this book derives aimed to
weave strands together -- testing theoretical analysis against
empirical facts and patterns, and identifying outstanding problems
-- in pursuit of a better un derstanding of the overall population
biology of parasitic in fections. For the purpose of the workshop,
the term "parasite" was de fined widely to include viruses,
bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and helminths."
Die 32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Medizinische
Dokumentation, Informatik und Statistik e.V. fand vom 4. bis 6.
Oktober 1987 an der Universitat Tubingen statt. Es war das erste
Mal, dal3 die GMDS ihre Jahrestagung nach Tubingen vergeben hatte,
obwohl Tubingen auf dem Fachgebiet der medizinischen Biometrie und
Informationsverarbeitung schon eine relativ lange Tradition
besitzt. 1964 wurden dort an der medizinischen Fakul tat einer der
ersten Lehrstuhle fur medizinische Biometrie und 1968 eine der
ersten Abteilungen fur medizinische Dokumentation und
Datenverarbeitung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingerichtet.
Der vorliegende Band enthal t die wichtigsten Referate und Poster
dieser Tagung, die unter dem Thema "Medizinische Informa
tionsverarbeitung und Epidemiologie im Dienste der Gesundheit"
stand und uber 500 Teilnehmer anlockte. Diese grol3e Zahl von
Teilnehmern war uberraschend und erfreulich zugleich, zeigt sie
doch, dal3 die Bedeutung der Epidemiologie und der
nformationsverarbeitung in der Fachoffentlichkeit immer mehr
erkannt wird. Die Erfassung und Bewertung von Gesundheitsschaden
durch Umwelteinflusse, die Evaluierung von Vorsorgemal3nahmen, die
Qualitatssicherung arztlichen Handelns oder das Verstandnis der
Ausbreitungsdynamik von AIDS sind nur einige der Themen, zu denen
die Methoden der medizinischen Biometrie und
Informationsverarbeitung wesentliche Beitrage leisten konnen. Die
Themen zeigen aber auch, dal3 im Vordergrund epidemiologischen
Bemuhens immer die gesundhei tlichen Probleme der Bevolkerung