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This book integrates discoveries from recent years to show the
diversity of molecular mechanisms that contribute to memory
consolidation, reconsolidation, extinction, and forgetting. It
provides a special focus on the processes that govern functional
and structural plasticity of dendritic spines. In nine chapters,
new and important ideas related to learning and memory processes
will be presented. Themes discussed include the role of AMPA
receptors in memory, two signalling cascades involved in local
spine remodelling and memory, the role of extracellular matrix
proteins in memory, the regulation of gene expression and protein
translation, and mechanisms of retrieval-induced memory modulation
and forgetting. We believe that the study of these topics
represents a great step toward understanding the complexity of the
brain and the processes it governs.
This book provides an overview of the main approaches used to
analyze the dynamics of cellular automata. Cellular automata are an
indispensable tool in mathematical modeling. In contrast to
classical modeling approaches like partial differential equations,
cellular automata are relatively easy to simulate but difficult to
analyze. In this book we present a review of approaches and
theories that allow the reader to understand the behavior of
cellular automata beyond simulations. The first part consists of an
introduction to cellular automata on Cayley graphs, and their
characterization via the fundamental Cutis-Hedlund-Lyndon theorems
in the context of various topological concepts (Cantor, Besicovitch
and Weyl topology). The second part focuses on classification
results: What classification follows from topological concepts
(Hurley classification), Lyapunov stability (Gilman
classification), and the theory of formal languages and grammars
(Kurka classification)? These classifications suggest that cellular
automata be clustered, similar to the classification of partial
differential equations into hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic
equations. This part of the book culminates in the question of
whether the properties of cellular automata are decidable.
Surjectivity and injectivity are examined, and the seminal Garden
of Eden theorems are discussed. In turn, the third part focuses on
the analysis of cellular automata that inherit distinct properties,
often based on mathematical modeling of biological, physical or
chemical systems. Linearity is a concept that allows us to define
self-similar limit sets. Models for particle motion show how to
bridge the gap between cellular automata and partial differential
equations (HPP model and ultradiscrete limit). Pattern formation is
related to linear cellular automata, to the Bar-Yam model for the
Turing pattern, and Greenberg-Hastings automata for excitable
media. In addition, models for sand piles, the dynamics of
infectious d
Memory Mechanisms is an edited review volume that summarizes
state-of-the-art knowledge on memory mechanisms at the molecular,
cellular and circuit level. Each review is written by leading
experts in the field, presenting not only current knowledge, but
also discussing the concepts, providing critical reflections and
suggesting an outlook for future studies. The memory mechanisms are
also discussed in the context of diseases. Studies of memory
deficits in disease models are introduced as well as approaches to
restore memory deficits. Finally, the impact of contemporary memory
research for psychiatry is illustrated.
This book integrates discoveries from recent years to show the
diversity of molecular mechanisms that contribute to memory
consolidation, reconsolidation, extinction, and forgetting. It
provides a special focus on the processes that govern functional
and structural plasticity of dendritic spines. In nine chapters,
new and important ideas related to learning and memory processes
will be presented. Themes discussed include the role of AMPA
receptors in memory, two signalling cascades involved in local
spine remodelling and memory, the role of extracellular matrix
proteins in memory, the regulation of gene expression and protein
translation, and mechanisms of retrieval-induced memory modulation
and forgetting. We believe that the study of these topics
represents a great step toward understanding the complexity of the
brain and the processes it governs.
This book analyzes the impact of quiescent phases on biological
models. Quiescence arises, for example, when moving individuals
stop moving, hunting predators take a rest, infected individuals
are isolated, or cells enter the quiescent compartment of the cell
cycle. In the first chapter of Topics in Mathematical Biology
general principles about coupled and quiescent systems are derived,
including results on shrinking periodic orbits and stabilization of
oscillations via quiescence. In subsequent chapters classical
biological models are presented in detail and challenged by the
introduction of quiescence. These models include delay equations,
demographic models, age structured models, Lotka-Volterra systems,
replicator systems, genetic models, game theory, Nash equilibria,
evolutionary stable strategies, ecological models, epidemiological
models, random walks and reaction-diffusion models. In each case we
find new and interesting results such as stability of fixed points
and/or periodic orbits, excitability of steady states, epidemic
outbreaks, survival of the fittest, and speeds of invading fronts.
The textbook is intended for graduate students and researchers in
mathematical biology who have a solid background in linear algebra,
differential equations and dynamical systems. Readers can find gems
of unexpected beauty within these pages, and those who knew K.P.
(as he was often called) well will likely feel his presence and
hear him speaking to them as they read.
Operations Research Proceedings, 1996 - Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (Sor'96), Braunschweig, September 3 - 6, 1996 (English, German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1997)
U. Zimmermann, Ulrich Derigs, Wolfgang Gaul, Rolf H. Mohring, Karl-Peter Schuster
Discovery Miles 30 190
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The volume contains a selection of manuscripts of lectures
presented at the International Symposi- um on Operations Research
(SOR 96). The Symposium took place at the Technical University of
Braunschweig, September 3-6, 1996. SOR 96 was organized under the
auspices of the two German societies of Operations Research,
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Operations Research (DGOR) and
Gesellschaft fur Mathematik, Okonomie and Operations Research
(GMOOR) in cooperation with the Working Group Discrete Optimization
of the IFIP (WG7.4). Since 1995, DGOR and GMOORjointly prepare the
Symposium as a common annual conference. In particular, the annual
general meetings of the DGOR, the GMOOR and the WG7.4 took place
during the conference. The Symposi~m had 527 participants from 32
countries around the world, including 92 partici- pants from
Eastern Europe. The Symposium obviously attracts an international
audience of workers fully covering the broad spectrum of Operations
Research and related areas in economics, mathema- tics and computer
science. The importance of a highly interdisciplinary field as
Operations Research is increasing owing to the growth in
applications in related disciplines. Technological advances in
computer science and algorithmic mathematics are crucial for
attacking the great challenges waiting in the areas of applications
of Operations Research effectively. As a participant of SOR 96 one
could well observe the current pace of achievements. Many of these
results are in these proceedings. The program consisted of two
plenary, 17 semiplenary, and 335 contributed lectures in 18
Nach der Eroberung der vormals turkisch besetzten Gebiete in den
sog. Turkenkriegen (1683-1699 und 1716-1718) war die Geschichte
Ungarns im 18. Jahrhundert durch Aufbruch und neue
Siedlungsstrukturen gepragt. Neu angesiedelte Kolonisten aus
Deutschland gestalteten die Veranderungen entscheidend mit. Zehn
renommierte Autoren untersuchen die Prozesse der Ansiedlung und der
Eingliederung der Kolonisten und beleuchten auf der Mikro- wie auf
der Makroebene deren Akteure. Ins Blickfeld rucken Staat und
Administration, kirchliche und weltliche Grundherren sowie immer
wieder die Kolonisten und deren Bedeutung fur Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft des Konigreichs. Beitrage von Gabor Barna, Zoltan
Csepregi, Zoltan Gozsy, Marta Fata, Zoltan Kaposi, Karl-Peter
Krauss, Gyorgy Kurucz, Ernst Dieter Petritsch, Gerhard Seewann,
Norbert Spannenberger, Katharina Wild"
Containing also: Kultur im Verfassungsstaat. Grund und Grenzen der
Wissenschaftsfreiheit. Die Universitat im Zeichen von
OEkonomisierung und Internationalisierung. Sprache als Kultur- und
This book provides an overview of the main approaches used to
analyze the dynamics of cellular automata. Cellular automata are an
indispensable tool in mathematical modeling. In contrast to
classical modeling approaches like partial differential equations,
cellular automata are relatively easy to simulate but difficult to
analyze. In this book we present a review of approaches and
theories that allow the reader to understand the behavior of
cellular automata beyond simulations. The first part consists of an
introduction to cellular automata on Cayley graphs, and their
characterization via the fundamental Cutis-Hedlund-Lyndon theorems
in the context of various topological concepts (Cantor, Besicovitch
and Weyl topology). The second part focuses on classification
results: What classification follows from topological concepts
(Hurley classification), Lyapunov stability (Gilman
classification), and the theory of formal languages and grammars
(Kurka classification)? These classifications suggest that cellular
automata be clustered, similar to the classification of partial
differential equations into hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic
equations. This part of the book culminates in the question of
whether the properties of cellular automata are decidable.
Surjectivity and injectivity are examined, and the seminal Garden
of Eden theorems are discussed. In turn, the third part focuses on
the analysis of cellular automata that inherit distinct properties,
often based on mathematical modeling of biological, physical or
chemical systems. Linearity is a concept that allows us to define
self-similar limit sets. Models for particle motion show how to
bridge the gap between cellular automata and partial differential
equations (HPP model and ultradiscrete limit). Pattern formation is
related to linear cellular automata, to the Bar-Yam model for the
Turing pattern, and Greenberg-Hastings automata for excitable
media. In addition, models for sand piles, the dynamics of
infectious d
Die Geschichte der Neuapostolischen Kirche in der NS-Zeit wird
anhand bisher unerforschter Quellen aus vielen Archiven neu
geschrieben. Die quellenkritische Analyse fuhrte schliesslich zu
der Fragestellung und Analysekategorie der "inszenierten
Loyalitaten". Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Akteuren und deren
Handlungspraxis. So wird die formale und materiale NS-Belastung von
Funktionstragern beleuchtet, die uberwachte Korrespondenz mit jener
verglichen, die unter Umgehung der Zensur gefuhrt wurde, die
Zeitschrift "Unsere Familie" einer kritischen Betrachtung
unterzogen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Einzelschicksalen
neuapostolischer Christen judischer Herkunft sowie dem Umgang der
Kirche mit ihnen. Damit liegt eine Grundlagenforschung zu vielen
Themenbereichen aus einem dunklen Kapitel deutscher Geschichte vor.
This is without doubt the most comprehensive field guide to the
orchids of Britain and Europe. Every one of the 216 species and 30
subspecies are described and illustrated with superb colour
photographs. For each species there is a close up photograph of the
flower head and a more distant view showing the whole plant. There
are also nearly 200 line drawings which highlight particular
identification features. The text describes each species, as well
as giving detailed information on habitat, flowering season, and