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Since the publication of the first edition of the handbook
Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik , the then young discipline has
changed and developed considerably. The field has left behind its
status as an interdiscipline between sociology and linguistics and
is now a worldwide established field. Sociolinguistics continues to
contribute to solving practical problems in areas such as language
planning and standardization, language policy, as well as in
language didactics and speech therapy. Moreover, new topics and
areas of application have arisen from the autonomy of the
discipline - these have been systematically and extensively
included in the second edition of the handbook. The new overall
concept depicts the regional and disciplinary representativity of
sociolinguistic research while offering an encyclopedia-like
useablitiy for all its readers. This includes theoretical depth and
stringency for readers interested in theory, as well as methodical
abundance and detail for empirical researchers. The descriptions of
methods are so informative and precise that they can directly be
used in the preparation of project planning. Similarly, the
descriptions in the practice-oriented articles are so precise that
users can accurately assess to what extent they can expect a
certain sociolinguistic approach to help solve their problems. With
an extensive description as its goal, the second edition of the
handbook Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik takes into account the
current standing of the discipline and the modified structure of
the field.
In the course of a general process of social modernization
throughout Europe since the early modern period, a communicative
modernization has also taken place. In this context, both
horizontal mobility and the various forms of population shift
connected with it have played a role. European sociolinguistic
research has dealt with the various social reasons for these
variety shifts and variety changes. These articles are compiled and
edited for the first time in the submitted work.
Since the publication of the first edition of the handbook
Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik , the then young discipline has
changed and developed considerably. The field has left behind its
status as an interdiscipline between sociology and linguistics and
is now a worldwide established field. Sociolinguistics continues to
contribute to solving practical problems in areas such as language
planning and standardization, language policy, as well as in
language didactics and speech therapy. Moreover, new topics and
areas of application have arisen from the autonomy of the
discipline - these have been systematically and extensively
included in the second edition of the handbook. The new overall
concept depicts the regional and disciplinary representativity of
sociolinguistic research while offering an encyclopedia-like
useablitiy for all its readers. This includes theoretical depth and
stringency for readers interested in theory, as well as methodical
abundance and detail for empirical researchers. The descriptions of
methods are so informative and precise that they can directly be
used in the preparation of project planning. Similarly, the
descriptions in the practice-oriented articles are so precise that
users can accurately assess to what extent they can expect a
certain sociolinguistic approach to help solve their problems. With
an extensive description as its goal, the second edition of the
handbook Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik takes into account the
current standing of the discipline and the modified structure of
the field.
Historical studies on Old and Middle High German and the
corresponding stages in the development of Low German represent a
fairly well-defined field of inquiry. The period between the 16th
century and the present, by contrast, confronts historical language
research with a considerable dilemma in that the language system
can be regarded in many respects as not having undergone major
changes so much as a process of extension and differentiation. The
papers delivered at the Heidelberg colloquium and published here in
book form discuss possible areas of inquiry for historical language
research into the evolution of the German language since the early
Modern Age, approaches to the problems this field presents and
methods of describing the phenomena encountered. Particular
emphasis is placed throughout on the history of reflection on
language, the institutional concern with language and the manifold
interpenetration between forms of language usage employed in
society in general, in the history of ideas, the history of
literature and across the various cultural areas of the
German-speaking world.
Questo volume esamina la realta linguistica della Valle del
Mercure, area geografica di confine tra Basilicata e Calabria.
Elemento portante della ricerca, che introduce nuove impostazioni e
nuovi parametri sociolinguistici, e l'interpretazione della
linguistica di contatto come chiave del cambiamento di variazione.
Avviando una dialettologia politopica e comparativa attenta ad
analizzare localita gia appartenenti all'Area Lausberg, lo studio
permette di giungere anche a una proposta complessiva riguardante
il quadro dialettologico dell'intera Basilicata, da considerare
come una regione "costituita da microaree alternate ad isole
linguistiche e/o colonie linguistiche che si estendono a ".
Sprache ist stets eingebettet in historische Situationen, in denen
Akteure spezifische Interessen verfolgen. Die
Auswahlentscheidungen, die sie dabei bezuglich sprachlicher Zeichen
treffen, sind soziolinguistisch interpretierbar. Der Fokus auf
Varianten als interpretierbare Zeichen fuhrt dann auch zur Einsicht
in die unterschiedliche Interpretierbarkeit sprachlicher Zeichen je
nach sozio-kulturellem Kontext. Sprachliche Handlungen in ihrem
sozio-kulturellen Kontext zu interpretieren ohne auf
verallgemeinerbare Aussagen uber die Struktur einer Sprache zu
verzichten, stellt fur die Sprachwissenschaft noch immer eine
lohnende Herausforderung dar. Der Band vereint Beitrage, die sich
zu dieser Herausforderung positionieren und sich mit den
unterschiedlichen Ansatzen in den Forschungsarbeiten von Beate
Henn-Memmesheimer beschaftigen.
Die Arbeit zeichnet den Diskurs uber die deutsche Sprache im
Nationalsozialismus nach, wie er in der Besatzungszeit von 1945 bis
1949 bei den Kontrollbehoerden der westlichen Alliierten gefuhrt
wurde. Neben kultur- und bildungspolitischen Aspekten wie der
Schulbuchzensur werden anhand von Archivmaterial vor allem
Sprachpolitik, Sprachregelung und Sprachkritik in den Medien
untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt der Studie stehen dabei die
amerikanische Medienkontrolle und ihre Versuche, im Rahmen der
Reeducation auch die deutsche Sprache in Printmedien, Rundfunk und
Nachrichtenagenturen zu entnazifizieren. Ausserdem wird die
Tatigkeit des sprachpolitisch einflussreichsten Kontrolloffiziers
in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone, Eugene Jolas, naher
Questo studio costituisce un tentativo di innovare la ricerca
dialettologica sostituendo alla tradizionale prospettiva fondata
sulla diatopia un approccio pluri -- dimensionale che accoglie in
pieno le suggestioni della sociolinguistica laboviana. Nell'
esaminare un'area dialettale poco indagata se ne analizzano le
principali caratteristiche fonetiche, morfologiche e sintattiche,
dedicando particolare attenzione agli aspetti della variazione
libera e condizionata. Accanto alle dimensioni diagenerazionale,
diastratica, diasessuale, si prende in speciale considerazione la
diafasia, proponendo una descrizione dinamica del continuum
dialetti-substandard. Dal contenuto: Descrizione dialettologica
pluridimensionale di un'area della Campania -- Fonetica --
Morfologia -- Sintassi -- Variazione libera e condizionata.
Gegenstand des Buches ist die Bestimmung globaler
Argumentationsstrategien und -stile in wissenschaftlichen Artikeln.
Ein kontrastives Verstandnis der argumentativen Ablaufe bringt der
Autorin zufolge grosse Vorteile fur die interkulturelle
Kommunikation und Integration. So zeichnet sich der italienische
Diskurs durch persoenliche Komponenten, Bescheidenheitstopos,
induktive, indirekte, graduelle und komplexe Argumentationen aus.
Den deutschen Diskurs kennzeichnen dagegen argumentative Starke,
Direktheit und Explizitheit. Die linguistischen Studien sind oefter
informativ mit teleologischen Argumenten. In der Soziologie
argumentiert man komplex, aber direkt. Diese Unterschiede spiegeln
einen zu foerdernden Reichtum an Denkweisen und heuristischen Wegen
The focus of the essays is the investigation of the sociolinguistic
phenomenon of German linguistic enclaves with respect to language
contact, language history, dialectology and language politics. The
multifaceted linguistic and sociolinguistic developments, which
German language varieties separated from the German-speaking
homeland undergo, converge in the final analysis in the
juxtaposition of language maintenance and language loss.
Die Jugendsprache- und Identitatsforschung im deutschsprachigen
Raum hat das weibliche Geschlecht bis heute straflich
vernachlassigt. Die Arbeit setzt an dieser Forschungslucke an und
liefert auf der Grundlage eines umfangreichen Korpus Einblicke in
Alltagsgesprache einer jugendlichen Madchengruppe. Im Fokus der
empirischen Untersuchung steht die interaktive Konstitution von
Gruppenidentitat und Geschlechtsidentitat der Madchen durch die
Abgrenzung von diversen "Anderen". Welche sozialen Kategorien
(Britneys, HipHopper etc.) setzen die Madchen in ihren Gesprachen
als relevant und welche sprachlichen Mittel verwenden sie dabei?
Mithilfe der ethnographischen Gesprachsanalyse wird diesen und
weiteren Fragen nachgegangen, um letztendlich zu dokumentieren, was
es zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends bedeutet, ein "ganz normales"
Madchen im Teenageralter zu sein.