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This well-known introductory textbook gives a uniform presentation
of nuclear and particle physics from an experimental point of view.
The first part, Analysis, is devoted to disentangling the
substructure of matter. This part shows that experiments designed
to uncover the substructures of nuclei and nucleons have a similar
conceptual basis, and lead to the present picture of all matter
being constructed from a small number of elementary building blocks
and a small number of fundamental interactions. The second part,
Synthesis, shows how the elementary particles may be combined to
build hadrons and nuclei. The fundamental interactions, which are
responsible for the forces in all systems, become less and less
evident in increasingly complex systems. Such systems are in fact
dominated by many-body phenomena. A section on neutrino
oscillations and one on nuclear matter at high temperatures bridge
the field of "nuclear and particle physics" and "modem astrophysics
and cosmology. The seventh revised and extended edition includes
new material, in particular the experimental verification of the
Higgs particle at the LHC, recent results in neutrino physics, the
violation of CP-symmetry in the decay of neutral B-mesons, the
experimental investigations of the nucleon's spin structure and
outstanding results of the HERA experiments in deep-inelastic
electron- and positron-proton scattering. The concise text is based
on lectures held at the University of Heidelberg and includes
numerous exercises with worked answers. It has been translated into
several languages and has become a standard reference for advanced
undergraduate and graduate courses.
This well-known introductory textbook gives a uniform presentation
of nuclear and particle physics from an experimental point of view.
The first part, Analysis, is devoted to disentangling the
substructure of matter. This part shows that experiments designed
to uncover the substructures of nuclei and nucleons have a similar
conceptual basis, and lead to the present picture of all matter
being constructed from a small number of elementary building blocks
and a small number of fundamental interactions. The second part,
Synthesis, shows how the elementary particles may be combined to
build hadrons and nuclei. The fundamental interactions, which are
responsible for the forces in all systems, become less and less
evident in increasingly complex systems. Such systems are in fact
dominated by many-body phenomena. A section on neutrino
oscillations and one on nuclear matter at high temperatures bridge
the field of "nuclear and particle physics" and "modem astrophysics
and cosmology. The seventh revised and extended edition includes
new material, in particular the experimental verification of the
Higgs particle at the LHC, recent results in neutrino physics, the
violation of CP-symmetry in the decay of neutral B-mesons, the
experimental investigations of the nucleon's spin structure and
outstanding results of the HERA experiments in deep-inelastic
electron- and positron-proton scattering. The concise text is based
on lectures held at the University of Heidelberg and includes
numerous exercises with worked answers. It has been translated into
several languages and has become a standard reference for advanced
undergraduate and graduate courses.
Die Grundidee dieses einfuhrenden Lehrbuchs besteht darin, eine
einheitliche Darstellung von Kern- und Teilchenphysik aus
experimenteller Sicht zu geben. Die Reduktion der komplex
aufgebauten Materie der Atomkerne und Nukleonen auf wenige
Grundbausteine und Wechselwirkungen ist die erste Botschaft dieses
Buchs. Der zweite Teil, der den Aufbau von Nukleonen und Kernen aus
diesen Grundbausteinen beschreibt, macht deutlich, dass
Komplexitat, die aus der Vielkorperwechselwirkung entsteht, in
immer grosserem Mass die Gesetzmassigkeiten der zusammengesetzten
Systeme bestimmt. Behandelt wird die Kernmaterie bei hohen
Temperaturen und die Rolle von Kern- und Teilchenphysik bei
astrophysikalischen Vorgangen. Die neuesten Entwicklungen in der
Neutrinophysik werden dargestellt.
Die neue Auflage bietet neue Kapitel zur schwachen Wechselwirkung
und zu den Baryonen. Das in straffem und klarem Stil abgefasste
Lehrbuch eignet sich gut als Begleittext zu den einfuhrenden
Vorlesungen an Hochschulen."