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The Cargese Summer School "Low Dimensional Applications of Quantum
Field Theory" was held in July 1995. The School was dedicated to
the memory of Claude Itzykson. This session focused on the recent
progress in quantum field theory in two dimen sions with a
particular emphasis on integrable models and applications of
quantum field theory to condensed matter physics. A large fraction
of the school was also devoted to a detailed review of the exciting
developments in four dimensional super symmetric Yang-Mills theory.
The diversity of the topics presented constitute, in our opinion,
one of the most attractive features of these proceedings. Some
contributions constitute a very thor ough introduction to their
subject matter and should be helpful to advanced students in the
field while others present entirely new research, not previously
published, and should be of considerable interest to the
specialist. There were in depth introductory lectures on the
application of conformal field theory techniques to disordered
systems, on the quantum Hall effect, on quantum in tegrable
systems, on the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and on the new
developments in supersymmetric gauges theories. The computation of
the three point function of the Liouville model using conformal
bootstrap methods was presented in detail."
The NATO Advanced Study Institute and EC Summer School "Progress in
String Field and Particle Theory" was held in Cargse from June 25th
till July 11th 2002. The main focus of the school was the recent
progress in the very ac tive areas of superstring theory, quantum
gravity and the theory of elementary particles. It covered topical
problems in domains such as duality between gravity and
gaugeinteractions, string field theory, tachyon condensation,
non-commutative field theory, string cosmology and string
phenomenology. The School featured daily introductory lectures and
topical seminars. An informal Gong Show session allowed young
post-doctoral researchers and senior graduate students to make a
concise presentation oftheir current work. The School gave an
excellent opportunity to the youngest researchers to establish a
close relationship with their seniors and with the lecturers. These
proceedings will further serve in fixing the acquired knowledge,
and hopefully, become a useful reference for anyone working in this
fascinating do main of physics. Some of the contributions provide
an elementary introduction to their subject, while other ones are
more geared to the specialist. We are deeply indebted to the NATO
Division for Scientific Affairs for funding, and for their constant
attention for our meetings, and to the European Commission for a
High-Level Scientific Conference grant HPCFCT 2001-00298."
Recent developments in supersymmetric field theory, string theory,
and brane theory have been revolutionary. The main focus of the
present volume is developments of M-theory and its applications to
superstring theory, quantum gravity, and the theory of elementary
particles. Topics included are D-branes, boundary states, and world
volume solitons. Anti-De-Sitter quantum field theory is explained,
emphasising the way it can enforce the holography principle,
together with the relation to black hole physics and the way Branes
provide the microscopic interpretation for the entropy of black
holes. Developments in D-branes within type-I superstring and
related theories are described. There are also possible
phenomenological implications of superstring theory that would lie
within the range of quantum gravity effects in the future
generation of accelerators, around 1 TeV.
This book is a collection of lectures given in July 2007 at the Les
Houches Summer School on "String Theory and the Real World: From
particle physics to astrophysics."
Provides a pedagogical introduction to topics in String Theory,
and Cosmology
Addresses each topic from the basis to the most recent
Covers the lectures by internationally-renowned and leading
The Cargese Summer School "Low Dimensional Applications of Quantum
Field Theory" was held in July 1995. The School was dedicated to
the memory of Claude Itzykson. This session focused on the recent
progress in quantum field theory in two dimen sions with a
particular emphasis on integrable models and applications of
quantum field theory to condensed matter physics. A large fraction
of the school was also devoted to a detailed review of the exciting
developments in four dimensional super symmetric Yang-Mills theory.
The diversity of the topics presented constitute, in our opinion,
one of the most attractive features of these proceedings. Some
contributions constitute a very thor ough introduction to their
subject matter and should be helpful to advanced students in the
field while others present entirely new research, not previously
published, and should be of considerable interest to the
specialist. There were in depth introductory lectures on the
application of conformal field theory techniques to disordered
systems, on the quantum Hall effect, on quantum in tegrable
systems, on the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and on the new
developments in supersymmetric gauges theories. The computation of
the three point function of the Liouville model using conformal
bootstrap methods was presented in detail."
The Cargese Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and String Theory" was
held from May 10 to May 21, 1993. The broad spectrum of the work
presented at the Workshop was the reflec tion of a time of
intensive search for new ways of solving some of the most fun
damental problems in string theory, quantum gravity and
non-perturbative field theory. A number of talks indicated the
emergence of new promising domains of investigation. It is this
very diversity of topics which, in our opinion, represents one of
the most attractive features of the present volume which we hope
will provide a good orientation in the abundant flow of ideas and
publications in modern quantum field theory. Many contributions to
the present proceedings are concerned with two di mensional quantum
field theory. The continuous advances in the domain of two
dimensional integrable theories on the lattice as well as in the
continuum, including conformal field theories, Liouville field
theory and matrix models of two dimensional quantum gravity are
very well represented. Other papers address physically realistic
(and therefore very complicated) problems like de veloped
turbulence, the Hofstadter problem, higher dimensional gravity and
phenomenological strings. A new elegant class of topological field
theories is presented. New ideas in the string representation of
multicolor quantum chromo dynamics were widely discussed at the
Workshop, more particularly the example of the exactly solvable two
dimensional case.
As recent developments have shown, supersymmetric quantum field
theory and string theory are intimately related, with advances in
one area often shedding light on the other. The organising ideas of
most of these advances are the notion of duality and the physics of
higher dimensional objects or p-branes. The topics covered in the
present volume include duality in field theory, in particular in
supersymmetric field theory and supergravity, and in string theory.
The Seiberg-Witten theory and its recent developments are also
covered in detail. A large fraction of the volume is devoted to the
current state of the art in M-theory, in particular its underlying
superalgebra as well as its connection with superstring and N = 2
strings. The physics of D-branes and its essential role in the
beautiful computation of the black hole entropy is also carefully
covered. Finally, the last two sets of lectures are devoted to the
exciting matrix approach to non-perturbative string theory.
The NATO Advanced Study Institute and EC Summer School "Progress in
String Field and Particle Theory" was held in Cargse from June 25th
till July 11th 2002. The main focus of the school was the recent
progress in the very ac tive areas of superstring theory, quantum
gravity and the theory of elementary particles. It covered topical
problems in domains such as duality between gravity and
gaugeinteractions, string field theory, tachyon condensation,
non-commutative field theory, string cosmology and string
phenomenology. The School featured daily introductory lectures and
topical seminars. An informal Gong Show session allowed young
post-doctoral researchers and senior graduate students to make a
concise presentation oftheir current work. The School gave an
excellent opportunity to the youngest researchers to establish a
close relationship with their seniors and with the lecturers. These
proceedings will further serve in fixing the acquired knowledge,
and hopefully, become a useful reference for anyone working in this
fascinating do main of physics. Some of the contributions provide
an elementary introduction to their subject, while other ones are
more geared to the specialist. We are deeply indebted to the NATO
Division for Scientific Affairs for funding, and for their constant
attention for our meetings, and to the European Commission for a
High-Level Scientific Conference grant HPCFCT 2001-00298."
Recent developments in supersymmetric field theory, string theory,
and brane theory have been revolutionary. The main focus of the
present volume is developments of M-theory and its applications to
superstring theory, quantum gravity, and the theory of elementary
particles. Topics included are D-branes, boundary states, and world
volume solitons. Anti-De-Sitter quantum field theory is explained,
emphasising the way it can enforce the holography principle,
together with the relation to black hole physics and the way Branes
provide the microscopic interpretation for the entropy of black
holes. Developments in D-branes within type-I superstring and
related theories are described. There are also possible
phenomenological implications of superstring theory that would lie
within the range of quantum gravity effects in the future
generation of accelerators, around 1 TeV.
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Nadine Gordimer
Discovery Miles 1 680