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Latin Heritage Foundation is pleased to introduce readers to this
anthology composed of talented writers from around the World. The
authors are genuine writers. And not because they create stories.
Anybody at some point in their lives can write well, but in this
particular case, they produce real art that not only meets the
formal parameters of the unit bottom-form, but comes to the deeper
intricacies of the soul of every human being who loves the beauty
of the word. Their stories come from places geographically and
culturally diverse as USA, India, Canada, England, Nigeria,
Philippines, China, Romania, Germany, and many more. The writers
are committed to their origins and roots but each story shows a
serenade of love and life, universal feelings, and however
abstract, they are still the most important values as are the
constant questioning of man's relationship to life and the
vicissitudes that it offers. The writer does not live oyster locked
in a tight under the sea, but is related to daily social
surroundings that sometimes exceeds and even annihilates
him/her.The veins of these wordsmiths run the sap purest writing.
We believe it will be a real joy for the reader to enter in the
pages of this must have book. Reading and enjoyment of this work
allows a better understanding of the world. The publication of the
Anthology is also one of the best examples of The Latin Heritage
Foundation interest to preserve, promote and disseminate the rich
heritage and values of universal culture. Deeply linked to the
vicissitudes of history, the stories express both everyday reality
and the mythic roots of its inhabitants. This is, without doubt,
the form of creative writing more rooted in the World oral
tradition. The authors, quite rightly, have earned a place in this
book because once, long time ago decided to venture and penetrate
the interiorities of the magic kingdom of literature and all the
subtle range of feelings, motivations and commitments that such
engagement involves- a decision sometimes confusing, sometimes
vague, but carries however, both level of accuracy and knowledge of
a language so much that sometimes trying to escape from its hands
does not support art in any way. In it, you are, or are not. We can
only wish you to enjoy reading these beautiful stories. If this
occurs, this will be our greatest satisfaction, and we will be more
than rewarded.
Son diversos los temas que, haciendo uso del poder de la creacion y
el enriquecido lenguaje literario nos llegan desde disimiles partes
del mundo, pueden conformar un volumen de tanto interes para todos
los gustos; es por ello que la presente antologia, compila muchas
de las obras enviadas al Primer Concurso de Microrrelatos Latin
Heritage Foundation, de los Estados Unidos de America. Las
vivencias de los seres humanos, sus derrotas y exitos, pero sobre
todo su imaginacion prolifera, son las fundadoras de la empresa que
hoy se regocija por conceder a cada uno de ustedes, horas de
irrebatible complacencia. Los estilos tan diversos y la economia
narrativa de estos textos son dos de sus mejores armas en pos de
atrapar al lector limitado por la rutina cotidiana y el ritmo
acelerado de la vida. Acompanados por estas obras de indiscutible
valor estamos seguros que pasaran momentos placenteros y
fructiferos. Quedan a su disposicion las paginas mas fantasiosas,
veraces, eroti-cas, alentadoras y lugubres que brotaron de la
imaginacion humana, porque sin discusion alguna, en estas
cuartillas habita el mortal y enre-vesado mundo de hoy. Andria
Getsey Navarro Tano. Editora, locutora de Radio y TV Latin Heritage
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