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Using concepts that are not already a part of the militant
discourse as a way to undermine extremism, Countering Heedless
Jihad explores a stratagem aimed at defusing jihadist ideology. It
explains how to counteract idealist theology using concepts from
it, borrowing ideas from some revered Islamic theologians and
positioning them in a way that sabotages jihadist ideology. By
integrating the theology with viable methods for dissemination, it
presents a viable means for confusing existing members of radical
groups and for neutralizing their recruiting effort. The book
includes contributions by Major General Michael Lehnert, USMC; U.S.
Ambassador David J. Dunford; and Dr. Khuram Iqbal.
This Festschrift is dedicated to Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter
Wriggers on the occasion of his 60th birthday. It contains
contributions from friends and collaborators as well as current
former PhD students from almost all continents. As a very diverse
group of people, the authors cover a wide range of topics from
fundamental research to industrial applications: contact mechanics,
finite element technology, micromechanics, multiscale
particle methods, isogeometric analysis, stochastic methods and
further research interests. In summary, the volume presents an
overview of the international state of the art in computational
mechanics, both in academia and industry.
This research aims to achieve a fundamental understanding of
synchronization and its interplay with the topology of complex
networks. Synchronization is a ubiquitous phenomenon observed in
different contexts in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and
engineering. Most prominently, synchronization takes place in the
brain, where it is associated with several cognitive capacities but
is - in abundance - a characteristic of neurological diseases.
Besides zero-lag synchrony, group and cluster states are
considered, enabling a description and study of complex
synchronization patterns within the presented theory. Adaptive
control methods are developed, which allow the control of
synchronization in scenarios where parameters drift or are unknown.
These methods are, therefore, of particular interest for
experimental setups or technological applications. The theoretical
framework is demonstrated on generic models, coupled chemical
oscillators and several detailed examples of neural networks.
This unique book is at the nexus of modern software programming
practices and electrochemical process engineering. It is the
authoritative text on developing open source software for many
applications, including: * fuel cells; * electrolyzers; and *
batteries. Written by experts in the field in the open source
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code suite OpenFOAM, this book
is intended for process engineering professionals developing
practical electrochemical designs for industry, as well as
researchers focused on finding tomorrow's answers today. The book
covers everything from micro-scale to cell-scale to stack-scale
models, with numerous illustrations and programming examples.
Starting from a clear explanation of electrochemical processes and
simple illustrative examples, the book progresses in complexity
through a range of diverse applications. After reading this book,
the reader is able to take command and control of model development
as an expert. The book is aimed at all engineers and scientists
with basic knowledge of calculus and programming in C++.
Explores sonic events and auditory experiences in German-speaking
contexts from the Middle Ages to the digital age, opening up new
understandings. As a sub-discipline of cultural studies, sound
studies is a firmly established field of inquiry, examining how
sonic events and auditory experiences unfold in culturally and
historically contingent life situations. Responding to new
questions in sound studies in the context of German-speaking
cultures, and incorporating up-to-date methodologies, this
Companion explores the significance of sound from the Middle Ages
and the classical-romantic period through high-capitalist
industrial modernity, the Nazi period and the Holocaust, and
postwar Germany to the present digital age. The volume examines how
sonic events are represented in literary fiction, radio
productions, cinema, newsreels, documentaries, sound art, museum
exhibitions, and other media, drawing for this inquiry on
philosophy, aesthetics, literary criticism, musicology, art theory,
and cultural studies. Each essay is a case study - of persons,
events, and sonic, visual, or textual artifacts - situating them in
wider contexts of culture, history, and politics. The volume not
only revisits well-known topics from new angles, but seeks
especially to explore neglected issues on the cultural periphery.
It assembles original essays by leaders in the field and emerging
scholars from the United States and Europe. Offering an advanced
introduction to the topic, the Companion is addressed to anyone
interested in how the analysis of sound phenomena opens up new
understandings of German-speaking cultures.
This book offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the social
practice of taste in the wake of Pierre Bourdieu's sociology of
taste. For the first time, this book unites sociologists and other
social scientists with artists and curators, art theorists and art
educators, and art, design and cultural historians who engage with
the practice of taste as it relates to encounters with art,
cultural institutions and the practices of everyday life, in
national and transnational contexts. The volume is divided into
four sections. The first section on 'Taste and art', shows how art
practice was drawn into the sphere of 'good taste', contrasting
this with a post-conceptualist critique that offers a challenge to
the social functions of good taste through an encounter with art.
The next section on 'Taste making and the museum' examines the
challenges and changing social, political and organisational
dynamics propelling museums beyond the terms of a supposedly
universal institution and language of taste. The third section of
the book, 'Taste after Bourdieu in Japan' offers a case study of
the challenges to the cross-cultural transmission and local
reproduction of 'good taste', exemplified by the complex cultural
context of Japan. The final section on 'Taste, the home and
everyday life' juxtaposes the analysis of the reproduction of
inequality and alienation through taste, with arguments on how the
legacy of ideas of 'good taste' have extended the possibilities of
experience and sharpened our consciousness of identity. As the
first book to bring together arts practitioners and theorists with
sociologists and other social scientists to examine the legacy and
continuing validity of Pierre Bourdieu's sociology of taste, this
publication engages with the opportunities and problems involved in
understanding the social value and the cultural dispositions of
taste 'after Bourdieu'. It does so at a moment when the practice of
taste is being radically changed by the global expansion of
cultural choices, and the emergence of deploying impersonal
algorithms as solutions to cultural and creative decision-making.
Using concepts that are not already a part of the militant
discourse as a way to undermine extremism, Countering Heedless
Jihad explores a stratagem aimed at defusing jihadist ideology. It
explains how to counteract idealist theology using concepts from
it, borrowing ideas from some revered Islamic theologians and
positioning them in a way that sabotages jihadist ideology. By
integrating the theology with viable methods for dissemination, it
presents a viable means for confusing existing members of radical
groups and for neutralizing their recruiting effort. The book
includes contributions by Major General Michael Lehnert, USMC; U.S.
Ambassador David J. Dunford; and Dr. Khuram Iqbal.
Originally published in 1978, The Process of Question Answering
examines a phenomenon that relies on many realms of human
cognition: language comprehension, memory retrieval, and language
generation. Problems in computational question answering assume a
new perspective when question answering is viewed as a problem in
natural language processing. A theory of human question answering
must necessarily entail a theory of human memory organization and
theories of the cognitive processes that access and manipulate
information in memory. This book describes question answering as a
particular task in information processing. The theoretical models
described here have been built on a formulation of general theories
in natural language processing: theories about language that were
developed without the specific problem of question answering in
mind. By requiring programmers to be concerned with the precise
form of information in memory, and the precise operations
manipulating that information, they can uncover significant
problems that would otherwise be overlooked. An early insight into
artificial intelligence, today this reissue can be enjoyed in its
historical context.
This book reviews the state-of-the-art in fuel cells (low and high
temperature) across all the types applied in the field today and
assesses current trends in development. The main technology
problems are discussed and current gaps to market success
identified. The innovations covered in the book deliver new answers
to pertinent problems and/or offer new opportunities, be it in
operating conditions, application area, extension of lifetime, new
fuels, exciting new diagnosis and analysis methods. The volume
gives an insight not only to the key developments within the next
few years, but also shows perspectives in the mid-term. Readers
receive an overview of cutting edge, challenging research and
development that can be used in future developments, both of
personal careers, as well as in company technology planning.
In der Zeit des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs Deutschlands nach dem
Zweiten Weltkrieg waren die Wochenschauen im Vorprogramm jeder
Kinovorstellung eine bedeutende Informationsquelle. Mit
eindrucksvollen Bildern auf einer großen Leinwand – begleitet
von gesprochenem Kommentar, Musik und Geräusch – gaben sie
Orientierung und prägten die Erinnerung. In zahlreichen
dokumentarischen Film- und Fernsehformaten werden bis heute
einzelne Bilder oder kurze Sequenzen aus der Kino-Wochenschau als
historische Belege, als Illustrationen oder zur Dramatisierung
verwendet. Die außergewöhnlichen Prinzipien der
Informationsvermittlung kommen dabei jedoch nicht mehr zur Geltung.
Um das Publikum zu erreichen, war damals eine Mischung aus
informativen Berichten und unterhaltenden Beiträgen unerlässlich.
Die in diesem Buch vorgenommenen Fallanalysen spiegeln elementare
Themenbereiche der Zeit des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs beider
deutscher Staaten (1950-1965) wider. Neben den Prinzipien der
audiovisuellen Gestaltung wird auch die zentrale
Vermittlungsstrategie herausgearbeitet. Transmediale und
transnationale Aspekte, die hierbei eine Rolle spielen, weisen die
Wochenschau als Teil eines (internationalen) Mediensystems aus.
This unique book is at the nexus of modern software
programming practices and electrochemical process engineering. It
is the authoritative text on developing open source software for
many applications, including:
•           Â
fuel cells;
•           Â
electrolyzers; and
•           Â
batteries. Written by experts in the field in the open source
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code suite OpenFOAM, this book
is intended for process engineering professionals developing
practical electrochemical designs for industry, as well as
researchers focused on finding tomorrow’s answers today. The book
covers everything from micro-scale to cell-scale to stack-scale
models, with numerous illustrations and programming examples.
Starting from a clear explanation of electrochemical processes and
simple illustrative examples, the book progresses in complexity
through a range of diverse applications. After reading this book,
the reader is able to take command and control of model development
as an expert. The book is aimed at all engineers and scientists
with basic knowledge of calculus and programming in C++.
Dieser dem 2008 emeritierten Zurcher Sinologen Robert H. Gassmann
gewidmete Band enthalt siebzehn Beitrage aus dem Kreis seiner
Fachkolleginnen und -kollegen. Die einzelnen Studien umfassen
historisch und disziplinar verschiedene Arbeitsbereiche des Faches
Sinologie, von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart, von der Archaologie
bis zur Kulturwissenschaft. Den Forschungsschwerpunkten Robert
Gassmanns entsprechend bilden philologisch-historische Arbeiten zu
chinesischen Texttraditionen einen Schwerpunkt. Daneben befassen
sich mehrere Beitrage mit bestimmten Aspekten der Han-Zeit, mit den
Grabfunden von Mawangdui und mit dem Zhuangzi.
Three-dimensional scoliosis therapy has for decades played an
established role in the conservative management of mild and even of
severe scoliosis. As well as describing every aspect of the
pathologically curved, deformed spine, this textbook incorporates
an extensive programme of exercises that can be tailored
specifically to the needs of the individual patient. As outlined in
Three-Dimensional Scoliosis Therapy: The Schroth Breathing
Orthopaedic System, correction of the spinal deformity is based on
a special breathing technique and active muscle stretching, as well
as on elongation, detorsion and reduction of lordosis. The
provision of psychological support for the patient is also
emphasised as a key element. Christa Lehnert-Schroth born 1924 in
Meissen She worked as a physiotherapist for about 50 years with
scoliosis patients and further developed her mother's breathing
orthopaedic technique with great success. Between 1961 and 1995
Christa Lehnert-Schroth - always surrounded by physicians - was
director of the private Katharina-Schroth-Klinik in Bad
Sobernheim/Germany. In many lectures, articles, seminars and films
for physiotherapists and medical doctors in addition to recorded
discs for patient's training at home she illustrated her mother's
special method for scoliosis assuring well being of many patients
and in honor her mother's legacy.
This book contains the Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting on CPT and
Lorentz Symmetry, held at Indiana University in Bloomington on May
12-16, 2019. The Meeting focused on tests of these fundamental
symmetries and on related theoretical issues, including scenarios
for possible violations. Topics covered at the meeting include
experimental and observational searches for CPT and Lorentz
violation involving: accelerators and colliders; astrophysical
birefringence, dispersion, and anisotropy; atomic and molecular
spectroscopy; cavities, oscillators, resonators; Cherenkov
radiation; clock-comparison measurements; CMB polarimetry; cosmic
rays; decays of atoms, nuclei, and particles; equivalence-principle
tests with matter and antimatter; exotic atoms, muonium,
positronium; gauge bosons, the Higgs boson; gravimetry;
gravitational waves; high-energy astrophysical observations;
hydrogen and antihydrogen spectroscopy; lasers, masers; matter-wave
interferometry; meson and baryon properties; neutral-meson
interferometry; neutrino mixing and propagation,
neutrino-antineutrino oscillations; particle-antiparticle
comparisons; photon and particle scattering; post-Newton gravity in
the solar system and beyond; second- and third-generation
particles; short-range gravity; sidereal and annual time
variations, compass asymmetries; single-top and top pair
production; space-based missions; spin-gravity couplings; spin
precession; time-of-flight measurements; torsion and nonmetricity;
trapped particles, ions, and atoms. The meeting also covered
theoretical and phenomenological studies of CPT and Lorentz
violation including: physical effects at the level of the Standard
Model, General Relativity, and beyond; origins and mechanisms for
violations; classical and quantum field theory, gravitation,
particle physics, and strings; mathematical foundations, Finsler
This research aims to achieve a fundamental understanding of
synchronization and its interplay with the topology of complex
networks. Synchronization is a ubiquitous phenomenon observed in
different contexts in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and
engineering. Most prominently, synchronization takes place in the
brain, where it is associated with several cognitive capacities but
is - in abundance - a characteristic of neurological diseases.
Besides zero-lag synchrony, group and cluster states are
considered, enabling a description and study of complex
synchronization patterns within the presented theory. Adaptive
control methods are developed, which allow the control of
synchronization in scenarios where parameters drift or are unknown.
These methods are, therefore, of particular interest for
experimental setups or technological applications. The theoretical
framework is demonstrated on generic models, coupled chemical
oscillators and several detailed examples of neural networks.
This Festschrift is dedicated to Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter
Wriggers on the occasion of his 60th birthday. It contains
contributions from friends and collaborators as well as current and
former PhD students from almost all continents. As a very diverse
group of people, the authors cover a wide range of topics from
fundamental research to industrial applications: contact mechanics,
finite element technology, micromechanics, multiscale approaches,
particle methods, isogeometric analysis, stochastic methods and
further research interests. In summary, the volume presents an
overview of the international state of the art in computational
mechanics, both in academia and industry.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th EUNICE
2011 Workshop on energy-aware communications, held in Dresden, in
September 2011. The proceedings comprise 16 full papers and 7
poster papers which are presented together with the abstracts of
the 3 invited talks. The topics covered are: network architectures;
ad-hoc and wireless networks; system simulation; network planning,
optimization, and migration; traffic engineering; quality of
experience; and energy efficient architectures.