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Showing 1 - 25 of 28 matches in All Departments
This thesis covers several important topics relevant to our understanding of quark-gluon plasma. It describes measurement of the third-order harmonic flow using two-particle correlations and isolation of flow and non-flow contributions to particle correlations in gold-gold collisions. The work also investigates long-range longitudinal correlations in small systems of deuteron-gold collisions. The former is related to the hydrodynamic transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma created in gold-gold collisions. The latter pertains to the question whether hydrodynamics is applicable to small systems, such as deuteron-gold collisions, and whether the quark-gluon plasma can be formed in those small-system collisions. The work presented in this thesis was conducted with the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where the center-of-mass energy of both collision systems was a factor of 100 larger than the rest mass of the colliding nuclei. The results contained in this thesis are highly relevant to our quest for deeper understanding of quantum chromodynamics. The results obtained challenge the interpretation of previous works from several other experiments on small systems, and provoke a fresh look at the physics of hydrodynamics and particle correlations pertinent to high energy nuclear collisions.
This volume includes guiding cases of the Supreme People's Court, cases deliberated on by the Judicial Council/Committee of the Supreme People's Court, and cases discussed at the Joint Meetings of Presiding Judges from the various tribunals. This book is divided into four sections, including Cases by Justices, Selected Judicial Opinion(s), "Hot Cases" and "Typical Cases", which will introduce readers to Chinese legal processes, legal methodologies and ideology in an intuitive, clear, and accurate manner.This volume presents cases selected by the trial departments of the Supreme People's Court of China from their concluded cases. In order to give full weight to the legal value and social functions of cases from the Supreme People's Court, and to achieve the goal of "serving the trial practices, serving economic and social development, serving legal education and legal scholarship, serving international legal exchanges among Chinese and foreign legal communities and serving the rule of law in China", the China Institute of Applied Jurisprudence, with the approval of the Supreme People's Court, opted to publish "Selected Cases from the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China" in both Chinese and English, for domestic and overseas distribution.
Molecular imprinting is a rapidly growing field with
wide-ranging applications, especially in the area of sensor
development, where the process leads to improved sensitivity,
reliability, stability, and reproducibility in sensing materials.
Molecularly Imprinted Sensors in Analytical Chemistry addresses the
most recent advances and challenges relating to molecularly
imprinted polymer sensors, and is the only book to compile this
information in a single source. From fundamentals to applications,
this material will be valuable to researchers working in sensing
technologies for pharmaceutical separation and chemical analysis,
environmental monitoring and protection, defense and security, and
healthcare. Includes state-of-the-art methodology supported by comparisons and discussions from leading experts in the field Covers all types of sensing modes (optical, electrochemical, thermal, acoustic, etc.), materials and platforms Appeals to a multidisciplinary audience of scientists and graduate students in a wide variety of fields, including chemistry, biology, biomedical science and engineering, and materials science and engineering
Advances in optical technologies have made it possible to implement optical interconnections in future massively parallel processing systems. Photons are non-charged particles, and do not naturally interact. Consequently, there are many desirable characteristics of optical interconnects, e.g. high speed (speed of light), increased fanout, high bandwidth, high reliability, longer interconnection lengths, low power requirements, and immunity to EMI with reduced crosstalk. Optics can utilize free-space interconnects as well as guided wave technology, neither of which has the problems of VLSI technology mentioned above. Optical interconnections can be built at various levels, providing chip-to-chip, module-to-module, board-to-board, and node-to-node communications. Massively parallel processing using optical interconnections poses new challenges; new system configurations need to be designed, scheduling and data communication schemes based on new resource metrics need to be investigated, algorithms for a wide variety of applications need to be developed under the novel computation models that optical interconnections permit, and so on. Parallel Computing Using Optical Interconnections is a collection of survey articles written by leading and active scientists in the area of parallel computing using optical interconnections. This is the first book which provides current and comprehensive coverage of the field, reflects the state of the art from high-level architecture design and algorithmic points of view, and points out directions for further research and development.
This book is comprised of the presentations delivered at the 25th ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, on June 12-15, 2016. This symposium attracted more than 700 statisticians and data scientists working in academia, government, and industry from all over the world. The theme of this conference was the "Challenge of Big Data and Applications of Statistics," in recognition of the advent of big data era, and the symposium offered opportunities for learning, receiving inspirations from old research ideas and for developing new ones, and for promoting further research collaborations in the data sciences. The invited contributions addressed rich topics closely related to big data analysis in the data sciences, reflecting recent advances and major challenges in statistics, business statistics, and biostatistics. Subsequently, the six editors selected 19 high-quality presentations and invited the speakers to prepare full chapters for this book, which showcases new methods in statistics and data sciences, emerging theories, and case applications from statistics, data science and interdisciplinary fields. The topics covered in the book are timely and have great impact on data sciences, identifying important directions for future research, promoting advanced statistical methods in big data science, and facilitating future collaborations across disciplines and between theory and practice.
In this popular text for an Numerical Analysis course, the authors introduce several major methods of solving various partial differential equations (PDEs) including elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic equations. It covers traditional techniques including the classic finite difference method, finite element method, and state-of-the-art numercial methods.The text uniquely emphasizes both theoretical numerical analysis and practical implementation of the algorithms in MATLAB. This new edition includes a new chapter, Finite Value Method, the presentation has been tightened, new exercises and applications are included, and the text refers now to the latest release of MATLAB. Key Selling Points: A successful textbook for an undergraduate text on numerical analysis or methods taught in mathematics and computer engineering. This course is taught in every university throughout the world with an engineering department or school. Competitive advantage broader numerical methods (including finite difference, finite element, meshless method, and finite volume method), provides the MATLAB source code for most popular PDEs with detailed explanation about the implementation and theoretical analysis. No other existing textbook in the market offers a good combination of theoretical depth and practical source codes.
Nature has long used nucleic acid aptamers and enzymes for regulatory activities, such as the recently discovered riboswitches involved in gene expression. The existence of a large array of natural and artificial functional nucleic acids has generated tremendous enthusiasm and new opportunities for molecular scientists from diverse disciplines to devise new concepts and real applications that take advantage of those nucleic acids for sensing and other analytical applications. This book provides a timely and comprehensive overview of recent advances in the field, from leading experts in biology, chemistry, and engineering. A variety of topics are covered, from fundamentals of functional nucleic acids, to their applications as sensors, to nanotechnologies; as well as integration of functional nucleic acids into practical analytical systems.
Examining the negative consequences that arise from supply chain risks, such as production interruption and profit shrinkage, this book systematically explores firms' responses to these risks in different practical situations. In particular it focuses on sourcing strategies of firms under supply chain risks and the different mitigation tools they use, such as supplier development and multisourcing. Supply chains have expanded extensively as firms attempt to find new markets and cheap resources all over the world. Under the pressure of cost reduction, many firms try to take advantage of outsourcing of their raw materials and critical components. Though firms can reap significant benefits due to the globalization of supply chains and the widespread use of outsourcing, they have to deal with increasing and intensifying supply chain risks. In general, supply chain risks are various and may be originated from natural disasters, machine breakdowns, labor strikes, fires, etc. These risk incidents can cause serious damage to firms' profit performance. The analysis and insights from this book can be utilized by firms to alleviate the impact of supply chain risks in the sourcing process. It will also be of interest to researchers and students studying supply chain management.
This book develops a framework that shows how uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AI) expands and generalizes traditional AI. It explores the uncertainties of knowledge and intelligence. The authors focus on the importance of natural language - the carrier of knowledge and intelligence, and introduce efficient physical methods for data mining amd control. In this new edition, we have more in-depth description of the models and methods, of which the mathematical properties are proved strictly which make these theories and methods more complete. The authors also highlight their latest research results.
This book focuses on nonlinear wave equations, which are of considerable significance from both physical and theoretical perspectives. It also presents complete results on the lower bound estimates of lifespan (including the global existence), which are established for classical solutions to the Cauchy problem of nonlinear wave equations with small initial data in all possible space dimensions and with all possible integer powers of nonlinear terms. Further, the book proposes the global iteration method, which offers a unified and straightforward approach for treating these kinds of problems. Purely based on the properties of solut ions to the corresponding linear problems, the method simply applies the contraction mapping principle.
Although wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been employed across a wide range of applications, there are very few books that emphasize the algorithm description, performance analysis, and applications of network management techniques in WSNs. Filling this need, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Management, Performance, and Applications summarizes not only traditional and classical network management techniques, but also state-of-the-art techniques in this area. The articles presented are expository, but scholarly in nature, including the appropriate history background, a review of current thinking on the topic, and a discussion of unsolved problems. The book is organized into three sections. Section I introduces the basic concepts of WSNs and their applications, followed by the summarization of the network management techniques used in WSNs. Section II begins by examining virtual backbone-based network management techniques. It points out some of the drawbacks in classical and existing methods and proposes several new network management techniques for WSNs that can address the shortcomings of existing methods. Each chapter in this section examines a new network management technique and includes an introduction, literature review, network model, algorithm description, theoretical analysis, and conclusion. Section III applies proposed new techniques to some important applications in WSNs including routing, data collection, data aggregation, and query processing. It also conducts simulations to verify the performance of the proposed techniques. Each chapter in this section examines a particular application using the following structure: brief application overview, application design and implementation, performance analysis, simulation settings, and comments for different test cases/scenario configurations.
This book addresses selected practical applications and recent developments in the areas of quantitative financial modeling in derivatives instruments, some of which are from the authors' own research and practice. It is written from the viewpoint of financial engineers or practitioners, and, as such, it puts more emphasis on the practical applications of financial mathematics in the real market than the mathematics itself with precise (and tedious) technical conditions. It attempts to combine economic insights with mathematics and modeling so as to help the reader to develop intuitions.Among the modeling and the numerical techniques presented are the practical applications of the martingale theories, such as martingale model factory and martingale resampling and interpolation. In addition, the book addresses the counterparty credit risk modeling, pricing, and arbitraging strategies from the perspective of a front office functionality and a revenue center (rather than merely a risk management functionality), which are relatively recent developments and are of increasing importance. It also discusses various trading structuring strategies and touches upon some popular credit/IR/FX hybrid products, such as PRDC, TARN, Snowballs, Snowbears, CCDS, and credit extinguishers.While the primary scope of this book is the fixed-income market (with further focus on the interest rate market), many of the methodologies presented also apply to other financial markets, such as the credit, equity, foreign exchange, and commodity markets.
There have been two great shifts of power on the world stage during the past five centuries: the rise of Europe following the Industrial Revolution, and the rise of the United States after its Civil War. As we speak, a new power shift is beginning to take shape: the rise of Asia. Leading Asia's charge toward the world's center stage are the reemerging powers of China and India. To answer and adapt to such new challenges, the United States must develop a thorough understanding of the society of China. This book is a groundbreaking work in China Studies. For generations, China scholars have pursued the structure of Chinese social stratification, but none has completely succeeded in constructing even a single, complete model. The Annual Review of Sociology 2002 reported: "Insufficient research attention has been given to emerging social classes in rural and urban China and existing analysis are hampered by the still evolving nature of social and economic structures in which social classes are in the making. Thus, insightful analysis and reliable assessments are to be called for from future researchers." The Structure & Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification has finally addressed this gap. Dr. Li provides detailed analysis critical to understanding the class structure of Chinese society, both pre-1949 and in the post-Mao era. His explanation of the origin, structure, and evolution of the model will be essential reading material for any introductory student of Chinese society.
Das am 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft getretene chinesische Zivilgesetzbuch (ZGB) bestimmt enthalt zwei datenschutzrechtlich wichtige Vorschriften: Gemass 111 Abs. 1 ZGB wird die persoenliche Information vom Zivilrecht geschutzt und 127 ZGB bietet einen Auslegungsraum fur den Datenschutz. Um die personenbezogenen Daten weiter zu schutzen, erliess China am 1. November 2021 das erste chinesische Datenschutzgesetz. Diese Publikation konzentriert sich im Rahmen von Zivilrecht- und Datenschutzgesetz auf eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung uber ein Auslegungsmodell zum Datenschutz und -zugriff im Internetbereich.
This volume includes guiding cases of the Supreme People's Court, cases deliberated on by the Judicial Council/Committee of the Supreme People's Court, and cases discussed at the Joint Meetings of Presiding Judges from the various tribunals. This book is divided into four sections, including Cases by Justices, Selected Judicial Opinion(s), "Hot Cases" and "Typical Cases", which will introduce readers to Chinese legal processes, legal methodologies and ideology in an intuitive, clear, and accurate manner.This volume presents cases selected by the trial departments of the Supreme People's Court of China from their concluded cases. In order to give full weight to the legal value and social functions of cases from the Supreme People's Court, and to achieve the goal of "serving the trial practices, serving economic and social development, serving legal education and legal scholarship, serving international legal exchanges among Chinese and foreign legal communities and serving the rule of law in China", the China Institute of Applied Jurisprudence, with the approval of the Supreme People's Court, opted to publish "Selected Cases from the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China" in both Chinese and English, for domestic and overseas distribution.
This thesis covers several important topics relevant to our understanding of quark-gluon plasma. It describes measurement of the third-order harmonic flow using two-particle correlations and isolation of flow and non-flow contributions to particle correlations in gold-gold collisions. The work also investigates long-range longitudinal correlations in small systems of deuteron-gold collisions. The former is related to the hydrodynamic transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma created in gold-gold collisions. The latter pertains to the question whether hydrodynamics is applicable to small systems, such as deuteron-gold collisions, and whether the quark-gluon plasma can be formed in those small-system collisions. The work presented in this thesis was conducted with the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where the center-of-mass energy of both collision systems was a factor of 100 larger than the rest mass of the colliding nuclei. The results contained in this thesis are highly relevant to our quest for deeper understanding of quantum chromodynamics. The results obtained challenge the interpretation of previous works from several other experiments on small systems, and provoke a fresh look at the physics of hydrodynamics and particle correlations pertinent to high energy nuclear collisions.
Advances in optical technologies have made it possible to implement optical interconnections in future massively parallel processing systems. Photons are non-charged particles, and do not naturally interact. Consequently, there are many desirable characteristics of optical interconnects, e.g. high speed (speed of light), increased fanout, high bandwidth, high reliability, longer interconnection lengths, low power requirements, and immunity to EMI with reduced crosstalk. Optics can utilize free-space interconnects as well as guided wave technology, neither of which has the problems of VLSI technology mentioned above. Optical interconnections can be built at various levels, providing chip-to-chip, module-to-module, board-to-board, and node-to-node communications. Massively parallel processing using optical interconnections poses new challenges; new system configurations need to be designed, scheduling and data communication schemes based on new resource metrics need to be investigated, algorithms for a wide variety of applications need to be developed under the novel computation models that optical interconnections permit, and so on. Parallel Computing Using Optical Interconnections is a collection of survey articles written by leading and active scientists in the area of parallel computing using optical interconnections. This is the first book which provides current and comprehensive coverage of the field, reflects the state of the art from high-level architecture design and algorithmic points of view, and points out directions for further research and development.
Nature has long used nucleic acid aptamers and enzymes for regulatory activities, such as the recently discovered "riboswitches" involved in gene expression. The existence of a large array of natural and artificial functional nucleic acids has generated tremendous enthusiasm and new opportunities for molecular scientists from diverse disciplines to devise new concepts and real applications that take advantage of those nucleic acids for sensing and other analytical applications. This book provides a timely and comprehensive overview of recent advances in the field, from leading experts in biology, chemistry, and engineering. A variety of topics are covered, from fundamentals of functional nucleic acids, to their applications as sensors, to nanotechnologies; as well as integration of functional nucleic acids into practical analytical systems.
Although wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been employed across a wide range of applications, there are very few books that emphasize the algorithm description, performance analysis, and applications of network management techniques in WSNs. Filling this need, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Management, Performance, and Applications summarizes not only traditional and classical network management techniques, but also state-of-the-art techniques in this area. The articles presented are expository, but scholarly in nature, including the appropriate history background, a review of current thinking on the topic, and a discussion of unsolved problems. The book is organized into three sections. Section I introduces the basic concepts of WSNs and their applications, followed by the summarization of the network management techniques used in WSNs. Section II begins by examining virtual backbone-based network management techniques. It points out some of the drawbacks in classical and existing methods and proposes several new network management techniques for WSNs that can address the shortcomings of existing methods. Each chapter in this section examines a new network management technique and includes an introduction, literature review, network model, algorithm description, theoretical analysis, and conclusion. Section III applies proposed new techniques to some important applications in WSNs including routing, data collection, data aggregation, and query processing. It also conducts simulations to verify the performance of the proposed techniques. Each chapter in this section examines a particular application using the following structure: brief application overview, application design and implementation, performance analysis, simulation settings, and comments for different test cases/scenario configurations.
In this popular text for an Numerical Analysis course, the authors introduce several major methods of solving various partial differential equations (PDEs) including elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic equations. It covers traditional techniques including the classic finite difference method, finite element method, and state-of-the-art numercial methods.The text uniquely emphasizes both theoretical numerical analysis and practical implementation of the algorithms in MATLAB. This new edition includes a new chapter, Finite Value Method, the presentation has been tightened, new exercises and applications are included, and the text refers now to the latest release of MATLAB. Key Selling Points: A successful textbook for an undergraduate text on numerical analysis or methods taught in mathematics and computer engineering. This course is taught in every university throughout the world with an engineering department or school. Competitive advantage broader numerical methods (including finite difference, finite element, meshless method, and finite volume method), provides the MATLAB source code for most popular PDEs with detailed explanation about the implementation and theoretical analysis. No other existing textbook in the market offers a good combination of theoretical depth and practical source codes.
This book develops a framework that shows how uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AI) expands and generalizes traditional AI. It explores the uncertainties of knowledge and intelligence. The authors focus on the importance of natural language - the carrier of knowledge and intelligence, and introduce efficient physical methods for data mining amd control. In this new edition, we have more in-depth description of the models and methods, of which the mathematical properties are proved strictly which make these theories and methods more complete. The authors also highlight their latest research results.
Next generation wireless and mobile communication systems are rapidly evolving to satisfy the demands of various network users. Due to the great success and enormous impact of IP networks, high-speed transmission is now possible for both indoor and outdoor wireless systems, internet access and web browsing have become the ruling paradigm for next generation system. It is envisioned that new generation wireless networks and hand-held terminals will support a wide variety of multimedia services such as multimedia web browsing, video and news on demand, mobile office system, stock market information, and so on, to mobile users anywhere, anytime in an uninterrupted and seamless way with low-powered handsets. The characteristics of wireless links, as well as the desire to maintain connectivity while on the move, offer significant challenges to provisioning quality of service and the related performance is of central interest. Since the resources (such as time, frequency and code) in the wireless segments of such networks are very limited, over-dimensioning the network resource is equivalent to poor capital investment, while congestion at busy hours could mean lost calls and lost revenues. It is therefore critical for wireless network designers to utilise these resources efficiently and effectively. In response to the above demand for next generation wireless and mobile communication systems, this book aims at providing a timely and concise reference of the current activities and findings in the relevant technical fields. The primary goal is to address the key technical issues pertaining to the integrated new systems and present novel technical contributions. The book contains 14 invited chapters from prominent researchers working in this area around the world.
This book is comprised of the presentations delivered at the 25th ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, on June 12-15, 2016. This symposium attracted more than 700 statisticians and data scientists working in academia, government, and industry from all over the world. The theme of this conference was the "Challenge of Big Data and Applications of Statistics," in recognition of the advent of big data era, and the symposium offered opportunities for learning, receiving inspirations from old research ideas and for developing new ones, and for promoting further research collaborations in the data sciences. The invited contributions addressed rich topics closely related to big data analysis in the data sciences, reflecting recent advances and major challenges in statistics, business statistics, and biostatistics. Subsequently, the six editors selected 19 high-quality presentations and invited the speakers to prepare full chapters for this book, which showcases new methods in statistics and data sciences, emerging theories, and case applications from statistics, data science and interdisciplinary fields. The topics covered in the book are timely and have great impact on data sciences, identifying important directions for future research, promoting advanced statistical methods in big data science, and facilitating future collaborations across disciplines and between theory and practice.
East Asia and the West: An Entangled History provides readers with a comprehensive overview of modern East Asian civilizations. The text demonstrates how China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam developed into modern nations through interactions with Western ideas and military power. Part One of the text provides an overview and historical background of premodern East Asia, highlighting differences and similarities between China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, and significant partnerships and innovations from the 1500s to the 1800s. In Part Two, students learn why certain areas adopted an isolationist policy against Western influence, while others welcomed the influence. Part Three focuses on confrontation and Westernization, featuring discussion of the Opium Wars, the Meiji Transformation, and French colonization in Indochina. Part Four covers major events that occurred during World War II, including the communist movements in East Asia during the war. The final part examines the competition and confrontation between the capitalist and communist systems during the Cold War in East Asia. The text features transliteration notes, maps, and an expansive bibliography to provide students with a complete and immersive learning experience. East Asia and the West is part of the Cognella History of Asia Series, a collection of books dedicated to helping students explore the exciting, complex, and influential past of Asian countries. |
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