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Geophysical Potential Fields: Geological and Environmental
Applications, Volume Two, investigates the similarities and
differences of potential geophysical fields, including gravity,
magnetics, temperature, resistivity and self-potential, along with
the influence of noise on these fields. As part of the
Computational Geophysics series, this volume provides computational
examples and methods for effectively solving geophysical problems
in a full cycle manner. Including both quantitative and qualitative
analysis, the book offers different filtering and transformation
procedures, integrated analysis, and special interpretation
methodologies, also presenting a developed 3D algorithm for
combined modeling of gravity and magnetic fields in complex
environments. The book also includes applications of the unified
potential field system, such as studying deep structure, searching
hydrocarbon and ore deposits, localizing buried water horizons and
rockslide areas, tectono-structural mapping of water basins, and
classifying archaeological targets. It is an ideal and unique
resource for geophysicists, exploration geologists, archaeologists
and environmental scientists.
Books published during recent years in the field of applied geo
physics can be, in general, divided into two main types. The first
type covers such multiaspect books as "Introduction to Geophysics,"
while the second-special works on fundamental theoretical prob lems
with an elaborate mathematical description. The books of the first
type are mainly intended for beginner students and specialists in
adjacent fields. The books of the second type may be useful for
teachers and theorists. However, there are also books of another
(third) type. These books describe the experience in geophysical in
vestigation under specific conditions or propose solutions to
concrete geological problems, being a methodological guide for
geophysicists and concentrating ideas both for advanced students
and researchers. Authors hope to give the readers a book of this
kind. Interpretation of geophysical fields is a complex consistent
pro cess. Its successful realization requires: (a) knowledge of
geological regularities and geological situation; (b) availability
of petrophysical support; (c) mathematical methods of solving
direct and inverse problems of geophysics (i.e. computation of
geophysical fields from a known source and determination of source
characteristics from known fields); (d) application of statistical
and logico-informational procedures to the analysis and synthesis
of observation results for revealing desired objects and
peculiarities of the geological structure."
This book describes origin and characteristics of the Earth's
thermal field, thermal flow propagation and some thermal phenomena
in the Earth. Description of thermal properties of rocks and
methods of thermal field measurements in boreholes, underground, at
near-surface conditions enables to understand the principles of
temperature field acquisition and geothermal model development.
Processing and interpretation of geothermal data are shown on
numerous field examples from different regions of the world. The
book warps, for instance, such fields as analysis of thermal regime
of the Earth's crust, evolution and thermodynamic conditions of the
magma-ocean and early Earth atmosphere, thermal properties of
permafrost, thermal waters, geysers and mud volcanoes, methods of
Curie discontinuity construction, quantitative interpretation of
thermal anomalies, examination of some nonlinear effects, and
integration of geothermal data with other geophysical methods. This
book is intended for students and researchers in the field of Earth
Sciences and Environment studying thermal processes in the Earth
and in the subsurface. It will be useful for specialists applying
thermal field analysis in petroleum, water and ore geophysics,
environmental and ecological studies, archaeological prospection
and climate of the past.
The subject of this book is the methodology and results of
integrated geophysical investigations in the Caucasian region,
mainly interpretation of magnetic and gravity anomalies with
utilization of a huge petrophysical database for the evaluation of
geological structure and mineral resources. Relative voluminous
geophysical data are useful for the Earth Sciences researchers
interested in the Caucasian region (and adjacent and similar
regions) characterized by complicated geological structure,
inclined magnetization (polarization), uneven topography and
mountain/sea transition. Examination of geophysical fields verified
by super-deep wells drilling indicates that magmatic rocks of the
Lesser Caucasus are extended northward under thick sedimentary
cover of the Kura Depression up to the Greater Caucasus. These
rocks form hidden petroleum-bearing traps of a newly identified
type. On the basis of geophysical studies (mainly inexpensive
magnetic and electric methods), a new copper-polymetallic province
in the Greater Caucasus has been revealed. a newly developed
integrated approach and special information-statistical techniques
for processing and interpretation of geophysical data facilitate
detection of important geological features, e.g. hidden
intersections of linear structures that control location of large
commercial ore and oil-and-gas deposits, as well as focuses of
dangerous geodynamic events at a depth. Numerous illustrations
(including colour) elucidate different problems and solutions on
various scales and in diverse geological-geophysical environments.
Many aspects of this book have been presented at the teaching
courses for bachelors, masters and doctors at the
Tel-AvivUniversity (Tel Aviv, Israel) and Ben-Gurion University
(Bea (TM)er-Sheva, Israel). Benefits to readers are predetermined
by the combination of the authors many-years personal experience in
the geophysical studies of Azerbaijan and other regions of the
Caucasus with the authora (TM)s knowledge of the modern level of
geophysics in the world.
This book describes origin and characteristics of the Earth's
thermal field, thermal flow propagation and some thermal phenomena
in the Earth. Description of thermal properties of rocks and
methods of thermal field measurements in boreholes, underground, at
near-surface conditions enables to understand the principles of
temperature field acquisition and geothermal model development.
Processing and interpretation of geothermal data are shown on
numerous field examples from different regions of the world. The
book warps, for instance, such fields as analysis of thermal regime
of the Earth's crust, evolution and thermodynamic conditions of the
magma-ocean and early Earth atmosphere, thermal properties of
permafrost, thermal waters, geysers and mud volcanoes, methods of
Curie discontinuity construction, quantitative interpretation of
thermal anomalies, examination of some nonlinear effects, and
integration of geothermal data with other geophysical methods. This
book is intended for students and researchers in the field of Earth
Sciences and Environment studying thermal processes in the Earth
and in the subsurface. It will be useful for specialists applying
thermal field analysis in petroleum, water and ore geophysics,
environmental and ecological studies, archaeological prospection
and climate of the past.
The subject of this book is the methodology and results of
integrated geophysical investigations in the Caucasian region,
mainly interpretation of magnetic and gravity anomalies with
utilization of a huge petrophysical database for the evaluation of
geological structure and mineral resources. Relative voluminous
geophysical data are useful for the Earth Sciences researchers
interested in the Caucasian region (and adjacent and similar
regions) characterized by complicated geological structure,
inclined magnetization (polarization), uneven topography and
mountain/sea transition. Examination of geophysical fields verified
by super-deep wells drilling indicates that magmatic rocks of the
Lesser Caucasus are extended northward under thick sedimentary
cover of the Kura Depression up to the Greater Caucasus. These
rocks form hidden petroleum-bearing traps of a newly identified
type. On the basis of geophysical studies (mainly inexpensive
magnetic and electric methods), a new copper-polymetallic province
in the Greater Caucasus has been revealed. a newly developed
integrated approach and special information-statistical techniques
for processing and interpretation of geophysical data facilitate
detection of important geological features, e.g. hidden
intersections of linear structures that control location of large
commercial ore and oil-and-gas deposits, as well as focuses of
dangerous geodynamic events at a depth. Numerous illustrations
(including colour) elucidate different problems and solutions on
various scales and in diverse geological-geophysical environments.
Many aspects of this book have been presented at the teaching
courses for bachelors, masters and doctors at the Tel-Aviv
University (Tel Aviv, Israel) and Ben-Gurion University
(Be'er-Sheva, Israel). Benefits to readers are predetermined by the
combination of the authors many-years personal experience in the
geophysical studies of Azerbaijan and other regions of the Caucasus
with the authors' knowledge of the modern level of geophysics in
the world.
Books published during recent years in the field of applied geo
physics can be, in general, divided into two main types. The first
type covers such multiaspect books as "Introduction to Geophysics,"
while the second-special works on fundamental theoretical prob lems
with an elaborate mathematical description. The books of the first
type are mainly intended for beginner students and specialists in
adjacent fields. The books of the second type may be useful for
teachers and theorists. However, there are also books of another
(third) type. These books describe the experience in geophysical in
vestigation under specific conditions or propose solutions to
concrete geological problems, being a methodological guide for
geophysicists and concentrating ideas both for advanced students
and researchers. Authors hope to give the readers a book of this
kind. Interpretation of geophysical fields is a complex consistent
pro cess. Its successful realization requires: (a) knowledge of
geological regularities and geological situation; (b) availability
of petrophysical support; (c) mathematical methods of solving
direct and inverse problems of geophysics (i.e. computation of
geophysical fields from a known source and determination of source
characteristics from known fields); (d) application of statistical
and logico-informational procedures to the analysis and synthesis
of observation results for revealing desired objects and
peculiarities of the geological structure."