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Things that go bump in the night, disembodied voices, footsteps in
an empty stairwell, an icy hand on your shoulder...let your
imagination run wild as you read about Wisconsin's most
extraordinary apparitions, sinister spooks, and bizarre beasts. You
may know of Lotta Morgan, Ghostly Lady of the Evening, but perhaps
you haven't heard about: -A man driven crazy at the Summerwind
Mansion after finding a mummified corpse in a drawer -The phantom
acapella music of the Lost Spirits of Coolidge -The flying manbat
known as mothman of LaCross -The mythical haunchies of Haunchyland
who hung a man for discovering their underground tunnel system.
- The Beast of Bray Road - Sasquatch in Dairyland - Rocky of Rock
Lake - Dragons of Green Bay - Other bizarre creatures, including
werewolves, flying lizard men, out-of-place kangaroos, goat men,
and lake serpents
What's hiding in the woods? Here is the definitive account of
today's nationwide sightings of upright, canine creatures - which
resemble traditional werewolves - and a thorough exploration of the
nature and possible origins of the mysterious beast.
"She has the ability to send chills up and down your spine."--Brad
Steiger, author of "Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted
Places" "If you thought the likes of "The Wolfman," "The Twilight
Saga: Eclipse," and "Underworld" had no basis in fact, it's time to
think again " --Nick Redfern, author of "There's Something in the
"Real Wolfmen is a riveting work of amazing scope and depth. You'll
be hooked from the first page."--Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of
The Encyclopedia of Vampires and Werewolves"
The U.S. has been invaded - if many dozens of eyewitnesses are to
be believed - by upright, canine creatures that look like
traditional werewolves and act as if they own our woods, fields,
and highways. Sightings from coast to coast dating back to the
1930s compel us to ask exactly what these beasts are, and what they
Researcher, author and newspaper reporter Linda S. Godfrey has
been tracking the manwolf since the early 1990. In "Real Wolfmen"
she presents the only large-scale cataloguing and investigation of
reports of modern sightings of anomalous, upright canids.
First-person accounts from Godfrey's witnesses - who have
encountered these creatures everywhere from outside their car
windows to face-to-face on a late night stroll - describe the same
human-sized canines: They are able to walk upright and hold food in
their paws, interact fearlessly with humans, and suddenly and
mysteriously disappear.
Godfrey explores the most compelling cases from the modern history
of such sightings, along with the latest reports, and undertakes a
thorough exploration of the nature and possible origins of the
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