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The analysis of singular perturbed di?erential equations began
early in the twentieth century, when approximate solutions were
constructed from asy- totic expansions. (Preliminary attempts
appear in the nineteenth century -
ideas and methods are described in several textbooks; nevertheless,
asy- totic expansions may be impossible to construct or may fail to
simplify the given problem and then numerical approximations are
often the only option.
Thesystematicstudyofnumericalmethodsforsingularperturbationpr- lems
started somewhat later - in the 1970s. From this time onwards the -
search frontier has steadily expanded, but the exposition of new
developments in the analysis of these numerical methods has not
received its due attention. The ?rst textbook that concentrated on
this analysis was [DMS80], which collected various results for
ordinary di?erential equations. But after 1980 no further textbook
appeared until 1996, when three books were published: Miller et al.
[MOS96], which specializes in upwind ?nite di?erence methods on
Shishkin meshes, Morton's book [Mor96], which is a general
introduction to numerical methods for convection-di? usion problems
with an emphasis on the cell-vertex ?nite volume method, and
[RST96], the ?rst edition of the present book. Nevertheless many
methods and techniques that are important today, especially for
partial di?erential equations, were developed after 1996.
The analysis of singular perturbed di?erential equations began
early in the twentieth century, when approximate solutions were
constructed from asy- totic expansions. (Preliminary attempts
appear in the nineteenth century -
ideas and methods are described in several textbooks; nevertheless,
asy- totic expansions may be impossible to construct or may fail to
simplify the given problem and then numerical approximations are
often the only option.
Thesystematicstudyofnumericalmethodsforsingularperturbationpr- lems
started somewhat later - in the 1970s. From this time onwards the -
search frontier has steadily expanded, but the exposition of new
developments in the analysis of these numerical methods has not
received its due attention. The ?rst textbook that concentrated on
this analysis was [DMS80], which collected various results for
ordinary di?erential equations. But after 1980 no further textbook
appeared until 1996, when three books were published: Miller et al.
[MOS96], which specializes in upwind ?nite di?erence methods on
Shishkin meshes, Morton's book [Mor96], which is a general
introduction to numerical methods for convection-di? usion problems
with an emphasis on the cell-vertex ?nite volume method, and
[RST96], the ?rst edition of the present book. Nevertheless many
methods and techniques that are important today, especially for
partial di?erential equations, were developed after 1996.
Written in easy to understand language, this self-explanatory guide
introduces the fundamentals of finite element methods and its
application to differential equations. Beginning with a brief
introduction to Sobolev spaces and elliptic scalar problems, the
text progresses through an explanation of finite element spaces and
estimates for the interpolation error. The concepts of finite
element methods for parabolic scalar parabolic problems,
object-oriented finite element algorithms, efficient implementation
techniques, and high dimensional parabolic problems are presented
in different chapters. Recent advances in finite element methods,
including non-conforming finite elements for boundary value
problems of higher order and approaches for solving differential
equations in high dimensional domains are explained for the benefit
of the reader. Numerous solved examples and mathematical theorems
are interspersed throughout the text for enhanced learning.
Numerische Mathematik ist ein zentrales Gebiet der Mathematik, das
f r vielf ltige Anwendungen die Grundlage bildet und das alle
Studierenden der Mathematik, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik
und Physik kennenlernen.
Das vorliegende Lehrbuch ist eine didaktisch exzellente, besonders
sorgf ltig ausgearbeitete Einf hrung f r Anf nger. Eines der Ziele
dieses Buches ist es, die mathematischen Grundlagen der numerischen
Methoden zu liefern, ihre grundlegenden theoretischen Eigenschaften
(Stabilit t, Genauigkeit, Komplexit t)zu analysieren, und ihre
Leistungsf higkeit an Beispielen und Gegenbeispielen mittels MATLAB
zu demonstrieren. Die besondere Sorgfalt, die den Anwendungen und
betreffenden Softwareentwicklungen gewidmet wurde, macht das
vorliegende Werk auch f r Studenten mit abgeschlossenem Studium,
Wissenschaftler und Anwender des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens in
vielen Berufsfeldern zu einem unverzichtbaren Arbeitsmittel. Inhalt
von Band 2 siehe ToC.