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As computer technologies continue to evolve and new security
threats emerge, secure-aware software developments are essential in
the software engineering field. Developing and Evaluating
Security-Aware Software Systems provides innovative ideas and
methods on the development, operation, and maintenance of secure
software systems and aims to highlight the construction of a
functional software system and a secure system simultaneously. This
book is practical for researchers, academics and practitioners in
the software engineering and security fields.
With the prevalence of cyber crime and cyber warfare, software
developers must be vigilant in creating systems which are
impervious to cyber attacks. Thus, security issues are an integral
part of every phase of software development and an essential
component of software design. Security-Aware Systems Applications
and Software Development Methods facilitates the promotion and
understanding of the technical as well as managerial issues related
to secure software systems and their development practices. This
book, targeted toward researchers, software engineers, and field
experts, outlines cutting-edge industry solutions in software
engineering and security research to help overcome contemporary
The concept of immunotherapy was in infancy when the first edition
was written; since then, major advances have been made, not only
with several prominent clinical trials, but also with the approval
of cell-based therapy by the FDA for the treatment of cancer in
2010. These events resulted in a gradually narrowing gap between
early scientific knowledge and the late development of immune-based
therapies. Consequently, the significance and magnitude of these
advances warranted a revision of this contribution; this revised
edition will provide a deeper understanding of the recent advances
and discoveries related to the function of the immune response and
their applications in the development of novel therapies to treat
human diseases. Some of the key discoveries during the past five
years include: the identification of the new subsets of helper T
cells; new cytokines and their networks; and novel signal
transduction mechanisms. For example, the identification of TH17
subset of helper T cells, in addition to TH1 and TH2 cells, not
only advanced our understanding of the function of the basic immune
response, but also raised our awareness of the possible etiology
and pathogenesis of diseases such as allergy, asthma, rheumatoid
arthritis, and other auto-immune/immune system based diseases. The
newly identified powerful cytokine networks, that regulate both
innate and acquired immune responses, emerged as a result of the
finding of new cell types such as innate lymphoid cells and iNKT.
Identification of the novel cytokines and their networks has
advanced our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the
maintenance of tissue homeostasis, including inflammation and
tissue repair during stress and injury. The development of HIV
vaccines has also seen dramatic changes over the last few years.
There has been a shift from a sole focus on T cell vaccines to a
holistic approach that pertains to the induction of both humoral
and cellular elements. This entails the induction of antibodies -
both binding and neutralizing - to prevent infection. The cellular
vaccination produces a safety net of CD8+ T-cell responses to
suppress the replication of the virus in the infected patients, and
both of the effector arms are aided by helper T cells. From the
perspective of clinical applications, significant advances have
also been made in: oral immunotherapy for allergic disease, the
possible treatment of HIV infection, the development of new
monoclonal antibodies and their fragments to treat human diseases,
and immune cell based therapies for cancer.
The practical substance of this text is aimed at all doctors who
assess, and prescribe for patients with cardiovascular problems. It
is for clinicians and residents who wish to interpret ECGs
accurately. The arrhythmia chapter is packed with clues for
diagnosis and therapy, and practical steps. Presents a unique
11-step method for accurate and rapid ECG interpretations in a
user-friendly synopsis format. It is thoroughly revised and
updated. Includes the latest updates of ECG interpretation along
with its importance in assessments of various abnormalities such as
ST-segment elevation and also an addition of chapter on enhancing
ECG quality. Provides different diagnostic ECG criteria with
relevant and instructive ECGs that act as ready-reckoner for
proficiency tests and also helpful for physicians who are preparing
for the Cardiovascular Diseases Board Examination. The significant
information are presented through a succinct writing style and
highlighted with bullets. The practical aspects of the book help
the clinicians and senior residents for accurate interpretations of
the ECG associated with cardiovascular diseases.
This book explores the theoretical and practical features of
Islamic banking. Using Pakistan as a detailed illustration, the
text discusses recent developments and future prospects,
demonstrating the model underpinning interest-free banking. It
assesses the practical success of interest-free banking at both
individual banks and state level.
Shared vehicles are a key part of any future intelligent and clean
transport system, as they can allow for the sharing and potentially
more efficient use of transport resources and fuel. Shared mobility
has been gaining attention in the private and public sectors as a
possible strategy for taming auto ownership, vehicle
miles/kilometers travelled, and emissions. Serving as a source of
information on how best to shape shared vehicle systems of the
future, this book contributes knowledge on key facets of shared
mobility. It includes shared vehicle systems as well as shared
automated vehicle systems. Themes covered in the book include
policy and regulatory frameworks, planning, design, technology,
demand and supply models, algorithms, operations, management,
economic factors, business models, social equity, environmental
impacts, and pandemic effects. Shared Mobility and Automated
Vehicles: Responding to socio-technical changes and pandemics
comprehensively and systematically covers this important topic for
an audience of researchers in academia and research institutes
involved with intelligent transport systems and urban mobility. The
book is also a valuable resource for public policy analysts,
planners, system designers, system level technology developers,
consultants, and students.
The Broken Spell: Indian Storytelling and the Romance Genre in
Persian and Urdu is a monograph on the rise and fall in popularity
of ""romances"" (qissah)-tales of wonder and magic told by
storytellers at princely courts and in public spaces in India from
the sixteenth century to the twentieth. Using literary genre
theory, author Pasha M. Khan points to the worldviews underlying
the popularity of Urdu and Persian romances, before pre-existing
Islamicate rationalist traditions gained traction and Western
colonialism came to prominence in India. In the introduction, Khan
explains that it was around the end of the nineteenth century that
these marvelous tales became devalued by Orientalists and
intellectually colonized Indian elites, while at the same time a
new genre, the novel, gained legitimacy. Khan goes on to narrate
the life histories of professional storytellers, many of them
emigres from Iran to Mughal-ruled India, and considers how they
raised their own worth and that of the romance in the face of
changes in the economics, culture, and patronage of India. Khan
shows the methods whereby such storytellers performed and how they
promoted themselves and their art. The dividing line between
marvelous tales and history is examined, showing how and why the
boundary was porous. The study historicizes the Western
understanding of the qissah as a local manifestation of a worldwide
romance genre, showing that this genre equation had profound
ideological effects. The book's appendix contains a translation of
an important text for understanding Iranian and Indian storytelling
methods: the unpublished introductory portions to Fakhr al-Zamani's
manual for storytellers. The Broken Spell will appeal to scholars
of folklore and fairy-tale studies, comparative literature, South
Asian studies, and any reader with an interest in India and
A comprehensive overview of Hajj, one of the central pillars of
Islam. Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage consists of twenty-seven
essays addressing objects in the remarkable collection of Nasser
David Khalili. The collection features more than five thousand
objects relating to the arts of pilgrimage, from the eighth century
to today, and includes Qur'ans, illustrated manuscripts, rare
books, scientific instruments, textiles, coins, paintings, prints,
and photo-postcards, as well as archival material, unique
historical documents, and examples of the work of some of the
earliest Muslim photographers of Hajj. Together the essays
collected in Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage provide a
comprehensive overview of Hajj, illustrating the religious,
spiritual, cultural, and artistic aspects of pilgrimage to the Holy
Sanctuaries of Islam and the cosmopolitan nature of Hajj itself.
Each essay is written by a prominent specialist in the field and
beautifully illustrated with full-color images of objects from the
collection, some of which have never been seen in print before.
Taking readers from the early history of Islam to the fascinating
story of the Western view of Muslim pilgrimage, these essays will
transform our perception of Hajj.
A study of the palaeoethnobotany of Kashmir, covering covers the
period from 4500 BP to 1000 BP. It includes keys to the
identification of various species of Triticum, Hordeum, Avena and
Prunus, and hard and soft woods, and lists the criteria for
identification of weed seeds of some 200 species.
Pakistan’s 2018 general elections marked the second successful
transfer of power from one elected civilian government to
another—a remarkable achievement considering the country’s
history of dictatorial rule. Pakistan’s Political Parties
examines how the civilian side of the state’s current regime has
survived the transition to democracy, providing critical insight
into the evolution of political parties in Pakistan and their role
in developing democracies in general. Pakistan’s numerous
political parties span the ideological spectrum, as well as
represent diverse regional, ethnic, and religious constituencies.
The essays in this volume explore the way in which these parties
both contend and work with Pakistan’s military-bureaucratic
establishment to assert and expand their power. Researchers use
interviews, surveys, data, and ethnography to illuminate the
internal dynamics and motivations of these groups and the
mechanisms through which they create policy and influence state and
society. Pakistan’s Political Parties is a one-of-a-kind resource
for diplomats, policymakers, journalists, and scholars searching
for a comprehensive overview of Pakistan’s party system and its
unlikely survival against an interventionist military, with
insights that extend far beyond the region.
Pakistan's 2018 general elections marked the second successful
transfer of power from one elected civilian government to another-a
remarkable achievement considering the country's history of
dictatorial rule. Pakistan's Political Parties examines how the
civilian side of the state's current regime has survived the
transition to democracy, providing critical insight into the
evolution of political parties in Pakistan and their role in
developing democracies in general. Pakistan's numerous political
parties span the ideological spectrum, as well as represent diverse
regional, ethnic, and religious constituencies. The essays in this
volume explore the way in which these parties both contend and work
with Pakistan's military-bureaucratic establishment to assert and
expand their power. Researchers use interviews, surveys, data, and
ethnography to illuminate the internal dynamics and motivations of
these groups and the mechanisms through which they create policy
and influence state and society. Pakistan's Political Parties is a
one-of-a-kind resource for diplomats, policymakers, journalists,
and scholars searching for a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's
party system and its unlikely survival against an interventionist
military, with insights that extend far beyond the region.
The concept of immunotherapy was in infancy when the first edition
was written; since then, major advances have been made, not only
with several prominent clinical trials, but also with the approval
of cell-based therapy by the FDA for the treatment of cancer in
2010. These events resulted in a gradually narrowing gap between
early scientific knowledge and the late development of immune-based
therapies. Consequently, the significance and magnitude of these
advances warranted a revision of this contribution; this revised
edition will provide a deeper understanding of the recent advances
and discoveries related to the function of the immune response and
their applications in the development of novel therapies to treat
human diseases. Some of the key discoveries during the past five
years include: the identification of the new subsets of helper T
cells; new cytokines and their networks; and novel signal
transduction mechanisms. For example, the identification of TH17
subset of helper T cells, in addition to TH1 and TH2 cells, not
only advanced our understanding of the function of the basic immune
response, but also raised our awareness of the possible etiology
and pathogenesis of diseases such as allergy, asthma, rheumatoid
arthritis, and other auto-immune/immune system based diseases. The
newly identified powerful cytokine networks, that regulate both
innate and acquired immune responses, emerged as a result of the
finding of new cell types such as innate lymphoid cells and iNKT.
Identification of the novel cytokines and their networks has
advanced our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the
maintenance of tissue homeostasis, including inflammation and
tissue repair during stress and injury. The development of HIV
vaccines has also seen dramatic changes over the last few years.
There has been a shift from a sole focus on T cell vaccines to a
holistic approach that pertains to the induction of both humoral
and cellular elements. This entails the induction of antibodies -
both binding and neutralizing - to prevent infection. The cellular
vaccination produces a safety net of CD8+ T-cell responses to
suppress the replication of the virus in the infected patients, and
both of the effector arms are aided by helper T cells. From the
perspective of clinical applications, significant advances have
also been made in: oral immunotherapy for allergic disease, the
possible treatment of HIV infection, the development of new
monoclonal antibodies and their fragments to treat human diseases,
and immune cell based therapies for cancer.
During the past decades, with the introduction of the recombinant
DNA, hybridoma and transgenic technologies there has been an
exponential evolution in understanding the pathogenesis, diagnosis
and treatment of a large number of human diseases. The technologies
are evident with the development of cytokines and monoclonal
antibodies as therapeutic agents and the techniques used in gene
therapy. Immunopharmacology is that area of biomedical sciences
where immunology, pharmacology and pathology overlap. It concerns
the pharmacological approach to the immune response in
physiological as well as pathological events. This goals and
objectives of this textbook are to emphasize the developments in
immunology and pharmacology as they relate to the modulation of
immune response. The information includes the pharmacology of
cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, mechanism of action of
immune-suppressive agents and their relevance in tissue
transplantation, therapeutic strategies for the treatment of AIDS
and the techniques employed in gene therapy. The book is intended
for health care professional students and graduate students in
pharmacology and immunology.
This volume consists of lectures delivered at the Sixth Inter
national Nathiagali Summer College on Physics and Contemporary
Needs held at Islamabad from June 15 to July 2, 1981. The College
used to be held at one of the scenic hill resorts of Pakistan,
Nathiagali, hence the name of the College. The College was
organized by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), under
the patronage of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics
(ICTP), Trieste, with a view to providing an opportunity for local
physicists and physicists from developing countries for learning of
the latest developments in various branches of physics. The
University Grants Commission provided a financial grant for the
participation of physicists from the universities of Pakistan. The
College had 18 lecturers from 7 countries. The total participation
in the College was by over 200 people from 18 different countries.
There were 15 days of concentrated lecturing during the day
followed by seminars and discussion sessions in the evenings. From
its inception the College has had a broad-based, multi disciplinary
emphasis. The purpose of the College has been to provide physicists
in the developing countries with enough information in various
branches of physics so that they can shift, or broaden, their field
of research. In the poor countries, like Pakistan, physicists
cannot always get facilities and opportunities to continue research
in their original field of specialisation at a reasonable level."
This book explores the theoretical and practical features of
Islamic banking. Using Pakistan as a detailed illustration, the
text discusses recent developments and future prospects,
demonstrating the model underpinning interest-free banking. It
assesses the practical success of interest-free banking at both
individual banks and state level.
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022! Offering comprehensive
coverage of the clinical, physical, and technical aspects of
radiation treatment planning, Khan's Treatment Planning in
Radiation Oncology, Fifth Edition, provides a team approach to this
complex field. Drs. Paul W. Sperduto and John P. Gibbons are joined
by expert contributing authors who focus on the application of
physical and clinical concepts to solve treatment planning
problems-helping you provide effective, state-of-the-art care for
cancer patients. This unique, well-regarded text has been updated
throughout to reflect the most current practices in today's
radiation oncology treatment. Incorporates the most up-to-date
imaging techniques and radiation treatment modalities used to treat
patients with cancer. Contains new chapters on patient safety,
knowledge-based treatment planning and the treatment planning
implications of combined radiation and immunotherapy. Includes key
points for more focused study and study questions at the end of
each chapter, many with newly expanded explanations. Discusses the
scientific background and the key aspects of each clinical approach
to ensure that you gain a well-rounded understanding of how to plan
treatment from both a technical and a clinical perspective. Enrich
Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred
device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert
to audiobook, powering your content with natural language
Revised and updated to highlight essential concepts in the
operations and management of foodservice facilities, this edition
outlines all steps in a simple and understandable fashion. The
unique feature of the book continues to be the emphasis on systems,
which applies to both commercial and institutional operations.
Between 1819 and 1926 four Muslim women rulers reigned over Bhopal,
the second largest Muslim state of India. They received staunch
opposition from powerful neighbours and male claimants in India.
The British East India Company, under Queen Victoria, also opposed
female rule in Bhopal until the Begums quoted the Queen as their
model and inspiration. Through the first objective history of
Bhopal, Shaharyar M. Khan discusses the Begums’ policies in their
relations with the British and provides a fascinating account of
British imperial relations within India.
The Broken Spell: Indian Storytelling and the Romance Genre in
Persian and Urdu is a monograph on the rise and fall in popularity
of ""romances"" (qissah)-tales of wonder and magic told by
storytellers at princely courts and in public spaces in India from
the sixteenth century to the twentieth. Using literary genre
theory, author Pasha M. Khan points to the worldviews underlying
the popularity of Urdu and Persian romances, before pre-existing
Islamicate rationalist traditions gained traction and Western
colonialism came to prominence in India. In the introduction, Khan
explains that it was around the end of the nineteenth century that
these marvelous tales became devalued by Orientalists and
intellectually colonized Indian elites, while at the same time a
new genre, the novel, gained legitimacy. Khan goes on to narrate
the life histories of professional storytellers, many of them
emigres from Iran to Mughal-ruled India, and considers how they
raised their own worth and that of the romance in the face of
changes in the economics, culture, and patronage of India. Khan
shows the methods whereby such storytellers performed and how they
promoted themselves and their art. The dividing line between
marvelous tales and history is examined, showing how and why the
boundary was porous. The study historicizes the Western
understanding of the qissah as a local manifestation of a worldwide
romance genre, showing that this genre equation had profound
ideological effects. The book's appendix contains a translation of
an important text for understanding Iranian and Indian storytelling
methods: the unpublished introductory portions to Fakhr al-Zamani's
manual for storytellers. The Broken Spell will appeal to scholars
of folklore and fairy-tale studies, comparative literature, South
Asian studies, and any reader with an interest in India and
Title: . ..Publisher: British Library, Historical Print EditionsThe
British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. It
is one of the world's largest research libraries holding over 150
million items in all known languages and formats: books, journals,
newspapers, sound recordings, patents, maps, stamps, prints and
much more. Its collections include around 14 million books, along
with substantial additional collections of manuscripts and
historical items dating back as far as 300 BC.The HISTORY OF EUROPE
collection includes books from the British Library digitised by
Microsoft. This collection includes works chronicling the
development of Western civilisation to the modern age. Highlights
include the development of language, political and educational
systems, philosophy, science, and the arts. The selection documents
periods of civil war, migration, shifts in power, Muslim expansion
into Central Europe, complex feudal loyalties, the aristocracy of
new nations, and European expansion into the New World. ++++The
below data was compiled from various identification fields in the
bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an
additional tool in helping to insure edition identification: ++++
British Library Khan, M; 1863, 64. 3 .; 8 . 10006.df.24.
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