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This monograph deals with the part of the field of experimental
rock deformation that is dominated by the phenomena of brittle
fracture on one scale or another. Thus a distinction has been drawn
between the fields of brittle and ductile behaviour in rock,
corresponding more or less to a distinction between the phenomena
of fracture and flow. The last chapter deals with the transition
between the two fields. In this new edition an attempt has been
made to take into account new developments of the last two and a
half decades. To assist in this project, the original author
greatly appre- ates being joined by the second author. The scope of
the monograph is limited to the mechanical properties of rock
viewed as a material on the laboratory scale. Thus, the topic and
approach is of a "materials science" kind rather than of a
"structures" kind. We are dealing with only one part of the wider
field of rock mechanics, a field which also includes structural or
boundary value problems, for example, those of the stability of
slopes, the collapse of mine openings, earthquakes, the folding of
stratified rock, and the convective motion of the Earth's mantle.
One topic thus excluded is the role of jointing, which it is
commonly necessary to take into account in applications in
engineering and mining, and pr- ably often in geology too. Shock
phenomena have also not been covered.
Aiming to develop a critical approach to global environmental
politics, this work does not advocate the construction of new
international institutions, but argues that the construction of
alternative social and political structures is necessary. After an
examination of policy-making surrounding sea defences, which
challenges the notion that political institutions are neutral
regarding environmental change, it examines the political dynamics
of car culture, and of the meat centred fast food industry.
Core Topics in General & Emergency Surgery provides a short,
up-to-date and practical reference guide for surgical trainees and
established consultants needing a refresher. The seventh edition
has been edited and fully revised by respected experts in their
fields, and provides a full list of current references and relevant
resources. It covers a range of topics relevant to all areas of
surgical practice - beyond surgical knowledge - that are essential
for enhanced patient outcomes. These include quality improvement in
emergency surgery, evaluation of new technology, evaluation of
surgical literature, and human factors. This volume is part of the
Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series, the pre-eminent
reference for trainees in general surgery and those preparing for
the FRCS examinations. Each volume summarises key issues within
each surgical sub-specialty and provides evidence-based
recommendations to support practice. Covers relevant topics not
found in other surgical textbooks - essential to improve surgical
outcomes Concise and easy to follow - ideal for exam revision or as
a refresher aid Fully updated with latest evidence on recent
developments, management issues and operative procedures
International authorship offers a world view Evidence-based
recommendations to support practice Key references to support
content, plus a comprehensive list of references in the
accompanying eBook Links to recommended online videos for further
learning New chapters on surgical technology, quality improvement
in emergency surgery All chapters revised and updated
The Canso d'Antioca is a fascinating text which deserves more
attention than it has received. It is a fragment of a much larger
epic describing the events of the First Crusade, related to the Old
French Chanson d'Antioca but with many unique features. As such it
presents a double interest to scholars of both history and
literature. It is a source text for the First Crusade with
information not contained in any other source. It is also an early
and seminal text for Occitan epic, few examples of which survive.
And arguably it represents the first work of vernacular verse
history in France, raising fundamental questions about the junction
of epic and historiography. This is the first published edition of
the text since Paul Meyer's version in 1884. It is based on the
single extant manuscript of the Canso found in Roda in Northern
Spain and now in Madrid, accompanied by a translation into English
on facing pages. The text is supported by detailed notes and a
glossary of proper names cross-referenced to all major First
Crusade sources. The introduction discusses in detail the history
of the text and manuscript, the value of the Canso as a historical
document, and its place both within the historical tradition of the
Crusade and within Occitan literary tradition and 12th-century
vernacular historiography.
This monograph deals with the part of the field of experimental
rock deformation that is dominated by the phenomena of brittle
fracture on one scale or another. Thus a distinction has been drawn
between the fields of brittle and ductile behaviour in rock,
corresponding more or less to a distinction between the phenomena
of fracture and flow. The last chapter deals with the transition
between the two fields. In this new edition an attempt has been
made to take into account new developments of the last two and a
half decades. To assist in this project, the original author
greatly appre- ates being joined by the second author. The scope of
the monograph is limited to the mechanical properties of rock
viewed as a material on the laboratory scale. Thus, the topic and
approach is of a "materials science" kind rather than of a
"structures" kind. We are dealing with only one part of the wider
field of rock mechanics, a field which also includes structural or
boundary value problems, for example, those of the stability of
slopes, the collapse of mine openings, earthquakes, the folding of
stratified rock, and the convective motion of the Earth's mantle.
One topic thus excluded is the role of jointing, which it is
commonly necessary to take into account in applications in
engineering and mining, and pr- ably often in geology too. Shock
phenomena have also not been covered.
This book develops a new, critical approach to global environmental politics. Instead of simply advocating the construction of new international institutions to respond to such challenges, it argues that the construction of alternative social and political structures is necessary. After an examination of policy-making surrounding sea defenses, which challenges the notion that political institutions are neutral regarding environmental change, it examines the political dynamics of car culture and of the meat-centered fast food industry.
In this concise yet comprehensive guide to the mathematics of
modern portfolio theory the authors discuss mean-variance analysis,
factor models, utility theory, stochastic dominance, very long term
investing, the capital asset pricing model, risk measures including
VAR, coherence, market efficiency, rationality and the modelling of
actuarial liabilities. Each topic is clearly explained with
assumptions, mathematics, limitations, problems and solutions
presented in turn. Joshi's trademark style of clarity and
practicality is here brought to classical financial mathematics.
The book is suitable for mathematically trained students in
actuarial studies, business and economics as well as mathematics
and finance, and it can be used for both self-study and as a course
text. The authors' experience as both academics and practitioners
brings clarity and relevance to the book, whilst ensuring that the
limitations of models are highlighted.
Occitania, known today as the "south of France," had its own language and culture in the Middle Ages. Its troubadours created "courtly love" and a new poetic language in the vernacular, which were to influence European literature for centuries. There are many books on the troubadours, but this is the first comprehensive study of the society in which they lived. For readers of literature it offers a wide-ranging insight into the realities that lay behind the poetic mystique. For historians it opens up an important and neglected area of medieval Europe.
By considering the size of the logical network needed to perform a
given computational task, the intrinsic difficulty of that task can
be examined. Boolean function complexity, the combinatorial study
of such networks, is a subject that started back in the 1950s and
has today become one of the most challenging and vigorous areas of
theoretical computer science. The papers in this book stem from the
London Mathematical Society Symposium on Boolean Function
Complexity held at Durham University in July 1990. The range of
topics covered will be of interest to the newcomer to the field as
well as the expert, and overall the papers are representative of
the research presented at the Symposium. Anyone with an interest in
Boolean Function complexity will find that this book is a necessary
The biological composition and richness of most of the Earth's
major ecosystems are being dramatically and irreversibly
transformed by anthropogenic activity. Yet, despite the vast areal
extent of our oceans, the mainstay of research to-date in the
biodiversity-ecosystem functioning arena has been weighted towards
ecological observations and experimentation in terrestrial plant
and soil systems. This book provides a framework for examining the
mechanistic processes transferable to marine systems.
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning is the first book to
address the latest advances in biodiversity-function science using
marine examples. It brings together contributions from the leading
scientists in the field to provide an in-depth evaluation of the
science, before offering a perspective on future research
directions for some of the most pressing environmental issues
facing society today and in the future.
The biological composition and richness of most of the Earth's
major ecosystems are being dramatically and irreversibly
transformed by anthropogenic activity. Yet, despite the vast areal
extent of our oceans, the mainstay of research to-date in the
biodiversity-ecosystem functioning arena has been weighted towards
ecological observations and experimentation in terrestrial plant
and soil systems. This book provides a framework for examining the
mechanistic processes transferable to marine systems.
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning is the first book to
address the latest advances in biodiversity-function science using
marine examples. It brings together contributions from the leading
scientists in the field to provide an in-depth evaluation of the
science, before offering a perspective on future research
directions for some of the most pressing environmental issues
facing society today and in the future.
This introductory, full length course in Scots Gaelic was developed
in Glasgow by John M Paterson and first published by the Gaelic
League of Scotland. Communication in Gaelic is made easier than
usual via the method of this course. There are forty-three lesson
units that are divided among four brief booklets.
This introductory, full length course in Scots Gaelic was developed
in Glasgow by John M Paterson and first published by the Gaelic
League of Scotland. Communication in Gaelic is made easier than
usual via the method of this course. There are forty-three lesson
units that are divided among four brief booklets.
This introductory, full length course in Scots Gaelic was developed
in Glasgow by John M Paterson and first published by the Gaelic
League of Scotland. Communication in Gaelic is made easier than
usual via the method of this course. There are forty-three lesson
units that are divided among four brief booklets.
This introductory, full length course in Scots Gaelic was developed
in Glasgow by John M Paterson and first published by the Gaelic
League of Scotland. Communication in Gaelic is made easier than
usual via the method of this course. There are forty-three lesson
units that are divided among four brief booklets.
A part of the Food Microbiology Series, Molecular Biology of Food
and Water Borne Mycotoxigenic and Mycotic Fungi reveals
similarities between fungi present in/on food and water and those
that cause human fungal diseases. The book covers food borne
mycotoxigenic fungi in depth and examines food borne fungi from the
standpoint of mycoses (i.e. fungal growth on humans) as well as
mycotoxin diseases and includes contributions from a wide range of
international experts in food borne fungal pathogens research.
Designed to be a single source on food borne human fungal pathogens
including mycotoxigenic fungi, the book presents: Basic concepts of
developments in nomenclature and bar coding Authoritative
description of key molecular techniques applicable to food borne
fungal pathogens research State-of-art review of molecular biology,
genome structure, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, control,
and prevention of major food borne fungal pathogens Thorough
discussion of alternative methods to those involving nucleic acids
The book provides higher-level knowledge of which foods and water
can contain potentially dangerous fungi. It includes background
information on basic mycology, covers identification methods, and
discusses molecular biological and other biochemical methods, and
supplies information on vaccines against fungi. It is a reliable
roadmap to future developments in improved, innovative molecular