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"Polymeric and Nanostructured Macromolecules" presents the
recent advances made in the synthesis, characterization, and
applications of polymeric macromolecules.
This book provides an excellent overview of the recent
breakthroughs in the science of macromolecules, with an emphasis on
nanostructured macromolecules and the perspectives that these
versatile materials offer to different fields such as
optoelectronics and biotechnology.
Advanced undergraduate, graduate students and researchers alike
will find the topics concerning physical and chemical properties of
advanced macromolecular materials of great interest.
This book gathers the proceedings of the 12th instalment in the
bi-annual Workshop series on Direct and Large Eddy Simulation
(DLES), which began in 1994 and focuses on modern techniques used
to simulate turbulent flows based on the partial or full resolution
of the instantaneous turbulent flow structure. With the rapidly
expanding capacities of modern computers, this approach has
attracted more and more interest over the years and will
undoubtedly be further enhanced and applied in the future. Hybrid
modelling techniques based on a combination of LES and RANS
approaches also fall into this category and are covered as well.
The goal of the Workshop was to share the state of the art in DNS,
LES and related techniques for the computation and modelling of
turbulent and transitional flows. The respective papers highlight
the latest advances in the prediction, understanding and control of
turbulent flows in academic and industrial applications.
This book sheds light on the latest trends in environmental law by
analyzing some of the main sectors of law, including administrative
law, constitutional law, EU law, US Law, and human rights
law. It explores the evolution of these sectors before courts and
tribunals from a US-EU perspective and from the perspectives of
some of the foremost academics and justices from the major
jurisdictions. Supranational and national courts, both in Europe
and in the US, have delivered significant environmental judgements
in recent years. The corresponding case law reflects how, in many
jurisdictions, environmental and climate litigation continues to
expand exponentially as a tool to strengthen environmental
protection, whether by pushing national governments to be more
ambitious or by enforcing existing statutes and regulations.
Courts, particularly after the Paris Agreement, are increasingly
seeking their own role as an important player in multilevel
environmental governance. Courts in both the US and EU are at the
forefront of this process and their role in shaping environmental
rule of law will be fundamental in the near future.
This book analyzes the informal practices of contemporary cities
through a close dialogue between different research perspectives,
with the shared goal of giving voice to informality and evaluating
its benefits and potential in a multidimensional key of social
factors. Recently, the human sciences have seen the emergence of
this new term “informality,†at first sight in conflict with
their function of giving order and form to social phenomena. A term
with which, in this book, the authors, having as reference the
Italian and European experience, specifically identify those
unsatisfied social demands and those collective actions “from
below†that aim at the recovery of urban space and the renewal of
its organization, often not following the trajectories of legality
and institutions. By means of a close dialogue between different
areas of social research, this book attempts to establish the
different declinations and applications of the term, evaluating the
causes and effects, benefits, and potential of the phenomena
attributable to it, within a multidimensional analysis that calls
into question the regeneration and collective use of spaces,
political-institutional confrontation and conflict, legal
innovation, and social-economic benefits.
After describing 10 common pitfalls, the authors share great tools
and techniques that work in practice. They discuss the Achilles'
heel of innovating online and present 10 methodologies you can use
for hands-on online innovation. The Lightning Decision Jam, the
Design Sprint and the FORTH innovation method are highlighted in
the book. The authors combine these methodologies into a new hybrid
version. At the end of the book, you will find systematic
descriptions of 25 tools and 10 methods. These will give a clear
overview that will help you to pick the right ones for your online
innovation journey. Innovating online is here to stay. There is a
huge increase in hybrid innovation projects, combining in-person
and online workshops, using all the online advantages while being
personally engaged offline. Online Innovation supports all
professionals who want to innovate online: consultants, coaches,
facilitators, managers, and students in design (thinking) and
This book gathers the proceedings of the 12th instalment in the
bi-annual Workshop series on Direct and Large Eddy Simulation
(DLES), which began in 1994 and focuses on modern techniques used
to simulate turbulent flows based on the partial or full resolution
of the instantaneous turbulent flow structure. With the rapidly
expanding capacities of modern computers, this approach has
attracted more and more interest over the years and will
undoubtedly be further enhanced and applied in the future. Hybrid
modelling techniques based on a combination of LES and RANS
approaches also fall into this category and are covered as well.
The goal of the Workshop was to share the state of the art in DNS,
LES and related techniques for the computation and modelling of
turbulent and transitional flows. The respective papers highlight
the latest advances in the prediction, understanding and control of
turbulent flows in academic and industrial applications.
The second Workshop on "Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy
Simulations," QLES2009, was held at the University of Pisa from
September 9 to September 11, 2009. Its predecessor, QLES2007, was
organized in 2007 in Leuven (Belgium). The focus of QLES2009 was on
issues related to predicting, assessing and assuring the quality of
LES. The main goal of QLES2009 was to enhance the knowledge on
error sources and on their interaction in LES and to devise
criteria for the prediction and optimization of simulation quality,
by bringing together mathematicians, physicists and engineers and
providing a platform specifically addressing these aspects for LES.
Contributions were made by leading experts in the field. The
present book contains the written contributions to QLES2009 and is
divided into three parts, which reflect the main topics addressed
at the workshop: (i) SGS modeling and discretization errors; (ii)
Assessment and reduction of computational errors; (iii)
Mathematical analysis and foundation for SGS modeling.
"Polymeric and Nanostructured Macromolecules" presents the recent
advances made in the synthesis, characterization, and applications
of polymeric macromolecules. This book provides an excellent
overview of the recent breakthroughs in the science of
macromolecules, with an emphasis on nanostructured macromolecules
and the perspectives that these versatile materials offer to
different fields such as optoelectronics and biotechnology.
Advanced undergraduate, graduate students and researchers alike
will find the topics concerning physical and chemical properties of
advanced macromolecular materials of great interest.
The second Workshop on "Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy
Simulations", QLES2009, was held at the University of Pisa from
September 9 to September 11, 2009. Its predecessor, QLES2007, was
organized in 2007 in Leuven (Belgium). The focus of QLES2009 was on
issues related to predicting, assessing and assuring the quality of
LES. The main goal of QLES2009 was to enhance the knowledge on
error sources and on their interaction in LES and to devise
criteria for the prediction and optimization of simulation quality,
by bringing together mathematicians, physicists and engineers and
providing a platform specifically addressing these aspects for LES.
Contributions were made by leading experts in the field. The
present book contains the written contributions to QLES2009 and is
divided into three parts, which reflect the main topics addressed
at the workshop: (i) SGS modeling and discretization errors; (ii)
Assessment and reduction of computational errors; (iii)
Mathematical analysis and foundation for SGS modeling.
The book focuses on the fluid dynamics of cavitation with
special reference to high power density turbopumps, where it
represents the major source of performance and life degradation.
While covering the more fundamental aspects of cavitation and the
main kinds of cavitating flows, there is focus on the hydrodynamics
and instabilities of cavitating turbopumps. The book also
illustrates the alternative approaches for modeling and engineering
simulation of cavitating flows.
The volume is dedicated to Shepard Fairey (Charleston, 1970), one
of the best known urban art artists in the world. Established under
the pseudonym of OBEY thanks to a successful campaign of stickers
spread in a viral way, depicting the face of wrestling champion
Andre The Giant, the American artist has achieved international
visibility thanks to the portrait of Obama, immortalised in the
iconic 2008 'Hope' poster for his presidential campaign. In these
pages the artist presents 30 recent unpublished graphic works
(2019), which retrace 30 years of activity through his most famous
icons: many social and political themes that inspired his
production, from the struggle for peace and against racial
violence, the defense of human and gender dignity up to environment
protection. The graphics constitute a unique and unrepeatable
concept, designed specifically for the Gallery of Modern Art in
Rome, where they are put in dialogue with important works from the
contemporary art collection of the Capitoline Superintendence,
selected by the artist himself. The volume, with an intervention by
Shepard Fairey and numerous critical texts, is completed by a
biography and bibliographical apparatus. Text in English and
Covering the latest technologies, Nanotechnology in eco-efficient
construction provides an authoritative guide to the role of
nanotechnology in the development of eco-efficient construction
materials and sustainable construction. The book contains a special
focus on applications concerning concrete and cement, as
nanotechnology is driving significant development in concrete
technologies. The new edition has 14 new chapters, including 3 new
parts: Mortars and concrete related applications; Applications for
pavements and other structural materials; and Toxicity, safety
handling and environmental impacts. Civil engineers requiring an
understanding of eco-efficient construction materials, as well as
researchers and architects within any field of nanotechnology,
eco-efficient materials or the construction industry will find this
updated reference to be highly valuable.
As the environmental impact of existing construction and building
materials comes under increasing scrutiny, the search for more
eco-efficient solutions has intensified. Nanotechnology offers
great potential in this area and is already being widely used to
great success. Nanotechnology in eco-efficient construction is an
authoritative guide to the role of nanotechnology in the
development of eco-efficient construction materials and sustainable
Following an introduction to the use of nanotechnology in
eco-efficient construction materials, part one considers such
infrastructural applications as nanoengineered cement-based
materials, nanoparticles for high-performance and self-sensing
concrete, and the use of nanotechnology to improve the bulk and
surface properties of steel for structural applications.
Nanoclay-modified asphalt mixtures and safety issues relating to
nanomaterials for construction applications are also reviewed
before part two goes on to discuss applications for building energy
efficiency. Topics explored include thin films and nanostructured
coatings, switchable glazing technology and third generation
photovoltaic (PV) cells, high-performance thermal insulation
materials, and silica nanogel for energy-efficient windows.
Finally, photocatalytic applications are the focus of part three,
which investigates nanoparticles for pollution control,
self-cleaning and photosterilisation, and the role of
nanotechnology in manufacturing paints and purifying water for
eco-efficient buildings.
Nanotechnology in eco-efficient construction is a technical guide
for all those involved in the design, production and application of
eco-efficient construction materials, including civil engineers,
materials scientists, researchers and architects within any field
of nanotechnology, eco-efficient materials or the construction
Provides an authoritative guide to the role of nanotechnology in
the development of eco-efficient construction materials and
sustainable constructionExamines the use of nanotechnology in
eco-efficient construction materialsConsiders a range of important
infrastructural applications, before discussing applications for
building energy efficiency
This book provides clear guidance on the prevention, early
diagnosis, and treatment of positional plagiocephaly. Information
is first presented on classification, epidemiology and
etiopathogenesis. Diagnosis is then explained in detail, covering
the significance of anamnestic data, physical examination,
differential diagnosis, instrumental examinations and
anthropometric measurements. Preventive measures such as "tummy
time" and physiotherapy are described and the role of orthoses,
osteopathy and surgery in treatment is closely examined. The
closing chapter addresses prognosis and complications. Positional
plagiocephaly is not only a "cosmetic" problem but can cause facial
and mandibular asymmetry, visual disturbances and cognitive and
psychomotor impairment, yet when correctly treated it usually
resolves by 6-7 years of age. This book will be an ideal aid for
pediatricians, neurosurgeons, maxillo-facial surgeons, orthopedic
physicians, physiotherapists and for all involved in preventing and
managing the condition.
Este volumen recoge los resultados del proyecto Linguaturismo, un
programa de investigacion interuniversitario sobre la lengua de la
comunicacion turistica espanol-italiano, que consiste en la
creacion y el analisis de un extenso corpus de textos
representativos de esta especialidad. Incluye tambien algunas
intervenciones de otros especialistas del sector, participantes en
proyectos analogos. Junto a una serie de reflexiones teoricas, se
estudian diferentes generos textuales - guias, itinerarios,
reportajes, paginas web, etc. - no solo en sus aspectos discursivos
y lexicos, sino tambien en la perspectiva diacronica. En su
mayoria, los autores se centran en textos espanoles o adoptan un
enfoque contrastivo espanol-italiano. Ademas, se presentan trabajos
dedicados a otras areas linguistico-culturales. Por su variedad y
nivel de profundizacion, los capitulos aqui reunidos ofrecen un
avance significativo para los estudios sobre la lengua del turismo,
en el marco del discurso especializado.
Este volumen contiene una seleccion de las intervenciones
presentadas en el XV Simposio Europeo sobre las lenguas con fines
especificos Nuevas tendencias en el discurso de especialidad (New
Trends in Specialized Discourse), que se celebro en la Universidad
de Bergamo (Italia) del 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2005,
ademas de algunas contribuciones de otros expertos del sector. Los
articulos han sido reunidos en tres secciones, relacionadas con las
distintas areas de especialidad implicadas: el lenguaje cientifico
y academico; el lenguaje juridico y economico; los lenguajes de la
publicidad, del turismo y del deporte.
Partendo dall'ipotesi relativa alle reti neurali coinvolte nei
processi che dalla sensazione portano alla percezione e alla
cognizione, il volume intende illustrare come in questo panorama
complesso si inseriscano anche gli aspetti legati al movimento e
all'azione. Considerando alcune delle piu diffuse patologie
neurologiche che comportano disturbi e alterazioni del movimento,
si analizzano gli aspetti riabilitativi del canale motorio,
essenziali per la cura, la prevenzione e la partecipazione di
ciascuno di noi a tutti gli aspetti della vita quotidiana, secondo
il concetto di salute definito dall'OMS. Il libro e rivolto in
particolare agli studenti delle Facolta di Scienze Motorie e di
Psicologia, ma anche di Medicina, Scienze e Tecniche della
Riabilitazione, Scienze Infermieristiche, Scienze dell'Educazione e
a tutti coloro che vogliano conoscere le potenzialita del movimento
per rafforzare, mantenere e riacquistare la propria salute.
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