Infant Death: Natural causes, accidental death, or homicide?
Sudden unexplained infant death (SUID) is the sudden and
unexpected death of an infant due to natural or unnatural causes.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is one of several causes of
SUID. However, SIDS, unlike the other SUID causes, is a diagnosis
that is reached when all other causes have been eliminated.
Although most conditions or diseases usually are diagnosed by the
presence of specific symptoms, SIDS is a diagnosis that should be
given only after all other possible causes of sudden, unexplained
death have been ruled out through a careful case investigation,
which includes a thorough examination of the death scene, a
complete autopsy, and a review of the infant's medical history.
Suffocation, drowning, electrocution, hyperthermia, hypothermia,
carbon monoxide poisoning, and homicide are examples of other
causes of SUID that can be explained after a careful case
investigation. A thorough death scene investigation, as described
in this book, is often the only way to make a distinction between
SIDS and suffocation as a cause of death.
Having knowledge about the many causes of SUID, in addition to
SIDS, is critically important for the death scene investigator. At
the scene, the investigator will gather evidence as well as
information from the parents or caregivers who were with the infant
and who may be in a great deal of distress. All of this information
is crucial for distinguishing between a natural death, an
accidental death, or a homicide.
The Detective's Guide: Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Syndrome
presents a comprehensive resource manual for law enforcement
investigators tasked with the challenging and difficult
investigation of infant deaths. This book provides comprehensive
reference manuals for an investigator including: Infant Growth
ChartsInfant Developmental MilestonesInformation Gathering
TemplatesWitness Interview QuestionsWater Temperature and Scalding
ChartInfant Medical History TemplatePregnancy History
QuestionnaireFeeding History TemplateIncident Scene Investigation
ChecklistEvidence/Materials Collection Log
Prepare for these critical incidents today by purchasing the
Detective's Guide: Sudden Unexplained Infant Death