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Governing universities is a multi-level as well as a highly
paradoxical endeavor. The featured studies in this book examine
critically the multifaceted repercussions of changing governance
logics and show how contradictory demands for scholarly peer
control, market responsiveness, public policy control, and
democratization create governance paradoxes. While a large body of
academic literature has been focusing on the external governance of
universities, this book shifts the focus on organizations' internal
characteristics, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the
changing governance in universities. The book follows exigent calls
for getting back to the heart of organization theory when studying
organizational change and turns attention to strategies,
structures, and control mechanisms as distinctive but interrelated
elements of organizational designs. We take a multi-level approach
to explore how universities develop strategies in order to cope
with changes in their institutional environment (macro level), how
universities implement these strategies in their structures and
processes (meso level), and how universities design mechanisms to
control the behavior of their members (micro level). As
universities are highly complex knowledge-based organizations,
their modus operandi, i.e. governing strategies, structures, and
controls, needs to be responsive to the multiplicity of demands
coming from both inside and outside the organization.
Governing universities is a multi-level as well as a highly
paradoxical endeavor. The featured studies in this book examine
critically the multifaceted repercussions of changing governance
logics and show how contradictory demands for scholarly peer
control, market responsiveness, public policy control, and
democratization create governance paradoxes. While a large body of
academic literature has been focusing on the external governance of
universities, this book shifts the focus on organizations' internal
characteristics, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the
changing governance in universities. The book follows exigent calls
for getting back to the heart of organization theory when studying
organizational change and turns attention to strategies,
structures, and control mechanisms as distinctive but interrelated
elements of organizational designs. We take a multi-level approach
to explore how universities develop strategies in order to cope
with changes in their institutional environment (macro level), how
universities implement these strategies in their structures and
processes (meso level), and how universities design mechanisms to
control the behavior of their members (micro level). As
universities are highly complex knowledge-based organizations,
their modus operandi, i.e. governing strategies, structures, and
controls, needs to be responsive to the multiplicity of demands
coming from both inside and outside the organization.
Professional services are increasingly seen as an important
foundation for future economic growth and prosperity. Yet research
on innovative and entrepreneurial processes in professional
services has been surprisingly scarce. This Handbook provides a
collection of original contributions from leading scholars
outlining the current stock of knowledge in the area as well as
providing directions for further research. The expert contributors
discuss entrepreneurship and innovation from a number of different
perspectives, including the entrepreneurial professional team, the
entrepreneurial firm and the institutional environment. The first
part of the book looks at the challenges of entrepreneurship
specific to the professional service firm while the second explores
the creation and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities in
the professional service team. Part III turns to the organization
and Part IV to the management and growth of the entrepreneurial
professional service firm. The final part discusses the interplay
between professions, firms and the institutional environment.
Researchers, scholars and PhD students in the areas of
entrepreneurship and professional service firms along with advanced
students of management will find this volume of great value.
Contributors: J. Benders, D.M. Brock, T. Clark, L. Empson, R.
Fincham, J. Flood, J. Gluckler, H. Gruber, A. Halinen, K. Handley,
S. Heusinkveld, E. Jaakkola, K. Laursen, L. Lefsrud, B.R.
Lowendahl, V. Mahnke, N. Malhotra, M. Mohe, M. Mone, T. Morris, D.
Muzio, N. Nikolova, M. Reihlen, S. Segal-Horn, J. Sieweke, M.
Smets, M. Stollfub, L. Strannegard, A. Sturdy, R. Suddaby, R.-J.
van den Berg, P. Vejrup-Hansen, A. Werr, M. Woywode
Dieses Buch pruft, inwieweit die zur Losung von
Innovationsproblemen notwendigen Lernprozesse rational geplant
werden konnen. Der Autor entwickelt ein Rahmenkonzept und bietet
Gestaltungshilfen fur die Praxis."
Das Buch behandelt die Herausforderungen rund um die Grundung einer
Unternehmensberatung. Dabei werden alle Schritte von der Grundung
bis hin zum Akquisitionsprozess von Kunden anhand eines
Beratungsunternehmens simuliert. Auch besondere Umstande wie der
Bruch der beiden Grunder und die Umbenennung der
Unternehmensberatung werden thematisiert. Die Bearbeiterinnen und
Bearbeiter der Case Study unterstutzen dabei den Protagonisten bei
der Frage, welche Moeglichkeiten es fur die Unternehmensberatung
nach dem Streit der Grunder gibt und wie das Unternehmen gerettet
werden kann. Dazu werden durch ein umfangreiches Change-Management
auch strukturelle AEnderungen erarbeitet und implementiert, um
zukunftige Krisen zu vermeiden. Die Case Study behandelt so viele
Herausforderungen aus dem Bereich der Beratungsindustrie
beziehungsweise des wissensbasierten Dienstleistungssektors. Die
Erkenntnisse aus der Bearbeitung der Case Study und die
vermittelten Werkzeuge lassen sich auch auf andere Unternehmen in
vergleichbaren Situationen ubertragen.