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This study offers an in-depth examination of Porphyrian
soteriology, or the concept of the salvation of the soul, in the
thought of Porphyry of Tyre, whose significance for late antique
thought is immense. Porphyry's concept of salvation is important
for an understanding of those cataclysmic forces, not always
theological, that helped convert the Roman Empire from paganism to
Christianity. Porphyry, a disciple of Plotinus, was the last and
greatest anti-Christian writer to vehemently attack the Church
before the Constantinian revolution. His contribution to the
pagan-Christian debate on universalism can thus shed light on the
failure of paganism and the triumph of Christianity in late
antiquity. In a broader historical and cultural context this study
will address some of the issues central to the debate on
universalism, in which Porphyry was passionately involved and which
was becoming increasingly significant during the unprecedented
series of economic, cultural, political, and military crises of the
third century. As the author will argue, Porphyry may have failed
to find one way of salvation for all humanity, he nonetheless
arrived a hierarchical soteriology, something natural for a
Neoplatonist, which resulted in an integrative religious and
philosophical system. His system is examined in the context of
other developing ideologies of universalism, during a period of
unprecedented imperial crises, which were used by the emperors as
an agent of political and religious unification. Christianity
finally triumphed over its competitors owing to its being perceived
to be the only universal salvation cult that was capable of
bringing about this unification. In short, it won due to its unique
universalist soteriology. By examining a rival to Christianity's
concept of universal salvation, this book will be valuable to
students and scholars of ancient philosophy, patristics, church
history, and late antiquity.
Arnobius of Sicca, in North Africa, was a Christian convert writing under the persecution of the emperor Diocletian. This book is the first ever scholarly study of the man and his writings, and it deals with every major aspect of relevant debate. Set at the height of intense and bloody conflict between the pagans of the Roman Empire and Christianity, the book demonstrates the importance of Arnobius' contribution towards the final triumph of Christianity.