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Michael Slote argues that emotion is involved in all human thought
and action on conceptual grounds, rather than merely being causally
connected with other aspects of the mind. This kind of general
sentimentalism about the mind goes beyond that advocated by Hume,
and the book's main arguments are only partially anticipated in
German Romanticism and in the Chinese philosophical tendency to
avoid rigid distinctions between thought and emotion. The new
sentimentalist philosophy of mind Slote proposes can solve
important problems about the nature of belief and action that other
approaches - including Pragmatism - fail to address. In arguing for
the centrality of emotion within philosophy of the mind, A
Sentimentalist Theory of the Mind continues the critique of
rationalist philosophical views that began with Slote's Moral
Sentimentalism (OUP, 2010) and continued in his From Enlightenment
to Receptivity (OUP, 2013). This new book also delves into what is
distinctive about human minds, arguing that there is a greater
variety to ordinary human motives than has been recognized and that
emotions play a central role in this complex psychology.
This new book by Michael Slote argues that Western philosophy on
the whole has overemphasized rational control and autonomy at the
expense of the important countervailing value and virtue of
receptivity. Recently the ideas of caring and empathy have received
a great deal of philosophical and public attention, but both these
notions rest on the deeper and broader value of receptivity, and in
From Enlightenment to Receptivity, Slote seeks to show that we need
to focus more on receptivity if we are to attain a more balanced
sense and understanding of what is important to us.
Beginning with a critique of Enlightenment thinking that calls into
question its denial of any central role to considerations of
emotion and empathy, he goes on to show how a greater emphasis on
these factors and on the receptivity that underlies them can give
us a more realistic, balanced, and sensitive understanding of our
core ethical and epistemological values. This means rejecting
post-modernism's blanket rejection of reason and of compelling real
values and recognizing, rather, that receptivity should play a
major role in how we lead our lives as individuals, in how we
relate to nature, in how we acquire knowledge about the world, and
in how we relate morally and politically with others.
There has recently been a good deal of interest in moral
sentimentalism, but most of that interest has been exclusively
either in metaethical questions about the meaning of moral terms or
in normative issues about benevolence and/or caring and their place
in morality. In Moral Sentimentalism Michael Slote attempts to deal
with both sorts of issues and to do so, primarily, in terms of the
notion or phenomenon of empathy. Hume sought to do something like
this over two centuries ago, though he didn't have the term
"empathy" and used "sympathy" instead; and in effect Slote is
seeking to give moral sentimentalism a "second wind" in and for
contemporary circumstances. By relying systematically on empathy in
its account of normative morality and in what it has to say about
the meaning of moral vocabulary, Moral Sentimentalism offers a
unified overall ethical picture that can then be tested against
ethical rationalism. Rationalism has recently dominated the scene
in ethics, but by showing how sentimentalism can make coherent and
intuitive sense of such preferred rationalist notions as autonomy,
respect, and justice--and by showing how a sentimentalism based in
empathy can deal with ethically significant aspects of the moral
life that rationalism tends to ignore or skimp on--Slote hopes a
wider and more active debate between rationalism and sentimentalism
can be set in motion. There are signs that sentimentalist modes of
thought are gaining new footholds on the way ethics is done, and
this new book is very hopeful about these possibilities.
The book is a much-expanded version of the Kuang-Yi Liu Lectures in
Chinese Philosophy the author delivered in Taiwan in December 2022.
The book brings together essays on Chinese philosophy, Western
philosophy, and the proposed interaction between them. The purpose
is not mainly exegetical or descriptive; the book seeks to expand
our philosophical understanding in various directions.
Philosophical Essays East and West shows how Chinese thought can
help Western analytic philosophy develop further and can even serve
as a corrective to certain central aspects of traditional and
contemporary Western philosophical thinking. We Western analytic
philosophers don’t think we have much if anything to learn from
Chinese philosophical ideas. But we do, we do, and much of the
present book seeks to show how. Studying topics in ethics,
philosophy of mind, epistemology, and aesthetics, this book puts
Chinese philosophy in conversation with traditional problems in
Western analytic philosophy. It also proposes aphorism as an
important method in both traditions.
Most people think that the difficulty of balancing career and
personal/family relationships is the fault of present-day society
or is due to their own inadequacies. But in this major new book,
eminent moral philosopher Michael Slote argues that the difficulty
runs much deeper, that it is due to the essential nature of the
divergent goods involved in this kind of choice. He shows more
generally that perfect human happiness and perfect virtue are
impossible in principle, a view originally enunciated by Isaiah
Berlin, but much more thoroughly and synoptically defended here
than ever before.
Ancient Greek and modern-day Enlightenment thought typically
assumed that perfection was possible, and this is also true of
Romanticism and of most recent ethical theory. But if, as Slote
maintains, imperfection is inevitable, then our inherited
categories of virtue and personal good are far too limited and
unqualified to allow us to understand and cope with the richer and
more complex life that characterizes today's world. And The
Impossibility of Perfection argues in particular that we need some
new notions, new distinctions, and even new philosophical methods
in order to distill some of the ethical insights of recent feminist
thought and arrive at a fuller and more realistic picture of
ethical phenomena.
This open access book discusses a variety of important but
unprecedented ways in which psychology can be useful to philosophy.
The early chapters illustrate this theme via comparisons between
Chinese and Western philosophy. It is argued that the Chinese
notion of a heart-mind is superior to the Western concept of mind,
but then, more even-handedly, the relative strengths and weaknesses
of Chinese and Western thought overall are critically examined. In
later chapters, the philosophical uses of psychology are treated
more specifically in relation to major issues in Western
philosophy. Michael Slote shows that empathy and emotion play a
role in speech acts (like assertion and thanking) that speech act
theory has totally ignored. Similarly, he treats the age-old
question of whether justice pays using psychological material that
has not previously been recognized. Finally, the implications of
psychological egoism are discussed in terms of some new
psychological and, indeed, human distinctions. Human life is
pervaded by instincts and aspirations that are neither egoistic nor
altruistic, and recognizing that fact can help put egoism in its
place. It is less of a challenge to morality than we have realized.
In Essays on the History of Ethics Michael Slote collects his
essays that deal with aspects of both ancient and modern ethical
thought and seek to point out conceptual/normative comparisons and
contrasts among different views. Arranged in chronological order of
the philosopher under discussion, the relationship between ancient
ethical theory and modern moral philosophy is a major theme of
several of the papers and, in particular, Plato, Aristotle, Hume,
Kant, and/or utilitarianism feature centrally in (most of) the
One essay seeks to show that there are three main ways to conceive
the relationship between human well-being and virtue: one is
dualistic a la Kant (they are disparate notions); one is the sort
of reductionism familiar from the history of utilitarianismm; and
one, not previously named by philosophers, is implicit in the
approach the Stoics, Plato, and Aristotle take (in their different
ways) to the topic of virtue and well-being. Slote names this third
approach "elevationism" and argue that it is more promising than
either reductionism or dualism.
Two of the essays are narrowly focused on Hume's ethics, and one
seeks to show that even Kant's opponents have reason to accept a
number of important and original Kantian ideas. Finally, the two
last essays in the volume talk about ethical thought during the
last half of the twentieth century and the first few years of the
twenty-first, arguing that the care ethics of Carol Gilligan and
Nel Noddings has a distinctive and important contribution to make
to ongoing ethical theorizing--and to our understanding of the
history of ethics as well.
This is the first book to bring together Western and Chinese
perspectives on both moral and intellectual virtues. Editors
Chienkuo Mi, Michael Slote, and Ernest Sosa have assembled some of
the world's leading epistemologists and ethicists-located in the
U.S., Europe, and Asia-to explore in a global context what they are
calling, "the virtue turn." The 15 chapters have never been
published previously and by covering topics that bridge
epistemology and moral philosophy suggest a widespread
philosophical turn away from Kantian and Utilitarian issues and
towards character- and agent-based concerns. A goal of this volume
is to show students and researchers alike that the (re-)turn toward
virtue underway in the Western tradition is being followed by a
similar (re-)turn toward virtue in Chinese philosophy.
Two of our greatest educational theorists, John Dewey and Nel
Noddings, have been reluctant to admit that some students are
simply more talented than others. This was no doubt due to their
feeling that such an admission was inconsistent with democratic
concern for everyone. But there really is such a thing as superior
talent; and the present book explains how that admission is
compatible with our ideals of caring (and democracy).
Traditionalists confident that some disciplines are more important
than others haven't worried that that way of putting things
threatens to make those who are excluded feel quite bad about
themselves. But an ethics of care can show us how to make these
differences much less hurtful and more morally acceptable than
anything that has been proposed by traditionalists. So the present
book offers a middle way between the denial of the reality of
superior talents and an insensitive insistence on that reality. It
argues that care ethics gives us a way to do this, and it bases
that claim largely on the promise of such an ethics for moral
education in schools and in homes. It is argued on psychological
grounds that caring can only take place on the basis of empathy for
others, and the book shows in great detail how empathy can be
encouraged or develop in school and home contexts. Other approaches
to moral education-like Kantian cognitive-developmentalism and
Aristotelian character education-can't account for (increasing)
moral motivation in the way that an emphasis on the development of
empathy allows. And in the end, it is only students educated via
care ethics who will be sensitive to one another in a way that
largely undercuts the negative psychological impact of educational
institutions and practices that acknowledge the greater talents or
creativity that some students have.
This volume presents the fruits of an extended dialogue among
American and Chinese philosophers concerning the relations between
virtue ethics and the Confucian tradition. Based on recent advances
in English-language scholarship on and translation of Confucian
philosophy, the book demonstrates that cross-tradition stimulus,
challenge, and learning are now eminently possible. Anyone
interested in the role of virtue in contemporary moral philosophy,
in Chinese thought, or in the future possibilities for
cross-tradition philosophizing will find much to engage with in the
twenty essays collected here.
Two of our greatest educational theorists, John Dewey and Nel
Noddings, have been reluctant to admit that some students are
simply more talented than others. This was no doubt due to their
feeling that such an admission was inconsistent with democratic
concern for everyone. But there really is such a thing as superior
talent; and the present book explains how that admission is
compatible with our ideals of caring (and democracy).
Traditionalists confident that some disciplines are more important
than others haven't worried that that way of putting things
threatens to make those who are excluded feel quite bad about
themselves. But an ethics of care can show us how to make these
differences much less hurtful and more morally acceptable than
anything that has been proposed by traditionalists. So the present
book offers a middle way between the denial of the reality of
superior talents and an insensitive insistence on that reality. It
argues that care ethics gives us a way to do this, and it bases
that claim largely on the promise of such an ethics for moral
education in schools and in homes. It is argued on psychological
grounds that caring can only take place on the basis of empathy for
others, and the book shows in great detail how empathy can be
encouraged or develop in school and home contexts. Other approaches
to moral education-like Kantian cognitive-developmentalism and
Aristotelian character education-can't account for (increasing)
moral motivation in the way that an emphasis on the development of
empathy allows. And in the end, it is only students educated via
care ethics who will be sensitive to one another in a way that
largely undercuts the negative psychological impact of educational
institutions and practices that acknowledge the greater talents or
creativity that some students have.
Eminent moral philosopher Michael Slote argues that care ethics
presents an important challenge to other ethical traditions and
that a philosophically developed care ethics should, and can, offer
its own comprehensive view of the whole of morality. Taking
inspiration from British moral sentimentalism and drawing on recent
psychological literature on empathy, he shows that the use of that
notion allows care ethics to develop its own sentimentalist account
of respect, autonomy, social justice, and deontology. Furthermore,
he argues that care ethics gives a more persuasive account of these
topics than theories offered by contemporary Kantian liberalism.
Michael Slote's use of the notion of empathy also allows him to
provide care ethics with its first full-scale account of moral
education, and he shows that the often-voiced suspicion that care
ethics supports the status quo and is counterproductive to feminist
goals is actually the very opposite of the truth. A care ethics
that takes empathy seriously can say what is wrong with patriarchal
ideas and institutions in a highly persuasive and forward-looking
way.The most philosophically rich and challenging exploration of
the theory and practice of care to date, The Ethics of Care and
Empathy also shows the manifold connections that can be drawn
between philosophical issues and leading ideas in the fields of
psychology, education, and women's studies.
Eminent moral philosopher Michael Slote argues that care ethics
presents an important challenge to other ethical traditions and
that a philosophically developed care ethics should, and can, offer
its own comprehensive view of the whole of morality. Taking
inspiration from British moral sentimentalism and drawing on recent
psychological literature on empathy, he shows that the use of that
notion allows care ethics to develop its own sentimentalist account
of respect, autonomy, social justice, and deontology. Furthermore,
he argues that care ethics gives a more persuasive account of these
topics than theories offered by contemporary Kantian liberalism.
Michael Slote's use of the notion of empathy also allows him to
provide care ethics with its first full-scale account of moral
education, and he shows that the often-voiced suspicion that care
ethics supports the status quo and is counterproductive to feminist
goals is actually the very opposite of the truth. A care ethics
that takes empathy seriously can say what is wrong with patriarchal
ideas and institutions in a highly persuasive and forward-looking
way.The most philosophically rich and challenging exploration of
the theory and practice of care to date, The Ethics of Care and
Empathy also shows the manifold connections that can be drawn
between philosophical issues and leading ideas in the fields of
psychology, education, and women's studies.
Virtue ethics is on the move both in Anglo-American philosophy and
in the rest of the world. This volume uniquely emphasizes
non-Western varieties of virtue ethics at the same time that it
includes work in the many different fields or areas of philosophy
where virtue ethics has recently spread its wings. Just as
significantly, several chapters make comparisons between virtue
ethics and other ways of approaching ethics or political philosophy
or show how virtue ethics can be applied to "real world" problems.
This open access book discusses a variety of important but
unprecedented ways in which psychology can be useful to philosophy.
The early chapters illustrate this theme via comparisons between
Chinese and Western philosophy. It is argued that the Chinese
notion of a heart-mind is superior to the Western concept of mind,
but then, more even-handedly, the relative strengths and weaknesses
of Chinese and Western thought overall are critically examined. In
later chapters, the philosophical uses of psychology are treated
more specifically in relation to major issues in Western
philosophy. Michael Slote shows that empathy and emotion play a
role in speech acts (like assertion and thanking) that speech act
theory has totally ignored. Similarly, he treats the age-old
question of whether justice pays using psychological material that
has not previously been recognized. Finally, the implications of
psychological egoism are discussed in terms of some new
psychological and, indeed, human distinctions. Human life is
pervaded by instincts and aspirations that are neither egoistic nor
altruistic, and recognizing that fact can help put egoism in its
place. It is less of a challenge to morality than we have realized.
This book begins with a discussion of the human life cycle and then
uses that discussion and other ideas to paint a general picture of
what human lives are like. While the first part looks at human
development and change, the second part of the book explores what
all human lives are like. Philosophical ideas and methods are
central to this book, although it is difficult to subcategorize it
into any familiar subdiscipline of philosophy. It draws on modern
concepts from psychology and social science in order to portray an
image of human life and lives and to enable readers to easily
understand the notion of human development in a very specific and
directed way. Although cognitive development and the development of
motor skills are two examples of forms of human development, this
book homes in on a particular, and arguably more synoptic, way of
seeing our development, which is in relation to and occurs within
the human life cycle. This book is an enlightening read for a broad
range of philosophy scholars, articulating and defending a view
that is neither as pessimistic nor as optimistic about human life
as previous views have been.
This new book by Michael Slote argues that Western philosophy on
the whole has overemphasized rational control and autonomy at the
expense of the important countervailing value and virtue of
receptivity. Recently the ideas of caring and empathy have received
a great deal of philosophical and public attention, but both these
notions rest on the deeper and broader value of receptivity, and in
From Enlightenment to Receptivity, Slote seeks to show that we need
to focus more on receptivity if we are to attain a more balanced
sense and understanding of what is important to us. Beginning with
a critique of Enlightenment thinking that calls into question its
denial of any central role to considerations of emotion and
empathy, he goes on to show how a greater emphasis on these factors
and on the receptivity that underlies them can give us a more
realistic, balanced, and sensitive understanding of our core
ethical and epistemological values. This means rejecting
post-modernism's blanket rejection of reason and of compelling real
values and recognizing, rather, that receptivity should play a
major role in how we lead our lives as individuals, in how we
relate to nature, in how we acquire knowledge about the world, and
in how we relate morally and politically with others.
There has recently been a good deal of interest in moral
sentimentalism, but most of that interest has been exclusively
either in metaethical questions about the meaning of moral terms or
in normative issues about benevolence and/or caring and their place
in morality. In Moral Sentimentalism Michael Slote attempts to deal
with both sorts of issues and to do so, primarily, in terms of the
notion or phenomenon of empathy. Hume sought to do something like
this over two centuries ago, though he didn't have the term
"empathy" and used "sympathy" instead; and in effect Slote is
seeking to give moral sentimentalism a "second wind" in and for
contemporary circumstances. By relying systematically on empathy in
its account of normative morality and in what it has to say about
the meaning of moral vocabulary, Moral Sentimentalism offers a
unified overall ethical picture that can then be tested against
ethical rationalism. Rationalism has recently dominated the scene
in ethics, but by showing how sentimentalism can make coherent and
intuitive sense of such preferred rationalist notions as autonomy,
respect, and justice-and by showing how a sentimentalism based in
empathy can deal with ethically significant aspects of the moral
life that rationalism tends to ignore or skimp on-Slote hopes a
wider and more active debate between rationalism and sentimentalism
can be set in motion. There are signs that sentimentalist modes of
thought are gaining new footholds on the way ethics is done, and
this new book is very hopeful about these possibilities.
This volume presents the fruits of an extended dialogue among
American and Chinese philosophers concerning the relations between
virtue ethics and the Confucian tradition. Based on recent advances
in English-language scholarship on and translation of Confucian
philosophy, the book demonstrates that cross-tradition stimulus,
challenge, and learning are now eminently possible. Anyone
interested in the role of virtue in contemporary moral philosophy,
in Chinese thought, or in the future possibilities for
cross-tradition philosophizing will find much to engage with in the
twenty essays collected here.
In Selected Essays Michael Slote collects some of the most
important papers of his career, articles that were both influential
as well as those that remain relevant to philosophical debates
today. The papers range over a number of important topics--not all
of them within or having to do with ethics. Three of the papers
have to do with ways in which one might fill out or expand upon
traditional utilitarian views--while remaining within the
utilitarian tradition. Two of the papers focus on free will, and
another pair discuss rational choice and argue that traditional
views about individual rationality unduly limit our possibilities.
The papers outside ethics deal with such topics as counterfactuals;
Wittgensteinian accounts of "cluster terms;" some familiar concepts
we use that cannot apply to reality; and a paradox about the
possibility of circumstances where it is linguistically
inappropriate to assert what one believes. In addition to the
previously published essays, Slote includes more recent and
unpublished papers that deal with the uses of empathy in the
context of global issues of justice; the limitations of the "moral
reasoning" model of normal moral thinking; and the relevance of
empathy to the epistemic ideal of objectivity. The final paper of
the volume speaks about recent developments in ethical theory and
what they may tell us about the possibilities of future progress or
lack of progress in that field.
Most people think that the difficulty of balancing career and
personal/family relationships is the fault of present-day society
or is due to their own inadequacies. But in this major new book,
eminent moral philosopher Michael Slote argues that the difficulty
runs much deeper, that it is due to the essential nature of the
divergent goods involved in this kind of choice. He shows more
generally that perfect human happiness and perfect virtue are
impossible in principle, a view originally enunciated by Isaiah
Berlin, but much more thoroughly and synoptically defended here
than ever before. Ancient Greek and modern-day Enlightenment
thought typically assumed that perfection was possible, and this is
also true of Romanticism and of most recent ethical theory. But if,
as Slote maintains, imperfection is inevitable, then our inherited
categories of virtue and personal good are far too limited and
unqualified to allow us to understand and cope with the richer and
more complex life that characterizes today's world. And The
Impossibility of Perfection argues in particular that we need some
new notions, new distinctions, and even new philosophical methods
in order to distill some of the ethical insights of recent feminist
thought and arrive at a fuller and more realistic picture of
ethical phenomena.
Michael Slote develops a virtue ethics inspired more by hume and Hutcheson's moral sentimentalism than by Aristotelianism that has recently been so influential.
Morals from Motives develops a virtue ethics inspired more by moral sentimentalism than by recently-influential Aristotelianism. It argues that a reconfigured and expanded 'morality of caring' can offer a general account of right and wrong action and also (in its own terms) of social justice, and the book goes on to show how a motive-based 'pure' virtue theory can also help us to understand the nature of human well-being and practical reason.
Slote offers in this book the first full-scale foundational account of virtue ethics to have appeared since the recent revival of interest in the ethics of virtue. Advocating a particular form of such ethics for its intuitive and structural advantages over Kantianism, utilitarianism, and common-sense morality, Slote argues that a contemporarily plausible version of virtue ethics can be achieved only by abandoning specifically moral concepts for general aretaic notions like virtue.
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