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This volume synthesizes the work accomplished at the 5th
International Security Forum (ISF) in Zurich from 14 to 16 October
2002. It presents a thematic overview of 150 academic presentations
distributed over 6 workshop tracks, 30 workshops, 15 side-bar
presentations, and 3 plenary sessions. The book contains a timely
overview of 21st century international security topics and
challenges. Special emphasis is placed on the impact of new
information and communications technologies and knowledge
management in the conduct of security and defense policy, and on a
wide range of issues in the field of security sector reform and the
democratic and parliamentary control of armed forces. The
contributions also offer a fresh perspective on traditional
regional and human security issues in the light of 11 September
2001, notably asymmetric war, Islam, gender, small arms, Russia,
and Europe, including NATO, ESDP, and peace support operations. The
5th ISF was organized by the Center for Security Studies and
Conflict Research at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich) in Zurich in cooperation with the Geneva Centre
for Security Policy, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control
of Armed Forces, and the Graduate Institute of International
Studies, Geneva.
Around 1pm, every day of the week, nearly 600 bingo halls across
the UK open their doors to thousands of loyal customers. But,
although they can be found on almost every British high street,
surprisingly few people ever see what goes on inside. In Bingo
& Social Club, photographer Michael Hess opens up this world to
a new audience. Behind the often-crumbling exteriors, he finds
vibrant places full of strong characters, quirky details and more
than a hint of nostalgia. In his own words: I want people to feel
that they've spent a night at the bingo - to sense what it feels
like to be there.A" Michael explains how the project started. I
played bingo one night in 2005, just out of curiosity about what
went on inside the big old converted cinema near my house. I was
instantly fascinated by the characters. And so the next time I
visited, I took my camera. 4 years and more than 60 bingo halls
later I was ready to make Bingo & Social Club.A" Michael Hess
and Maxine Gallagher spent many nights in the clubs, playing bingo,
chatting with the managers and customers, and collecting stories
from the people they met. They wanted to find out who these people
really were. Bingo halls are not just about gambling; they're about
human beings. They really do act as social hubs for many
communities.A" Jack, the manager of a bingo club in Newcastle,
forms the backbone of the book. He's quite a character - tough and
yet extremely dignified - and I knew straight away he could add the
extra dimension I was looking for. I've always been inspired by
classic movies, and he suited the enigmatic lead role perfectly.A"
The anther tapetum, present in all land plants, is a highly
specialized, transient tissue surrounding the (micro-)spores and/or
pollen grains during their development. Any tapetum malfunction
causes male sterility. The exact knowledge of tapetum form and
function therefore is indispensable not only for basic research,
but also and especially in plant breeding and plant genetics. In
fourteen contributions by reknown experts, a comprehensive account
of the various characters and functions of the tapetum is provided,
covering the areas of cytology, cytophysiology, biochemistry,
tapetum development and function.
Palynology, the science of fossil and recent spores/pollen grains,
is of high importance, both in many pure and applied fields of the
natural sciences (e.g. in botany, geology, climatology, archeology
and medicine). It is not only an auxiliary science, but can
certainly stand for itself. The "classical" palynology subjects,
pollen morphology and systematics, are at present influenced by
many modern approaches, e.g. from cell biology, analytical electron
microscopy, morphometry, up to com- puter-aided-design of
threedimensional reconstruction. In recent years fascinating
informations have come to light, and new insights have given rise
to changing scientific concepts. During the XIV International
Botanical Congress, held in Berlin in 1987, a symposium was devoted
to important topics of (actuo)palynology. Nine of its innovative,
major contributions are presented in this volume. They cover the
comparative morphology and the systematic/evolutionary significance
of pollen/spores in critical taxa, aspects of pollen development
(cytoskeleton), the substructure of sporopollenin, homologies
between wall strata of ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms, and
important (but so far underrated) physical aspects of harmomegathy
and pollen transport (fluid versus solid mechanics).
Palynology is important in basic as well as in manifold applied
sciences, as e.g. biology, medicine, forensics, earth history,
climatology and food production. This volume is the first fully
illustrated handbook of palynological principles and glossary
terms, exclusively using LM and EM micrographs of superior quality.
A comprehensive General Chapter on pollen morphology, anatomy,
pollen development etc. based on the present knowledge in
palynology introduces the reader in the world of pollen. The
glossary part comprises more than 300 widely used terms illustrated
with over 1.000 high quality light and/or electron microscopic
pictures to show the character range of a term. Terms are grouped
by feature, e.g. ornamentation, where each term is illustrated on a
separate page, definition and original citation included and where
necessary, provided with a comprehensive explanatory comment. The
term's use in LM, SEM or TEM and its assignment to anatomical,
morphological and/or functional pollen features is indicated by
icons and colour coding, respectively. This handbook is not only a
valuable source for students and researchers but also for all
persons interested in pollen and its aesthetic beauty.
Pollen studies make important contributions nature, into three main
themes: pollen struc to our knowledge in many interdisciplinary
ture and constituents, pollen evolutionary arenas. Pollen
identification is widely used in ecology and the pollen-pollinator
interface. reconstruction of, e.g., vegetation, the climate Several
papers overlap somewhat or are of the past, and plant biodiversity.
Studies perhaps even somewhat contradictory and concerning pollen
structure, size and form are reflect the author's own ideas and
experience. key issues in basic sciences, as, e.g., plant Some
could be understood more deeply by taxonomy and evolution, but are
also of consulting other closely related articles. The importance
in applied fields as, e.g., plant reader is strongly referred to
the respective breeding. In pollination studies pollen is
literature list of each article. generally used specifically to
identify food ofanther ripening and pollen The last steps
development (Pacini) and the mature pollen sources of visitors and
to reconstruct their foraging routes. Fewer have been devoted to
wall structure (Hesse) are key factors to pollen collection
mechanisms and to the struc understand pollen dispersal mechanisms
in ture and content of pollen in relation to its biotic pollination
(Stroo) as well as abiotic pollination (Ackerman). Pollen size,
shape, function.
Rocky Horror Picture Show remains one of the great cult phenomenas
of the last 25 years. Late night showings with audiences
interacting with the film have made it the most successful midnight
showing film of all time. This book serves as a guide to audience
participation for viewers and is provided by the President of the
Rocky Horror Fan Club. Includes the audience call backs, props, and
much of the script and lyrics in addition to fan contributions.
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Sudasienkunde,
Sudostasienkunde, Note: 1,5, Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn (Orient- und
Asienwissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Als ich eine
Dokumentation uber das Massaker von Nogunri sah, bei dem hunderte
koreanische Fluchtlinge durch amerikanische Soldaten getotet
wurden, wurde mein Interesse zum Korea-Krieg verstarkt. Ich begann
Bucher und Zeitschriften zu lesen, sowie Dokumentationen und
koreanische Spielfilme zu schauen, um ein tieferes Verstandnis zu
gewinnen. In einem Urlaubssemester flog ich nach Korea und besuchte
viele Schauplatze des damaligen Krieges, wie zum Beispiel die DMZ,
Panmunjeom, Nogeunri und das War Museum in Seoul. Aufgrund des
angeeigneten Wissens wunschte ich mir dann bei meiner
Bachelor-Arbeit einen Bezug auf den Korea-Krieg. Da der Korea-Krieg
in Deutschland auch der unbekannte" oder der vergessene Krieg"
genannt wird, soll diese Arbeit die weitgreifende Bedeutung des
Krieges, auch hier in Deutschland, in das Bewusstsein der heutigen
Zeit rufen. Die Auswirkungen des Krieges breiten sich in den
unterschiedlichsten Themenbereichen aus, wie zum Beispiel
Literatur, Film, Gesellschaft und Politik. Auf den folgenden Seiten
soll verstarkt auf die global politischen Zusammenhange eingegangen
und ein besonderes Augenmerk auf Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse der
jungeren Zeit gelegt werden.
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Sudasienkunde,
Sudostasienkunde, Note: 1,5, Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn (Philosophie), Veranstaltung:
Koreanistik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Da der Korea-Krieg in
Deutschland auch der unbekannte" oder der vergessene Krieg" genannt
wird, soll diese Arbeit die weitgreifende Bedeutung des Krieges,
auch hier in Deutschland, in das Bewusstsein der heutigen Zeit
rufen. Die Auswirkungen des Krieges breiten sich in den
unterschiedlichsten Themenbereichen aus, wie zum Beispiel
Literatur, Film, Gesellschaft und Politik. Auf den folgenden Seiten
soll verstarkt auf die global politischen Zusammenhange eingegangen
und ein besonderes Augenmerk auf Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse der
jungeren Zeit gelegt werden.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich
Ingenieurwissenschaften - Bauingenieurwesen, Note: 2,0, Hochschule
Anhalt - Standort Dessau (Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen),
Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Zusammenfassung: Die
Aufgabenstellung der von mir bearbeiteten Diplomarbeit lautet:
Bemessung einer Strassenbrucke in Stahlbetonweise nach Eurocode.
Diese Diplomarbeit besitzt den Charakter einer Entwurfsplanung. Das
Bruckenbauwerk ist fiktiv, die Abmessungen sind von mir frei
gewahlt worden. Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist, in dieser Form
als Planungsgrundlage fur ahnliche Bruckenbauwerke zu dienen. Die
Strassenbrucke wird nach Eurocode bemessen, genauer gesagt, nach
DIN Fachbericht 101: Einwirkungen auf Betonbrucken und DIN
Fachbericht 102: Betonbrucken. Diese sind im Auftrag des
Bundesministeriums fur Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen (BMVBW)
erarbeitet worden. Die DIN Fachberichte 101 und 102 fassen diese
verschiedenen Regelwerke zu einem im Zusammenhang lesbaren und als
Vertragsgrundlage geeigneten Dokument zusammen. Dadurch wird die
Planung von Bruckenbauwerken erheblich erleichtert. Besonders
hervorzuheben ist die Tatsache, dass die aufwendige Untersuchung
der dynamischen Einwirkungen entfallt, da im DIN Fachbericht 101 in
den charakteristischen Verkehrslasten bei den gewohnlichen Arten
von Strassenbrucken der dynamische Faktor bereits enthalten ist.
Die Schwerpunkte dieser Diplomarbeit setzen sich aus der Ermittlung
der Einwirkungen, die auf den zu bemessenden Bruckenuberbau wirken,
der Ermittlung der daraus resultierenden Schnittkrafte, der
Bemessung und baulichen Durchbildung zusammen. Zusatzlich erfolgt
die Bemessung der Lager, auf denen der Uberbau ruht. Die Bemessung
der Widerlager ist aufgrund der begrenzten Bearbeitungszeit nicht
Bestandteil dieser Diplomarbeit. Inhaltsverzeichnis:
Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1.Vorbemerkungen7 1.1Beschreibung des
Bauwerkes7 1.1.1Allgemeines7 1.1.2Uberbau10 1.1.3Widerlager11
1.1.4Sichtflachen11 1.1.5Fahrbah