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On 9 November 1939, two unsuspecting British agents of the Special
Intelligence Services walked into a trap set by German Spymaster
Reinhard Heydrich. Believing that they were meeting a dissident
German general for talks about helping German military opposition
to bring down Hitler and end the war, they were instead taken
captive in the Dutch village of Venlo and whisked away to Germany
for interrogation by the Gestapo. The incident was a huge
embarrassment for the Dutch government and provided the Germans
with significant intelligence about SIS operations throughout
Europe. The incident itself was an intelligence catastrophe but it
also acts as a prism through which a number of other important
narrative strands pass. Fundamental to the subterfuge perpetrated
at Venlo were unsubstantiated but insistent rumours of high-ranking
Germany generals plotting to overthrow the Nazi regime from within.
After the humiliation suffered when Hitler tore up the Munich
Agreement, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was anxious
to see just how much truth there was in these stories; keen to
rehabilitate his reputation through one last effort to find a
peaceful rapprochement with Germany. When Franz Fischer, a
small-time petty crook and agent provocateur, persuaded British SIS
operatives in the Netherlands that he could act as a go-between for
the British government with disaffected German generals, the German
Security chief Reinhard Heydrich stepped in and quietly took
control of the operation. Heydrich's boss, head of the Gestapo
Heinrich Himmler, was anxious to explore the possibility of peace
negotiations with Britain and saw an opportunity to exploit the
situation for his personal benefit. On the day before a crucial
meeting of conspirators and British agents on the Dutch-German
border, a bomb exploded in the Burgerbraukeller in Munich in the
exact spot where Hitler had stood to deliver a speech only minutes
earlier. The perpetrator was quickly arrested, and Hitler demanded
that Himmler find evidence to show that the two events were
intimately connected-the British agents were snatched hours later.
While the world was coming to terms with the fearsome power of
German military might the British intelligence capability in
northern Europe was consigned to the dustbin in the sleepy Dutch
town of Venlo. This first full account of the Venlo incident
explores the wider context of this German intelligence coup, and
its consequences.
War is a costly business and in 1939, Germany was almost broke with
its economy overheating and heading for runaway inflation. Hitler
needed hard foreign currency to pay for his war machine and the
only way he could get this was by selling gold that he looted from
the national banks of Austria, Czechoslovakia and all the countries
that were occupied after September 1939. Another source of gold was
the theft of personal gold especially from the Jews, most
grotesquely, the haul of dental gold which came out of the
concentration camps. No neutral country would accept Reichsmarks so
the gold had to be laundered through Swiss banks. The story of
Swiss complicity in German war crimes is still a subject of
controversy, and lawsuits. There are also questions about the parts
played by other countries, particularly Portugal, in laundering
stolen gold for the Nazis. The Vatican's dealings with Hitler have
often been seen as ambiguous and this book investigates the Holy
See's role in helping ship Nazi gold to South America, and how that
gold might have been used to re-create the German Reich. After the
war a commission was set up to recover as much gold as possible and
restore it to those from whom it was stolen. This, of course, was
beset by huge problems especially with regards to gold that was
looted from Holocaust victims. Enormous quantities of gold and
other treasures were hidden in a mine at Merkers in Thuringia which
was found by the US 3rd Army in 1945, but much gold remains
unaccounted for, and attempts are still ongoing to uncover supposed
hidden caches, the most recent in Poland where four tons are
believed to have been found by the Silesian Bridge Foundation in
May of 2022. The whereabouts and disposal of the remaining stolen
gold has led to numerous investigations and countless conspiracy
theories. In Hitler's Gold the author analyses these and uncovers
many of the mysteries surrounding this continuing search for the
missing millions.
Almost since the advent of warfare, civilians have suffered
collateral damage', but the concept of Total War - a war without
limits - only surfaced in the early part of the twentieth century.
The idea of huge numbers of aircraft raining death upon defenceless
cities was seen by many as not only barbaric but, in practical
terms, quite unrealistic given the logistical challenges that would
have to be overcome in order to put them into practice. Any
complacency over the threat, however, was rudely shattered on 26
February 1935, when Adolf Hitler officially signed a decree
authorizing the formation of the Luftwaffe. The third branch of
Germany's armed forces erupted on to the European military
landscape. Its blustering claims of irrepressible air power sent
waves of panic rippling through ministries of war throughout the
world. Framing a realistic response to Hitler's propaganda
offensive proved to be problematic given the lack of detailed
knowledge of not only the numbers, but also the true performance
capabilities of his new generation of aircraft and the ways in
which they had expanded the boundaries of war. It was, therefore,
of huge interest to all modern military establishments when these
machines were deployed during the Spanish Civil War which broke out
in July 1936. Notwithstanding the limited scope of this conflict,
it offered, for the participating nations, a testing ground for new
machines and, for the interested observers, a window into the
future of aerial warfare. When the Spanish Civil War was less than
a year old it had already seen air power employed in most of the
ways that it would be used in the Second World War. This not only
included airlifting troops, reconnaissance, interdiction, close
support and strategic bombing, but also the deliberate targeting of
civilians as a means of achieving military objectives. This book
looks at all the significant aerial engagements of the war and
examines them against the background of the wider global context.
In this way, the Spanish Civil War's part in the evolution of air
power is confirmed, as is the way in which its lessons were
learned, or ignored, in the context of the much greater
conflagration that was to come.
On 19 December 1938, Otto Hahn, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute for Chemistry in Berlin, conducted an experiment the
results of which baffled him. It took his migr collaborator Lise
Meitner to explain that he had split an atom of uranium, which at
the time seemed to defy all known laws of physics. When Neils Bohr
took this news to the United States it became clear to scientists
there that these results opened a completely new and, for some,
horrifying possibility of energy production that could be used for
both peaceful and military purposes. Scientists in Germany, France,
Britain and the US began to delve deeper into the implications. But
it was the British government that was the first to explicitly
describe how the splitting of the atom might be utilised to create
a practical weapon of fearsome power. France, by then, had been
occupied by the Germans and most of their nuclear scientists had
fled to Britain. For their part, the Germans, who for a time were
at the very forefront of nuclear research, had weakened their own
scientific ranks by hounding many of their best scientists who had
fled persecution under the draconian Nazi racial laws. They still
retained, however, possibly the ablest nuclear scientist of them
all in Werner Heisenberg who set about developing his own programme
for nuclear power. British scientists made extensive progress
before realising that translating their laboratory results into the
vast industrial enterprise required to build a bomb was way beyond
the nation's stretched resources. The government agreed to hand
over all the UK's research findings to America in return for a
share of the spoils. The United States, for its part, was impressed
with British results and invested enormous sums of money and
resources into what became known as the Manhattan Project in a
concerted effort to build a bomb before the end of the war. For
much of the war the Soviets showed little enthusiasm for the sort
of investment required to build their own bomb. However, with an
eye to the future they established an extensive espionage network
both in Britain and America. Following the German surrender there
was still the problem of Japan, and the race continued to develop a
working bomb to accelerate the end of the war, both to save Allied
lives and to prevent Soviet expansion into northern China and the
Japanese mainland. It was a race that the Unites States won. It was
also a race that ushered in a new Cold War.
Most strongly associated with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain,
it is often stated that Britain's policy of appeasement was
instituted in the 1930s in the hope of avoiding war with Hitler's
Nazi Germany. At the time, appeasement was viewed by many as a
popular and seemingly pragmatic policy. In this book the author
sets out to show how appeasement was not a na ve attempt to secure
a lasting peace by resolving German grievances, but a means of
buying time for rearmament. By the middle of the 1930s, British
policy was based on the presumption that the balance of power had
already dramatically shifted in Germany's favour. It was felt that
Britain, chiefly for economic reasons, was unable to restore the
balance, and that extensive concessions to Germany would not
satisfy Hitler, whose aggressive policies intensified the already
high risk of war.. The only realistic option, and one that was
clearly adopted by Neville Chamberlain, was to try to influence the
timing of the inevitable military confrontation and, in the
meantime, pursue a steady and economically sustainable programme of
rearmament. Appeasement would buy' that time for the British
government. Crucially this strategy required continuously updated
and accurate information about the strength, current and future, of
the German armed forces, especially the Luftwaffe, and an
understanding of their military strategy. Piercing the Nazis' veil
of secrecy was vital if the intelligence services were to build up
a true picture of the extent of German rearmament and the purposes
to which it might be put. The many agents, codebreakers, and
counter-espionage personnel played a vital role in maximising the
benefits that appeasement provided - even as war clouds continued
to gather. These individuals were increasingly handed greater
responsibility in a bid to inform British statesmen now scrambling
to prepare for a catastrophic confrontation with Germany. In
Reading Hitler's Mind, Norman Ridley reveals the remarkable efforts
made by the tiny, underfunded and often side-lined British
intelligence services as they sought to inform those whose role it
was to make decisions upon which the wheels of history turned.
From the chaos of the First World War, during which Germany and
Russia had fought each other to a standstill, there emerged two
societies whose diametrically opposed ideologies of communism and
fascism represented the opposite extremes of the political
spectrum. Despite this, in time the governments and military
establishments in both countries were able to create an environment
where political expediency led to both cooperation and an eventual
alliance. Western democracies found both systems repellent but the
two countries, Germany and the Soviet Union, embodied vast
resources of, in the case of the Soviets, raw materials and, in the
case of Germany, huge intellectual, scientific and industrial
expertise. Both offered massive opportunities for trade, but
neither made comfortable partners. Britain, whose sympathies lay
more with the Germans, and France, whose history tied them more to
Eastern Europe, tended to treat both Germany and the Soviet Union
as outcast states. This created a great deal of animosity in return
and ultimately drove the outcasts into each other's arms. Whilst
animosity was rampant on a political level, both countries, now
having equal pariah status in the eyes of the Western allies, began
to see huge benefits in military and economic cooperation.
Collaborative ventures for covert armament production and training
facilities were initiated in 1921. These schemes would continue,
with varying degrees of success, for more than a decade until the
rise of Nazism in Germany put an end to it. The Spanish Civil War
saw not only thee two rival political philosophies but opposing
military doctrines also being tested against each other on the
field of battle. It is remarkable, therefore, that these two
nations emerged from this maelstrom to re-discover the spirit of
Rapallo'. It was a spirit which culminated in the signing of the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in August 1939. Within weeks, both sides
would display their unity as they fell together with ruthless
efficiency upon the hapless Poland. This book looks at how these
two strange bedfellows' dealt with western hostility and found ways
to accommodate each other in a bid to recover from the economic
devastation and dismantling of their historic territorial
boundaries. The extent to which cooperation was achieved is unusual
given the circumstances, especially as they had to contend with the
machinations of the Western Powers. The era of the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact proved to be a brief liaison, one that
collapsed into savagery again when Hitler launched Operation
Barbarossa just a few months later.
The First World War had seen the mechanisation of warfare. Battle
fronts had become immobilised in the grip of machine-guns and heavy
artillery, leading to slaughter on an unprecedented scale. The end
of the war saw exhausted governments extricating themselves from
the carnage, but some leaders were concerned that, sooner or later,
another major war would follow. As France's Marshal Foch put it,
the Treaty of Versailles was only a twenty-year truce'. The
overriding concern was to find ways in future of avoiding the kind
of static battle fronts that had consumed so many in such futile
efforts. Military aviation was seen as the one great innovation
that had the potential to do this by revolutionising warfare. It
would not only augment the effectiveness of ground forces in a
tactical role, but it also had the means of reaching out
strategically beyond the battlefronts to strike at the enemy's
trade, supplies, communications and industrial production. All
through the war, military aviation had been firmly under the
control of army commanders but there was soon a fierce debate over
the way it should develop. The development of an air doctrine'
within each of the major European powers was fraught with
difficulty as the nascent air arms struggled, with varying degrees
of success, to free themselves from army control to find a new,
independent identity. This book examines the way in which these air
arms competed for prominence within the military structures of six
major European nations - Germany, Britain, France, Soviet Union,
Poland and Italy - with different resources, ambitions and
philosophies, in the years from the beginning of aviation right up
to the start of the Second World War.
The Battle of Britain was fought between two airborne military
elites and was a classic example of pure attack against pure
defence. Though it was essentially a 'war of attrition', it was an
engagement in which the gathering, assessment and reaction to
intelligence played a significant role on both sides. In some
respects, both the RAF and the Luftwaffe were hamstrung in their
endeavours during the Battle of Britain by poor intelligence. The
most egregious Luftwaffe blunder was its failure to appreciate the
true nature of Fighter Command's operational systems and
consequently it made fundamental strategic errors when evaluating
its plans to degrade them. This was compounded by the Luftwaffe's
Intelligence chief, Major Josef 'Beppo' Schmid, whose consistent
underestimation of Fighter Command's capabilities had a huge
negative impact upon Reichsmarschall Goering's decision-making at
all stages of the conflict. Both the Luftwaffe and the RAF lacked
detailed information about each other's war production capacity.
While the Luftwaffe did have the benefit of pre-war aerial
surveillance data it had been unable to update it significantly
since the declaration of war in September 1939. Fighter Command did
have an distinct advantage through its radar surveillance systems,
but this was, in the early stages of the conflict at least, less
than totally reliable and it was often difficult to interpret the
data coming through due to the inexperience of many of its
operators. Another promising source of intelligence was the
interception of Luftwaffe communications. It is clear that the
Luftwaffe was unable to use intelligence as a 'force multiplier',
by concentrating resources effectively, and actually fell into a
negative spiral where poor intelligence acted as a 'force diluter',
thus wasting resources in strategically questionable areas. The
British, despite being essentially unable to predict enemy
intentions, did have the means, however imperfect, to respond
quickly and effectively to each new strategic initiative rolled out
by the Luftwaffe. The result of three years intensive research, in
this book the author analyses the way in which both the British and
German Intelligence services played a part in the Battle of
Britain, thereby attempting to throw light on an aspect of the
battle that has been hitherto underexposed to scrutiny.
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