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The structural. electronic and lattice properties of
superconducting ternary com pounds are the subject of this Topics
volume. Its companion volume (Topics in Cur rent Physics. Volume
34) deals primarily with the mutual interaction of supercon
ductivity and magnetism in ternary compounds. These two volumes are
the culmination of a project. started nearly two years ago. that
was inspired by the intense re search effort. both experimental and
theoretical. then being expended to explore and develop an
understanding of the remarkable physical properties of ternary
super conductors. Research activity on this subject has increased
in the meantime. The interest in ternary superconductors originated
in 1972. when B.T. Matthias and his co-workers first discovered
superconductivity in several ternary molybdenum sulfide compounds
that had been synthesized in 1971 by R. Chevrel. M. Sergent. and J.
Prigent. The superconducting critical temperature Tc of one of the
compounds. PbMo S * was reported to be ~ 15 K. This value is
sufficiently high that there was g 6 (and still is) reason to
expect that other ternary compounds would be found with
superconducting transition temperatures rivaling those of the A15
compounds. of which Nb Ge has the record high Tc of 23 K. The
interest in ternary superconductors 3 received further impetus when
several of the ternary molybdenum sulfides were found to have
exceptionally high upper critical magnetic fields. some of them in
the neighborhood of 50 Tesla or more. An immense amount of research
on ternary molybdenum chalcogenides then followed.
This Topics in Current Physics (TCP) Volume 34 is concerned
primarily with super- conductivity and magnetism, and the mutual
interaction of these two phenomena in ternary rare earth compounds.
It is the companion of TCP Volume 32 - Superconduc- tivity in
Ternary Compounds: Structural, Electronic and Lattice Properties.
The interplay between superconductivity and magnetism has intrigued
theoreticians and experimentalists alike for more than two decades.
V. L. Ginzburg first addressed the question of whether or not
superconductivity and ferromagnetism could coexist in 1957, and B.
T. Matthias and coworkers carried out the first experimental inves-
tigations on this problem in 1959. The early experiments were made
on systems that consisted of a superconducting element or compound
into which small concentrations of rare earth impurities with
partially-filled 4f electron shells had been intro- duced. These
dilute impurity systems were chosen because the scattering of
conduc- tion electrons by parama9. netic rare earth impurity ions
usually has a strong de- structive "pa i r breaking" effect on
superconducti vity, typi ca lly drivi ng the super- conducting
transition temperature to zero at impurity concentrations of only a
few atomic percent. Unfortunately, analysis of these early
experiments was complicated by clustering and/or the formation of
short range or "glassy" types of magnetic order so that definitive
conclusions regarding the coexistence of superconductivity and
magnetism could not be reached.
It is matter of some surprise that this treasury of information
concerning the centres of gravity of various parts of the human
body has remained hidden not only from the English speaking world
for obvious reasons, but also to some degree from the Ger mans
themselves. What is less surprising is t 1at this work is a
monument to the renouned German thoroughness as demon strated by
the relentless pursuit of data and the meticulous ac curacy of the
conclusions. However, these scientific investigations carried out
in Leipzig must be viewed in the intellectual climate of the time.
In the lat ter half of the nineteenth century, and later, Germany
underwent an intellectual explosion. It was the age of Rhumkorff,
Max Planck, the Weber brothers and Gottingen University. It was
said that science came to life during discussions on the train be
tween Gottingen and Berlin. So the scene was set and Braune and
Fischer made good use of it and fulfilled their role as mem bers of
the Royal Scientific Society of Saxony. When Pauwels (1935)
analysed the static and dynamic forces exerted on the hip joint
when standing and when walking, he needed data concerning the
centres of gravity of the human body and of its different segments.
I was faced with the same pre requisite when I studied the forces
acting on the knee (1976)."
Der Einfuhrungsband beinhaltet die Themengebiete Grundlagen der
betrieblichen Finanzwirtschaft; Kriterien der Investitionsplanung;
Finanzierungsformen; die relevanten Cash Flows in der
Investitionsplanung; Investitionsbegunstigungen und
Finanzierungsforderungen; Finanzwirtschaft und Rechnungswesen; Der
Kapitalmarkt und seine Finanzierungstitel. Im Anhang befinden sich
die Grundzuge der Finanzmathematik (mathematische Grundlagen,
Zinsrechnung und Rentenrechnung), eine Vielzahl an Aufgaben sowie
eine Formelsammlung."
Erganzende und vertiefende Lernhilfe zum Lehrbuch"Finanzwirtschaft
fur Fortgeschrittene." Es richtet sich an alle, die uber das
finanzwirtschaftliche Basiswissen hinausgehende Kenntnisse in den
Bereichen zeitbezogene Entscheidungen in der Investitionsplanung,
Portfoliotheorie und Moderne Kapitalmarkttheorie sowie uber die
relevanten Kalkulationszinsfusse in der Investitionsplanung
Vertiefendes Lehrwerk zur Finanzwirtschaft sowie Fortfuhrung des
Lehrbuches "Finanzwirtschaft fur Anfanger" vom selben Verfasser.
Aus dem Inhalt: Zeitbezogene Entscheidungen in der
Investitionsplanung. Portfoliotheorie und moderne
Kapitalmarkttheorie Die relevanten Kalkulationszinsfusse in der
Investitionsplanung. Anhang mit Aufgaben. Formelsammlung und
Ein funktionierendes Kostenmanagement ist fur die
Wettbewerbsfahigkeit eines Unternehmens unerlasslich. Kosten
senkende Massnahmen beschranken sich meist auf die Organisations-
und Fertigungsprozesse. Eine Betrachtung des
Produktentstehungsprozesses zeigt jedoch, dass durch die
Konstruktion bereits bis zu 80% der Produktkosten festgelegt
werden. In dem vorliegenden Buch werden verschiedene Methoden und
Instrumente eines effizienten Kostenmanagements in der Konstruktion
und deren Implementierung praxisnah beschrieben."
Die grossen Fortschritte in der Optimierungstheorie in den letzten
Jahrzehnten haben einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die
Betriebswirtschaftslehre ausgeubt. Vor allem die Formulierung von
Entscheidungsmodellen wurde durch diese Entwicklung forciert, so
dass heute die Betriebswirtschaftslehre von vielen Fachvertretern
als entscheidungsorientierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre angesehen
wird, wahrend rein deskriptive Aufgaben und Problemstellungen in
den Hintergrund getreten sind. Die Anwendungsmoglichkeiten der
Mathematik in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften sind dabei ausserst
vielfaltig und reichen vom formalen Darstellen einfacher
Zusammenhange in Beschreibungsmodellen bis zur Formulierung und
Losung komplexer Erklarungs- und Entscheidungsmodelle."
Erganzende und vertiefende Lernhilfe zum Lehrbuch "Finanzwirtschaft
fur Anfanger." Es richtet sich an alle, die erste Kenntnisse in den
Bereichen Finanzmathematik, Investitionsrechnung und Emission
junger Aktien zu erwerben haben."
Already a young adult, Jesus devoted himself to the task of easing
the health problems of his fellow men in Galilee, probably
influenced by the Essenes. He was taught about the healing effects
of plants and herbs, and thus the easing of the sufferings of
people in the villages became his first mission, often accompanied
by preaching on right and wrong, on the end of the world, and on
how to prepare for the new kingdom. Gradually he earned for himself
the name of prophet-one among many. He was born into a country
occupied by the Roman Empire, a country whose Jewish population
lived in degradation and poverty. In Galilee, where Jesus was born
and where he lived most of his life, the occupation and the
oppression, also by rich landowners in Jerusalem, caused social
unrest and deep anger. More and more farmers lost their land,
became homeless, or were forced to work as slaves on their own
land. Rebellion smouldered. From time to time, rebellion leaders
attacked the Romans, but they always ended up on the cross, a
punishment reserved for political criminals. But the spirit of
rebellion spread in Galilee. He too became a leader, Jesus, but his
weapon was the word rather than the sword-a weapon often far
superior to sharp metal. And as the preaching became ever more
aggressive, and even political, Rome listened. His life was formed
by the circumstances of his birth and by the social and political
situation in the land of Galilee. Though basically unknown during
his lifetime, by curious circumstances he became the spiritual
focus of millions long after his death.