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This book examines contemporary attitudes towards ethnic minorities in Germany. These minorities include some of immigrant origin, such as Italians, Turks, and asylum seekers, and the principal non-immigrant minority, Jews. While the findings demonstrate that intense prejudice against minorities is not widespread among Germans, many of whom in fact can be considered immigrant- and minority-friendly, a crystallization of attitudes is also evident: that is, attitudes towards immigrants are strongly correlated with anti-Semitism and with other worldview dimensions, such as positioning in the left-right political spectrum. In this sense, the fundamental question of whether immigrants and other minorities should be regarded as fellow citizens or ethnic outsiders remains relevant in the German context.
China looks back on a long history of religious diversity. Though
not entirely free from conflicts, it was comparatively much more
peaceful than the religious history of the West. What were the
reasons? Was it a strong control exercised by the ruling
authorities? Was it the powerful ideal of harmony extended to the
religious realm? Was it a different sense of religious identity?
How translates this heritage into contemporary China, its current
politics and its most recent discussions after the liberalization
of religions in the 1980s? This volume offers fresh insights by
renowned scholars and specialists in the field.
The financialization, globalization and industrialization of our
food systems make it increasingly difficult to access quality fresh
food. In fact, the industrialized global food system is creating
products that are less food-like, engendering growing questions
about the health and safety of our food supply. In addition, the
bio-engineering of food commodities is another factor influencing
the growth of industrial farming for an increasingly homogenized,
globalized market. This book describes the financialization process
in commodity futures markets which transformed commodities into an
asset class. Incorporated into the portfolio decisions of
investors, commodity prices now behave like all asset prices,
becoming more volatile and subject to periodic bubbles. As
commodity prices were driven higher in the 2000s, farmland became
more valuable, setting off a global land grab by investors,
nations, and corporations. More recently, under the
financialization food regime, slow growth and low returns
encouraged merger activity driven by private equity firms, with
food industry corporations as prime targets, leading to increased
industry concentration. With government policy focused on
supporting corporate interests, there has been a global reaction to
the current food system. The food sovereignty movement is taking on
the interests behind the global land grab, and the regional food
movement in cities across the U.S. is hitting corporations at the
bottom line. Food corporations are listening. Is the food movement
winning? This book is of interest to those who study political
economy, financialization and agriculture and related studies, as
well as food systems and commodity future markets.
"In the world but not of it" - an expression that has been
interpreted in a multitude of ways. With the publication of Rod
Dreher's much-debated book The Benedict Option in 2017, the
question of just how the church is to exist "in but not of the
world" is once again on the minds of many. To provide answers true
to the context in which the Western church now finds itself, it is
worth first investigating how the question has been answered in the
past. In determining what to do today, it helps to understand how
we got here in the first place. At the beginning of the fourth
century, people were persecuted for being Christians; by the end of
the fourth century, people were persecuted for not being
Christians. This book is an academic investigation of how three
paradigmatic theologians interpreted this so-called Constantinian
shift: Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 260-339), Augustine of Hippo
(354-430), and John Howard Yoder (1927-1997). Surprising
similarities between the theology of Eusebius and Yoder become
apparent, and underlying theological structures of how to interpret
what it looks like to be a community that follows Christ are
The financialization, globalization and industrialization of our
food systems make it increasingly difficult to access quality fresh
food. In fact, the industrialized global food system is creating
products that are less food-like, engendering growing questions
about the health and safety of our food supply. In addition, the
bio-engineering of food commodities is another factor influencing
the growth of industrial farming for an increasingly homogenized,
globalized market. This book describes the financialization process
in commodity futures markets which transformed commodities into an
asset class. Incorporated into the portfolio decisions of
investors, commodity prices now behave like all asset prices,
becoming more volatile and subject to periodic bubbles. As
commodity prices were driven higher in the 2000s, farmland became
more valuable, setting off a global land grab by investors,
nations, and corporations. More recently, under the
financialization food regime, slow growth and low returns
encouraged merger activity driven by private equity firms, with
food industry corporations as prime targets, leading to increased
industry concentration. With government policy focused on
supporting corporate interests, there has been a global reaction to
the current food system. The food sovereignty movement is taking on
the interests behind the global land grab, and the regional food
movement in cities across the U.S. is hitting corporations at the
bottom line. Food corporations are listening. Is the food movement
winning? This book is of interest to those who study political
economy, financialization and agriculture and related studies, as
well as food systems and commodity future markets.
This collection of essays by major scholars analyze the religious
diversity in Chinese religion, bringing together topics from
traditional and contemporary contexts and Chinese religions'
encounters with Western religion.
This book examines contemporary attitudes towards ethnic minorities
in Germany. These minorities include some of immigrant origin, such
as Italians, Turks, and asylum seekers, and the principal
non-immigrant minority, Jews. While the findings demonstrate that
intense prejudice against minorities is not widespread among
Germans, many of whom in fact can be considered immigrant- and
minority-friendly, a crystallization of attitudes is also evident:
that is, attitudes towards immigrants are strongly correlated with
anti-Semitism and with other worldview dimensions, such as
positioning in the left-right political spectrum. In this sense,
the fundamental question of whether immigrants and other minorities
should be regarded as fellow citizens or ethnic outsiders remains
relevant in the German context.
Dieses Buch bietet Projektleitern und Informatikern in Forschung
und Praxis eine aus Datenbanksicht fundierte EinfA1/4hrung in die
Welt von XML und die darauf aufbauenden Standards wie XML Schema,
XML Query und XSL/T. Die zentralen Konzepte werden dabei in
Beziehung zu konventionellen relationalen und objektorientierten
Techniken dargestellt. Die Verwendung konzeptueller Modelle im
Zusammenhang mit XML sowie die Aoebertragung auf andere
Datenmodelle werden erlAutert. FA1/4r die EinschAtzung der
praktischen EinsatzfAhigkeit bietet das Buch eine vertiefte Analyse
zahlreicher kommerzieller Produkte wie Oracle 9i, MS SQL Server
2000 oder Tamino. An zwei Anwendungsbeispielen wird der reale
Einsatz der vorgestellten Techniken prAsentiert, ein Ausblick auf
zukA1/4nftige Entwicklungen unter BerA1/4cksichtigung aktueller
Forschungsvorhaben rundet das Buch ab.
Projektleiter und Informatiker in Forschung und Praxis finden hier
eine fundierte Einfuhrung in XML und die Standards wie XML Schema,
XML Query und XSL/T. Die zentralen Konzepte werden dabei in
Beziehung zu konventionellen relationalen und objektorientierten
Techniken dargestellt. Die Verwendung konzeptueller Modelle im
Zusammenhang mit XML sowie die UEbertragung auf andere Datenmodelle
werden erklart. Die Analyse zahlreicher kommerzieller Produkte,
Anwendungsbeispiele und Entwicklungstrends liefern
Orientierungshilfen fur den praktischen Einsatz.
Die Erforschung der Muskelkrankheiten hat in den letzten 15 Jahren
einen auBergewohnlich starken Aufschwung genommen und beschaftigt
heute die ver- schiedensten Fachdisziplinen. Dies gilt im
besonderen MaBe fUr die erblichen Muskeldystrophien, die unter den
primaren Myopathien an Haufigkeit und Pro- blematik fUr den
behandelnden Arzt an erster Stelle stehen. Diese WandIung ist
zweifellos zu einem groBen Teil der Initiative einzelner Arzte zu
verdanken, wobei besonders die Namen von P. E. BECKER (Gottingen),
A. T. MrLHORAT (New York), C. M. PEARSON (Los Angeles), G. M. SHY
(Philadelphia) und J. N. \VALTON (Newcastle upon Tyne) genannt
seien. Sie erkannten, daB diesen Leiden, solange sie nur im
Zwischenbereich verschiedener medizinischer Disziplinen Auf-
merksamkeit fanden, nicht mit dem vollen Einsatz der gegebenen
Forschungs- moglichkeiten begegnet werden kann. Sie griindeten
eigene Institute, z. T. auch besondere Gesellschaften, deren
Aufgabe in der Organisation und Forderung der wissenschaftlichen
Zusammenarbeit aller in Frage kommenden Fachbereiche be- steht. Die
daraus hervorgegangenen Impulse fUhrten zwar noch nicht zur Auf-
klarung der Pathogenese und der Entwicklung einer kausalen Therapie
der Muskeldystrophien. Sie haben aber unsere Kenntnisse iiber die
zahlreichen Arten und Vererbungsformen der Myopathien wesentlich
vertieft und zur Abgrenzung neuer Krankheitsformen gefiihrt.
Dariiber hinaus wurden wesentliche Beitrage zur Morphologie,
Elektrophysiologie und vor allem zur Biochemie des gesunden und
kranken Muskels erbracht. Bisher empfohlene medikamentose
Behandlungs- formen wurden kritisch iiberpriift, optimale Methoden
physikalischer Therapie und orthopadischer HilfsmaBnahmen
ausgearbeitet. Damit sind die Wege einer weiteren, schlieBlich zum
Erfolg fiihrenden Forschung vorgezeichnet.
Bei den h{ufigsten Krebserkrankungen werden der Einflu~ des Leidens
auf den Patienten und die Familie dargestellt, ebenso wie Einfl}sse
der psychosozialen Situation auf den Krankheitsverlauf. In einem
Vergleich verschiedener psycho- logischer Ma~nahmen werden m|gliche
positive und negative Wirkungen dargestellt. Ein Vergleich
verschiedener Nach- sorgesettings und eine
15-Jahres-Nachuntersuchung beim Colorektalkarzinom zeigt die
zwichenzeitlichen Ver{nderungen der psychosozialen Rehabilitation.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ De Processibus Abbreviandis Per Poenam Mendacii Samuel Stryk,
Johann P. Schmidt
Industrial Relations in Urban Transportation was first published in
1937. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make
long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published
unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press
editions.In the present era of industrial warfare and violence,
this book points a "middle way" in employer-employee relations. It
describes the remarkable achievement of the Amalgamated Association
of Street, Electric Railway, and Motor Coach Employees of America,
which for nearly fifty years has used the machinery of arbitration
to settle all labor disputes without resort to strikes. Herein also
is probably the first attempt to measure on a nation-wide scale the
influence of a union in raising wages and reducing hours.But this
is much more than the story of a successful union. It is a complete
history of urban transportation in the United States - the first
such history to be written. It deals with technological, financial,
and regulatory, as well as labor, aspects. The characteristics of
transportation work and the type of men attracted to it are
carefully analyzed, and there is a chapter devoted to the late
nineteenth century conditions which gave birth to unionism.This
readable study will be of particular interest to owners, managers,
and employees of local transportation systems, to investment
bankers and investors, regulatory commissions and city aldermen,
public mediators and arbitrators of labor disputes, and students of
economic history.
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