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Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous
success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks"
elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the
environment arising from their production and applications. Volume
11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental
Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers
- always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics
include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the
utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -
Opportunities and Risks II: Sustainability, Product Design and
Processing" highlights raw materials and renewable polymers,
sustainability, additives for manufacture and processing, melt
modification, biodegradation, adhesive technologies, and solar
applications. All contributions were written by leading experts
with substantial practical experience in their fields. They are an
invaluable source of information not only for scientists, but also
for environmental managers and decision makers.
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous
success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks"
elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the
environment arising from their production and applications. Volume
11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental
Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers
- always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics
include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the
utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -
Opportunities and Risks II: Sustainability, Product Design and
Processing" highlights raw materials and renewable polymers,
sustainability, additives for manufacture and processing, melt
modification, biodegradation, adhesive technologies, and solar
applications. All contributions were written by leading experts
with substantial practical experience in their fields. They are an
invaluable source of information not only for scientists, but also
for environmental managers and decision makers.
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous
success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks"
elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the
environment arising from their production and applications. Volume
11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental
Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers
- always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics
include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the
utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -
Opportunities and Risks II: Sustainability, Product Design and
Processing" highlights raw materials and renewable polymers,
sustainability, additives for manufacture and processing, melt
modification, biodegradation, adhesive technologies, and solar
applications. All contributions were written by leading experts
with substantial practical experience in their fields. They are an
invaluable source of information not only for scientists, but also
for environmental managers and decision makers.
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous
success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks"
elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the
environment arising from their production and applications. Volume
11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental
Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers
- always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics
include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the
utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -
Opportunities and Risks II: Sustainability, Product Design and
Processing" highlights raw materials and renewable polymers,
sustainability, additives for manufacture and processing, melt
modification, biodegradation, adhesive technologies, and solar
applications. All contributions were written by leading experts
with substantial practical experience in their fields. They are an
invaluable source of information not only for scientists, but also
for environmental managers and decision makers.
Im Jahr 1734/35 fallt das Koenigreich Neapel in die Hande der
spanischen Bourbonen, die gemass dem Traktat von Wien im
Mezzogiorno eine Sekundogenitur errichten mussen. Koenig Karl, der
die eidgenoessischen Truppenkontingente in der spanischen Armee
wahrend der suditalienischen Eroberung schatzen gelernt hat,
ubertragt in der Folge zwei schweizerischen Offizieren die Aufgabe,
neue Schweizer Regimenter fur die neapolitanische Krone zu
formieren. Bezuglich der eidgenoessisch-neapolitanischen
Kriegsdienste des 18. Jahrhunderts sind bislang kaum nennenswerte
Erkenntnisse veroeffentlicht worden. Aufgrund dieses
Forschungsdesiderats drangt sich eine moderne, sozialhistorisch
inspirierte Grundlagenforschung auf. Die Untersuchung richtet ihr
Augenmerk auf die vier Schweizer Regimenter in neapolitanischen
Kriegsdiensten zwischen 1734 (Zeitpunkt der Schaffung) und 1789
(Aufloesung). Mittels quellengestutzter kritischer Analysen soll
ein von der wissenschaftlichen Historiographie bislang
vernachlassigter Themenbereich mit neuen Aspekten zu Organisation
und Struktur der eidgenoessischen Truppen in Neapel angesprochen
und zur Diskussion gestellt werden.
Die "life-cycle-analysis" mit dem Instrument der Ganzheitlichen
Bilanzierung ermoglicht Unternehmen konstruktive Verbesserungen,
Kosteneinsparungen und eine weitergehende Schonung der Umwelt.
Namhafte Fachleute beschreiben detailliert und umfassend die
Grundlagen, Methoden, (Rechner-)Werkzeuge und Bewertungskriterien
der Ganzheitlichen Bilanzierung.