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This textbook presents a concise yet detailed introduction to quantum physics. Concise, because it condenses the essentials to a few principles. Detailed, because these few principles - necessarily rather abstract - are illustrated by several telling examples. A fairly complete overview of the conventional quantum mechanics curriculum is the primary focus, but the huge field of statistical thermodynamics is covered as well. The text explains why a few key discoveries shattered the prevailing broadly accepted classical view of physics. First, matter appears to consist of particles which, when propagating, resemble waves. Consequently, some observable properties cannot be measured simultaneously with arbitrary precision. Second, events with single particles are not determined, but are more or less probable. The essence of this is that the observable properties of a physical system are to be represented by non-commuting mathematical objects instead of real numbers. Chapters on exceptionally simple, but highly instructive examples illustrate this abstract formulation of quantum physics. The simplest atoms, ions, and molecules are explained, describing their interaction with electromagnetic radiation as well as the scattering of particles. A short introduction to many particle physics with an outlook on quantum fields follows. There is a chapter on maximally mixed states of very large systems, that is statistical thermodynamics. The following chapter on the linear response to perturbations provides a link to the material equations of continuum physics. Mathematical details which would hinder the flow of the main text have been deferred to an appendix. The book addresses university students of physics and related fields. It will attract graduate students and professionals in particular who wish to systematize or refresh their knowledge of quantum physics when studying specialized texts on solid state and materials physics, advanced optics, and other modern fields.
This small book on the properties of continuously distributed matter covers a huge field. It sets out the governing principles of continuum physics and illustrates them by carefully chosen examples. These examples comprise structural mechanics and elasticity, fluid media, electricity and optics, thermoelectricity, fluctuation phenomena and more, from Archimedes' principle via Brownian motion to white dwarfs. Metamaterials, pattern formation by reaction-diffusion and surface plasmon polaritons are dealt with as well as classical topics such as Stokes' formula, beam bending and buckling, crystal optics and electro- and magnetooptic effects, dielectric waveguides, Ohm's law, surface acoustic waves, to mention just some. The set of balance equations for content, flow and production of particles, mass, charge, momentum, energy and entropy is augmented by material, or constitutive equations. They describe entire classes of materials, such as viscid fluids and gases, elastic media, dielectrics or electrical conductors. We discuss the response of matter to rapidly oscillating external parameters, in particular the electric field strength of light, in the framework of statistical thermodynamics.< An appendix on fields and a glossary round off this bird's-eye view on continuum physics. Students of physics, engineering and related fields will benefit from the clear presentation of worked examples and the variety of solution methods, including numerical techniques. Lecturers or advanced students may profit from the unified view on a substantial part of physics. It may help them to embed their research field conceptually within a wider context.
This textbook presents a concise yet detailed introduction to quantum physics. Concise, because it condenses the essentials to a few principles. Detailed, because these few principles - necessarily rather abstract - are illustrated by several telling examples. A fairly complete overview of the conventional quantum mechanics curriculum is the primary focus, but the huge field of statistical thermodynamics is covered as well. The text explains why a few key discoveries shattered the prevailing broadly accepted classical view of physics. First, matter appears to consist of particles which, when propagating, resemble waves. Consequently, some observable properties cannot be measured simultaneously with arbitrary precision. Second, events with single particles are not determined, but are more or less probable. The essence of this is that the observable properties of a physical system are to be represented by non-commuting mathematical objects instead of real numbers. Chapters on exceptionally simple, but highly instructive examples illustrate this abstract formulation of quantum physics. The simplest atoms, ions, and molecules are explained, describing their interaction with electromagnetic radiation as well as the scattering of particles. A short introduction to many particle physics with an outlook on quantum fields follows. There is a chapter on maximally mixed states of very large systems, that is statistical thermodynamics. The following chapter on the linear response to perturbations provides a link to the material equations of continuum physics. Mathematical details which would hinder the flow of the main text have been deferred to an appendix. The book addresses university students of physics and related fields. It will attract graduate students and professionals in particular who wish to systematize or refresh their knowledge of quantum physics when studying specialized texts on solid state and materials physics, advanced optics, and other modern fields.
This small book on the properties of continuously distributed matter covers a huge field. It sets out the governing principles of continuum physics and illustrates them by carefully chosen examples. These examples comprise structural mechanics and elasticity, fluid media, electricity and optics, thermoelectricity, fluctuation phenomena and more, from Archimedes' principle via Brownian motion to white dwarfs. Metamaterials, pattern formation by reaction-diffusion and surface plasmon polaritons are dealt with as well as classical topics such as Stokes' formula, beam bending and buckling, crystal optics and electro- and magnetooptic effects, dielectric waveguides, Ohm's law, surface acoustic waves, to mention just some. The set of balance equations for content, flow and production of particles, mass, charge, momentum, energy and entropy is augmented by material, or constitutive equations. They describe entire classes of materials, such as viscid fluids and gases, elastic media, dielectrics or electrical conductors. We discuss the response of matter to rapidly oscillating external parameters, in particular the electric field strength of light, in the framework of statistical thermodynamics.< An appendix on fields and a glossary round off this bird's-eye view on continuum physics. Students of physics, engineering and related fields will benefit from the clear presentation of worked examples and the variety of solution methods, including numerical techniques. Lecturers or advanced students may profit from the unified view on a substantial part of physics. It may help them to embed their research field conceptually within a wider context.
With the technical advances made in MRI technology and the wider availability of MRI units, this diagnostic modality has by now - doubtedly gained a crucial role in joint imaging.The excellent detail recognition of MRI provides views of the various joint structures once only available through direct arthroscopic and surgical pro- dures. The acceptance, usefulness, and role of any diagnostic modality, however, critically relies on the experience, clinical expertise, and dedication of those who use it.With this in mind, a renowned int- disciplinary team of authors have brought together expert kno- edge from their respective fields in compiling this MRI atlas. Peter Teller and Hermann Konig are two highly experienced MRI radiologists with backgrounds in both clinical work and research. Ulrich Weber and Peter Hertel are two leading orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists in the fields of joint surgery/microsurgery and sports injuries. It is the vast radiologic experience in the interpretation of c- plex image information - an experience that takes into account the clinical requirements from the perspective of orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists - as well as the authors'didactic approach that make for the singular character of this book. Berlin, November 2001 Bernd Hamm, MD Professor and Chairman Department of Radiology Charite Medical School Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin Preface MRI of diseases and injuries of the head, neck, and spinal column has become firmly established as a diagnostic tool since examiners could easily apply their previous experience gained in CT to MRI in these areas."
Der interdisziplinare Atlas beschreibt die wesentlichen Erkrankungen und Verletzungen des Kniegelenkes - mit einer umfassenden Bildauswahl jedes einzelnen Gelenkabschnitts - von Normalbefund bis Erkrankungsvollbild. - mit ausfuhrlichen Hinweisen auf diagnostische Fallstricke, Stadieneinteilungen bzw. therapeutische Konsequenzen. Effizient lernen, rasch nachschlagen: - Differenzierung der Bildinformation - Sichere Abklarung strittiger Befunde
Das Arbeitsbuch zu den Lehrbuchern "Theoretische Physik" und "Mathematikbuch fur Physik" enthalt 256 Aufgaben mit ausfuhrlichen Loesungen. Diese erste Aufgabensammlung speziell fur Studierende der Physik kann unabhangig vom Lehrbuch genutzt werden. Die Aufgaben wurden mit Blick auf die wirklich notwendigen Kenntnisse ausgewahlt, die Loesungen werden schrittweise ausgefuhrt und ermoeglichen die direkte Umsetzung. Der Band ist fur Haupt- und Nebenfachstudierende der Physik geeignet, die ihre Mathematik-Kenntnisse vertiefen wollen.
Der Autor gliedert diese Abhandlung uber die Theoretische Physik in eine abgerundete Einfuhrung und eine Sammlung vertiefender Abschnitte. Beide Teile sind - der Tradition folgend - in Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Quantenmechanik und Thermodynamik unterteilt. Die Physik als ein standig wachsendes Wissensgebiet mit langer Tradition kann heutzutage nicht mehr umfassend dargestellt und studiert werden. Daher kommt es darauf an, wenigstens die gangigen Methoden zu prasentieren. Zugleich versucht der Autor, diejenigen Themen aufzunehmen, die nach allgemeinem Verstandnis zur physikalischen Allgemeinbildung gehoeren.
Die minimal-invasive Chirurgie, die fur viele medizinische Gebiete eine neue Methode darstellt, wird als Arthroskopie im Bereich der Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie und Orthopadie schon seit vielen lahren praktiziert. Nach iiber20 lahren sind arthrosko pische Eingriffe tagliche Routine. Dennoch weist diese Methode auch heute noch viele Innovationen auf. Zur Standortbestimmung, zum Erfahrungsaustausch und zur Darstel lung neuer Entwicklungen und Methoden veranstalteten das BG-Unfallkrankenhaus Hamburg und die Unfallchirurgische Abteilung des Martin-Luther-Krankenhauses Ber lin im Dezember 1992 ein intemationales Arthroskopie-Symposium in Hamburg. Schwerpunkte dieser Veranstaltung waren Meniskus-und Kreuzbandchirurgie, sub akromiale Eingriffe und Schultergelenkinstabilitaten, Vergleich bildgebender Verfahren mit der Arthroskopie und Komplikationen. Live-Obertragungen von Operationen in das Auditorium und der ausgiebige Gedankenaustausch bei den Diskussionen boten auch dem Erfahrenen viele neue Aspekte und Anregungen fur die Higliche Praxis. Fiir die erfolgreiche DurchfUhrung des Symposiums und die Erstellung der Manu skripte fUr diesen Obersichtsband m6chten wir uns bei allen Referenten bedanken. Dem Springer-Verlag gebiihrt unser Dank fUr die redaktionelle Bearbeitung und sorgfaltige Drucklegung."
Material und Methoden ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . StabilWitsverlust nach chirurgisch definierten Bandverletzungen .............................. 13 1.1 Valgusinstabilitat - relative mediale Aufklappbarkeit 0 in Dberstreckung und 20 Beugung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . 1.1.1 Versuchsanordnung I ............................ 13 1.1.2 Versuchsanordnung II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . 1.2 Varusinstabilitat - relative laterale Aufk1appbarkeit 0 in Dberstreckung und 20 Beugung .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 15 . 1.2.1 VersuchsanordnungI ............................ 15 1.2.2 Versuchsanordnung II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 15 . . . . . 1.3 Schubladeninstabilitat am rechtwinklig gebeugten Kniegelenk ................................... 16 1.3.1 Schubladenbeweglichkeit am intakten Kniegelenk ......... 16 1.3.2 Schubladeninstabilitat nach isolierter Durchtrennung des vorderen Kreuzbandes ......................... 18 1.3.3 Schubladeninstabilitat nach isolierter Durchtrennung des hinteren Kreuzbandes ......................... 18 1.3.4 Ventralverschiebung des medialen Tibiacondylus bei zunehmender ante rome dialer Bandverletzung und vorderer Schubladenbelastung in AuBenrotation .......... 19 1.3.5 Ventralverschiebung der Eminentia intercondylica bei zunehmender anteromedialer Bandverletzung und vorderer Schubladenbelastung in Neutral-Rotation .. . . . . .. . 21 1.3.6 Ventralverschiebung der Eminentia intercondylica bei zunehmender anterolateraler Bandverletzung und vorderer Schubladenbelastung in Neutral-Rotation .. . . . . .. . 21 1.4 Rotations-und Komplexinstabilitat . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 22 . . . 1.4.1 Anderung der passiven Rotationsbeweglichkeit des rechtwinklig gebeugten Kniegelenkes bei zunehmender Bandverletzung ................................ 22 1.4.2 Verschiebung des axialen Drehpunktes ("pivot point") des rechtwinklig gebeugten Kniegelenkes bei zuneh mender anteromedialer, anterolateraler, poste- lateraler und posteromedialer Bandverletzung ............ 22 1.4.3 Verschiebung des axialen Drehpunktes des rechtwinklig gebeugten Kniegelenkes bei primarer Durchtrennung zentraler Bandstrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 23 . . . . . VI 2 Spannungsanderung der Kniegelenksbander im Verlauf verschiedenartiger passiver Bewegungen ................ 23 2.1 Spannungsanderung des anteromedialen Anteiles des vorderen Kreuzbandes - Versuchsanordnung I ........... 24 2.1.1 Praparation................................... 24 2.1.2 Montage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 24 . . . . . . . ."
Dieses Mathematikbuch will Studierende der Physik und verwandter Disziplinen durch das Studium begleiten. Es ist vom Lehrbuch uber Theoretische Physik des Verfassers inspiriert. Alles, was an Mathematik im Physikbuch vorkommt und dort entweder vorausgesetzt oder lediglich erwahnt wird, soll hier ausgebreitet werden. Und umgekehrt, das Mathematikbuch enthalt nur die Gegenstande, die im Physikbuch auch wirklich angesprochen werden, direkt oder indirekt. Nicht weniger, aber auch nicht mehr.
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