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Previous Fa d'Ambo grammars are all written in Spanish, either in
the spirit of Latin grammar models (Vila 1891, Barrena 1957) or in
the tradition of Romance philology (Zamora Segorbe 2010). A Grammar
of Fa d'Ambo aims to overcome the shortcomings of these grammars by
providing a comprehensive description of the language from a
creolistic, typological, and general linguistics perspective. The
grammar covers all major domains of grammar and the different types
of interactions between them. The book further includes transcribed
texts (about 12,000 words), a Fa d'Ambo-English word list (about
1,140 entries) and supplementary audio materials corresponding to
the transcribed texts and spectrograms. Being the first
comprehensive Fa d'Ambo grammar written in English, the book aims
at a wide readership of scholars who are interested in creoles,
language typology, and language documentation in general, but also
targets a specialized readership in Portuguese-related creoles. The
grammar is further expected to make a substantial contribution to
our understanding of the relation between Fa d'Ambo and its
better-known sister languages Santome, Angolar, and Lung'Ie
(Principense), spoken on the islands of Sao Tome and Principe. The
supplementary audio materials downloadable below were selected
from: Hagemeijer, Tjerk; Agostinho, Ana Livia; Christofoletti,
Alfredo; Genereux, Michel; Hendrickx, Iris; Mendes, Amalia; Zamora,
Armando. 2014. Fa d'Ambo corpus. Centro de Linguistica da
Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL).
The Atlas presents full colour maps of the distribution among the
pidgins and creoles of 120 structural linguistic features drawn
from their phonology, syntax, morphology, and lexicons. The
languages include pidgins, creoles, and contact languages based on
English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and French and languages from
Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Each map is accompanied
by a commentary. The project is the successor to the successful
World Atlas of Language Structures and draws on the same
linguistic, cartographic, and computing knowledge and skills of the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. The
Atlas is published alongside a three-volume Survey of Pidgins and
Creoles which describes the histories and linguistic
characteristics of 71 languages. The books have been designed,
edited, and written by the world's leading experts in the field and
represent the most systematic and comprehensive guide ever
published to the world's pidgins, creoles and mixed languages.
Individually and together the books are a unique resource of
outstanding value for linguists of all persuasions throughout the
The Atlas presents full colour maps of the distribution among the
pidgins and creoles of 120 structural linguistic features drawn
from their phonology, syntax, morphology, and lexicons. The
languages include pidgins, creoles, and contact languages based on
English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and French and languages from
Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Each map is accompanied
by a commentary. The project is the successor to the successful
World Atlas of Language Structures and draws on the same
linguistic, cartographic, and computing knowledge and skills of the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. The
Atlas is published alongside a three-volume Survey of Pidgins and
Creoles which describes the histories and linguistic
characteristics of 71 languages. The books have been designed,
edited, and written by the world's leading experts in the field and
represent the most systematic and comprehensive guide ever
published to the world's pidgins, creoles and mixed languages.
Individually and together the books are a unique resource of
outstanding value for linguists of all persuasions throughout the
The Atlas presents full colour maps of the distribution among the
pidgins and creoles of 120 structural linguistic features drawn
from their phonology, syntax, morphology, and lexicons. The
languages include pidgins, creoles, and contact languages based on
English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and French and languages from
Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Each map is accompanied
by a commentary. The project is the successor to the successful
World Atlas of Language Structures and draws on the same
linguistic, cartographic, and computing knowledge and skills of the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. The
Atlas is published alongside a three-volume Survey of Pidgins and
Creoles which describes the histories and linguistic
characteristics of 71 languages. The books have been designed,
edited, and written by the world's leading experts in the field and
represent the most systematic and comprehensive guide ever
published to the world's pidgins, creoles and mixed languages.
Individually and together the books are a unique resource of
outstanding value for linguists of all persuasions throughout the
These books represent the most systematic and comprehensive guide
ever published to the world's pidgins, creoles and mixed languages,
designed, edited, and written by the world's leading experts in the
field. The three-volume Survey brings together over ninety leading
experts to present concise accounts of the world's pidgin and
creole languages. The division of its three volumes reflects the
languages from which they originated. Each entry provides a
linguistic and social history of the pidgin or creole in question
and an analysis of their linguistic characteristics, and is
accompanied by a location map and a bibliography. The accompanying
Atlas of Pidgins and Creoles presents full colour maps of the
distribution among the pidgins and creoles of 130 structural
linguistic features. These cover their phonology, syntax,
morphology, and lexicons. Each map is accompanied by a commentary.
The project is the successor to the successful World Atlas of
Language Structures and draws on the same linguistic, cartographic,
and computing knowledge and skills of the Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. Individually and together the
volumes represent an outstanding and unique resource of central
interest and value to linguists of all persuasions throughout the
The Atlas presents full colour maps of the distribution among the
pidgins and creoles of 130 structural linguistic features drawn
from their phonology, syntax, morphology, and lexicons. In addition
there are some maps with relevant sociolinguistic features. The
languages include pidgins, creoles, and other contact languages
based on English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and French and
languages from Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Each map
is accompanied by a detailed description and discussion of the
feature. The project is the successor to the successful World Atlas
of Language Structures and draws on the same linguistic,
cartographic, and computing knowledge and skills of the Max Planck
Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. The Atlas is
published alongside a three-volume Survey of Pidgins and Creoles
which describes the histories and linguistic characteristics of 76
languages. The books have been designed, edited, and written by the
world's leading experts in the field and represent the most
systematic and comprehensive guide ever published to the world's
pidgins, creoles and mixed languages. Individually and together the
books are a unique resource of outstanding value for linguists of
all persuasions throughout the world.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung,
Produktion, Logistik, Note: Sehr Gut, Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien
(Internationale Transportwirtschaft und Logistik), Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: Die letzten Jahre an den weltweiten
Rohstoffmarkten haben gezeigt, dass enorme Preisvolatilitaten
bestehen. Daruber hinaus war es fur alle Marktteilnehmer schwierig
bis unmoglich einzuschatzen, in welche Richtung und auf welches
Niveau sich die Preise bewegen werden. Hat der Markt daher seine
Informationsfunktion verloren? Das ist nur eine der Fragen, denen
im Zuge dieser Arbeit auf den Grund gegangen wird. Durch diese
Entwicklung der letzten Jahre ist es interessant herauszufinden,
wie Verkehrsunternehmen mit den veranderten Volatilitaten umgehen.
Themenabgrenzung Diese Problemstellung ist auf den ersten Blick zu
weit gefasst, um sie in einer Diplomarbeit zu behandeln. Daher
fokussiert diese Arbeit den Roholmarkt mit all seinen Produkten und
die Anpassungsmassnahmen von Verkehrsunternehmen auf seine
Preisvolatilitat. Wie stellen sich Transportbetriebe auf diese
Entwicklung ein? Da ihr Kerngeschaft wesentlich von
Treibstoffkosten beeinflusst wird, ist es nahe liegend diese so
gering und so kalkulierbar wie moglich zu gestalten. Diese
Diplomarbeit soll also herausfinden, welche Methoden es dafur gibt
und ob/wie Verkehrsunternehmen diese einsetzen. Der passende Titel
lautet daher: Treibstoffhedging von Verkehrsunternehmen" Im Rahmen
dieser Diplomarbeit sollen Fragen, anhand von
Sekundarliteratur-recherche und generierten Fallstudien durch
Leitfadeninterviews mit internationalen Unternehmen uber deren
Treibstoffhedgingstrategie, behandelt werden
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Geschichte -
Weltgeschichte - Fruhgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,0, Technische
Universitat Dresden (Institut fur Geschichte), Veranstaltung:
Hauptseminar. Reprasentativsysteme in der griechischen Welt, 37
Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Es
erschien mir zweckmassig, den inhaltlichen Aufbau meiner
Untersuchung an der triadischen Struktur der kleisthenischen Reform
zu orientieren. Beginnend mit den kleinsten politischen Einheiten,
den Demen und den sich auf dieser Ebene befindenden politischen
Institutionen, uber das System der Trittyen bis hin zu den Phylen
sollen die einzelnen Bereiche politischen Handelns in der Optik
ihrer Reprasentationspotentiale betrachtet werden. Diese
Perspektive vereint die institutionalisierten Knotenpunkte
politischer Kommunikation, als auch die sozialgeschichtlichen
Hintergrunde, wie etwa wirtschaftliche Abhangigkeiten oder Formen
politischer Ungleichheit, die auf bestimmte Entscheidungsprozesse
eingewirkt haben konnten. Im letzten Kapitel werden die
Einzelergebnisse der vorangegangenen Abschnitte gleichsam
aufgegriffen und zu einer abschliessenden Beurteilung geformt. Wenn
ich von Reprasentation spreche, meine ich das Verhaltnis der
politischen Macht einzelner und den institutionellen Formen und
politischen Strukturen, die diese Macht an die Gemeinschaft aller
politisch Berechtigten zuruck binden. Mich interessiert, wer an
welchen Entscheidungen beteiligt war, welche Moglichkeiten der
politischen Einflussnahme sich welchen Bevolkerungsgruppen, in
welchem Umfang boten. Neben dem Modus der Machtverteilung bzw. der
Mandatsvergabe und ihrer Kontrolle, soll es um die institutionellen
Strukturen des kleisthenischen Staates und vor allem um die Frage
gehen, wie es in dem, in geographischer Hinsicht, vergleichsweise
grossen Staat gelang, Bevolkerungsgruppen aus den verschiedenen
Regionen des Landes unter dem Gesichtspunkt der politischen
Gleichheit an der Machtausubung und p