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THUNDERBIRD on Global Business Strategy
No matter what line of business you are in, produce or biotech,
apparel or semiconductors-you can be sure that right now an
ambitious management team in some distant part of the globe is
devising a strategy to undermine your position and steal away your
hard-won customer base. Only a decade ago, that might have seemed
like an idle threat. But when you consider the awesome power of the
Internet to connect foreign competitors with suppliers and markets
anywhere in the world with a keystroke not to mention the
precipitous toppling of political barriers to free trade over the
past decade it becomes clear that your company's competitive future
now depends on your ability to think and act globally.
For more than fifty years, Thunderbird, the American Graduate
School of International Management, has been preparing students to
take their places as international business leaders. The only
business school in North America to focus exclusively on global
business, Thunderbird has been ranked number one in graduate
international management education by U.S. News & World Report
every year since 1995.
Now, Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy brings together the
best thinking in the field from the experts at Thunderbird. Written
by an all-star team of past and present Thunderbird faculty
members, each a well-known expert in his or her area of
specialization, the book not only alerts you to both the dangers
and opportunities inherent in today's global business environment,
but also arms you with the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to
meet those challenges and seize those opportunities.
Packed with case studies chronicling theexperiences of management
at top international companies worldwide, it fills you in on what
you must know about managing global crises; forming and managing
global alliances; cross-cultural management; managing global supply
chains; navigating various legal systems; exploiting international
financial markets; the role of the Internet in global business;
protecting intellectual property; and much more.
Read Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy and find out what it
takes to survive and thrive in today's hypercompetitive global
business environment.
With campuses in Glendale, Arizona, Archamps, France, and Tokyo,
MANAGEMENT, is North America's leading graduate school for global
business. The first institution to offer an international
management degree, it has been training international business
leaders since 1946.
All the Best Thinking from the Leading Lights in Global Strategy
In the twenty-first century, every business is a global business.
That means that your competitive future depends on acquiring as
complete a picture as possible of both the challenges posed by
today's borderless business environment as well as the
opportunities for increased profits it presents. Now this book
gives it to you.
Written by the world-renowned experts at Thunderbird, the American
Graduate School of International Management, this is your one-stop
guide to running a global business. Over the course of more than a
dozen chapters, liberally illustrated with fascinating case
studies, you'll be armed with the understanding and skills you need
* Form and manage global alliances
* Manage global businesscrises
* Manage a global supply chain
* Develop global IT strategies
* Exploit international financial markets
* Protect intellectual property
VI lch mochte auch hier den Herren Mitarbeitern besten Dank sagen,
ebenso Herrn Kollegen Gulewitsch in Moskau, welcher mir seine neuen
Erfahrungen tiber die von ihm herrtihrende Methode der Isolierung
von Carnosin, Methylguanidin und Carnitin aus Muskeln ( 722) zur
Verftigung gestellt hat. Neu aufgenommen sind in diese Auflage die
Methoden der Colorimetrie, Nephelometrie und Refraktometrie sowie
ein Abschnitt tiber die wich tigsten Mikromethoden zur Untersuchung
von Blut, Plasma und Serum. 1m tibrigen ist die Umgrenzung des
Stoffes die gleiche geblieben, die Gruppierung hat an manchen
Stellen eine erhebliche Veranderung erfahren. Die vorliegende
Auflage erscheint im Verlage von Julius Springer in Berlin, in
dessen Besitz die Hirsch waldsche Buchhandlung, welche aIle
frtiheren Auf lagen herausgebracht hat, tibergegangen ist. Ich
gedenke bei dieser Gelegenheit dankbar des lebhaften Interesses,
das die Hirsch waldsche Buchhandlung, insbesondere die Herren
Eduard und Albert Aber, durch einen Zeitraum von tiber 60 Jahren
dem Buche entgegengebracht hat, und freue mich, das gleiche
verstandnisvolle Entgegenkommen fUr aIle meine Wtinsche auch bei
dem neuen Verlage gefunden zu haben. SchlieBlich ist es mir ein
lebhaftes Bedtirfnis, meinem Mitarbeiter am
physiologisch-chemischen Institut, Herrn Prof. Dr. Brigl, herzlich
zu danken' fUr seine wertvollen Ratschlage und die groBe Hilfe, die
er mir bei der Durch sicht der Korrekturbogen geleistet hat.
Ttibingen, 27. Juli 1924. H. Thierfelder. Aus dem Vorwort zur 7.