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Die Friedensbewegung der achtziger Jahre war eine der grossten
politischen Massenmobilisierungen in der Geschichte der
Bundesrepublik. Diesen ausserordentlichen Mobilisierungserfolg zu
erklaren, ist Absicht dieser empirischen Studie. Orientiert an
einer allgemeinen Theorie sozialer Bewegungen werden mittels
quantitativer und qualitativer Analysemethoden
"Bewegungsunternehmer," Kommunikations- und Rekrutierungskanale
sowie die daruber vermittelten Deutungsmuster und latente
gesellschaftliche Mobilisierungspotentiale als Ursachen und
Bedingungen der Mobilisierung der Friedensbewegung identifiziert
und in ihrem Zusammenwirken untersucht."
The Cytoskeleton of the Algae provides a comprehensive examination
of the structural features of the cytoskeleton in phylogenetic
branches of algae. The book also analyzes the possible functions of
cytoskeletal components using structural, physiological, genetic,
and molecular approaches. Many taxa are described in detail,
mirroring the dramatic progress that has been made in recent years
in this new research field. Many unique structural elements and
motility phenomena are described for the first time, and other
features common to all plant cells, such as cell polarity,
cytoplasmic streaming, mitosis, cell wall deposition, and
contractile events are analyzed using algae as experimental model
systems. The Cytoskeleton of the Algae reflects the enormous impact
that research on the algal cytoskeleton has on both phycology and
plant cell biology, and it will serve as an excellent reference
volume for researchers in this area.
Contents: Bert G. Fragner (Bamberg/Wien): Iranistik in Europa -
gestern, heute, morgen; Liselotte ABID (Wien): Sa i ?aki? von
Navand - ein volkstuemlicher iranischer Dichter des 20.
Jahrhunderts; G. Djelani Davary (Wiesbaden): Discovery of
historical monuments in Afghanistan; Manfred Hutter (Bonn): Einige
altiranische Namen im Alten Testament; Klaus Lagally (Stuttgart) /
Lutz Rzehak (Bamberg): Ein Satz von Komponenten zur nachhaltigen
Verwaltung und Umwandlung von frei formatierten Worterbuchdaten;
Fritz Lochner von Huettenbach ( Graz): Geschichte iranischer
Forschungstradition an der Universitat Graz; Robert Plath
(Erlangen): Das avestische Adverb fraor t und seine
sprachgeschichtliche Einbettung; Nosratollah Rastegar (Wien):
Iranische Tradition in Osterreich; Bernhard Scheucher (Graz):
Teilergativitat in den modernen westiranischen Sprachen; Ruediger
Schmitt (Saarbruecken/Laboe): Iranische Personennamenforschung:
Geschichte - Leistungen - Zukunftsaufgaben; Xavier Tremblay
(Tournai/Koln): Ostiran vs. Westiran. Ein oder zwei Iran vor der
islamischen Eroberung; Antje Wendtland (Gottingen): Deixis im
Soghdischen oder: warum wird man wd? (dort) geboren und stirbt wd?d
(dort)?; Chlodwig H. Werba (Wien): mavared-ra na-bayad ziyad kard
be joz-e ehtiyaj. (Indo-)Iranische Rekonstrukte als textkritisches
Korrektiv in der Altiranistik; Ilya Yakubowich (Chicago): Marriage
Sogdian Style; Namen- und Sachindex. Belegstellenindex. Wortindex.
Since one can recognize the diversity of the graphic and formal
variants of Elamite words and names with particular clearness in
the renderings of the Old Persian month-names, the present book
makes an attempt to study the questions concerning the relations
between the Elamite spellings and the Old Iranian original forms
for that group of words in a systematic way. They are suitable for
such an examination in an absolutely perfect manner owing to the
frequency of the attestations and to the great number of the
graphic and formal variants, not least, however, owing to the
established identity of content, too. Here one has to take into
consideration also the references of the Old Persian forms
themselves, which together with the forms attested in Elamite shape
must be studied in the greatest possible detail as regards
phonology and morphology, but also dialectology and etymology. Two
particular results are of some interest: On the one hand several of
those month-names can be understood only as being derived from the
name of some festival; and on the other hand about half of them
show reflexes also of non-Persian dialectal forms, so that we have
to conclude that these so-called Old Persian month-names were known
also to other Iranian tribes apart from the Persians. Extensive
indexes make the many formal details discussed here accessible to
the reader.