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A myriad of security vulnerabilities in the software and hardware
we use today can be exploited by an attacker, any attacker. The
knowledge necessary to successfully intercept your data and voice
links and bug your computers is widespread and not limited to the
intelligence apparatus. Consequently, the knowledge required can -
at least in part - also easily be accessed by criminals trying to
'transfer your wealth' and competitors looking for your trade
secrets. The temptation to use these easily accessible resources to
the disadvantage of a rival company grows as global competition
gets fiercer. Corporate espionage is nothing new, but since the
dawn of the Internet Age the rules have changed. It is no longer
necessary to be on-site to steal proprietary information.
Cyberattacks today are cheap and attackers run a very low risk of
getting caught, as attacks can be executed from anywhere in the
world - an ideal breeding ground for criminal activities - and the
consequences can be disastrous. In Understanding Cyber Risk:
Protecting your Corporate Assets the author provides a wealth of
real world examples from diverse industries from all over the world
on how company assets are attacked via the cyber world. The cases
clearly show that every organization can fall victim to a
cyberattack, regardless of the size or country of origin. He also
offers specific advice on how to protect core assets and company
secrets. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in
cyber security, and the use of cyberattacks in corporate espionage.
A myriad of security vulnerabilities in the software and hardware
we use today can be exploited by an attacker, any attacker. The
knowledge necessary to successfully intercept your data and voice
links and bug your computers is widespread and not limited to the
intelligence apparatus. Consequently, the knowledge required can -
at least in part - also easily be accessed by criminals trying to
'transfer your wealth' and competitors looking for your trade
secrets. The temptation to use these easily accessible resources to
the disadvantage of a rival company grows as global competition
gets fiercer. Corporate espionage is nothing new, but since the
dawn of the Internet Age the rules have changed. It is no longer
necessary to be on-site to steal proprietary information.
Cyberattacks today are cheap and attackers run a very low risk of
getting caught, as attacks can be executed from anywhere in the
world - an ideal breeding ground for criminal activities - and the
consequences can be disastrous. In Understanding Cyber Risk:
Protecting your Corporate Assets the author provides a wealth of
real world examples from diverse industries from all over the world
on how company assets are attacked via the cyber world. The cases
clearly show that every organization can fall victim to a
cyberattack, regardless of the size or country of origin. He also
offers specific advice on how to protect core assets and company
secrets. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in
cyber security, and the use of cyberattacks in corporate espionage.
Was Milan Kundera an einer Stelle in seinem Roman "Die
unertragliche Leichtigkeit des Seins" knapp, aber doch plastisch
schildert, gibt eine Erfahrung wieder, die mich veranlasst hat,
dieses Buch zu schreiben: "Er horte sich ihre Lebensgeschichte
begierig an, und sie horte ihm genauso begierig zu. Sie verstanden
zwar die Bedeutung der Worter, die sie einander sagten, doch das
Rauschen des semantischen Flusses, der diese Worter durchstromte,
konnten sie nicht horen." Stellt nicht, so fragte ich mich beim
Lesen dieser Stelle, "das Rauschen des semantischen Flusses, das
man nicht horen kann," die Metapher dar, die das von einer Person
Ungesagte bezeichnet - das, was sie vielleicht zu verstehen gab,
vielleicht aber auch nicht zu verstehen geben wollte oder
vielleicht auch das, was nicht verstehbar ist? Und wie ist es mit
dem Verstehen, wenn eine Person einer anderen gar nicht ihre
Lebensgeschichte erzahlt, sondern einfach nur mit ihr zusammen
lebt? Und was ist der Fall, wenn eine Person uber viele Jahre nur
Arbeitskollege ist, immer die "Bedeutung der Worter, die sie
einander sagten" verstanden hat und trotzdem nicht weiss, was
dieser Arbeitskollege fur ein Mensch ist? Und wer kennt nicht das
Erlebnis einer grossen und gegenseitigen Zuneigung zu einem anderen
Menschen, die irgendwann zu Ende geht und nur noch ein absolutes
Ratsel des Verstehens ubrig bleibt, worum es sich bei diesem
Menschen gehandelt hat?"
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